Kean University Kean Digital Learning Commons Independent 1961-1964 Independent 12-14-1961 The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 11, December 14, 1961 Newark State College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.kean.edu/independent_1961-1964 Recommended Citation Newark State College, "The Independent, Vol. 2, No. 11, December 14, 1961" (1961). Independent 1961-1964. 21. https://digitalcommons.kean.edu/independent_1961-1964/21 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Independent at Kean Digital Learning Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Independent 1961-1964 by an authorized administrator of Kean Digital Learning Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Season's Happy Greetings New Year Vol. II No. 11 Newark State College, Union, New Jersey December 14, 1961 Charney Receives NSA Accepts Brooks To Head NJEA Holds Resolution African Program Conference $2,500 Grant A resolution submitted to the " Preparing Today for Teach­ fourteenth National Student Con­ ing Tomorrow", was the slogan 2) There was a great need gress at the University of Wis­ for the Student New Jersey Ed­ for the expansion of special edu­ consin by two Newark State de­ ucation Association's Fifth An­ cational facilities in rural areas. lega tea, Andrea Lello and Robert nual All College Student Con­ 3) The largest group of handi- · J. Litowchak, has been accepted ference held at Seton Hall Uni­ capped children in need of special by the National Executive Com­ versity's School of Education, education were those classified mittee of the National Student South Orange on Saturday, De­ as mentally retarded or mentally Association. The resolution, en­ cember 2. deficient. The largest number titled "Suppression of Infor­ Following a coffee hour, and of children not attending school mation," was co-sponsored by introductory greeting remarks, at that time also were in this delegates from Radcliff College, the conference chairman Chuck category. Wayne State University, and Uni­ Rupinski, of Seton Hall, turned ''Since the publication of this versity of California at Los the General Session over to D. report, numerous changes have Angeles. The delegates were Larry McLean, President of Stu­ occurred in reference to the members of a sub-committee dent NEA. Larry spoke to the legislative provisions for the dealing with propaganda and the· gathered students from thirteen education of the mentally re­ United States Post Office De­ Dr. Hugh C. Brooks New Jersey colleges on "New tarded in New Jersey", Dr. Char­ partment. Times, New Imperatives, New ney points out. "Special educa­ The resolution concerns Sec­ Dr. Hugh C. Brooks, a Visions". tional services to the retarded tion 10 of the Foreign Agents professor in the graduate divi­ As president of the Student Dr. Leon Charney have expanded rapidly. The num­ Registration Act of 1939 which sion at Newark State, political Education Association, he men­ ber of classes for the retarded states that: "The Attorney economist a nd geographer, and tioned his travels all over the Dr. Leon Charney, Professor has risen from 395 in the 1954- General may at any time make, who has taught and traveled ex­ United States and his impres­ of Special Education at Newark 55 school year to 957 during 1960- prescribe, amend, and rescind tensively in Africa, has been sions with various phases of new State College, has received a $2, 61." such rules, regulations and forms named Director of the Institute education problems, such as ·the 500 grant to survey the needs "In Union County, such classes as he may deem necessary to of African Affairs at St. John's "New Horizons Projects", emi­ of the mentally retarded and their have increased from 42 in 1954- carry out the provisions of this University, it was announced by nating from Columbia Teache~s families in Union County. 55 to 80 in 1960-61," Dr. Char­ Act." the Very Reverend Edward J. College, and explained many of The grant was awarded by ney says. "Examination of survey One of the provisions of the Burke, C.M., President of St. the ways students in New Jersey the Union County Association for reports from school systems Act states that". .in order John's. The Institute of African could help advance the profes­ Retarded Children with funds throughout the nation reveals that to issue free passage of political Affairs was established this Fall sional standards of education. from the Union County Board s~ch rapid expansion of special material through the United at St. John's in order to promote Mr. Richard M. Carrigan, Di­ of Freeholders. educational services for the re­ States mails , any foreign dis­ research in the social sciences rector of Student NEA spoke According to Dr. Charney, the tarded is part of the nation-wide tributer must be registered as a and the humanities as applied to next on "The Challenge of purpose of the study is to : trend." foreign agent in the Department Africa, Father Burke