Vol. 6, No. 3-4, September - Decembei', 1992 141 Neotropical Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) 01 the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. III. Aerenicini (tamiinae) Maria Helena M. Galileo Museu de Giencias Naturais, FundaQio Zoobomnica do Rio Grande do Sui C.P. 1188, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil and Ubirajara R. Manins Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo C.P. 7172, 01064 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil Abstract New species described: Antodice eccentrica, sp. n. and A. suturalis, sp. n., from Ecuador; Apagomeri1Uf, rubricollis, sp. n., from Brazil. New synonyms proposed. XerwnfJ::£ Lane, 1970 (originally included in Hemilophini) =Apagomeri1Uf, Gilmour, 1962; Trichohippopsides Breuning, 1980 (originally described in Agapanthiini) - RecchiaLane, 1966; Triehohippopsides albicans Breuning, 1980 - Recchiaalbica1UJ (Guerin­ Meneville, 1844). The type species of Xenonta, X. eryhronota Lane, 1970, is transferred to Apagomeri1Uf,. Mariliana ocularis (Hope, 1846) is recorded for Argentina (Salta). Introduction to the genus: A. erythronota (Lane, 1970), comb. n., ThetribeAereniciniwillbe studiedinthisthird and A. rubricollis, sp. n. contribution on the Neo!;ropical Cerambycidae of theCanadianMuseumofNature(CMNC);material Apagomerma erythronota (Lane, 1970), housed in the Departamento de Zoologia, comb [J Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil (Figure 1) (DZUP) is also ineluded. Aside fromthe descriptionoftwo newspeciesof the genus Antodice Thomson, 1864 from Ecuador y onne, co from Brazil, the opportunity is taken to establish proposed above new synonyms and to record the oeeurenee of Apagomenna erythronota is more closely re­ 1846)inArgentina(Salta). Marilianaocularis(Hope, latedtoA. jueundaMartins, 1984bythe protftorax densel; covered with com~act ~ubescence. Apagomerina GilmQl Jr, 1962 Apagolunoina e1'Ythl'onota diff,s fro, A. jucunda by the head entirely covered with dense orangish Apagomenna Gilmour, 1962: 142; Lane, 1974: 372; pubescence (excepttwoblackmaculae on each SIde Martins, 1984: 326; Galileo and Martins, 1989: of occiput); base of epipleurae widely Ol'angish; 599 (revision). elytral pubescence ferruginous brown throughout Xenonta Lane, 1970: 409, syn. n. the whole surface, femora black, body stout,robusL. In A. jucunda the head is partially covered by This genus was reVIsed by Galileo and Martins yelloWlsh white pubescence; anterIor half of epl­ (1989) and a key to the four species then know was pleurae yellowish; dorsal elytral pubeseenee "rhit published. This key will be modified in a later ish; femora yellowish and body more linear, slen­ contributiontoincorporate some ethel undescribed del. species; however, two species should be now added 142 Insecta Mundi Apagomerina rubricollis. sp. n. (Figure 2) Description. Male. Frons end genae reddish, cov· eredbywhitishpubescence; frons punctate. Dorsal surface of head black, shining; inter-ocular region punctate. Antennae reaching elytral apices ap­ proximately atthe tip ofsegmentVII; black, except segmentV, white. Interlorsldeofbasalftagelomera with sparse haire. Prothorax reddish, covered by whitish pubescence. Sides of prothorax almost straight, scarcely laterally projected at basal one third. Scutellum reddish. Elytra black; sutural rib yellowish almost to elytral apices, covered by yel­ lowish pubescence; base of epipleurae yellowish. 2 Body ventral surface end legs yellowish. Measurements, in mm, holotype male. Total length, 6.6; prothoraxlength, 1.2; prothoraxwidth, 1.4; .elytrallength, 4.6; humeral width, 2.0. Material.Brasil.Rondonia:Vilhena, holotypemale, 22.X.1986, C. Elias col., Projeto Polonoroeste (DZUP). Discussion. The sides of the prothorax in A. rubricollis are almost straight, lacking the lateral gibbosity presentinthe other speciesofApafJomer­ ina. Also, A. rubricollis is the only species with the sutural rib andthe undersideofthebody yellowish. Mariliana ocularis (Hope, 1846) 3 4 Saperda ocu./aris Hope, 1846: 181, est. 13, fig. 2. Adesmus ocu./aris; Aurivillius, 1923: 590. Figure 1-4. 1. Apagomerina erythronota (Lane, 1970), Mariliana ocu./aris; Lene, 1970: 412. holotypefemala. 