• ev1e Voi.106No.81 University of Delaware, Newark, DE Friday Nov. 19, 1982 Two females attacked DUSCdrops by unidentified males trustee bill by Donn~ Stachecld of the crime and she called lobby effort A female university student the police. was kidnapped at knifepoint The victim described two of by Jonathan James and sexually assaulted by the three kidnappers as-being Delaware Undergraduate three males on Monday night, of medium build and Student Congress (DUSC) Newark Police Sgt. Alex Von weighing 170 pounds. The ski President Rich Mroz an­ Koch said. masks were dark with a gold nounced Monday that the The woman was fondled ring around the eyes and DUSC Lobby Committee will and the three men exposed mouth. temporarily cease its efforts their genitals during the kid- "' The three men are wanted to add two students to the napping, Von Koch said. on kidnapping and sexual university's Board of "Although the woman was assault charges, Von Koch Trustees in order to concen­ not physically injured, she said. trate on budget and financial was psychologically hurt," he aid matters. said. In a separate assault inci­ dent Monday, a 19-year-old "The trustee issue has been VOit--Koch gave the follow­ female walking on Creek a major concern of DUSC for ing account of the incident: Road, off North College several years," said Marilyn The 20-year-old woman, Avenue, was attacked by a Harper, assistant dean of who lives in Christiana West, white male, Von Koch said. students and DUSC adviser. At 4:15 p.m. the woman, . "Because of the financial crime beat who was walking toward situation within the universi­ ------- Christiana West, observed ty other student concerns was crossing Pencader Drive the suspect, approximately 16 overrode the trustee issue." on her way home from cam- years old, walking towards " We were looking for effec­ pus at 7 p.m. when two white her, Von Koch said. When the tive representation on the males wearing ski masks suspect was about 10 feet Board of Trustees," Mroz grabbed her arms. One of the away, however, he ran past said. "By adding two students assailants held a knife to her her, Von Koch added. to the Board we had hoped back. that we could get that The woman was shoved into The unknown suspect then representation. Our position the front seat of a car parked returned and grabbed the Review photo by Bill Wood is that past student represen­ about 50 feet away, where woman by the buttocks and fl­ FRIGID weather wasn't enough to stop these young Newark tation on the Board is not inef­ another white male wearing a ed up an embankment into a residents from enjoying their daily romp on the jungle gym at fective, it is 'undereffec- ski mask sat at the wheel. The wooded area, he said. Lewis Park on Academy Street. tive'." victim's backpack was The woman continued her .---:============~ After several years of lob- thrown on the ground and was walk but was confronted by The attacket has blonde hying by different DUSC ad- found at 8 p.m. by a universi­ the suspect, who approached hair, is of medium build and on the' .. ministrations, the bill, which ty policeman who immediate­ her and apologized while about 5-feet-9-inches tall, and 1. ns1· de would have added two voting ly began an investigation. placing his arm around her was wearing a blue jacket, stu,dents to the Board, was During the two hour kid­ shoulders and neck and pull­ Von Koch said. The male is F' ld h k . finally brought out of commit- napping, the woman's jacket ing her towards him as if he wanted on a sexual assault Ie . OC ey previeW tee and voted on by the state was sliced down the back and charge, he said. S· k · dl 'I' 1 legislature last May. It was was going to kiss her, Von 1 2 her gloves were thrown out of Koch said. When the woman lit ers 9r or semi mo s · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · P· 4 soundly defeated, garnering the car. resisted, he punched her in A purse worth $30 was snat­ Jimmy's Diner only five "yes" votes of the 21 Shortly after 9 p.m., the the stomach and then hit her ched from a female universi­ cast. woman was thrown out of the in the face, he said. The vic­ ty student by a black male on Jimmy tells his storr .......... .. .......... p. 11 "In the past we tried car near the original location tim fled and called the police. (Continued to poge 2) (Continued to poge 3) Fieldhouse, public safety get additions by Kathleen Quinn Dr. Joseph E. Black will be in facilities of the clinic along with those The Fieldhouse and the university's charge of the clinic and will be work­ in the training room,'' Nelson explain­ Department