said. Change", discussion the "en­ 1) Determine the availability There also has been a develop­ of Justice, and must properly A native of Seattle, Washing­ rollment expansion" and the of services for the mentally re­ ment of recognition of the wide label the material." ton, Dr. Brooks graduated from pressures on our educational tarded and their families in Union variety of community services In 1939, the Attorney General the University of Washington and system today. He stressed the County. necessary for adequate planning ruled that" .. foreign political also attended the Institute of In­ fact that many wish to despair 2) Ascertain the degree to for the mentally retarded, ac­ material not so labeled may be ternational Relations in Geneva, in today's troubled world, but as which those services are con­ cording to Dr. Charney. "While received by the addressee only Switzerland, Clark University, educators we should welcome the sidered adequate. the importance of special edu­ if he submits to the postal Worcester, Massachusetts, and future as a period when man's 3) Utilize the results to de­ cational services continues to be authority a signed statement that Columbia University, where he dreams may well come true thru termine areas of need in the stressed, recognition of the per­ he has ordered, subscribed to, earned his Ed. D. A .veteran of new sources of power. Every 10 development of services. manency of the condition of or otherwise solicited such ma­ World War II, he served for The study is expected to take and 1/2 seconds another being mental retardation and the social terial.•• three years with the United States enters the world in our nations; one year. It will not · be of the implications of this condition has However, in 1961, Attorney Army, saw service in Europe, head-counting variety, but will and this has great significance resulted in an awareness of the General Robert Kennedy sus­ and earned the Bronze Star and assess existing services and for us as educators, he went on need for services going beyond pended the procedure initiated the Silver Star. to say, for we must now work make judgements as to what is the scope of public education," in 1939. But because of a bill In 1954, Dr. Brooks received harder than ever to educate these needed, according to Dr. Char­ he states. Congressman Francis Walter of a Fulbright Award to attend the people to bridge the misunder­ ney. He named six basic areas of Pennsylvannia has introduced, University of Witwatersrand, Jo­ standings of the world. "Although the numerous ex­ service now becoming recognized which is currently pending before hannesburg, South Africa. There As preparing teachers we as tensions of services to the the House of Representatives and he studied, worked and traveled students have the greatest chal­ mentally retarded in New Jersey (Continued on Page 7) which includes a restatement of for some two and one-half years lenge of all time; to profes­ have been reflected in the de­ the 1939 ruling, the members with Dr. John Wellington, fore­ sionalize and mature our profes­ velopment and expansion of ser­ of the sub-workshop felt a re­ most African Geographer. He sion as the doctors have already vices in Union County, little in­ Stuco Reports solution condemning suppression worked in the area of industrial done with theirs. The answers formation exists concerning the of information was in order. Tp.e development and in the course to the complex of forces, and scope of such services or the At the November 21 Student basis for this attitude is found of his travels interviewed in­ challenge of change is You - our degree to which these services Council meeting, · President in the principle of the-resolution dustrialists, labor, native and schools must have teachers who are considered indicative of the Joseph Santanello announced that in which it is stated that "any government leaders. can provide • a high quality of development of a well-rounded the student body had been notified act of interference with the cir­ The new Director has had pre­ leading for tomorrow'.s citizenry. community program," Dr. Char­ concerning the proposed change culation of information is vious teaching experience at The students from our college ney points out. in StuCo representation. The inimical to man's basic rightand Newark State College, Teachers who attended were Diane Arden, Graduate students will assist. Council, therefore, must change responsibility to search for College, Columbia University, Ginny Butler, Jim Haney, Bob Members of Dr. Charney's ad­ By-Law C, Section 1 of the Con­ truth." Hunter . College, Oregon State Hoesly, Bonny Hrehowesik, vanced seminar in special educa­ stitution. Sharon Cooper, sopho­ The declaration of the resolu­ College, and the University of Judith Kimelman, Pat Madeo, tion have elected to make por­ more representative, moved that tion is as follows : Witwatersrand.
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