S6610 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 14, 2019 spent at least some time in solitary confine- toms Enforcement and the Secretary under (2) qualified for the Major League Soccer ment during the reporting period; paragraph (6); and Cup Playoffs for an unprecedented 11th ‘‘(iii) the demographics of all aliens housed ‘‘(iii) the response from U.S. Immigration straight season; and in solitary confinement, including race, eth- and Customs Enforcement and the Depart- (3) earned the number 2 seed in the Major nicity, religion, age, and gender; ment to such recommendations for reform. League Soccer Western Conference; ‘‘(iv) the policies and regulations of U.S. ‘‘(D) AUTHORITY ON FINAL REPORT.—Each Whereas Seattle Sounders FC plays home Immigration and Customs Enforcement fa- assessment submitted under subparagraph games at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, cilities, including any updates in policies (A) may be reviewed by U.S. Immigration Washington, and, on November 10, 2019, 69,274 and regulations, for subsequent reviews or and Customs Enforcement and the Secretary Seattle Sounders FC fans from across the appeals of the placement of a detained alien before submission, but the Officer for Civil State of Washington packed CenturyLink into or out of solitary confinement; Rights and Civil Liberties has final author- Field and set the record for the largest crowd ‘‘(v) the number of reviews of and chal- ity on the text and release of the assessment. at a sporting event in the 17-year history of lenges to the placement of a detained alien ‘‘(6) REGULAR MEETINGS WITH THE SEC- the stadium; in solitary confinement during the reporting RETARY AND THE DIRECTOR OF U.S. IMMIGRA- Whereas the 2019 roster of Seattle Sound- period and the number of reviews or appeals TION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT.—The Offi- ers FC players includes— that directly resulted in a change of place- cer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties shall (1) Saad Abdul-Salaam; ment; meet regularly with the Secretary and the (2) Xavier Arreaga; ‘‘(vi) a detailed description of the condi- Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs (3) Will Bruin; (4) Handwalla Bwana; tions and restrictions for solitary confine- Enforcement— ‘‘(A) to identify problems with the solitary (5) Jonathan Campbell; ment, including the number of hours spent in (6) Emanuel Cecchini; isolation and the percentage of time these confinement policies and practices in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement fa- (7) Jordy Delem; conditions involve 2 aliens celled together in (8) Justin Dhillon; cilities, including overuse of solitary con- solitary confinement; (9) Stefan Frei; finement; and ‘‘(vii) the mean and median length of stay (10) Bheem Goyal; in solitary confinement, based on all individ- ‘‘(B) to present recommendations for such (11) Joevin Jones; uals released from solitary confinement dur- administrative action as may be appropriate (12) Kim Kee-hee; ing the reporting period, and any maximum to resolve problems relating to solitary con- (13) Kelvin Leerdam; length of stay during the reporting period; finement policies and practices in U.S. Im- (14) Danny Leyva; ‘‘(viii) the cost for each form of solitary migration and Customs Enforcement facili- (15) Nicola´ s Lodeiro; confinement described in subparagraph (A) ties.’’. (16) Chad Marshall; in use during the reporting period, including (b) ANNUAL REPORT.—Not later than De- (17) Bryan Meredith; as compared with the average daily cost of cember 31 of each year, the Inspector Gen- (18) Jordan Morris; housing a detained alien in the general popu- eral of the Department of Homeland Secu- (19) Trey Muse; lation; rity shall issue a report analyzing— (20) Alfonso Ocampo-Chavez; ‘‘(ix) the policies for mental health screen- (1) the use of solitary confinement in U.S. (21) Vı´ctor Rodrı´guez; ing, mental health treatment, and subse- Immigration and Customs Enforcement fa- (22) Cristian Roldan; quent mental health reviews for all detained cilities; and (23) Alex Roldan; ´ ´ aliens, including any update to the policies, (2) the Department’s compliance with this (24) Raul Ruidıaz; and any additional screening, treatment, and Act and the amendments made by this Act. (25) Harry Shipp; monitoring for detained aliens in solitary SEC. 6. RULEMAKING. (26) Luis Silva; (27) Brad Smith; confinement; The Secretary and the Director of U.S. Im- (28) Gustav Svensson; ‘‘(x) a statement of the types of mental migration and Customs Enforcement shall prescribe rules, in accordance with section (29) Nouhou; and health staff that conducted mental health (30) Roma´ n Torres; 553 of title 5, United States Code, to carry assessments for U.S. Immigration and Cus- Whereas Seattle Sounders FC defender Kel- out this Act and the amendments made by toms Enforcement facilities during the re- vin Leerdam scored the first goal in the 57th this Act. porting period, a description of the different minute of the championship game; positions in the mental health staff of U.S. SEC. 7. