X Issued^ TUe s m v Tuesday THURSnVY Issue Saturday The Courier-Gazette Entered as Second Class Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Number 1 30. Established January, 1846 By The Courler-Oaxette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, October 31, 1939 V o lu m e 94 The Courier-Gazette Saw Real Lobsters [EDITORIAL] “THE BLACK CAT” THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK SOME SILLY HOBBIES ON THE WEST MEADOW ROAD Editor Representatives From Co­ WM O FULLER We are fully agreed with Gov. Aiken of Vermont that there Associate Editor lombia Who Deal In are too many "days" and too many “weeks.” The hobby ls W. P. A. and City Have Co-operated In Build­ FRANK A WINSLOW “Spinies” Visit Boothbay being carried to extreme, and the average reader is sick and tired of it. Writing ln this vein we do not for a moment seek Subscriptions 63 0C per year payable In advance; single copies three cents. I The South American republic of to disparage "Fire Prevention Week,” "National Education ing a Fine Thoroughfare Advertising rates based ,upou circula­ tion a'.d very reasonable Columbia, interested in spiny lob­ Week,” “Clean-up Week." and perhaps half a dozen others NEWSPAPER HISTORY ster propagation, sent officials to which punctuate the year’s calendar, but it is the nonsensical In Rockland's suburbs since last The highway link between the The Rockland Gazette was estab­ and meaningless variety which causes our gorge to arrive, and lished ln 1846 In 1874 the Courier was Boothbay Harbor Sunday to con­ spring men have been working lus­ Almshouse and that portion to the established and consolidated with the which takes time and space which could much better be de­ southwestward already completed Gazette In 1882 The Free Press was fer on the Maine hatching and tily with pick and shovel, aided now established ln 1855 and In 1891 changed voted to other purposes. Gov. Aiken issued a proclamation lias a gravel rebase at present, but Its name to the Tribune These papers rearing system with Sea and Shore on the subject, and it ls worth reading. He said; and then with discharges of dyna­ consolidated March 17, 1897 will eventually be tarred, like the Fisheries Commissioner Arthur R “Whereas requests have come to my office for designation mite, ln the reconstruction of one of stretch of road first completed. of special days or weeks ln such number that If only a small the city’s oldest highways— the West ••• * [ Greenleaf and Supt. Thomas Dorr percentage were granted, the sublime would be completely The stretch on which work is now Climb up toward your Ideals * of the Federal hatchery. The visit buried by the ridiculous; Meadow road. During the course of in progress is about 4800 feet long cr they will descend to meet ••• I "And whereas It appears necessary that some method be operations the thoroughfare has ... | Included a careful inspection of and has a gravel and rock base av­ ••• you —Dr. John W. Holland devised to control the overproduction of proclamations; been widened and straightened, and eraging from 18 to 20 inches in thick­ I the State and Federal plants. J "And whereas, I do not believe Issuance of these procla­ wherever it was required the grade ness. Ample ditches have been ex­ Augusto Tono de la E., commer- mations either Interests or Influences the general public; “Now. therefore, I, George D. Aiken, Governor, do pro­ has been raised. cavated. Tlie width of this road will jcial attache to the Columbia Em­ claim now and for the duration of my term of office that the Money allotted by the Works be 20 feet, and tlie width of the New Optometrist bassy at Washington said that the executive office of the State of Vermont Is not going to be used Project Administration has made stretch already completed 3750 feet J specie of lobsters taken by fisher­ by propaganda artists, pressure groups, lobbyists, promotion this improvement possible, and the from Kiln Hill to the Thomaston Dr. Eugene A. Davis Opens managers, and aspirants, and that I shall issue no proclama­ men of his country were on the de­ tions except for those few occasions that are generally re­ W?.A and city administration have line is 22 feet. (By The Roving Reporter) Office In Camden, cline and that the government was spected and observed by the people of Vermont as a whole.” worked in complete harmony all Extensive ledges have been en­ greatly Impressed with the work be­ through the summer. The WP.A. countered and much dynamite has o-----------o---------- o Tlie Boston boy who refused $50, Editor Robbins of the Deer Isle A new, but well qualified entrant work