T he Courier-Gazette. P O K T K R A JOSES, Proprlstorn. V olume 47. HKKKRRT M. LORD, Editor TW O d o l l a k r A VKAR IM ADTANOR ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1892 i K nfpred hr Second Olaaa M all. NUMHICI 17. ROCKLAND IN DAYS OF LONG AGO; 686 I think I see tlie White house turned J SMART OLD LADY. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. GUESS Seeds and Plants. _________ I so (is to front Rankin instead of Main I street and on the same side of the street Record Which Is Well Worth 30 or 40 years ago we used to buy An Old Citizen Returns After an Absence Careful Reading. of Forty One-Years. I see the Waterman house which was our (able nnd dairy salt in 5, 10, 20 once occupied by two sisters by that pound tugs, but when the Rebellion NEW STORE, 337 MAIN ST.. Some of the lending papers have for Rite th e name. This brings mo to Union street cut off the supply of cotton and cotton ON The Vicinity of Middle Street and Main some time been telling about smart old again, so I will cross to the other side cloth advanced to 50 and 6ocents a yard —The Kimballs and Their Neighoois people in their vicinity. At Simonton’s —Willow Siteet and Its Environ­ or retrace my steps and observe as I it became too costly for salt bags nnd Corner, Rockport, lives one who wo ments—Rankin Block. proceed. Here is the Niles Torrey the salt was put up in 5, 10, 20, pound think is deserving of special mention — Garden, Field and Flower Seeds house, also that of tho late Cnpt. John boxes, but today we find history has Have you tried tho famous “ Throe THE •'But I must proceed, bat as 1 do so Mrs. Robert Thorndike, who is in her Crocker, and this brings me to the big repeated itself by returning to the cotton Crow” Spices and Extracts? ALL FRESH AND RELIABLE I don’t find the situation of houses,stores, 88tb year, born Oct. 29, 1804, and looks Rankin bouse near tho corner. Al'en cloth bag system again. If you hare not loan no time In rtolna ao. You will etc . so familiar to me, as I seldom went today as though she might easily pass We utso grow largely Tomato, Cnbbnge, Celery, Bowler, donnthnn White, Cnpt. and And them much aupnrlor to o ther brands tn flna- tlie century mark. With the exception A FA M ILY IT E M . noes.of Flavor. Purity nnd Strength. Verbena, Fanny and oilier Vegetablea and Flower- to the North-end except toslide on Gay's Mrs. Crocker are dead, Niles Torrey lug Plants which wo Bell of a slight cold she is enJoying almost C A N D L E . Hill or to see Deacon Thomas, Deacon moved to California where he died JOII.Y U llin COWPAJFY perfect health. She is as straight ns an The late Judah Delano of Friendship Starretl or Horace Merriam launch some Constant Rankin is dead, Mrs. Rankin Rockland, Maine. At Lowest Possible Prices. arrow and walks now like a young had a large, healthy family, there being of their vessels. First wo see in our lives nt No. 3, Rankin street. We shall alao conllnuo to keep tho finest line of mind the old Iddo Kimball residence, woman of twenty than one of more than ten living today, the oldest being 78 years of age and the youngest 67 years back some distance from Main street, RANKIN BLOCK. fourscore. She has had ten clrldren, nine of whom have grown up to man­ old. Tho names and residences begin with the plank walk, bars and gate lead­ “This is the Rankin Block of 40 years A Large Candle Fruit, Confectionery and Cigars hood anti womanhood. Her husband ning with tho oldest are as follows: ing to the Iront door. But we miss old ago or more, a two story wooden block And hope -o retain all our old customers and gnin wns said to have been the first male Malachi of Friendship, Hannah of n any new ones. 10 Mr. Kimball and also bis “man Friday,” of two or more stores with tenements IB NOW child born in Camden. Lynn, Mary of Boston, James W. of Mr. Hall. Next, and on the corner of above, which we see in our mind. But C. M. TIBBETTS. Within the last fifteen years she has Dedham, Mass., Antoinette of Dor­ of Main and Middle street, is the resi­ today instead we find a large bric't block. made and given away to relations 7G chester, Mass., Sanford of Thomaston, dence of the late Alfred Kimball, but it If I recollect rightly Ephtn. Gay and ON