Christian Ethics Today A Journal of Christian Ethics Volume 22, Number 1 Aggregate Issue 92 Winter 2014 “The voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord’” Isaiah 40:3; John 1:23 ARTICLES Pope Francis and The Joy of The Gospel Walter B. Shurden ............................. 2 Evangelicals and Climate Change Charles Redfern ................................................. 5 Black Baptists and Same Sex Marriage Aaron Douglas Weaver ..................... 9 The Re-assassination of MLK Wendell Griffin .............................................................14 Sexual Predators Beware! Rita Hoyt Jenkins ................................................................17 Public Schools are not Religion Free Zones J. Brent Walker .........................20 Marriage and Contraception Nathan C. Walker .......................................................21 A “Duck Call” For All J. Randall O’Brien ..............................................................................22 God as Sister, God and Sister Martin E. Marty ...........................................................23 BOOK REVIEWS The Early Church on Killing, by Ron Sider Reviewed by Tony Campolo ...24 By the Rivers of Water, by Erskine Clarke Reviewed by Darold Morgan ...25 VERSE Bringing Transcendence in Play James A. Langley ................................................27 KUDZU by Doug Marlette Pope Francis and The Joy of the Gospel By Walter B. Shurden mazon gives it five stars! I think Francis’ intent could not be more Persons, and the Lay Faithful. Surely Ait may be the most important clear or upfront: “In this Exhortation his primary target was the entire religious book of 2013, but I did not I wish to encourage the Christian Church he leads. And while being see it make any of the “Best Religious faithful to embark upon a new cautious about reading non-Catholic Books of 2013” lists. chapter of evangelization marked by biases into the words of Francis, I It is The Joy of the Gospel: this joy [of the gospel], while point- thought Francis had some rather EVANGELII GAUDIUM, written ing out new paths for the Church’s specific Catholic targets in mind. by Pope Francis I. With this, his first journey in years to come.”2 This One of those targets appeared to be Apostolic Exhortation delivered on “Exhortation” from this happy Pope those bishops and priests who would November 24, 2013, Francis I, like is about the “joy of the gospel.” It deny the Eucharist to politicians and John XXIII a half century before him, is about the “joy of the gospel” that leaders whose opinions on social threw open the windows to let some provides the motivation for evange- issues, such as abortion, differed fresh air into the Roman Catholic lism, for missions, and for outreach with their own. Francis said, “The Church. Protestants and all religion- to all people, especially to the poor. It Eucharist, although it is the fullness ists and non-religionists would profit is about the primacy and joy of grace of sacramental life, is not a prize for from inhaling some of this invigorat- that precedes what Francis calls evan- the perfect but a powerful medicine ing air. gelization. This is primarily a work of and nourishment for the weak . Shortly after being elected the missiology. Do not listen to anyone Frequently, we act as arbiters of grace 266th Pope, the former Jorge Mario who tells you differently. rather than its facilitators. But the Bergoglio jested with the Cardinals, The document has an introduc- Church is not a tollhouse; it is the “May God forgive you for what you house of the Father, where there is have done.” If The Joy of the Gospel is a place for everyone, with all their a signpost of where he wants to take This “Exhortation” from this problems.”3 the Catholic Church, the Cardinals happy Pope is about the “joy But I suspect that he had a much will need no forgiveness. wider audience in mind than the This warm, joyous, biblical, pas- of the gospel.” Catholic Church alone. His genuine toral, relevant, prophetic, and, at ecumenical embrace is reflected in times, personal statement has been paragraph 201 where he voices his egregiously mischaracterized by the tion and five chapters. Chapter 1 of “trust” in “all Christians” to accept his public media and pundits such as this missionary essay is entitled The renewed call to “spiritual conversion, Rush Limbaugh. This is not a docu- Church’s Missionary Transformation, the intensity of the love of God and ment whose primary purpose is to chapter 2 is Amid the Crisis of neighbor, zeal for justice and peace, assail Wall Street. However, with its Communal Commitment, chapter [and] the Gospel meaning of the comprehensive description of evan- 3, a chapter on preaching from one poor and of poverty.” While he cer- gelization, it certainly does not give who is not an exceptional preacher, is tainly did not direct this Exhortation unregulated free market capitalism The Proclamation of the Gospel, and explicitly toward “followers of