BUS SAID, "DO NOT WORK FOR FOOD THAT SPOILS; INSTEAD, WORK FOR THE FOOD l AT LASTS FOR ETERNAL LIFE. THIS FOOD THE SON OF MAN WILL GIVE YOU, a dic io CAUSE GOD THE FATHER, HAS PUT HIS MARK OF APPROVAL ON HIM." THEY ASKED r Pe a il THEN, "WHAT CAN WE DO IN ORDER TO DO GOD'S WORKS?" JESUS ANSWERED, s 4 a -11S IS THE WORK GOD WANTS YOU TO DO: BELIEVE IN THE ONE HE SENT." THEY ng 97 PLIED: "WHAT SIGN OF POWER WILL YOU PERFORM SO THAT WE MAY SEE IT AND 1 LIEVE YOU? WHAT WILL YOU DO? OUR ANCESTORS ATE MANNA IN THE DESERT, Y ST AS THE SCRIPTURE SAYS: 'HE GAVE THEM BREAD FROM HEAVEN TO EAT.' " "I A LL YOU THE TRUTH," JESUS SAID. "WHAT MOSES GAVE YOU WAS NOT THE M EAD FROM HEAVEN; IT IS MY FATHER WHO GIVES YOU THE REAL BREAD OM HEAVEN. FOR THE BREAD THAT GOD GIVES IS HE WHO COMES DOWN FROM AVEN AND GIVES LIFE TO THE WORLD." "SIR," THEY ASKED HIM, "GIVE US THIS EAD ALWAYS." "I AM THE iiiIREAILI OF LIFE," 3ESUS TOLD THEM. "HE WHO COMES ME WILL NEVER BE HUNGMHE WHO BELIEVES IN ME WILL NEVER BE THIRSTY. 1W, I TOLD YOU TWIT YOU I4AD SEEN ME BUT WOULD NOT 'RELIEVE. EVERY ONE IOM MY FATHER GIVES ME !AXONE TO ME. 1",1:31 NEVER) _J RN AWAY ANYONE -10 COMES TO Ma_g_FOR _ IHAVECONAE DOWN MOM HEAVEN TO DO THE WILL OF vl WHO SENT ME, 1407 ilinf OWN WILL. THIS 45 WHAT HE WHO SENT ME WANTS ME DO: THAT I SHOULD NOT LASE ANY OF ALL THOSE HE HAS GIVEN ME, BUT THAT ,HOULD RAISE THEM ALL TO LIFE ON THE LAST DAY. FOR THIS IS' WHAT MY FATHER 1,NTS: THAT ALL WHO SEE THE SON AND 'BELIEVE 1N' HIM SHOULD HAVE ETERNAL 'E; AND . I WILL RAISt THEM TO LIFE ON THE LAST DAY." THE JEWS STARTED tumBuria APr fr Km, BECAUSE HE SAID, "I AM THE BREAD THAT CAME DOWN OM HEAVEN.' SO THEY SAID, "THIS MAN IS JESUS THE SO" OFJOSE -'H, ISN'T HE? E KNOW HIS Pa"DER AND MOTHER. HOW, THEN, DOES HE /NR, SAY HE ;AME DOWN OM HEAVEN?" JESUS ANSWERED: "STOP GRUMBLING AMONG YOURSEI IES. NO ONE COME - 3 ME UNLESS THE FATHER WHO SENT ME DRAWS HIM U. ME; AND I LL RAISE 81/1 TO LIFE ON THE LAST DAY. THE PROPHETS WROTE, ALL MEN LL BEITAUGHT BY GOD.' EVERYONE WHO HEARS THE FATHER AND LEA INS FROM VI COMES 70 ME. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT ANYONE HASSEEN TH FATHER; WHO 13 FROM GOD IS THE ONLY ONE WI-6) HAS SEEN FE FATHER. I ELL YOU IE TRUTH: HE WHO BELIEVES WLS ETERNAL LIFE. I AV 74-1E BREAD OF Lh YOUR JCESTORS ATE THE MANNA .1111, THE DESERT, 13.11 DIED. LIT THE BREAD WHICH NIES DOWN FROST HEAVEN'S SUCH THAT vinicavep EATS I' WILL NOT DL I AM IE LIVING BREAD WATCH CAME ',OWN FR OM HEAVail. IF ANYONE EATS THIS 4READ WILL I 1VE IFOREVER. AND THE BREAD WHICH I WILL GIVE ¶-111v; IS MY FLESH WHICH GI' E THAT THE WORLD MAY LIVE.ITF.'s STARTED AN ANGRY ARGUMENT HONG alE JEWS. "HOW CAN THIS MAN Gil/E I S HIS FLESH TO EAT?" THEY. rKED. SUS I tIDTO THEM: "I TELL YOU THE MUM: IF YOU DO NOT EAT THE FLESi OF IE SON OF Mi. ANL DRINK HIS ,I. DOD YOU WILL NOT HAVE LIFE INYOURSELiES. -I0E 'EF EATS Ml FLESH AND LIFI' IKS MY BLOOD HAS ETERNAL LIFE AND I WILL '3E 1 illt4 IV LIFE ON THE LAST D, . FOP. AIY FLIE`-'',H IS TI-E REALFOODJ MY BLOOD 'HE P. -AL DRINK. WHOEVER Eod MY FLESH Aisln rAPIKS PAY BLOOD LIVES IN AND I LIVE IN HIM. THE LI\ NG FATHER SENT ME ro BECAUSE OF HIM I LIVE .SCI. IN THE SAME WAY,' IHOEVER EATS "E WILL LIE BECAUSE OF ME THIS, lEli, IS THE BREAD THAT ZAMEDOWN FROM Hbour=N; I IS NOT LIKE THE BREAD 1A1 !YOUR ANCESTOI .Z ATE TT-TEN DIED. THE 071cWHO EATS THIS EIP_JAD WILL JE FOREVER:* JESUS SAIDTH IS AS IIE TAUGHT INTHE SYNAGOGUE IN CAPERNAUM. \NY OF HIS DISCIPLES H :;\RD THIS AND SAD, "TIIIIS TEACHING IP TOO HARD. -10 CAN L1437TIVT( THIS?"1A'THOUT BEING TOLD, JESUS KNEW , rilS DISCIPLES ERE GRUMBLING A.1UT THIS;60 HES.AID TO THEM:"DOES" ,,S MAKE YOU WANT ) GIVE UP? SUPPOSE, TMEN. THAT YOU SHOULD SEE THE SC v OF MAN GO BACK UP ) THE PLACE WHERE 4.1E WAS BEFORE? WHAT GIVES LIFE IS THE SPIRIT; THE .ESH IS OF NO USE AT ALL.THE WORDS I HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU ARE SPIRIT AND :E. YET SOME OF YOU DO NOT BELIEVENFOR JESUS KNEW FROM THE