CA 506/88 Shefer v. State of Israel 1 CA 506/88 Yael Shefer (a minor) by her mother and natural guardian, Talila Shefer v. State of Israel The Supreme Court sitting as the Court of Civil Appeal [24 November 1993] Before Vice-President M. Elon and Justices Y. Malz, H. Ariel Appeal on the judgment of the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa District Court (Justice E. Mazza) on 8 August 1988 in OM 779/88. Facts: The appellant, Yael, a minor, was born with the incurable Tay-Sachs disease. When she was two, her mother applied to the District Court for a declaratory judgment that when Yael’s condition worsened, she would be entitled not to receive treatment against her will. The District Court denied the application. An appeal was filed to the Supreme Court, and in September 1988, the Supreme Court denied the appeal, without giving its reasons. When Yael was three years old, she died. The following judgment sets forth the reasons for the aforesaid decision of the Supreme Court, and discusses the right of a patient to refuse medical treatment, and the right of a parent to refuse medical treatment for a child. Held: Under the principles of law accepted in the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, the supreme principle of the sanctity of life and the fact that Yael was not suffering as a result of her terminal illness did not allow any intervention to shorten Yael’s life. Appeal denied. Legislation cited: Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, 5752-1992, ss. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8. Criminal Law Ordinance Amendment Law (no. 28), 5726-1966, ss. 8, 64, 68. Foundations of Justice Law, 5740-1980. Legal Capacity and Guardianship Law, 5722-1962, ss. 1, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 44, 47, 68, 68(b), 72. 2 Israel Law Reports [1992-4] IsrLR 170 Penal Law, 5737-1977, ss. 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 309(4), 322, 378. Prison Regulations, 5738-1978, r 10(b). Torts Ordinance [New Version], s. 23. Women’s Equal Rights Law, 5711-1951, s. 3(a). Youth (Care and Supervision) Law, 5720-1960, ss. 2(2), 2(6). Israeli Supreme Court cases cited: [1] CA 294/91 Jerusalem Community Burial Society v. Kestenbaum [1992] IsrSC 46(2) 464. [2] CA 1482/92 Hager v. Hager [1993] IsrSC 47(2) 793. [3] CrimApp 2145/92 State of Israel v. Guetta [1992] IsrSC 46(5) 704. [4] HCJ 5688/92 Wechselbaum v. Minister of Defence [1993] IsrSC 47(2) 812. [5] CrimApp 2169/92 Suissa v. State of Israel [1992] IsrSC 46(3) 338. [6] CrimA 3632/92 Gabbai v. State of Israel [1992] IsrSC 46(4) 487. [7] CrimApp 3734/92 State of Israel v. Azazmi [1992] IsrSC 46(5) 72. [8] CrimApp 4014/92 (unreported). [9] HCJ 3412/91 Sufian v. IDF Commander in Gaza Strip [1993] IsrSC 47(2) 848. [10] HCJ 5304/92 PeRaH 1992 Society v. Minister of Justice [1993] IsrSC 47(4) 715. [11] HCJ 953/87 Poraz v. Mayor of Tel-Aviv-Jaffa [1988] IsrSC 42(2) 309. [12] EA 2/84 Neiman v. Chairman of Central Elections Committee for Eleventh Knesset [1985] IsrSC 39(2) 225; IsrSJ 8 83. [13] HCJ 852/86 Aloni v. Minister of Justice [1987] IsrSC 41(2) 1. [14] HCJ 702/81 Mintzer v. Israel Bar Association Central Committee [1982] IsrSC 36(2) 1. [15] PPA 4/82 State of Israel v. Tamir [1983] IsrSC 37(3) 201. [16] LA 698/86 Attorney-General v. A [1988] IsrSC 42(2) 661. [17] CrimA 556/80 Mahmoud Ali v. State of Israel [1983] IsrSC 37(3) 169. [18] CA 548/78 Sharon v. Levy [1981] IsrSC 35(1) 736. [19] CA 461/62 Zim Israeli Shipping Co. Ltd v. Maziar [1963] IsrSC 17 1319; IsrSJ 5 120. [20] CA 518/82 Zaitsov v. Katz [1986] IsrSC 40(2) 85. [21] CrimA 480/85 Kurtam v. State of Israel [1986] IsrSC 40(3) 673. [22] CA 322/63 Garty v. State of Israel [1964] IsrSC 18(2) 449. [23] HCJ 1635/90 Jerzhevski v. Prime Minister [1993] IsrSC 45(1) 749. [24] CrimA 347/88 Demjanjuk v. State of Israel [1993] IsrSC 47(4) 221. CA 506/88 Shefer v. State of Israel 3 [25] CrimA 478/72 Pinkas v. State of Israel [1973] IsrSC 27(2) 617. [26] CrimA 219/68 Sandrowitz v. Attorney-General [1968] IsrSC 22(2) 286. [27] CA 67/66 Bar-Chai v. Steiner [1966] IsrSC 20(3) 230. [28] FH 25/66 Bar-Chai v. Steiner [1996] IsrSC 20(4) 327. [29] CA 3108/91 Raiby v. Veigel [1993] IsrSC 47(2) 497. [30] HCJ 945/87 Neheisi v. Israel Medical Federation [1988] IsrSC 42(1) 135. [31] HCJ 2098/91 A v. Welfare Officer [1991] IsrSC 45(3) 217. [32] CrimA 341/82 Balkar v. State of Israel [1987] IsrSC 41(1) 1. [33] CA 413/90 A v. B [1981] IsrSC 35(3) 57. District Court cases cited: [34] OM (TA) 759/92 Tzadok v. Beth HaEla Ltd [1992] IsrDC (2) 485. [35] CrimC (TA) 555/75 State of Israel v. Hellman [1976] IsrDC (2) 134. [36] OM (TA) 1441/90 Eyal v. Dr Wilensky [1991] IsrDC (3) 187. [37] OM (TA) 498/93 (unreported). [38] CrimC (TA) 455/64 (unreported). American Cases cited: [39] Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 (1973). [40] Matter of Quinlan 355 A. 2d. 647 (1976). [41] Superintendent of Belchertown State School v. Saikewicz 370 N.E. 2d 417 (1977). [42] Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hospital 105 N.E. 92 (1914). [43] Matter of Storar 420 N.E. 2d 64 (1981). [44] Matter of Conroy 486 A. 2d 1209 (1985). [45] In re Estate of Longeway 549 N.E. 2d 292 (1989). [46] Cruzan v. Director Missouri Department of Health 110 S. Ct. 2841 (1990). [47] Jacobson v. Massachusetts 197 U.S. 11 (1905). [48] Foody v. Manchester Memorial Hosp. 482 A. 2d 713 (1984). [49] Matter of Spring 405 N.E. 2d 115 (1980). [50] Lane v. Candura 386 N.E. 2d. 1232 (1978). [51] Application of President & Director of Georgetown Col. 331 F. 2d 1000 (1964). [52] John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital v. Heston 279 A. 2d. 670 (1971). [53] Jefferson v. Griffin Spalding Cty. Hospital Auth. 274 S.E. 2d. 457 (1981). [54] John F. Kennedy Hospital v. Bludworth 452 So. 2d. 921 (1984). [55] Barber v. Superior Court of the State of California 195 Cal. 484 (1983). 