H ightstown Gazette. VOLUME LXXXIX HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1937 N U M B E R 7 WEATHER SUMMARY. Young People’s Homesteads'Waste’ Liquor Dealers’ FORD’S FISHING FEATS New Post Office Cooperative observer James R. Pick­ During the past three years Mr. and Assembly Opens ering reports the June weather sum­ Is Denounced By Request for One Mrs. George W. Ford, who are enthu­ mary as follows: siastic followers of Isaac Walton, have Building Will Be chalked up fishing records at Barnegat At Peddie School Temperature—Maximum, 90, on the Senator Byrd Hour More Denied first and sixth; minimum, 49, on the Bay. Dedicated July 1 7 Delegatnn From Baptitt Churche* in All 12th. Greatest daily range, 32. In 1935 they caught only large silver Speiuiing 1$ AiAaiJed A» Proposal to Extend Time of Sale* From eels, weighing to 7 pounds. In 1936 Parade WUl Start At 2:30 O^aock™ Part* of the State Are Attendmg “Sinful, Abfturd, Scjunda.!’' — Jersey Midnight to One O’Clock in the Session* — Will Continue Until July Precipitation — Total, 6.02 inches. they caught a channel bass weighing ExercUes At 3:30—Notable Speakers Greatest in 24 hours, 1,12 inches, on the Project Hit—Cites Cost of Units. Morning Voted Down. 48j4 pounds with a seven-ounce rod. Will Participate in the Ceremonies. 16. 22nd Normal for June, 3.76 inches, Senator Byrd at Washington, D. C., The proposal to grant the local liquor While channel bass have been caught The 23rd annual Young People's As­ total for same month last year, 475 in other waters the one hauled in by The new Federal post office building inches. on Sunday alleged that conditions ap­ dealers an additional hour for the sale will be officially dedicated Saturday af­ sembly opened Monday at the Peddie proaching "a national scandal” were be­ of alcoholic beverages was defeated the '<'ords was the first one caught in School, with delegations from all parts Number of days with .01 inch or more Barnegat Bay in several years. ternoon, July 17. This week announce­ ing created by the “sinful and absurd Tuesday night by Common Council. ment of the plans was made by George of the state. Sessions will continue un­ precipitation, 16; clear, 10; partly waste” in the Resettlement Administra­ On June 28 of this year their catch til July 16, The Rev. Earl F, Spen­ cloudy, 13; cloudy, 7; with light fog 6; An ordinance to amend the “liquor consisted of 27 channel runner weak- N. Hall, general chairman. The Lions tion’s homestead projects. ordinance" -was presented for informal Club is sponsoring the affair. cer, pastor of the Central Baptist with thunderstorms, 8. He quoted figures to show that the fish weighing 100 pounds. On July first Highest barometer, 30.23, on the 17th consideration. Four sections were de­ they caught 12 of the channel runner The arrangements call for the parade Church of Elizabeth, and chairman of Greenbelt, or “Tugwelltown,” project to start on Broad Street at 2 :30 o’clock the Baptist Convention Committee on lowest barometer, 29.51, on the 22nd bated. Council voted to change section- weakfish, weighing 50 pounds. These in Maryland, where a community of 880 20 and 21. in the afternoon. The route will be to Christian Education, is director. For homes is being brought to completion, were the first large catches of the sea­ Section nine of the present ordinance son for channel runners at night. Franklin .Street, to Main Street, to several years the affair was directed was costing the government more than Mercer Street, to South Street,' to by the Rev. Otto F. Laegeler. Mr Elsie Paxson Hurt $14,000,000; that the Jersey homesteads prohibits sales, service and deliveries on Sundays. It was proposed to allow South Main Street, and thence to the Laegeler has been seriously ill for sev­ at Hightstown. a project including Softball League post office site. eral weeks and is unable to actively par­ When Autos Crash garment factory and OT-odd homes, sales, service and deliveries up to 1 A. M. Sundays. This was defeated. The ceremonies at the building will ticipate in the Assembly work at this was costing more than $4,000,000, and Season Will Open begin at 3 ;30 o’clock. Postmaster Clar­ time. Rev. A. N. Nettleman is serving On Windsor Road that the Newport News development for Section ten of present ordinance pro­ ence S. Grover will introduce the pre­ as student pastor. Negro families had cost nearly $1,5(X),- hibits sales, service and deliveries be­ siding officer, Dr. William L. Wilbur, The theme of the convention is Accident Occurred Tuesday Morning 000, tween midnight and 7 A. M. It was Friday Evening Among those who are expected to at­ “Building Spiritual Foundations.” The Near Auunpmk Creek — Three Vic­ “More than 200 -projects are being proposed to allow another hour for tend and deliver short addresses