non- a pass. One certainly understands Chapter 4 is The Social Dimension Christian religions,” Muslims, and all why it gives extreme conservatives of Evangelization. Chapter 4 is the “non-Christians,”4 Francis doubtless theological and economic reflux. But chapter that has drawn the most criti- will be pleased if these groups peek contrary to what you may have heard cism, and one suspects that it is the over his shoulder and sense his open- or read regarding the document, you only chapter that the most virulent ness. Moreover, one cannot doubt need to hear Francis clearly say that critics have read, caring little for the that Francis would be especially “this Exhortation is not a social docu- central theological theme of Pope pleased if heads of state and world ment.”1 Surely he must have known Francis. Chapter 5, containing a governmental leaders would heed his that some would interpret it precisely Pentecostal echo, is entitled “Spirit- words on the social dimensions of the as a “social” document, and he obvi- Filled Evangelizers.” gospel. Again, however, Francis is pri- ously did not care. He did not care To whom did Francis address this marily issuing a wide-ranging spiritual because he deeply believes that the Exhortation? Part of the long and call for Christians to evangelize, and “social” is a vital part of Christian awkward title identifies his audience: this includes the transformation of evangelization. To the Bishops, Clergy, Consecrated structures as well as persons. 2 • WINTER 2014 • CHRISTIAN ETHICS TODAY The primary theme: the joy of unintentionally dismisses all the slick for tenderness and openness to the the Gospel: But what does Francis techniques and clever strategies in most marginalized among us. actually say in the document? He evangelism textbooks that have come Decentralization and theologi- repeats many of the themes that the from Christian publishers. He says, cal humility within the Catholic public media have picked up and “ . anyone who has truly experi- Church: Because he is conscious of spread abroad about him, especially enced God’s saving love does not need “the need to promote a sound `decen- his concern for the poor and the much time or lengthy training to go tralization” in the Church,” Francis lowly. But here you learn that his out and proclaim that love.”11 To be does not believe that “the papal mag- concern for the poor, his motivation sure, this proclamation is not simply isterium should be expected to offer a for lifting the lowly, comes deeply a word we speak. “An evangelizing definitive or complete word on every from his faith. Writing this essay as community gets involved by word and question which affects the Church a pastoral theologian, not a social deed in people’s daily lives; it bridges and the world.” “It is not advisable,” welfare worker, Francis has one over- distances, it is willing to abase itself if he says, “for the Pope to take the place arching and general theme in this necessary and it embraces human life, of local Bishops in the discernment of particular document. It is a theme touching the suffering flesh of Christ every issue which arises in their terri- that the media has not discerned. This in others. Evangelizers thus take on tory.”15 “Excessive centralization,” he theme, as stated above, is that IT IS the `smell of the sheep.’”12 repeats, “rather than proving helpful, JOY, THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL, While the overarching theme is complicates the Church’s life and her THAT CREATES A MISSIONARY abundantly clear, one cannot help but missionary outreach.”16 AND EVANGELIZING CHURCH. notice recurring secondary themes. Along with decentralization, Francis Where there is no joy, where spiri- There are many subthemes one can calls for the Church to rediscover tual ardor has evaporated, there is no identify. Here are four that caught my some theological humility. He speaks reaching out by the church.5 attention. often of the need for the church itself Because “there are Christians whose Inclusion, Not Exclusion: This to be evangelized. “The Church is lives seem like Lent without Easter,”6 Pope has open arms, and he wants a herself a missionary disciple; she needs Francis invites all Christians, with Church with open doors. Speaking to grow in her interpretation of the some Baptist sounding language, “to revealed word and in her understand- a renewed personal encounter with ing of truth.” The social sciences, Jesus Christ or at least an openness to Where there is no joy, philosophy, theology and pastoral 7 letting him encounter them.” When where spiritual ardor has practice “can enable the Church to we encounter or have a renewed grow.” He acknowledges that the call encounter with God’s love, “we are evaporated, there is no for theological growth and open- liberated from our narrowness and reaching out by the church. ness will cause consternation among self-absorption.” And “here we find some.
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