4 Israel Law Reports [1992-4] IsrLR 170 [56] Matter of Westchester County Med. Ctr. 531 N.E. 2d. 601 (1988). [57] Buck v. Bell 274 U.S. 200 (1927). Jewish Law sources cited: [58] Mishnah, Avot (Ethics of the Fathers), 1 1; 4 2. [59] Exodus 15, 26; 21, 19. [60] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Bava Kamma (Damages, first part), 46b, 51a, 81b, 85a, 91b. [61] Rabbi I. Jakobovits, Jewish Medical Ethics, Jerusalem, 1966, at pp. 26 et seq.. [62] Rashi, Commentary on Babylonian Talmud, Bava Kamma 85a, ‘She gave permission’. [63] Nahmanides (Ramban), Torat HaAdam, in Writings of Nahmanides, vol. 2, Chavel ed., Jerusalem, 1964, pp. 22, 41, 42, 43. [64] Nahmanides (Ramban), commentary on Leviticus 26, 11. [65] Midrash Shoher Tov, I Samuel 4 1. [66] Toseftah, Gittin, 4 6. [67] Toseftah, Bava Kamma, 6 17; 9 11. [68] Rabbi Shimon ben Tzemah Duran (Rashbatz), Tashbatz (Responsa), I 54; III 82. [69] R.S. Lieberman, Toseftah Kifeshutah, Tractate Gittin. [70] R.S. Lieberman, Toseftah Kifeshutah, Tractate Bava Kamma. [71] Leviticus 18, 5; 19, 16-18. [72] Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 6b, 43a, 45a, 73a, 74a. [73] Deuteronomy 4, 15; 17, 11; 22, 1-3; 32, 39. [74] Maimonides (Rambam), Commentary on the Mishnah, Tractate Nedarim, 4 4. [75] Maimonides (Rambam), Mishneh Torah (Restatement of the Torah), Hilechot Nedarim (Laws of Vows), 6 8. [76] I Samuel 31, 4-5; II Samuel 7, 19. [77] Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Yoma, 8 5. [78] Responsa Da’at Cohen, 140. [79] Rashi, Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, 6b. [80] Rabbi Eliezer ben Natan (RaBaN), on the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Bava Kamma, 55b. [81] Rabbi Menachem ben Shelomo HaMeiri, Bet HaBehirah (Synopsis of the Babylonian Talmud and commentaries thereon), Tractate Ketubot, 51b. CA 506/88 Shefer v. State of Israel 5 [82] Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilechot Mamrim (Laws of Rebellious Persons), 2 4. [83] Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilechot Shabbat (Laws of Sabbath), 2 3; 2 18. [84] Sifrei on Deuteronomy, Shofetim, paragraph 154. [85] Maimonides, Guide to the Perplexed, Rabbi Kapach tr., Jerusalem, 1972, part 3, chapter 34. [86] Rabbi Yaakov ben Asher, Arba’ah Turim, Yoreh Deah, 335, 336, 345. [87] Rabbi Yosef Karo, Shulhan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 262 2; 330 1; 336 1; 339 1; 345 1. [88] Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilechot Deot (Laws of Characteristics), 4. [89] Rabbi Yaakov ben Asher, Arba’ah Turim, Hoshen Mishpat, 425, 426. [90] Rabbi Yosef Karo, Shulhan Aruch, Hoshen Mishpat, 425 1; 426. [91] Genesis 9, 5. [92] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Yoma (Day of Atonement), 82a, 83a, 85a-b. [93] Rabbi David ben Shelomo ibn Abi Zimra (Radbaz), Responsa, Part III, A 52; Part IV, A 138; A 139; Part V, A 582 (218). [94] Rabbi Yosef Karo, Shulhan Aruch, Orach Hayim, 328, 10; 329, 4; 330; 329- 331; 618, 1. [95] Rabbi Avraham Abele ben Hayim HaLevi Gombiner, Magen Avraham, commentary on Shulhan Aruch, Orach Hayim, 328, sub-par. 6. [96] Rabbi Yehuda ben Yisrael Aszod, Teshuvot Maharia (Responsa) on Shulhan Aruch, Orach Hayim, 160. [97] Proverbs 14, 1. [98] Rabbi David ben Samuel HaLevi, Turei Zahav, commentary on Shulhan Aruch, Yoreh Deah, 336 sub-par.
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