H4018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 14, 2003 again, giving North Korea more assist- Tracy wrote: ‘‘Congress should ap- Mr. WELDON of Florida. Mr. Speak- ance to stop making nuclear weapons. prove the Unborn Victims of Violence er, I rise in strong support of legisla- This time we should not be intimi- Act. Opponents of the bill have put tion introduced by the gentlewoman dated into making concessions to a forth a counterproposal known as the from Pennsylvania (Ms. HART): H.R. rogue regime because they want to ex- Lofgren amendment. I have read it,’’ 1997, the Unborn Victims of Violence tract more assistance. Kim Jong Il uses she goes on to say, ‘‘and it is offensive Act. whatever money he can get to terrorize to me, because it says that there is The parents and family of Laci Peter- his people and threaten the security of only one victim in such a crime; the son have asked that the name of this the entire region. China, Japan, Rus- woman who is pregnant. bill be changed to Laci and Connor’s sia, and South Korea all should make ‘‘Please hear me on this: On the Law. I think for most Americans, this an effort to contain this rogue dictator night of February 8, 1992, there were is, shall we say, a no-brainer. People and help put an end to his blackmail two victims. I was nearly killed, but I are committing acts of violence games. survived. Little Zachariah died.’’ against pregnant women, and, unfortu- f Mr. Speaker, in a recent Fox News- nately, in some jurisdictions there is Opinion Dynamics poll, 84 percent said no way to prosecute in a situation TEXAS PATRIOTS that homicide charges are appropriate where there has been the death of the (Mr. FROST asked and was given per- in the deaths of Laci Peterson and her unborn baby. We are talking about ba- mission to address the House for 1 unborn son Connor in the much-pub- bies that are wanted by their mothers. minute and to revise and extend his re- licized Peterson murder case in Cali- Indeed, we had a case of a military marks.) fornia; only 7 percent said that a single servicemember who specifically was Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I rise this homicide charge would be appropriate. trying to kill the baby inside his preg- morning to honor 51 Texas patriots, Mr. Speaker, Congress must pass the nant wife and succeeded in doing that. members of the Texas Legislature cur- Unborn Victims of Violence Act, also He did so on Federal property, and we rently in Ardmore, Oklahoma, who are known as Laci and Connor’s Law. had to prosecute in State court in that standing tall to defend Texas against f situation. the thirst of additional power of the I think this law is very, very badly TEXAS STATE LEGISLATORS— gentleman from Texas (Mr. DELAY), needed. It is the right thing to do. I en- HEROES IN THE TEXAS TRADITION the House majority leader. courage all of my colleagues on both Congressional district lines are nor- (Mr. GREEN of Texas asked and was sides of the aisle to support it. mally drawn only every 10 years, and given permission to address the House f the current 32 Texas congressional dis- for 1 minute and to revise and extend tricts were put in place just 2 years ago his remarks.) PRAISE FOR TEXAS LEGISLATORS and approved by the U.S. Supreme Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Court. earlier this week, 53 Texas Democratic Texas asked and was given permission The gentleman from Texas (Mr. legislators exhibited real courage when to address the House for 1 minute and DELAY) was not happy with those lines. they refused to participate in an un- to revise and extend her remarks.) He now wants to force the Texas Legis- precedented redistricting power grab. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of lature to draw new lines to remove This is a Texas kind of courage like Texas. Mr. Speaker, I stand this morn- Democrats from office. Until now, re- General Sam Houston, who marshaled ing to praise the 51 members of the districting in the middle of a decade his resources to win the Battle of San Texas House of Representatives and, has not been done anywhere in the Jacinto. What Joe Moreno, Rick most especially, those from Dallas country in the last 50 years. Noriega, Jessica Farrar, Kevin Bailey, County. Representative Roberto I want to salute the following heroes and the rest of these heroes did was Alonzo, Representative Yvonne Davis, from the Dallas/Fort Worth area who stand up to this charade. Representative Terri Hodge, Represent- are standing up to the gentleman from In a statement delivered from Okla- ative Jesse Jones, Representative Texas (Mr. DELAY): Roberto Alonzo of homa, these Texas heroes said, ‘‘We did Steve Wolens, and our neighbor, Rep- Dallas, Yvonne Davis of Dallas, Dr. not choose our path, TOM DELAY did. resentative Lon Burnam from Tarrant Jesse Jones of Dallas, Terri Hodge of We are ready to stand on the House County. I cannot forget my original Dallas, Steve Wolens of Dallas, and Floor and work day and night to deal classmate from the class of 1972 in the Lon Burnam of Fort Worth. I want to with the real issues facing Texas fami- Texas House, Representative Senfronia call on Governor Perry to stop using lies. At a time when we are told we do Thompson, and Representative Pete the Department of Public Service to not have time to deal with school fi- Laney. They stand for courage, com- harass the families of these brave legis- nance, and when we must still resolve mitment, integrity, and principle. lators. issues like the State budget crisis and They will not be forgotten, because Leading Texas newspapers across the insurance reform, the fact that an out- we know that they are the ones who State are siding with the 51 patriot leg- rageous partisan power grab sits at the stand by children, their education, and islators, and when the annals of Texas top of the House calendar is uncon- health care. They care about working history are recorded, these courageous scionable.’’ families and all of our senior citizens. legislators will be long remembered. But not all Texans consider them he- Again, we thank them and we praise f roes. Yesterday the Associated Press them for looking out for regular Tex- reported that the gentleman from ans. SUPPORT THE UNBORN VICTIMS Texas (Mr. DELAY) was investigating OF VIOLENCE ACT f whether or not the FBI and U.S. Mar- PRESIDENT BUSH RALLIES FOR (Mr. SMITH of New Jersey asked and shals could be used to track down and INDIANA was given permission to address the arrest these Texas legislators. House for 1 minute and to revise and We should not use Federal resources (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- extend his remarks.) committed to the war on terrorism and mission to address the House for 1 Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. protecting our homeland. Not since minute and to revise and extend his re- Speaker, last year I met a courageous Richard Nixon have we seen such a marks.) woman named Tracy Marciniak who Federal power grab. Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, on Monday had been beaten by her husband when f I had the profound honor of being the she was 9 months pregnant. She sur- first Hoosier to welcome President vived, but her baby Zachariah died SUPPORT FOR THE UNBORN George W. Bush to the great State of from the beating. Her attacker was VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE ACT Indiana on his very first visit there. convicted of the assault on Tracy, and (Mr. WELDON of Florida asked and As the President trod the sawdust of he did minimal time. No charges were was given permission to address the the Indiana State Fair Grounds, he was brought against him for the murder of House for 1 minute and to revise and greeted with ovation after ovation Zachariah. extend his remarks.) from a State full of conservative, VerDate Jan 31 2003 03:50 May 15, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14MY7.003 H14PT1.
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