+12° / +2°C WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2017 No 9 (123) www.astanatimes.com Kazakh President attends One Belt, One APK will assist Road forum, meets with leaders in China in modernisation, says Nazarbayev Parliament, heads of central ex- By Malika Orazgaliyeva ecutive bodies, political parties, religious organisations, nongov- ASTANA – Kazakh President ernmental organisations, repre- Nursultan Nazarbayev told the sentatives of the diplomatic corps 25nd session of the Assembly of and representatives of science, the People of Kazakhstan (APK) art and the media. The theme of that the assembly will be instru- the meeting was “Stability, Unity, mental in achieving the country’s Consent Are the Basis of Moderni- modernisation. sation.” Nazarbayev told the assembly Nazarbayev, who chairs the As- during an April 25 gathering at sembly, signed appointments of the Palace of Peace and Harmony the two new deputies and directed that the assembly will be involved the APK to create a multimedia in modernisation programmes, website in 2018 and an interactive including “Tugan Zher” (Home- historical map “The People of Ka- land), “100 New Individuals of zakhstan.” He also called on repre- Kazakhstan,” and “Modern Ka- sentatives of the business, art and driver to stimulate international economic space of Greater Eura- the sphere of innovative scientific zakh Culture in the Global World.” scientific community to participate By Malika Orazgaliyeva cooperation,” he said. sia acquired a new meaning. The and technological development. Nazarbayev also mentioned the in the “Tugan Zher” (Homeland) According to Nazarbayev, the Silk Road Economic Belt can ad- “I would like to draw your at- “New Humanitarian Knowledge. programme to assist citizens in vil- ASTANA – President Nursul- global trade project allows to form vantageously link the platforms of tention to the initiative of Kazakh 100 New Textbooks in the Kazakh lages. tan Nazarbayev attended the One a new geo-economic paradigm, the Shanghai Cooperation Organi- scientists to establish an Interna- Belt, One Road International Co- the successful implementation of sation (SCO), the (Eurasian Eco- tional Academy of Sciences of operation Forum and met with which will benefit countries with nomic Union) EAEU and the Eu- the Silk Road. At the same time, it Chinese President Xi Jinping and a total population of 4.4 billion ropean Union into a single regional is important not to miss complex other high leaders May 14-15 in people. prosperity area,” Nazarbayev said. environmental issues, including Beijing. “The proclaimed approach ‘sta- The Kazakh leader proposed the problem of rational manage- The form was meant to develop bility through joint development’ steps to implement the Chinese ment of water resources of inter- trends along the Great Silk Road is an attractive form of interna- initiative. continental transboundary rivers, and new mechanisms for econom- tional cooperation reflecting the “In order to effectively develop which can be transport arteries,” ic cooperation, to stimulate the economic interests of dozens of the growing transit potential of he said. economic progress of the states in- countries. Now, when certain con- the Silk Road Economic Belt it is Nazarbayev noted the impor- volved, to strengthen cultural ties tours of the Silk Road are visible, necessary to consistently facilitate tance of mutual trust between the between different civilisations, a joint strategic coordination of the passage of commodity flows involved countries, as well as their and to promote peace and sustain- this macro regional cooperation is through improvement of the level readiness for equal and compre- able development. necessary. In addition, the imple- of services and removing adminis- hensive cooperation for the suc- akorda.kz Photo credit: Speaking to the participants, mentation of the Silk Road initia- trative barriers. Kazakhstan takes cessful development of the Belt Language” programme, which is Nazarbayev also drew attention Nazarbayev called Xi’s idea to re- tive allows to position the whole concrete steps in this area. It re- and Road initiative. meant to improve the country’s to the global risks the country and store the ancient Silk Road in Eur- regions in a new way, including quires expertise and appropriate At the meeting with Xi, Naz- level of education. society face. asia in a modern format a timely Central Asia in a global context,” funding. I believe the Asian Bank arbayev noted that the forum will “This year, the forefront of all “The citizens should know that response to the increased political, Nazarbayev noted. of Infrastructure Investments be one of the main highlights of our work is occupied by the sys- peace and stability do not devel- economic and humanitarian crises Nazarbayev stressed that Central needs to actively finance such pro- the year all over the world. tematic modernisation. We have op on their own. The state firmly in the world. Asia has regained its strategic im- grammes,” he informed. “In my view, your speech today already launched the economic keeps its hand on the pulse of in- “Paternalism and application