are courses include a study of the Bible and tims Receiving Treatment in Hospi­ directed by the Resettlement Adminis­ sales, service and deliveries. That is, Joseph Dlblin Chosen As Summer Rec­ reation Director — VisitM-s’ Dey At U. S. Senator A. Harry Moore, Con­ its origin; to create world friendship; tal. tration in all the states,” Senator Byrd the amendment would allow the liquor gressman D. Lane Powers and a repre­ personal problems of the youth, of to­ said, “Much money can be saved yet establishments to remain open until one Camp Wilson — Vacation Church School. sentative of the post office department. day and problems of the church and Three persons were inji#red Tuesday by suspending the program where con­ o’clock in the morning. This was de­ The Treasury Department, under whose church school. morning when a car operated by Al­ struction has not actually been started. feated. Softball league will open the season direction the building has been con­ The Bible courses include, "The Old bert Leon, of 21 Union Street, Med­ "This scheme as administered is with­ Following the informal action an or­ tomorrow night on the school grounds, structed, will also be represented. The Testament, Its Contents and Values,” ford, skidded on Route 25 near Assun- out a particle of common sense and it dinance to amend a-n ordinance entitled beginning at six-thirty. Games will be total appropriation for the site, building with the Rev. D. K. Davis in charge; pink Creek, Windsor, and collided with takes first prize in wanton waste, even "An ordinance to fix license fee, to reg­ played on Friday and Tuesday evenings and equipment was $85,000. ‘"rhe New Testament, Its Contents and an auto driven by Mrs, Della Paxson, in this era when lavishness of public ulate the sale and distribution of alco­ during July and August. Music Values,” the Rev. C. R. Pederson, of of Windsor. The three victims were spending has dulled our consciousness holic beverages and provide penalties Joseph Dlblin, Bucknell sophomore There will be plenty of music. The Scotch Plains; “How the Bible Came taken to St. Francis hospital, Tren­ to ordinary extravagance.” in violation thereof, in the Borough of and former local high school athlete, 119th Medical Regiment Band, under to Be,” the Rev. H, C. Harris, and ton, The accident occurred at 7 A. M. Quoting from figures furnished by the Hightstown,” was introduced and passed has been selected as the summer rec­ the direction of Warrant Officer Leon­ 'Tesus and His Teaching,” the Rev, A. Hightstown state police investigated General Accounting Office, Mr. Byrd on first reading. Final consideration reation director in charge of softball ard A, Plant; the Jamesburg State C, Freeman, of Plainfield, Three mis­ and reported Miss Elsie Paxson, 16, said that the Greenbelt project was like and public hearing was set for A u^st league games. Under his supervision Home for Boys’ band, and the Ameri­ sion courses will be available as fol­ who was riding with her mother, suf­ ly to cost $16,182 a unit, and perhaps 2 at 8 P, M. This ordinance -provide.s schedules and league rules will be can Legion fife and drum corps of lows: "World Friendship,” the Rev. B. fered possible fractured skull, fractured more. for changes in sections 20 and 21 of mailed to all managers, the grass will Princeton, composed of 41 boys, will J. Rockwood; “Rebuilding Rural Amer­ left thigh and lacerations of the fore­ “This is not a farming project,” he the present ordinance. be cut, and five diamonds laid out for participate in the parade. ica,” the Rev. J. H. King, and "The head. Mrs. Paxson suffered a fractured said. “It is for city workers, yet the Dog Ordinance softball. Among the local organizations which Young Moslem Looks At Life,” the rip-ht knee cap, possible fractured left government purchased 12,345 acres of Games will regularly be played on have signified their intention of taking Rev. B. J. Rockwood, land at a cost of $90.72 an acre, an The dog ordinance was passed on sec­ 'Tuesdays and Fridays for delayed and knee and lacerations of legs. Leon re­ ond and third readings. No objections part in the parade are the Fire Depart­ There are courses adapted to young ceived multiple lacerations of the head average of more than fourteen acres tied play-off. ment, Hightstown Post, American Le­ people's work as follows: "The Chris­ and face. No arrests. The engine of per home. At Tugwelltown, $456,603.50 were offered. It has been submitted to Visitors' Day Mayor Silver. Harry Taylor, of 123 gion ; the Grange, Sons and Daughters tian Message for Our Present,” the Leon’s car was hurled through the air was spent for landscaninn^ $120,819.81 Saturday, July 10, is Mercer County of Liberty, Sunday School children, Boy Rev.
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