. \ { ■ 1,. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER X8, IMO' PAlilt’IW BNTl ^ n r^ f0 t? r lEtt^nbtQ Ifii^ralb Averagg Daily Net PrcM R ob The WaoURir ' For Oiw Week n w M Ftoediet at V. O. ' ■A Mot. US, U M Vbir m A ooeler ttoWR. lo w . V,t ' ■I ■ M-BL- 'Somtay ibdr, 13,286 ebaage la tenpenlarb nglk Bi. Metaber of tbe Audit <♦ ^ •Ms. ■ ' . ^ YOURSTORl Boreea of CSreulatlon Mqnchm $ter^A City of ViUago Charm OF yOL. LXXX, NO. 43 (TI^LVE PAGBSr-iTV SECTION) BIANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY* NOVEMBER 19, 1960 oa Pace it) PRICE FIVB CBMTB i VILLAGE CHARM Wants Bonn Boost 'Aid StateNews U.S. Moves to Foundup Seen for ■/ Dollars, Gold Drain Pro-West 1,000 to Get Bonn; Germany, Nov. 19 (/P)|ui totween |S52 million and »9oe Wage Boost —Two American officials fly million. Tokyo, Nov. 19 The bulk of the money would Blasts at U. S. pan’s pro-western Conserva­ here today for what are ex; come from industry, which has ^ Hartford, Nov. 19 (JF>— tive government, was rated a pected to be stormy economic agreed to make available 1.5 bil­ About 1,000 lower - echelon heavy favorite in tomorrow’s talks designed to stem the lion marks (360 million) by buy­ state employes will receive national election despite a drain on the U.S. dollar and ing bonds paying 5 per cent in­ M y increases, effective next pre terest over 15 years. Friday. body blow from the cutback in gold reserves. > , Another 500 million marks ($119 G uatem ala Secretary of the Treasury Rob­ Three-quarters of the workers X American military spending minion)' would come from the sale ert B. Anderson and tmder Sec­ will get boosts of three cents an overseas. , . of the etate-own^ Volkswagen retary of State C. Douglas DUlon hour, while the remainder will be IMPORTED COnON AND SIMTEX CANDLELIGHT DAMASK Newspapers forecast the'Liiberal Company. raised 360 a year. For Korean Democrats led by Prime Minister are bringing more than 20 experts > RAYON DAMASK CLOTHS from Washington with them. The federal budget would pro­ The increases were announced CLOTH AND NAPKIN SHS Hayato Ikeda would win 300 of the vide SSO million marks (390 mil­ yesterday by George J. Walker, 467 Beats in the new House of Rep­ The two men will try to per­ white, pink, yellow and aqua. 54”x54” . with 4 napkins. .JUST 5.99 suade the West German govern­ lion) while the remainder would director of the State Personnel resentatives. come from Marshall plan counter­ Department,. who said they had But President Eieenhower’e or­ ment that it must contribute more 60”x90”. reg. 3.98'. ......... JUST 2.99 54"’x72”. with 6 napkins. ..JUST g.99 money to'aid imdeveloped nations. part funds, savings from the 1961 been approved by the personnel der reducing spending by U.S. liudget and from funds of the state board and the Civil Service Com­ By ROBERT BERRELUD2 56"x76”. reg. 3.49............ JUST 2.69 66”x84” . with 8 napkins. JUST 12.99 agencies, ovejrseaa—and favoring The United States reportedly governments. mission. • American firms—was Interpreted feels the prosperous West Ger­ Western sources said the Ameri­ Those under the hourly boost Havana, Nov. 19 (A*)— The' 60”xl02”. reg. 4.98. ..... .JUST 3.99 66”xlD8”. with 12 napkins. JUST 18.99 here as a blow t% Ikeda's policy of mans haven’t made a sufficient ef­ cana will press the Bonn govern­ are in three elaseificatlon; Airport muting of Fidel Castro’s rock­ close alignment with the United fort to help the lees fortunate ment to make Ifmg term, low in­ msintainer I, highway malhtaiher et-rattling warnings to the Btates. countries. terest loans available to the un­ I and institution msintainer 1. U.S. miUtary spending has figur­ TTie Adenauer government, re­ United States heightened FLEXIBLE WATERPROOF, CLEAR PLASTIC CLOTHS derdeveloped areas. Walker said 'these groups, Involv­ speculation here today that ed large in Japan’s post-war boom liable informants said, was pre­ The A d e n a u e r government ing more than 760 employes, would HEAT-RESISTANT TABLE PADS TO PROTECT YOUR LINEN and Ikeda has pegged his program pared for tough bargaining ses­ claims it is already making a sub­ be raised from salary ranges of Moscow has advised him to of economic expansion to the sions during the 8-day talks which stantial foreign aid contribution. 32.580-33.600 to 32,760-33,780, take a more moderate course 52”x52”........... ............. -JUST 2.99 36"x36”. ... ............... JUST 393 * American economy. begin Monday. 'The official government organ. ’The remainder are in eight Wash­ The newspaper Yomiuri said in .his dealings with The government has been un­ The BulletinI said today the for­ other clauifications paid on a bi­ ington. 52” round........ .................JUST 3.99 Japan must ensure. "a more in­ willing to say Just how" much eign aid contribution now equals weekly basis: Calculating-machine dependent and more broadly based The Kremlin’s hand may he be­ money It was prepared to spend. one per cent of the gross national operator I, cleaner, clerk I, mes­ 52"x70”. ..... ........ .'.JUST 3.99 54”x72". ... ......................JUST 893 economy than it has ever had be- hind the lessening of attacks, in The cabinet, however, has ap­ product, which In 1959 wa« 241 senger and supply clerk, office ap­ the government '-press afi^inet I I . fw e. An exceesive dependence on proved a foreign aid program 52"x90” .......... ............... JUST 4.99 o4”.x90'’. ... .....................JUST 1.19 American procurement is no longer pliance operator I, stenographer President-elect John F. Kennedy— which Informants said would to- possible." (Continned on Page Three) I, typist 1 and women'a rest room in contrast with the increased tem­ The Socialist party, which has attendant. Their salary ranges po against President BHeenhower BATES RAYON DAMASK been urging trade and diplomatic are being raised from 32,620-' and Vice President Richard M. HNE IRISH LINEN relaticms with Ooihmunlet China, 33,420 to 32,580-33,600. Nixon—possibly with a view to TABLECLOTHS AND NAPKINS leap<^ onto the U.S. action as keeping a path open to later een- (off-wliite eggshell) DISHTOWELS >todlcaUon of its postUon. Party Kennedy Gets Plan ' Seaman Sentenced clliatory approaches. leader Saburo Eda, taking up the It was noted here that Prime 54"x54". .............. .......... JUST 5.99 New Haven, Nov. 19 (/P)—A 24- Minister Castro’s newspapers and with a multi-colored stripe border, reg. theme in his last two days of cam- year-old British seaman has been 54’’x72” ................ .. paigning in Central Honshu, radio made no mention of Soviet .......... JUST 6.49 sentenced to three months In jell rocket support in their blasts at claimed "the U.S. economy is in for negligent manslaughter in an 66"x84”. , ............ .......... JUST 8.99 59c each. .... ...................JUST 50< IMPORTED CO nON and RAYON TABLECLOTH and NAPKIN SETS • more serious situation than is President Elsenhower for ordering For N’Age Defense auto accident'that took two lives. nankins; ............. generally believed" and the Ikeda U.S. Navy ships and planes to aet government will have to "change Superior Court Judge Alva up anti-invasion patrols off Guate­ 60”x90” with 8 napkins, reg. 7.98.............................. JUST 5.99 its economy policy, which has been Lolselle imposed the sentence yes­ mala and Nlcara^a. Palm Beach, Fla., Nov. 19 (JP)—^ground of a lengthy briefing Ken- terday on Alan Brinklow, Ooyden, formed of sole dei>endence on Uie J The Eisenhower order—the re­ SCRANTON COnON and AVISCO RAYON LACE TABLECLOTHS 50”x50” . with 4 napkins, reg. 3.98........ .JUST 2.99 United States." President-elect John F. K«m edy nedy got yesterday on the situa­ Surrey, England, who pleaded I- sult of a request from Guate­ Ikeda, meanwhile, closed out the today tackles a atudy of the De­ tion in the Carib'bean area. There, guilty to the charge which carries mala and Nicaragua who charged stainproof white or ecru, in combination guipre and point de Venice laces Flames erupt from top fioors of 6-story fabrics wimhouse In Itower Manhattan last night as fire­ f W f IMFORfflD CHINA, SERVICE FOR 8 50”x66”. with 6 napkins, reg. 5.98................. JUST 3.99 government’s esunpaign with a fense Department looking toward on orders from President Bhsen' a maximum penalty of 15 years In imsuccessful revolts against t h ^ JUST 39.99 with linen-like center. men battle roaring blaze that spread to three other buildings. (A P l^hdtofax). CS7 p l t ^ ) rag. 59.99................ awing around the Tokyo area, and the atieamlining he eaya it needs bower, American warships and prison. , .11 III—, — , III ..... .................. I I I. ■■i.ii'A ■■ governments in the past week 72”.\90”. reg. 9.98......... ...................................................... JUST 7.77 56”x76” . with 8 napkins, reg. 6.98................................. JUST 4.99 Democratic Socialist party’a Sue- fo r this nuclear age. planes are on guard to prevent A car carrying Brinklow, an­ were aided by Cuba—set- off a the gold im t wbaat paiUm rimmed with gold, an elegant gift . or en exciting ad- 72” round, reg. 9.98. ., ......................................................JUST 7.77 biro NlaUo* wound up his middle- For the study, to.-continue over any Communist-led attack on other British seaman, William G. chain furor. Including both crit­ diUon to jm ir own holiday table! aet incliulea 8 piecea each of: dinner platea,.8oup plates, 60”x80” . reg. 8.98......... ......................................................JUST 6 97 60”xl02” .
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