portance and has become the main He stressed the importance of has been extremely thoughtful and and political modernisation. Now, terethnic and interdenominational of politically motivated sanctions bridge between the world’s largest developing agricultural coopera- answered many questions of co- we proceed to the modernisation processes. All the state bodies and have worsened economic activity markets. tion to ensure food security of the operation between countries. One of public consciousness, which is APK conduct daily painstaking and the lives of millions of people. He noted the important role of countries located along the new Belt, One Road is a new paradigm, written in my article ‘Course to- work to strengthen national unity,” As a result, the world economy the Eurasian Economic Union Silk Road. a scheme of cooperation at a new wards the future: modernisation Nazarbayev noted. and trade have declined. In these (EAEU) in this connection. Nazarbayev also suggested con- level,” he noted. of Kazakhstan’s identity’,” Naz- Participants also adopted an ap- Continued on Page A3 conditions, the world needs a new “The idea of creating a single centrating on closer cooperation in arbayev said. peal underlining that modernisa- More than 1,500 people attend- tion of Kazakhstan’s identity is a ed, including APK representatives natural and necessary step in the from all regions, chairpersons of country’s development. national and regional ethnic and A gala concert was held after the Latest Astana process talks establish cultural associations, deputies of meeting. de-escalation zones in war-torn Syria nounced to the media at a plenary EU Ambassador By Dmitry Lee session at Astana’s Rixos Hotel on and Galiaskar Seitzhan May 4 by Kazakh Foreign Minis- ter Kairat Abdrakhmanov. He was ASTANA – The fourth round of quick to highlight that the “Astana in Astana talks about the Astana Process talks on Syria Process, which was launched with on May 3-4 ended with the signing the direct participation and full of a document envisaging the crea- support of President of Kazakh- tion of four “de-escalation zones” stan Nursultan Nazarbayev, has Rome declaration, on the ground where no military become an important negotiating activity would be allowed, includ- platform, meaningfully comple- ing by “aerial assets,” thus effec- menting the Geneva format.” tively introducing no-fly areas and The Astana Process is meant Brexit and Cooperation adequate conditions for humani- “to stop the bloodshed in Syria tarian access would be created. by maintaining and strengthening The memorandum on that was the regime of cessation of hostili- signed by Russia, Turkey and Iran, ties,” Abdrakhmanov explained Agreement the so called guarantor states to earlier. “Geneva, according to the The Rome Treaties anniversary the ceasefire regime enacted by Kazakhstan’s position, is the main By Zhazira Dyussembekova is the opportunity to reaffirm our another agreement from Dec. 30, venue for negotiations of the Syr- commitment to the values and ob- 2016. The parties also agreed to ian settlement under the UN aus- ASTANA – Diplomatic ties be- jectives on which the European meet again in Astana in mid-July, pices, where the political part of tween Kazakhstan and the Europe- project is founded and to take prag- which will be preceded by a tech- the agenda is discussed.” an Union (EU) were established in matic and ambitious steps forward. nical meeting of military experts Abdrakhmanov noted the suc- 1993. Today, the EU is one of the The world is going through a time two weeks prior in Ankara. cess of the previous Astana pro- country’s main political and eco- of great uncertainty, the global bal- The meeting was the latest in a cess talks. nomic partners. Ambassador Tra- ance of power is shifting and the series of talks among sides to the participants of the armed opposi- ian Air Force base in Shayrat and “Thanks to the ceasefire agree- ian Hristea, head of the EU Del- foundations of a rules-based inter- conflict in Syria. The talks have tion to participate in the fourth the bombings of buses with refu- ment signed in December 2016 as egation to Kazakhstan, answered national order are too often being become known as the Astana Pro- round of negotiations. This was gees in Aleppo, was surprising to well as the three high-level talks questions regarding the recently- questioned. The EU will be an in- cess and are meant to create con- a serious breakthrough for both some. in Astana, the level of violence in adopted Rome Declaration, as well creasingly vital power to preserve ditions for the success in the more Kazakh diplomacy and all parties The two-day meeting in Astana Syria has significantly decreased as the Enhanced Partnership and and strengthen the global order. comprehensive peace talks in Ge- interested in resolving the conflict gathered delegations of the gov- since January 2017 compared to Cooperation Agreement (EPCA) We, Europeans, have an interest neva on the overall political settle- … especially, given the fact that ernment of Syria and the Syrian the previous situation,” he said.
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