OHi RACEWALKER VOWMEXX, NUMBERl COLUMBUSr OHIO MARCH1984 SCHUELER'roPS HElRINGIN NATIONAL35 Carmel, Cal., March 17--Carl Schueler edged away from Jim Heiring after the first 10 Km and then hung on to win the National 35 Kmrace aalking title today. Schueler's swift 2:41:26 clocking was nearly 7 minutes under the Championship best established by Marco Evoniuk just last year . Marco was not on hand to defend his title today , Heiring was only 20 seconds behind and gaining ground at the finish. Vincent O'Sullivan led three others under the three hour mark in this swift race. The master's title went to Jim Coots, who finished ninth overall . Heiring took the early lead, covering the first 5 Km in a blistering 21:51, Schueler was 6 seconds back at th is point, with Gary Morgan on his heels. O'Sullivan and Pete Timmonswere together in fourth , going through in 22 J4 . By the 10 km point, Schueler had come to even terms with Heiring, as both recorded 44:28 . Everyone else had dropped well back, with O'Sullivan third in 45 151, followed by _Timmonsand Morgan. Schueler started to pull gradually away, leading by 18 seconds as he passed 20 Xm in 1:29:55. He stretched that lead to 48 seconds by the JO Km mark, but then gave much of it away, as he slowed on the final 5. Meanwhile, O'Sullivan pulled quickly away from Timmonsand led him by 2½ minutes at the 20 Kmmark . Timmonswas able to come back, however, cutting the margin in half by JO Km, before fading again on the final 5, Results: 1. Carl Schueler' 2:41:26 (21:57 ,44:28, 1:07:00, 1:29:55 , 1:53:17 , 2:17:04) 2, Jim Heiring 2 141:46 (21154, '1'+;28,1 1:07:lJ, l:JO :lJ , 1:53:52, 2 :17:52) J . Vincent O'Sullivan 2;52:14 (22;J4 , 45 151, 1:09:00, l 1JJ;42 , 1:59:07, 2:26;0Jl 4. Pete Timmons2:55 :02 (22:34, 45154, 1111:05 , 1:36:11 , 2:01:0J , 2:27:21 5, Gary Morgan 2 1,56:22 (21.57 , 46114, 1:10:18, 1:35 : 57, 2:01:23, 1 1 2;27148 6. WayneGlusker 3 00:58 (2~,t06,,48:54 , l-:lJ:44, 1:{9 26, 2 105:48, 2:JJ:01 7, Ed O'Rourke J;07:10 (22 'H:S, %;42 , 1:11:23, 1:35·52, 2 102:16 , 2:JJ29) 8. Bruce Ramsdell J 109:50 (25;02, 50:44, 1:16:42 , l:4J:J6, 2:10 :53, 2:39:19) 9, Jim Coots (1st 4o-49) 3:10:53 (1:20:10 , 2 :41157) 10, Ed Bouldin 3=16:04(48:55, 1:41:lJ, 2:41:51) ·11. Jamie Allen 3 :17:57 12. Bill Ranney (2nd 4o-49) J:18:39 lJ , Jay-Byers 3:19:14 14. Chuck Marut (Jrd 4o-49) J:21:41 15, Gerardo Welti J.J4:14 16, Robert Edwards ,:37:21 17, John Ratte 3139:16 18, Diane Mendoza (1st woman) J:4J.37 i9, Kathy CUrtis 3:57:53 (2nd woman) 20. Fletcher Fuhrman 4:02 :37 21. Steve Pendlay 4;07 :17 2:5t,~.19;t0 2§~~baM!l.tut18 14:91{z~t(~ttr48°_i).9)23z~anXffl1s~~ 2ijf5~;~st . DNF: Jim_p8troud, 15 Km; Dennis Reilly, 20 Km; Hudleston, JO Km;Fanelli , 10 Km; Neil yke 15 Km; Carl Warrell 10 Xm; John :Kelly; 20 Km; Nancy Novak, 12Xm; Gosser , 20 Km: Sterling-Fraa!tlin 28 Km. DQ-Thoele, 15 Km, Scheel, 15 .Km, Howlrd Jacobson, after finish (J:4o:2J) Team Winner; Ea.st Side TC (Schueler, O'Sullivan , Timmons) 8:28 i42 MARCH1984 PAGE3 PAGE2 MARCH1984 ·The Ohi.o. R:acewaJkP.r l US I'S 306-0.50J 11'< publlshed ~onthly in Columbus, Ohio. Subscription rate is $5.00 per year ($7,00 for First Class Mail). Editor 1tnd I'11l1li:.:hcr1 ,John E. (Jncl:)·Morthntl. Mc:lre:ir. :i.11 correr.pondene:e regarding both editorial and subscription matters to: Ohio Racewalker, 3184 Summit St,, Columbus, Ohio 43202. Second Class Postage pa.id at Columbus, Ohio. FOSTM.ASTER:Send address changes to the Ohio Racewalker, 1184 Summit St, Columbus, OH 43202. FOR THOSESEEKDfG THE TRTI,.I,OF VICTORYOR, MORELIKELY, THE AGONYOF DEFEAT Sat. Apr. 14-20 Km,Dearborn, Mich., 10 a.m. (T) Sun. Apr, 15-0hio TAC15 Km, Springfield (K) Half-marathon, Ia Jolla, Cal., 7:30 a,m. (c) 5 Km, NewYork City, 9 a.m. (P) NATIONALAC MEN'S 25 KM ANDWOMEN'S 20 KM CHAMPIONSHIPS, SEATTIE(R) (Also Masters and Junior 25 Km) 1.500 meters and 3 km, Arlington, Va,, 10 a.m. (L) 20 Km, St. Louis, Mo., 8 a,m. (w) 5 Km, Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 11:JO a.m. (A) Sat. Apr. 21--Razorback Invitational 10 Km,Fayetteville, Ark., 8 a.m. (0) 8 Km, Greenbelt, Md,, 9 a.m. (L) 10 Km (Track), Piscataway, N.J. (A) 10 KJ:n,Seattle (D) 5 Km, Thomastille, Ga., 9 a.m. (E) Sat. Apr, 28--.50 Mile, Columbua, Mo., 6 a,m. (M) 6 Mile Hdcp. (Track), Orono, Maine, l p.m. (A.A) Sun. Apr. 29--NATIONALAC 50 KMCHAY.PIONSHIP, CIEVELAND, OHIO (S) J Mile, New York, N,Y., 9a,m. (T) 1.500 meters and J Km, Arlington, Va., 10 a,m. (L) Women's 10 Kmand Men's 20 Km Invitational, Walnut, Cal. (c) (Also Open 10 Km) Sat. May 5--Eastern Regional Women's 10 Kmand Men's 20 Km, cambridge, ffass,, 9 a.m. (F) J Km, Columbus, Ohio (J) Southeast Masters 5 Km, Raleigh, NC, 12 noon (Z) SUn, May 6--10 Mile, Columbus, Ohio, 4 p.m. (J) 5 Km, Jesse Owens Classic, ColUlllbus(V) 10 Mile, Seaside Hts.; N.J. (A) 5 Km, Banks, Ore.; 10 a.m. (N) Southeast Masters 20 Km, Raleigh, N.c., 7:30 a.m. (Z) 5 Km, Grosse Pointe, Mich., 12 noon (T) 5 Km, Lewiston, Maine (AA) Sat, May 12---5 K.11, Union Point, Ga. (E) 5 Km, Detroit (T) NATIONALAC WOMEN'S 5 KM(ROAD), .:DENVER (C) Sun. May lJ--5 Kmand l Mile, New York, N.Y., 9 a.c. (P) NATIDNALAC JO KM, COLOR.AroSPRlNGS OOL. (G) 20 Km~Arlington, Va., 7 :45 a.m. (L) Sat. May 19--5 Km, Westchester, N.Y., 9 a.re. (P) Sun. May 20-- - Maine Championships, Men's 15 Km, Somen's 10 Km, Junior 5 Km, Lewiston, 10 a.m: (AA) 20 Km, Stl Louis, Mo. l p.m. (W) 5 Km, New York, N,Y., 10 a.m. (Y) 5 and 10 Km, Dearborn, Mich., 10 a.m. (T) . 