VERY :GINNING WHO WERE THE ONES THAT WOULD NOT BELIEVE, AND WHICH ONE WOULD :TRAY HIM.) AND HE ADDED, "THIS 1S THE VFW REASON I TOLD YOU THAT NO ONE kN COME TO ME UNLESS THE FATHER MAKES IT POSSIBLE FOR HIM TO DO SO." :CAUSE OF THIS, MANY OF HIS FOLLOWERS TURNED BACK AND WOULD NOT GO WITH M ANY MORE. SO JESUS SAID TO THE TWELVE DISCIPLES, "ANC) YOU — WOULD YOU <E. TO LEAVE ALSO?" SIMON PETER ANSWERED HIM: "LORD. TO WHOM WOULD WE GO? OU HAVE THE WORDS THAT GIVE ETERNAL LIFE. 4U NOW WL EiELiEVE AND KIN THAT YOU ARE THE HOLY ONE FROM GOD." — JOHN .7-69) (FROM "GOOD NEWS FOR MODERN MAN") — AVAILABLE FROM THE BIBLE SOCIETY_ , The Sharpened Sword (of the Spirit) There are three of us on the Arizona Highway Patrol that give out the "Good News." Results are hard to see because most of the people I meet are just passing It all started last October. I had through Arizona. a "Good News for Modern Man" in I am now starting to put my name my car. I noticed it was gone and and address in the Bibles in the there was not much I could do I work on the famous Highway of hope that some will write and tell about it except to buy a new one. Death—Highway 66—in Arizona. me of the changes made in their In April of 1970, I received a We have many carloads of hippies lives by the "Good News." phone call and the voice said his that pass through here each day ... from an Arizona highway patrol- name was "Chuck" and that he had and I can usually find something to man whose name has been with- a book of mine. I did not know stop them for. held. a person by that name. So I asked Most of them drive old cars, and the name of the book. don't have good lights, brakes, etc. He said, "Guess." Then I asked Once I have stopped them I have what was the book about, and he a "captive audience," so to speak. Sammy Tippitt, of Monroe (U.S.A.), his wife "Tex" and five said it was to do with life, love, Almost all of the hippies that I happiness and the answer to all have stopped do not like the life friends rolled a wheelbarrow load- ed with New Testaments across the problems. But still I was so con- that they have, but they do not fused. have anything better to turn to. South (of the U.S.A.) last spring and summer—to call attention to I asked the name of the book They are tired of dope and free and he said it was "Good News for sex, but they don't like our way of America's need for a spiritual re- vival. Modern Man." He said he was life either. passing through Minneapolis look- Hippies in general are interested The group's "March for Christ" began in Monroe in mid-March, ing in cars for things of value when in religion and are very open. Many he came upon it. Then he asked of them tell me that they have tried and ended in Washington, D.C. in mid-July. if he could meet me, so I went and to read the Bible and can't under- I told him how I felt about Christ. stand it. Carried in the red-and-white wheelbarrow were copies of the We talked, and later he accepted Further questioning usually re- Christ in His life. He then asked veals the real reason—they don't American Bible Society's "Today's English Version" of the New Testa- me if I wanted my book back, but understand the King James Ver- I told him he could keep it. sion. ment—"Good News for Modern . from David Wensole, of Min- This is where "Good News for Man." neapolis, Minnesota. Modern Man" comes in. I can wit- On top of the load was a large ness to them and give them a Bible family Bible which the group had at the same time. I have given out hoped to give to President Nixon— about forty of them so far. but which they were unable to do. Mr. Tippitt, 22, a student at South-Eastern Louisiana College, OUR COVER PICTURE. Hammond, said: "We just challen- The illustration on our cover this month ged the people the whole way to has been supplied by the editor of The let Christ be part of their lives." Sower, the magazine circulated by the Bible Society in Australia.
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