2.A. rubrical/is, sp. n., holotype male. 3. Antodiceeccentrica.sp. n., holotype male. 4. A. ButuraliB. Lane (1970) discovered the holotype of this 8p. n., holotype male. species in the Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford, and published ite detailed redescription. Antodice eccentrica, Sp. n. Aside from the holotype, Lene (I.e.) examined only (Figure 3) four specimens, all from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro to Santa Catarina). Among the CMNC material we Description. Male. Head black; clypeus, labrum identifiedonespecimenwhichconsiderablyextends and genae orangish. Frons narrow, sparsely the known renge of the species: Argentina. Salta: pubescent on inferior half, densely hairy between Salta(Cerro Sen Bernardo, 1450m)8.II.1982, H. & antenniferous tubercles. Upper ocular lobes A. Howden col. (CMNC). contiguous. Antennae orengish; segm.enta X-XI black; reaching elytral apices at the middle of segment VII. Scape ahorter than segment III. Prothorax orengish with black entescutellar spot; short, clearly wider than long; anterior end basal constrictions subequal; sides externally curved. Vol. 6, No. 3-4, September - December, 1992 143 Pronotum: with long and dense yellowish white Measurements, in mm, holotype male. Total hairs Elytral tegument brownish; pubescence length, 8.5; prothorax length, 1 2; protboraxwidth, umform., except sutural rIb where IS compact, long 1.4; e1ytrallength, 6.4; humeral Width, ca. 2.0. (from. basal one fourth 'mtn alm.ost the apex), and on lateraI declivity, concentrated in a 10ngituCfinaI Material. Ecuador. Pichincha: Rio Palenque Stat stripe from humerus to apex. Femora yellowish; (47kmS SantoDomingo). holotypemale,28.V.1975, base of meso- and metafemora brownish; tips of S. & J. Peck col. (CMNC). metafemora reaching base of Ul'Osternite II. Tibiae and tarsi b1 ack. Ventral surfaceofbodydarkbrown, Discussion. The brownish external portion ofthe pubescent. eIytra resembles that of A. sutural1,8, ap. n., A. Measurements, in mm, holotype male. Total pudiea Lane and A. venustula Lane. However, the length, 9.1; prothorax length, 1.0; prothoraxwidth, elytral color pattern of both latter species is 1.3; ehtIallength. 7.0; humeral width. 1.7. completely different (Martins and Galileo, 1985a: 93, figs. 8 and 9). The apical elytral region in A. Material. Ecuador. Pichincha: Santo Dommgo (47 suturalis bears two obliquous Zigzag maculae of km S mo Palenque Station, 250 m), holotype male, whitish pubescence like those of A nympha Bates 17-25.II.1979, S. A. MarshaIl col. (CMNC). andA. p'tCta (Klug);these twospecieshowever, bear pubescent maculae close to the elytral base which Discussion. In the key to the species ofthe genus are absent in A. suturalis. Antodice (Martins and Galileo, 1985:90), A. eccentrica, sp n, runs with A luncea Bates, A abstnLsaLarie andA. lenhculaMartinsandGableo, by the yellowish antennae (except segments X XI, Recchia Lane. 1966 black), and by lacking dense pubescence on the mesepimera andmesepisterna. Antodiceeocentrica RecchiaLmre, 1966.232,MattinsandGalileo, 198Gb. can be immediately distinguished from all these 469: 1985c: 481. speCIes bylackingpubescent spots onthe elytra, by Aerenica Thomson, 1857: 311 (non Dejean, 1835); oft~p~orax, :eshape andbylong,uniform.and 1861 I, 65; 1864' 129; Lacord8.ire, 1872' 898; ense pronot pu scence. Gilmour, 1962: 127; Lane, 1974: 352. Trichohippopsides Breuning, 1980: 67, syn. n. Antodice sutural$, sp n Thenewsynonymyproposedabovewasverified (Figure 4) through the special courtesy of G TavakjHan, who sent us the holotype ofTrichohippopsides albioans Description. Male. Reddishbrown; metepistern:a, Breuning, 1980, for study. sides of meso· and metasternum, darker Inferior Breuning (1980) erroneously included half of frons glabrous. Antenmferous tubercles T7 ichohippopsidesin the Lribe Agapanthiini whose projeeted, adjacent. Upperocularlobes contiguous. species havetarsal claws which are undivided. The AIitennae reaching elytral apices approximately at type speCIes of Trichohippopsides has bifid tarsal the tip of segment VIII. Scape densely rugose. claws, belongs to the genus Recchia and is ajuniOr Antennal segments III-XI ( except apex) yellowish. subjectivesynonymofR.albirons(Guerin-Meneville, Prothorax wider at anterior border than at base. 1844) as follows. Pronotal disk. and sides of metasternum finely punctate. Mesepimera and a smaIl area at anterior region of metepimera densely OO"y"ered by whitish Recchia albicans (Guerin Manevilla, 1844) pubescence. Elytral whitish pubescence more concentrated along suture and in two preapical 8aperaa (Aerenica) albicans Guerin-Meneville, ~gzag~cuI~;entire surfac;, plm~te;PU:;'Ctl~ 1844. 245, est. 45. fig. 4. arger an ose on prono um. gs ye OWlS ; Aerenica albicans; Aurivillius, 1923: 598. large blaek spot at apieal half of metafemora. Recchia albicansj Martins and Galileo, 19800: 488. Urosternites densely pubescent. Trichohippopsides albicans BreuDing, 1980: 68, syn.n. 144 Insecta Mundi References· Lane, F. 1970. Cerambycoidea neolropica nova; VII (Coleoptera) Stud Ent 13· 369.428 Aurivillius, C. 1923. Coleopterorum Catalogus, pars 74, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae. Berlin, W. •l1ink, p 323-704 Breuning, S. 1980. Nouveaux Gerambyeidae Lamiinae neotropieaux. Bull. Soc. &t. France Contribui~ao 85: 67-71. Martins, U. R 1984. ao estudo da triho Aerenicini. I. Oenems com pontos eJitrais Dejean,P.F. 1835. Catalogue descoIeopteres dela contrastantes (Coleoptera, Cerambycldae, Lamiinae).
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