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. Whereas Seattle Sounders FC midfielder Immigration and Customs Enforcement fa- There are authorized to be appropriated to Vı´ctor Rodrı´guez— cilities, and the number of part- and full- the Secretary such sums as may be nec- (1) scored the second goal in the 76th time psychologists and psychiatrists em- essary to carry out this Act and the amend- minute; and ployed by U.S. Immigration and Customs En- ments made by this Act. (2) received the 2019 Major League Soccer forcement facilities during the reporting pe- SEC. 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. Cup Most Valuable Player award; riod; Except as otherwise provided, this Act and Whereas Seattle Sounders FC forward Rau´ l ‘‘(xi) data on mental health and medical the amendments made by this Act shall take Ruidı´az scored the third and final goal in the indicators for all detained aliens in solitary effect on the date that is 18 months after the 90th minute; confinement, including— date of the enactment of this Act. Whereas Seattle Sounders FC forward Jor- ‘‘(I) the number of aliens requiring medica- f dan Morris— tion for mental health conditions; (1) scored a career-high 13 goals and a ca- ‘‘(II) the number diagnosed with an intel- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS reer-high 8 assists throughout the 2019 sea- lectual disability; son; and ‘‘(III) the number diagnosed with serious (2) received the 2019 Major League Soccer mental illness; SENATE RESOLUTION 421—CON- Comeback Player of the Year award after ‘‘(IV) the number of suicides; GRATULATING SEATTLE SOUND- suffering a torn anterior cruciate ligament ‘‘(V) the number of attempted suicides and ERS FC ON WINNING THE 2019 (ACL) in 2018; number of aliens placed on suicide watch; MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER CUP Whereas Seattle Sounders FC Head Coach ‘‘(VI) the number of instances of self-harm Brian Schmetzer won his second Major committed by aliens; Ms. CANTWELL (for herself and Mrs. League Soccer Cup; ‘‘(VII) the number of aliens with physical MURRAY) submitted the following reso- Whereas the 2019 Seattle Sounders FC disabilities, including blind, deaf, and mobil- lution; which was referred to the Com- coaching and technical staff includes— ity-impaired aliens; and mittee on Commerce, Science, and (1) Head Coach Brian Schmetzer; ‘‘(VIII) the number of instances of forced Transportation: (2) Assistant Coach Gonzalo Pineda; feeding of aliens; (3) Assistant Coach Djimi Traore; ‘‘(xii) any instances in which an Enforce- S. RES. 421 (4) Assistant Coach Preki; ment and Removal Operations Field Office Whereas, on November 10, 2019, Seattle (5) Club Director of Goalkeeping Tom Director reported that a U.S. Immigration Sounders FC won the 2019 Major League Soc- Dutra; and Customs Enforcement facility in his or cer Cup; (6) General Manager and President of Soc- her jurisdiction failed to comply with or was Whereas that win on November 10, 2019, is cer Garth Lagerwey; and suspected of failing to comply with the Re- the second Major League Soccer champion- (7) Vice President of Soccer Chris Hender- stricting Solitary Confinement in Immigra- ship won by Seattle Sounders FC in the 11 son; tion Detention Act of 2019; and years that Seattle Sounders FC has been in Whereas the owners of Seattle Sounders ‘‘(xiii) any other relevant data. Major League Soccer; FC, Adrian Hanauer, Drew Carey, Jody ‘‘(C) CONTENT.—Each assessment submitted Whereas Seattle Sounders FC beat the To- Allen, and Peter Tomozawa, and the 11 fami- under subparagraph (A) shall include— ronto Football Club 3–1 in the 2019 Major lies that joined the ownership contingent in ‘‘(i) an analysis of the data provided under League Soccer Cup; 2019, have built a culture of success and con- subparagraph (B); Whereas Seattle Sounders FC— tributed greatly to Seattle, Washington, and ‘‘(ii) recommendations for reform offered (1) dominated the competition in the reg- the surrounding region through philan- to the Director of U.S. Immigration and Cus- ular season, with 16 wins and 10 losses; thropy; VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 Nov 15, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO6.017 S14NOPT1 Sspencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE November 14, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6611 Whereas Seattle Sounders FC has exhibited (2) produced approximately $36,600,000,000 Whereas 29 percent of unaccompanied dedication to positive social impacts by in wages, 0.62 percent of total wages paid in homeless youth between 13 and 25 years of strengthening communities through the the United States; and age have spent time in foster care, compared RAVE Foundation partnership with organi-
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