UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS OFFICIAL NOTICE Research Memorandum #312 LIST OF TEACHERS RANKED AS EXCELLENT BY THEIR STUDENTS FALL 2017 (Based on Data Collected FALL 2017) The results for the FALL 2017 administration of student ratings of instructors are included in this list. Results are based on Instructor and Course Evaluation (ICES) questionnaire forms maintained by Measurement and Evaluation, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. More than one-half of the faculty is estimated to have used student rating forms, but a substantial number have not. Therefore, the report is necessarily incomplete. Instructors who did not have students evaluate their classes or chose to use a form other than those reported here have no opportunity to be included. For some instructors who did use these forms, there is also the possibility that they received ratings that were not truly representative of their teaching ability. For these reasons, in the past we adopted the title “An Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students.” These reasons still hold and the list is still ‘incomplete’ but we have taken “Incomplete” out of the title. The results are presented in department alphabetical order. Criteria for inclusion follows. PREPARATION OF RESULTS This list is based on ICES forms completed by students during the Fall semester of 2017. Only those instructors who gave out ICES forms at least once during this time period and who released their data for publication are included in the list. Only numerical data from the ICES questionnaire results were used, and at least five students must have responded in each class. Special Notice: In the past, to be included on the list instructors needed to be rated among the top 30% across campus in their respective Elective- Mixed-Required course group. Beginning with the Fall 2000 semester ICES results, our office has shifted to a set of criterion cutoffs for the List. Below are the ICES average (mean) results needed to make the List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students. Faculty must meet the requirements for both Item 1 (“Rate the Instructor’s Overall Teaching Effectiveness”) and Item 2 (“Rate the Overall Quality of this Course”). Teaching assistants must meet the requirement for only Item 1. FALL 2017 Page 1 ICES Item #1 (Instructor’s Overall Teaching Effectiveness) Required Mixed Elective Course Course Course Faculty 4.4 4.5 4.6 TAs 4.3 4.4 4.5 ICES Item #2 (Overall Quality of Course) Required Mixed Elective Course Course Course Faculty 4.3 4.4 4.5 TAs -na- -na- -na- Outstanding ratings (marked with an asterisk) are still awarded to instructors who obtained ratings of “High” (top 10% on each item for faculty and top 10% on item one for teaching assistants). INTERPRETATION OF LIST Instructors' names are listed alphabetically within each department. The specific courses that were used in the ratings are indicated by the course numbers that follow the instructor's name. The symbols used in the list have the following meaning: T.A. - Teaching Assistant * - The instructor ratings were outstanding. The list of excellent teachers was compiled by staff at Measurement and Evaluation of the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. More information about