1500 meters and 3 Km, Arlington, Va., 10 a.m. (L) Fri. May 25---10 Km(Track), Columbia, Mo., 6 p.m. (M) Sat. May 26---5 Kin, College lark, Md., 9 a,m. (L) Sun, May 27-NATIONAL AC 15 KM, NEWYORK, JLY, {1') 8.2 Mile, Seattle (D) Ohio AC20 Km, Springfield (K) AB:>VE, earl Schueler on his way to National 35 Km win in ~el, C&l. 20 Km, Washington, DC, 8 a.m. (L) BEI.OW, Dan O'Connor shows i.l!i~ccable form on his .,;ay to a swift 41,19 for 10 X;n. SR)RTFOTOS~by John Allen. PAGE 5 PAGE4 MARCH1984 MARCH1984 Wed. May 30- - 5 Km, Boston (F) OTHERRESULTS Sat. June 2--- 5 Km (Track) Piscataway , N.J. (X) Full results National Indoor Championshi New York Feb. 2 : Men's 2 Mile- Sun. June 3-10 Km (Track}, Pisca ta way, N.J. (X) 1. Jim Heiring , Bud Li.ght TC 12:11.21 American and Meet record, world best 5 and 10 Km, Dearborn, Mich . , 9 a.111. (T) 2. Paul Wick, un . 12:52,00 3. Todd Scully , Shore AC 13:04.25 4. Troy June· Daze 3x5 Km Relay, Neii Y<>rik, N.Y. (P) Engle , Tram Kangaroo 13:21.46 5. Patrick Moroney, Union C0 llege 13:27 . .33 Zinn Memorial 10 Km, Kenosha, Wis. (H) 6. Ray Funkhouser, Shore AC 13134.95 7, James Mann, Union College 14109.09 ~.500Meters and 3 Km, Arlington , Va., lo a .m. (L) DQ- -Marco Evoniuk, Bud Light; Tom Edwards, Island TC; and Steve ~cinovsky , Tue. _June 5---5 and 10 Km, West Boylston, Mass. (U) Team Kangaroo. DNF-Ray Sharp, East Side TC CXlNTACI'Sr Women's 1 Mile-- 1. leresa Vaill, Island TC 7:12 .85 2 . Maryanne Torrella&, A-Elliott Denman, 28 J(. Locust, W~st Long Branch, NJ 07164 Abraxas TC 7 :26.37 3. Susan Llera -Westerfield , Island TC 7 :29,32 4 . Carol C-J ohn Kelly, 1024 Third St., Santa Monica , CA 9040.3 Brown, Ade},J>hiCol. 7:36.07 5, Chris Anderson, Liberty AC 7:J6,08 6 . Norma D--Dan Pierce, 1137 NW57th , Seattle , WA98 107 Arnesen , Shoze AC 7:42.35 DQ-- Pa.tri cia Reilly, Adelphi and Donna Goldstein, E- WayneNicoll, .35.35Glene~les Dr., Augusta, GA ,309()2 Youthside ' F--Steve Vaitones, 15 Chestnut St . , Waltham, MA 02154 1500 Meters. Lewiston . Maine, Feb. 26-- 1. I;!.rcy hlletier 7:07.2 2. Frank G--Joseph Barrowitz, 55 Madison St. , Suite 700, Denver, 00 80206 Knight 8:14 3 . James Albert 9 :19.2 3. Robert Violette 10 :20 5. Stephen H- Mary l!yers. 6946 Ardara Ave., Milwaukee , WI 5.3209 Elliott 6. Kelley Darragh (woman) 11:55 ,5- - last three were in first race J-- John White, 4865 Arthur Place, Columbus, OH 43220 walk.
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