of Public Safety building ing with the university's three full­ ed. are both under construction for exten­ time trainers, according to Nelson. The extension onto the Department sions that should be completed by the The trainers treat approximately of Public Safety is being built first of the year, according to Herman 19,000 athletic injuries annually. Since primarily to alleviate cramped ofhce Smith, director of Engineering and 900 students compete in inter­ space and to make room available for Construction. collegiate athletics, and 65 percent of future expansion, according to Lt. The Fieldhouse additions will house the student body is involved in in­ Richard Turner of University Police. a sports medicine clinic, accordin!! to traqmral sports, Nelson believes it is Smith explained that the extension David Nelson, dean of the College of possible that the largest number of ·will cost $275,000 and is being financed Physical Education, Athletics, and student injuries are athletically by the university. Recreation. related. The clinic is being built onto the After completion of the clinic, any In addition to larger office space, southwest corner of the Fieldhouse. injured student must first report to the extension will contain new locker The cost of the clinic is $105,000 and is the Student Health Center and, if the and shower rooms, new communica­ being financed by athletic and recrea­ injury is athletically related, the stu­ tions equipment, medical care rooms tional reserve funds, Nelson said. dent will be referred to the clinic. and a garage for the Emergency Care "We are trying to centralize treat­ "The students will then be able to Unit, which is an ambulance operated ment of all athletic injuries on cam­ receive the expertise of the doctor by a student volunteer group, Turner pus into one facility," Nelson said. along with the trainers, and the said. Page 2 • THE REVIEW • November 19, 1982 • .• .racial differences cited in film project ALL FROSH & SOPHOMORE (Continued from page 10) "The people who really need freshman, said, "I{ we could Other students seemed to this program are afraid to get the right people to come, Business & Accounting have positive impressions. learn about other cultures. it would make them more Kathryn Covert said she was With black students aware of what .they do." She Majors Pick-Up Spring a little disappointed in the facilitating, they can let white suggested that other students turnout. "Those (whites) who students know how their check the program out, ad­ Registration Forms In weren't here could have been (whites) actions are being ding, "People on my floor able to understand the view­ perceived.'' should've been down here, 233-B Purnell. point of blacks. Now I feel a "There are things that I because some don't even lot better than when I came, realize I never thought I did, speak." Coyburn felt those because someone just categorizing people," who felt they weren't pre­ understands how I feel." said Janet Kamerman, an RA judiced could become more Covert, who is black, added in Dickinson F. "Now I am a aware of themselves. that "Coming from a 99 per­ lot more aware and conscious "I grew up in a school that cent black high school, this is (after seeing the program.)'' was half black and half my first exposure to whites. She added that as ,the white; I didn't pay attention With the project, I'm a lot course of the program went to how much discrimination more conscious of white peo­ along, the interaction got bet­ was going on," said Steve ple." ter, and people began reveal­ Weinstein. "This really woke Jeff Gould, another RA on ing how they were feeling. me up to what's really going the Dickinson E/F staff said, Darlene . Coyburn, a black on." ... two university women assaulted (Continued from page 1) pocketbook and was last seen -• A $400 camera which had Tuesday night, Von Koch fleeing the scene on West been hidden under a bed was said. Park Place, Von Koch said. stolen by an unknown suspect The owner of the purse, a Von Koch said the unknown last weekend from a Pen­ 20-year-old woman, was suspect is wanted for robbery cader B room. The residents walking with a female friend and assault charges. He said were unsure if they had lock­ along Elkton Road toward the male was approximately ed their interior door. Park Place Apartments at 20 years old, was 5-feet-10- • Items totaling $55 were 9: 17 p.m. when the unknown inches tall and weighed 180 stolen from a locked Chris­ suspect grabbed a shoulder pounds, had short hair and a tiana West room on Nov. 12.
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