EXHIBITION! MAKE YOUR LAWNS BEAUTIFUL! patch-work Quilts, besides helping others Emmeline of Boston. Louisa of Somer­ is now occupied by another, Mr. and Constant Rankin occupied two of these on ns many more. Two of these Quilts ville, Mass , nnd Edward P., of Boston. A T T H E n n A D L E Y 'S Mrs. Kimball both being dead. Now stores, and W. O. Fuller and M. C contained over 2500 pieces and all her we go up this street as far as Union on Andrews the tenement above. I am COMPLAINT BOOK. work is perfect. English Lawn Fertilizer! the south side, and back on the north told that this block was burned in 1853. One of these Quilts she gave to friends Why doesn’t onr Road Commission No bad odor; no wveda, but a greon, velvety lawn. side. This first house was built by John But where are those who once went BOSTON Books free. Fertilizer aold and delivered at your in Massachusetts, who took it to a fair institute a book as suggested by Mayor house by Wakefield and is where ho once lived and out these doors? where it drew the first prize. From Butler in his message? If such a book STORER’S BEST O. B. FALES, 18 Beech Street Ext., with his family. Mr. Wakefield is dead “Andrews and Rankin nre dead,Fuller Feb. 2, 1892, Io Mar 20, 1892, she has were placed in some public place where 13-1T KOCKI.AND, MK. and the other members of the family and Gay are still with us.” live elsewhere. This house on the corner made 12 chenille rugs. She showed the people could have ready access to it. CLOTHING is the one once owned by William Mc- STEAMBOAT HISTORY. you? correspondent a work-bng that was then parties knowing of defeots in side­ PATENT Loon. Mr. McLoon died 15 or 20 years givpn her by Mrs. Gov. Hunton (Gov. walks and roads could make an entry Simmons & Brewster, The Old Bangor and Penobscot River J. G. Hunton from Feb. 10, 1830, to of the fuot, and the foreman of the road ago,and tho members of the family have Boat Line. SUCCESSORS TO O. F. OKANT. removed to other homes. Mr. Thomp­ Ian. 5, 1831) also a wooden cup that crew on applying there each day would STORE! son lives here. Now let’s look at the From an interesting communication her mother used when she wns a child. see what localities needed urgent atten­ FLOUR! 596 Main St., First South of Rankin tion. other side of this street. This is the in the Portland Press we take the follow­ Mrs. Thorndike lives with her daugh­ Block. in g : ter Mrs. Joseph Wentworth, and has a \ M ObT, J to be lit op Saturday Evening, Tibbetts-Mallard house. Mr. and Mrs. NORTH APPLETON. Mallard, Eliza, are both dead, as is also “It was about 1845 that the Bangor pieusant home. M n l z n n I whitest, line was fully established. It contiuued R. S. Keene contemplates changing June 11, 1892, at 7 o’clock, Mr. Tibbetts, but Mr. Tibbetts’ widow A M Y ST ER Y . lllUu.UU j SWEETEST, B re a d ! and burn until consumed. Fruit and Confectionery Store lives in this next houso which was once for upwards of a Quarter of a century the “hall” into tenements and renting I BEST A FINK The steamboats that succeeded each the home a Mr. ltamsey, a sail-maker, Thought to Have Been General Stead, them. This is Just what we need, as CIRCULATING LIBRARY CONNECTED and this next hnuso was once the home other on this route were the Governor, man—No Proof. there are no vacant bouses around here. the Old Charter Oak, State of Maine, It seems as though n grent many could Containing 300 Books, nt TWO CENTS a day. of all the Burpees, but Mr. and Mrs For Sale by Leading Grocers! Daniel Webster, Herbert Moor and City be rented if they could be obtained. /\LL PuifCftASEIfS « ’The public cordially Invited to call and look Burpee are both dead, also John, Horton A mystery surrounds tho identity of ove. our stock. All the Dolla and Toys will and Adams, Samuel being the only one of Richmond, Those vessels ran in con­ John D Watson, who died suddenly at Considerable dissatisfaction has been be cloned out for about nothing. 16 JOHN BIRD COMP’Y, Aats. will be entitled to one guess ol the family now living The house nection with tho Boston trains and made Rockland, Me., during the first week in felt with regard to tlie change in our E. E. SIUMO.VS.
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