Historic Properties Treatment Plan for Monitoring and Phased Data Recovery at AZ U:9:165(ASM) for the 8th Street Multi-use Path and Streetscape Improvements (Rural Road to McClintock Drive), Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona Prepared for: City of Tempe Prepared by: Sara C. Ferland Submitted by: Mark Hackbarth, M.A., RPA 51 West Third Street, Suite 450 Tempe, AZ 85281 April 2018 (Submittal 2) Logan Simpson Technical Report No. 175186b ABSTRACT AND MANAGEMENT SUMMARY Report Title Historic Properties Treatment Plan for Monitoring and Phased Data Recovery at AZ U:9:165(ASM) for the 8th Street Multi-use Path and Streetscape Improvements (Rural Road to McClintock Drive), Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona Report Date April 4, 2018 (Submittal 2) Agencies Involved Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), Arizona State Museum (ASM), City of Tempe (COT) Land Ownership COT Funding Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program though the FHWA ASM Permits Arizona Antiquities Act project-specific permit (to be obtained) Burial Agreement, in accordance with A.R.S. §41-844 (to be obtained) Repository A Curation Agreement will be obtained from the Tempe History Museum Logan Simpson 175186 Project No. Project Description The COT, in conjunction with the ADOT and FHWA, is planning to construct a multi-use path (MUP) and streetscape improvement project along 8th Street between Rural Road and McClintock Drive in Tempe. The area of potential effects (APE) consists of approximately one mile of the existing 73.0 ft to 90.5 ft. This includes the COT-owned property on the north side of 8th Street from Rural Road to Dorsey Lane (a former railroad ROW measuring 33 feet wide by 2,640 feet long), and a Salt River Project easement at the southeast corner of 8th Street and Rural Road. Two archaeological sites (AZ U:9:165[ASM] and AZ U:9:298[ASM]) and two in- use historic structures (US Route 80/Bankhead Highway/Old 8th Street and Tempe-Hayden Canal System) were identified within the APE (AMEC 2018). Additionally, three previously mapped alignments of prehistoric Canal System 1 are projected to cross the APE. AZ U:9:165(ASM)/La Plaza is a large multicomponent site that includes a Hohokam settlement and a historic Hispanic occupation. The site has been determined eligible for listing in the NRHP under Criterion D (information potential) (Garraty 2017). AZ U:9:298(ASM), the Creamery Branch of the Maricopa and Phoenix and Salt River Valley Railroad, was previously recommended eligible for inclusion in the NRHP under Criterion A (event) (Jones 2011). The Creamery Branch was part of the local transportation route that contributed to the growth and development of Tempe. The in-use historic structures includes US Route 80/Bankhead Highway/Old 8th Street, a part of the Historic State Highways System (HSHS) and according to the Interim Procedures for the Treatment of Historic Roads (a 2002 agreement among FHWA, ADOT, and the SHPO) the road is eligible for inclusion in the NRHP under Criterion D (information potential). The Tempe-Hayden Canal System, was previously determined eligible for listing in the NRHP under Criterion A (event) (Cox and Rogge 2012). A segment of this canal system, 8th Street MUP Project April 2018 Historic Properties Treatment Plan Technical Report No. 175186b ii known as the Kirkland-McKinney ditch (a lateral of the Hayden Branch of the Tempe Canal) crosses the APE. This segment was recommended eligible as a contributing element of the Tempe-Hayden Canal System; and the Kirkland- McKinney Ditch is listed on the Tempe Historic Property Register. Three unnamed prehistoric irrigation canals are projected to cross the APE. The exact location of the prehistoric canals and their level of preservation are unknown at the present time. Therefore, a recommendation of eligibility and an assessment of impacts for the three prehistoric canals cannot be made at the present time. This HPTP presents a research design, phased data recovery plan of work, and monitoring plan for all sites and structures within the APE. This project is funded by the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program through the FHWA; therefore, it is a Federal undertaking subject to compliance with 36 CFR § 800, the regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The project must also comply with the Arizona Antiquities Act, A.R.S. §41-841 et seq., as well as Arizona’s burial law for state and municipal land (A.R.S. §41-844). Finally, the project must comply with the Historic Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 14A) for the COT, a Certified Local Government. Project Location The project area is located along 8th Street between Rural Road and McClintock Drive in Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona. The