was directed by William E. been an.1 is being used. ing done in Maine. He was accom­ for restoring a lost diamond valued Messenger stood on the wharf at to the professional field in Cam­ Bramhall of Friendship as super-1 Provision has also been made for panied by Thomas Borrero A., a HOW MANY WILL STAY? at $3000 will some day fill a respon- ] Cranberry Isle the other day when den, is Dr. Eugene A. Davis, op­ business man and fisheries expert. visor and Edwin Logan of Boothbay .' carrj-lng the great volume of water What candidates already announced will stay ln the Re­ sible position. “It's too much," he a gust of wind lifted his hat from tometrist, who will open an office The men will present their im­ Harbor as chief clerk and compensa­ which sweeps down over Kiln Hill publican gubernatorial race? What candidates will consider said, “I’d be overpaid for my his head, and carried it far out over the first week in November over pressions of the local operations to tion. Tlie city was represented during a storm of freshet propor­ that it is for their own good and that of the G OP. to elimi­ honesty." the wate/. Or apparently it did, the D. E Crockett 5c to SI store. their government and predict that by its commissioner of Public Works tions. The ditches on both sides of nate themselves until their opportunity looks more aus­ but closer examination showed Dr. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs a plant will be established in the Jonathan 6 Gardner and the mayor the Kiln (Hill road have been laid picious? In Sam Conner's weekly letter in the Lewiston Eve­ Quite often nowadays one comes Ihat tlie lid had carried it against Arthur E Davis of Cedar street, near future. Edward R. Veazie. with paving blocks which were re­ ning Journal he makes use ol the gossip that Sumner Sewall How well the local and federal upon a social letter or other writ- " lc s^ e u telephone, pole, where Camden, received his doctorate de­ The several hundred thousand moved from Tillson avenue, and. in­ may withdraw, although the Bath man’s recent activities do forces have co-operated may be lng which is entirely bum'll of ’ l^e force of tlie gale Held it. The gree in optometry June 1938 from pounds of spiny lobsters taken an­ cidentally the residents of IJmerock i not seem to bear out that idea. Conner quotes the following judged from the remark made yes­ breaks of any kind. The reader is ! editor tells tlie story in his very the Pennsylvania State College of nually by Colombian fishermen are street will be happy to learn th a t' paragraph from the Fort Fairfield Review; terday by Mr Logan. left dizzily bewildered and weary readable column, "From My Win­ Optometry ln Philadelphia where sold almost entirely ln the metro- the latter thoroughfare ls to have Mr Sewall happens to be one of the five Republicans who "The administration has been trying to switch from thought to dow." he was active in all college affairs, polltain cities of that country and similar treatment. W.PA. built 480 have announced themselves as candidates for the guberna­ swell," he said. thought when no Indication ls and also served for a year as clini­ are considered a great delicacy. Al­ torial nomination in the 1940 primary. It ls rumored that the feet of sewer there last year. From reliable sources I am pro­ A reporter of The Courier-Gazette With the taking on of other proj- ' made in change of subject mat­ cal assistant in the college clinic, though in most respects different, results he got from a poll of opinion taken through the State vided with an additional list of the one of the largest of its kind in the as to his chances next June rather discouraged him, and that rode over the completed an<J par­ ects the W P.A is today employing ter. It seems that ln the modern they resemble the northern lobsters lexicon there is no such word as l urvlvor’ . of Wi«ht his name will not be on the ballot. Mr. Sewall has admitted to tially completed road yesterday, be­ 152 men. Tlie monthly payroll for country, having an average of more in some ways Society. Names follow: Mrs. Nettle friends that there are too many G OP. aspirants for the nomi­ ginning on the end near the City some time past has been $7590; later "paragraph,” but no one has than 16,000 patients yearly. nation (from the viewpoint of the good of the partyi. so Averill. MLss Lillian Baker, Mr and Almshouse. He found 112 men at thought to suggest a successor t o , He has since been engaged ln or­ should he drop out ot the race it will not be much of a sur­ it will be increased to $10900.
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