•!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 91 st Year, Issue 31 © 2000 September 15, 2000 1111ark, Delaware • 50 ~ Aviation Oktoberfest at history to be Delaware wins Saengerbund honored in home opener. this weekend. Delaware. PAGE 5 PAGE 9 DAn• Jus 16 where are you? Wilmington. Irate bus "If you go down (Interstate) 95, you'll see 90 riders hope percent of the cars have only drivers in them," Diehl said. they're heard '"I'm a 'bus freak'- I even ride the bus on Saturdays when it By MARY E. PETZAK only brings me back as far as Main Street. Then I walk or NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER sometimes bum a ride the rest of the way." ART First State was City councilmember Karl guaranteed an earful Kalbacher said he agreed with D of public comment Diehl. ·'It seems crazy when on at least one bus route this we' re trying to get people to week. use public transit more and According to Newark resi­ more to have routes being dents and city councilmem­ eliminated,.. Kalbacher said bers, eliminating the Route 16 Monday. which travels alonQ. Diehl suggested using the Nottingham Road to neighbor':: city of Newark Unicity bus to allowing a detour to the parking hoods on the we t side of the connect pa engers with the lot near Pearson Hall last year, city is not an option. Route 16 at a different point if P Newark will again host "Some residents who don't there are too few rider in hi s Community Day for thousands of visitors want the bu s in the communi­ community. He also uggested on the University of Delaware Mall. ty haven't ridden a bus in 20 reducing the number of trips The annual daylong event begins at I 0 years: · said Fai1field resident before eliminating the entire a.m. on Sunday with more than 250 food Bruce Diehl who rides the route into Newark. vendors, music groups, demonstrators, route daily. ·Tm asking that Councilmember John artisans, y hildren's activities, sellers of they keep it because not only Farrell said Secretary of attic treasures, and community organiza­ WilminQ.ton commuters ride Transportation Anne Canby tions displayed across several blocks of it, but atso De!Tech students, had promised to consider the the University campus. young parents wi th children, Unicity bus suggestion when Virtually every interest in Newark wi!J people going to jury duty and she visited city council last be represented with public and private people just traveling into year. "They did not take that schools, Scouts, pets, churches, business­ Wilmington for the day." into con ideration at all." said es, the Blood Bank, realtors, war veter­ Diehl noted that the new Farrell. "It bothers me . when ans, Jaycees, Mom's clubs, support owners of a house empty for (De!DOT officials) don't lis­ groups, and political candidates and par- two years near his told him ten to us." they bought in that location ties all planning to publicize because of the bu s service to See ROUTE 16, 3 .... their programs. Newark's Conservation Advisory Commission has information on how to designate Parents say no Newark as an official "Green Community," while the Newark Lions, like many other organiza­ tions this year, is sponsoring a to realignment fun activity for kids at their booth. The Lions are also selling school friends that will result tickets for a car raffle. Christina plan from the realignment are Members of the League of Women un j u tified, they aid. Voters of New Castle County will have affects over 70 Rita Wood was among sev­ voter registration and election information eral Rutherfo rd residents pre­ at their booth. Local, state and national communities sent at the hea.ri ng. She aid elections mean a lot of interest this year. her son is cuJTentl y a kinder­ New this year is an open Fine Art and By KATY CIAMARICONE garten student at Gallaher Crafts competition area. Organizers also Elementary School. The align­ expect more than 40 artists and craftspeo­ NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER ment plan requires him to ple to exhibit original works for sale at transfer to Brookside their site in front of Sypherd and Sharp hristina School Elementary next year. halls. District officials will ·'t don't see why someone -- C d1ive children out of Children's crafts and activities, as well that young hould have to get as the popular scarecrow-making, will be public schools and into private on a bus to go to a school that or out-of-state schools if thev is five miles away from horne found near Mitchell and Evans proceed with a proposed when his school i now only halls, while several dozen booths school realignment plan, per­ 2.2 miles away," Wood said. with antiques and attic treasures turbed parents said at a public "He's just getting used to a crowd the Bazaar area behind hearing last week. new school and now you're Sypherd and Brown halls. Officials from the district's going to put him in another Deep Freeze, the Mason Dixon K-4 Realignment Committee one." Band, Swing Samba Soul, Soul have devised a new feeder pat­ One. parent of a rudent at Avengers, the Newark Brass tern map which will move Marshall Elementary School Qunitet, Essence Entertainment, some children out of their cur­ aid her son will be heartbro­ rent elementary schools and ken if he is forced to move to .CONSTRUCTION AREA See COMMUNITY, 2 .... reroute them into other another school next year. ~,·. F. ~ schools in the district. "He is dressed up and ready The plan will affect stu­ to go to school at six every dents Jiving in approximately INDEX morning and the bus doesn't 70 developments in New even get (to my house) until 1-3 Castle County, in addition to eight,'' the mother explained. NEWS Fischer contract renewed residents of non-developments She said if the realignment POLICE BLOTTER 2 and select areas of plan does go into effect next Wilmington. Officials said the year, it might drive her to quit OPINION 4 By KATY CIAMARICONE what you do best," Zigney said. "But if board members move wi II take effect at the vote for a contract renewal, you're going to have to her transportation job so she LIFESTYLE 6 start of the 200 l school year. will be able to take her son to NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER work on your communication." "No di strict enters into a Another parent said that whil e Fischer attempts to school every day. DIVERSIONS 5 chool board members voted Tuesday to keep realignment unless there is a Debbie Jones said she was help below-average students meet the standards on c1itical need for it," said com­ CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 · Nicholas Fischer - one of the district's most statewide tests, above-average students are not being opposed to her two children, S controversial leaders - in the school superin­ mittee chairperson Deborah who are both academicaJJy challenged."This district is striving for mediocrity," 8-10 Rodenhouser. "We have SPORTS tendent seat for another two years. she said. "We are leaving behind the best and the successful students at The 4-3 vote in favor of renewing Fischer's con­ Keene Elementary opening up Gallaher, being rerouted to CLASSIFIEDS 81-6 brightest students." soon (on Route 40), and it tract came after parents and teachers stepped to the School board member Spring Davidson, who voted Brookside. Student who would be a shame to see that microphone and stated their reasons why he should not against contract renewal, said students' scores from the attended Gallaher cored with­ be re-elected. After the vote was tallied, disgruntled school remain empty when in the top 25 percent on the Delaware State Testing Program are not as high as they other schools in the di trict are parents and teachers walked out of the meeting. should be. And, she said, a large number of teachers Delaware Statewide Testing Parents Laura Zigney told the superintendent that overcrowded." Program, Jones said, while resigned this year because they were dissatisfied with But parents at the hearing, she was pleased with some of his attempts to increase the Christina School District. Brookside students scored student achievement. One of Fischer's admirable which attracted approximately within the bottom 15 percent. "!look at this list of resignations and I'm really sad 60 people, said they would not efforts, she said, is urging people to donate their used to see these teachers leave," Davidson said. District officials distributed instru ments to schools so that children can Jearn to accept those answers. The a pamphlet explaining some of ln Fischer's defense, board vice president Michael longer bus rides, lowered aca­ play music, even if they cannot afford their own instru­ Guilfoyle said Fischer's leadership could prove to be 7 99462 00002 3 ments. demic standards, and separa­ See REALIGNMENT, 3 "I applaud you for making these efforts, they're See FISCHER, 3 .... tion of students from their PAl;E 2 • NEWARK PosT • ALG L! ST 25, 2000 Vi sit us on the Wo rld Wide Web NEWARK POST ·:· IN THE NEWS Over 250 organizations ATIRACTIONS POUCE BRIEFS Stages: At each end of the If anyone sees a cougar, returned to the· truck from the at UD Mall on Sunday Mall at Main Street & Memorial Man caught on tape please remember the following bank and pointed what appeared orilled chicken. crab cakes, Hall. Continuous entertainment stealing money tips: Don 't run because it may to be a gun.
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