project area is situated within the N½ of Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 4 East, Gila and Salt River Base Line and Meridian (USGS 7.5' Quadrangle, Tempe, Ariz., 1952/1982). Methods Prior to construction of the proposed MUP, Phase I testing, including mechanical trench and detailed surface mapping described in this treatment plan will be completed. Methods for Phase II data recovery also are proposed in the event that further investigation is determined to be necessary. Archaeological monitoring is proposed for streetscape improvements between Dorsey Lane and McClintock Drive in areas too narrow for Phase I trenching. Register-eligible Archaeological sites: Sites/structures 1. AZ U:9:165(ASM)/La Plaza has been determined eligible under Criterion D, with SHPO concurrence (Garraty 2017). 2. AZ U:9:298(ASM)/Creamery Branch Railroad previously was recommended eligible for inclusion in the NRHP under Criterion A (event) (Jones 2011). In-use Historic Structures: 1. US Route 80/Bankhead Highway/Old 8th Street has been determined eligible under the HSHS (2002 agreement) for inclusion in the NRHP under Criterion D (information potential). 2. Tempe-Hayden Canal System has been determined eligible for listing in the NRHP under Criterion A (event) (Cox and Rogge 2012); however, the portion within the APE is buried and non-contributing. Summary This HPTP presents a research design and investigative methods for monitoring and phased data recovery in advance of the planned 8th Street MUP project. The APE is situated completely within the multicomponent site AZ U:9:165(ASM), a large Hohokam village settlement that covers roughly 380 acres and encompasses the historic COT Sotelo Addition. Based on findings from previous archaeological 8th Street MUP Project April 2018 Historic Properties Treatment Plan Technical Report No. 175186b iii investigations in the vicinity, sensitive cultural materials pertaining to the historic and prehistoric occupation of AZ U:9:165(ASM), and the three potential prehistoric canals alignments are potentially present beneath the surface in the APE. Further, artifacts related to construction and maintenance of the Creamery Branch Railroad, US Route 80/Bankhead Highway/Old 8th Street, and the Tempe-Hayden Canal System may be anticipated subsurface within the APE. The HPTP outlined in this document is summarized as follows: 1. The phased data recovery plan provides an overview of investigative methods to be used for the Phase I data recovery investigation (testing), including archaeological fieldwork, investigation of written historic records related to the historic period occupation of the area (as pertinent based on findings), and analyses of recovered materials. It also includes provisions for potential Phase II data recovery in the event that further investigation is determined to be necessary. Phase II would include mechanical stripping and hand excavation of cultural features. The monitoring and discovery plan in this HPTP describes the proposed monitoring procedures to identify, evaluate, and document cultural resources discoveries during ground-disturbing activities associated with the 8th Street MUP in areas too narrow for trenching. 2. The research design describes the prehistoric themes and questions with which to evaluate any cultural resource discoveries recorded during archaeological monitoring and phased data recovery. Separate sets of research themes and questions are proposed for investigations of the prehistoric Hohokam and historic Sotelo Addition occupations of site AZ U:9:165(ASM), the Creamery Branch Railroad, and the three potential prehistoric canal alignments. The two in-use historic structures within the APE (US Route 80/Bankhead Highway/Old 8th Street and Tempe- Hayden Canal System) will be avoided by ground disturbances, but related artifacts may be encountered nearby. 3. The proposed work plan specifies the Phase I data recovery testing strategy and methods to be employed, and, if necessary, the methods to be used for Phase II data recovery; the archaeological monitoring methods; and the analytical methods that will be used to evaluate features identified, and artifacts and samples recovered. The work plan also provides a schedule for the completion of the fieldwork and the preparation of the Phase I preliminary report and, if necessary the Phase II technical data recovery report, or the Phase I draft technical report. 8th Street MUP Project April 2018 Historic Properties Treatment Plan Technical Report No. 175186b iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract and Management Summary ................................................................................................................................ ii Section I.
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