the report may be obtained by contacting Measurement and Evaluation, 247 Armory Building, 333-3490. Recent lists can be found on the Web at FALL 2017 Page 2 ACCOUNTANCY ARENDS,A TA 201 BALKAN,A TA 202 * BAUER,T 405 * BROWN,T 303 CHANDLER,J 503 CHATTERTON,A 504,505 * CHORVAT,E 556 DAVIS,G 501 * DONOHOE,M 451 DU,F 512 DUCKER,M TA 202 HECHT,G 503 HOLDER,D 505 * IBRAHIM,A 517 * KIESEWETTER,N TA 201 * LISOWSKY,P 505 KOO,S 304 KUSTANOVICH,M 410 * LEMAN,G TA 201 MAMMEN,G TA 201 * MCDERMOTT,J TA 201 * NEKRASZ,F 518 PEECHER,M 504 * SCHWARTZ,R 502 STERNBURG,T 451 WANG,Z 301 WU,T TA 202 YE,Y TA 201 ZHANG,L 500 ZHOU,Y 515 ZHU,W 303 ADVERTISING HALL,S 150 MABRY-FLYNN,A 283 * MERON,S 498 NELSON,M 482 RAQUEL,S 283,290,409 SAR,S 550,597 * SHELDON,P 390,452 VARGAS,P 478 WISE,K 587 YAO,M 305 YUN,J 490 AEROSPACE ENGINEERING BALAJEWICZ,M 451 BRETL,T 483 * DUTTON,J 312 ELLIOTT,G 416 FALL 2017 Page 3 FREUND,J 598 GEUBELLE,P 323 HO,K 352 JAMES,K 420 PUTMAM,Z 442 WOODARD,B 460 AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES KELLEY,K TA 101 MEYERS,J 132 * NEVILLE,H 411 * SMITH,S 502 AGRICULTURAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING BHATTARAI,R 199 * DAVIDSON,P 199,430 KALITA,P 199 LEBAUER,D 598 ONSTAD,N TA 430 SINGH,V 488 ZHANG,Y 476 AGRICULTURAL & CONSUMER ECONOMICS ARENDS-KUENNING,M 471 BAYLIS,K 411 BREEN,J 346 BURAK,S TA 100 CHRISTENSEN,P 592 COPPESS,J 199 * CROST,B 531,562,564 ENDRES,A 306 FINNEGAN,A 341 FORREST,S TA 210 KUETHE,T 432 KURT,E 199 LEMOINE,C 240 * LO,A 161 MYERS,E 410,516 NELSON,C 501 PAULSON,N 345 ROGALLA,V 161 SCHOLL,J 435 * STODDARD,P 222,240,341 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION ALLEN,S TA 380 BREEN,J 101 BURGOON,L 260 CARLSON,S TA 380 DAVIDSON,P 101 FALL 2017 Page 4 FREEMAN BOST,K 101 HACKETT,M TA 260 * KEATING,K 293,480 * KORTE,D 199,280,420 LEWIS,J TA 260 * LI,A TA 101 LI,K TA 101 MEYER,J TA 230 * MURRAY,J TA 101 NICKOLS,S 101 OCHS,G 100,220,400 PALMA SALGADO,S TA 101 PETERSEN,A TA 260 PETERSON,A TA 101 RODRIGUEZ,G TA 380 ROSCH,D 380 RUNDBLOM,A TA 380 SALTZMAN,J TA 401 SCHIFFERER,O TA 380 * SMIST,J 260 WALKER,C TA 230 AGRICULTURAL, CONSUMER & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BARNARD,J 298 OGOLSKY,B 101 AIR FORCE AEROSPACE STUDIES * CENCER,T 111 HEIDBREDER,J 102 * JOHNSON,C 221 SIMMONS,J 341 ANIMAL SCIENCES * ALBERT,S 250,305,499 ALLEN,C 110 * BOLER,D 219,309,590 * CARDOSO,F 200,201 DAILEY,M 222 * DILGER,A 452,590 DILGER,R 523 DRACKLEY,J 420 * HAGSTROM,D 313 HARSH,B TA 498 LEWIS,J TA 207 * PARSONS,C 524 SHIKE,D 401 WEATHERLY,M TA 201 FALL 2017 Page 5 ANTHROPOLOGY DESMOND,J 399,515 FENNELL,C 220,451 HUGHES,C 498 * JELINEK,P 399 KONIGSBERG,L 347 * KRAMER,E 104,372 * LARMON,J TA 220 LEE,A TA 347 MARTIN,J 550 ORTA,A 515 * SMALLS,K 372 STUMPF,R 243 APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES * OSBORNE,N 199 PYRZ,P 101 WILLIAMS,C 199 ARABIC ABDULLA,W TA 201 ARCHITECTURE AMINMANSOUR,A 451 ANDERSEN,R TA 231 ANTHONY,K 423 * BLISS,A TA 577 BOLLO,C 475 CHASCO,D 475 * DEARBORN,L 490 HAMMANN,R 475 * HINDERS,K 593 * ISENHOWER,C TA 231 * KIM,M 544 KONZELMANN,R TA 271 * KRISHNAN,S 536,550 LOEW,T 373 MILLER,K TA 577 * MURRAY,S 373,576 NASUEB,T TA 231 REVELLE,C TA 231 SWIATEK,P 571 * TIERNEY,T 574,576 WARFIELD,J 572 * ZEHR,A TA 271 ART & DESIGN * BAKKER,C 350,593 * BALDUS,A TA 140 FALL 2017 Page 6 BATTEN,L 362 BEATY,C 103 BELANGER,N TA 115 BENSON,E 351 BHALLA,S TA 140 BOWMAN,M TA 225 BRIGGS,M 102 BRUNEL,N TA 252 CARTWRIGHT,S 103 DALLAS,M TA 104 DOSHI,R TA 225 * DURKIN,K TA 250 GARTH,M TA 115 GOGGIN,N 595 GRIFFIS,R 445 * GROSSER,B 344,595 HAMMIE,P 102 HANSEN,M TA 301 * HENDERSON,A TA 201 * HETRICK,L 302 HODGIN JONES,K 103 HOGIN,L 454 * HUDSON,S 102 KIENKE,C 101,102 KWON,L 351 * LINGSCHEIT,E 102,499 * LUCERO,J 202 MCDONAGH,D 201 MERCER,L 418 * MONTGOMERY,J 205 * OBRIEN,D 447,495 RAJGARIAH,P 251 * RICHTER,S TA 115 ROSENTHAL,L 231 * SHIN,S 401 SQUIER,J 260 STABLER,A TA 103 STOKES,E TA 102 * SYLVESTRE,E TA 102 * THEIDE,B 333 THOMAS,J 225 THOMAS,N 222 * TRAVIS,S 201 VINCENZI,C 299 WEAVER,D 343,443 WEISSMAN,T 250 ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES * CHUNG,G TA 100 LEE,A TA 100 PAIK,A 370 * RANA,J 400 * SHARIF,L 200 FALL 2017 Page 7 ASTRONOMY DUNNE,B 150,210 MILLER,J TA 122 * MULLEN,P TA 121 RICKER,P 404 WINANS,A 121 ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES ADAMS,A TA 100 * DOMINGUEZ,F 405 * FRAME,J 303,491 LASHER-TRAPP,S 301 MILLER,R TA 100 * MOSER,D TA 100 NESBITT,A 305 * RIEMER,N 420 * SNODGRASS,E 120,201 * TRAPP,R 500 BIOCHEMISTRY MARTINIS,S 595 BIOENGINEERING ANAND,G 573 BROUGHAM-COOK,A TA 302 JENSEN,K 199,202 MEHTA,R 573 PEREZ-PINERA,P 306 POOL,M 298 * QUICKSALL,Z TA 415 SIMON,M TA 202 SUTTON,B 302 UNDERHILL,G 476 WANG,J TA 302 * WINTER,J TA 306 BUSINESS BANKS,H TA 101 * BILLING,C TA 101 * BONNEWALD,S TA 101 * BRAHMAMDAM,A TA 101 * BULKA,M TA 101 BUSS,A TA 101 * CAMPBELL,W TA 101 CHOKSI,N TA 101 CORREA,C TA 101 * COX,M TA 101 * DANIEL,M TA 101 DANKO,D TA 101 FALL 2017 Page 8 * DIECKMAN,C TA 101 DIGIOVANNI,J TA 101 * DUFOUR,J TA 101 * GAO,K TA 101 GREENBERG,J TA 101 GU,A TA 101 HAFIZUDDIN,H TA 101 * HOOPLE,S TA 101 * KALHON,N TA 101 KAMRAN,N TA 101 LEE,J TA 101 * LINDQUIST,J TA 101 * LITHGOW,J 199 MCMAHON,K TA 101 * MILLER,T TA 101 MLADENOVA,E TA 101 MONTIER,J TA 101 NAGLE,M TA 101 * NELSON,K TA 101 * OBRIEN,N TA 101 * OCHOA,E TA 101 * PANTVAIDYA,K TA 101 * PARISH,T 199 PATEL,A TA 101 * PATEL,R TA 101 PATNAIK,S TA 101 * RIVERA,M TA 101 * ROCK,E TA 101 * RUTLEGE,K TA 101 SHANNON,C TA 101 * SHIMOMURA,A TA 101 * SLEDZ,T TA 101 * TAUKE,K TA 101 * TRAINOR,S TA 101 * TURNER,N 199 * VAIDYA,A TA 101 VOSS,T TA 101 * WABI,A TA 101 * WALSH,N TA 101 WANGADI,E TA 101 * WEI,N TA 101 WIRIG,E TA 101 * WONG,B TA 101 WORTMAN,E TA 101 YANG,Y TA 101 YAO,M TA 101 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ALMEIDA,H 590 * ANAND,G 567 * BARNES,A TA 322 * BEDNAR,M 199,509 * FRICKE,M 340,403 FALL 2017 Page 9 GIRNDT-CLOUGHER,T 586 GONCALO,J 311 HAN,W 453 ISSERMAN,N 395 * JONES,D TA 380 KELLEY,S 449 * KHESSINA,O 312,503,509 KIM,J 449,590 KIM,S 395 KRAATZ,M 508 KURTZ,J 595 * LARSON,E 351,562 * LOVE,E 514 * MAHONEY,J 449,504,545 * MEHTA,R 329,365,525 * MICHAEL,S 367,590 NELSON,M 350 NOEL,H 520 PAMUKSUZ,U 352 QUARTON,J 261 SCHIJVEN,M 449 SHABBIR,M 321 SHAW,M 559 SOMAYA,D 590 TAGHABONI-DUTTA,F 377 VISWANATHAN,M 332 WATKINS,R 590 WERHANE,P 590 WHITE,T 323,528 * WOLTERS,M 320,420 XU,Y 375 BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL WRITING GALLAGHER,J 490 GROHENS,J 261 HAPKE,G 250 * HUDEK,B 250 KELLY,D 250 MCVICKER,Z 250 MICKS,T TA 250 PIACENTINI,D 250 QUANEY,K 250
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