INSIDE Video Gaming A Win Collins To Lead MP, An Extra Helping For Some Local Towns Wheeling Chambers Of Speak Out! CRLOT 0041A**C071 Page 3A Page 12A Pages 15A, 14B MT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY 10 S EMERSON ST STE 1 MT PROSPECT, IL 60056-3295 0000114 MOUNTPROSPECT JOMAL Vol. 89 No. 36 Journal & Toptcs Media Group I journal-topics.com I Wednesday, September 4, 2019 I $1 `Not 0.714;$hp "4'11/oiii What We Expected' Experts On Hand To Describe City Prairie Issues, But Turnout Light By MC F. ANDERSON Journal & Topics Reporter Prospect Heights residents were reassured by experts and the city's Natural Resources Commission (NRC) that a local prairie will not cause coyote attacks, bees aren't being killed by herbicide and that progress on the prairie is still being made despite setbacks, but some residents were still displeased. The special town hall held by Aid. Wendy Morgan -Adams (3rd) and the NRC on Thursday,Aug . 22 was expected to be jam-packed, so when less than 20 people showed Labor Day Dip up, organizers were surprised. Local residents had one more chance to swim on a steamy Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2, at Woodland Trails Pool in MountProspect. The "It's not what we expected," annual River Trails Park District Old Fashioned Family Picnic included many activities throughout the day including a pieeating contest and said NRC's Dana Sievertson to the rubber duck race. See more photos in next week's Journal. (Shawn Clisham/Journal photo) Journal in regard to the low turnout even with the experts brought in. Experts were: Director of Resource Management of Cook County Forest Preserve District, John McCabe; Conservation Ecologist at Chicago's Field Park View Seeks Damages For Museum, Izabella Redlinski; and Senior Wildlife Biologist of Cook County Forest Preserve District, Chris Anchor. Breach Of Contract With Dist. 26 Out of the four residents who spoke publicly at the meeting, two expressed support and two By RICHARD MAYER Park View is seeking damages said Park View can remain onwanted Park View to vacate. The private school had planned expressed their disdain. Sievert - Associate Editor in excess of $50,000 while claim- Burnish Bush until June 30, 2020. to move to Golf Plaza H at Golf son told the Journal the NRC had ing Dist. 26 entered a breach of A judge Aug. 27 determined the already attempted to please one Now that a Cook County Cir- contract with the school, whichdistrict should have given Parkand Elmhurst roads in Mount of two disgruntled residents in cuit Court judge has ruled that has been leasing space in a build- View at least one year's noticeProspect effective July 1. How- ever, according to Park View the past. Park View Montessori School ing owned by Dist. 26. The district of the lease being terminated, in First resident up to the micro- can remain a tenant in a building filed an eviction lawsuit in Cookwriting, in accordance with theattorney Andrew Grill, that deal has not fallen though and Park phone, Karl Humbert, spoke about owned by River Trails Elemen- County court July 1 after its lease lease agreement that dates back to the research he found: "There tary School Dist. 26, the privatewith Park View, located at 805 2006. The school terminated the View still intends to move to co has never been a coyote attack in school is seeking relief through Burning Bush Ln. in Mount Pros- lease this past May 7 -- less than former Alexian Brothers facility two months before the district (Continued on page2A) (Continued on page 2A) a counter lawsuit. pect, expired June 30. The judge 01 o tero Prospect Pulls Past St. Viator ForOpening Night VictoryPAGE 4AA Page 2A I Wednesday, September 4, 2019 I The Journal www.journal-topics.com years progress, plugs are placedHeights money should be spentHeights with a grant to restore five Heights and the Prospect Heights Prairie in and taken out of the prairie andon this anymore because thereacres of prairie habitat along the Park District have contributed due to some setbacks, it's goingare a lot of other uses for moneyfour -mile bike trail located just$20,000 for the prairie restora- to take some time. One of thefor the kids in the community and east of Country Gardens Park,tion, and the NRC has contributed Town Hall setbacks was when an unknownwhatever. Other than this weed 901 N. Schoenbeck Road -- in thevolunteer hours toward managing person or persons mowed down amess that's back there." ComEd right-of-way -- four yearsand maintaining the restoration few thousand square feet of prairie ComEd provided Prospect ago. Since then, ComEd, Prospect and preservation of the prairie. (Continued from page 1A) just weeks after it was installed. metropolitan Chicagoland." "Do Not Mow" signs have since Senior Wildlife Biologist Chris been placed around the prairie. Anchor confirmed that the only A third resident, Lynn Schum- rent checks but the district hasfor Oct. 2 in Rolling Meadows. confirmed coyote attack in theacher, approached the microphone declined accepting them. Grill said he might ask for a northeastern Illinois area withinand told the NRC she's not happy Dist. 26 "The court made the righttrial to recover damages from the last 40 years was on a Glen- with the prairie even after she (Continued from page 1A) decision," Grill said. "There was the breach of contract due to the view man. The attack happenedmet with the NRC and workedin Golf Plaza II in time for the absolutely no basis for the school attempted eviction. when the man positioned himselfto a compromise. "It still looks 2020-21 school ye4?.,.. district to force Park View out of Prior to the eviction hearing, behind a tree while hand -feedingterrible. Sorry, but it does. We've For several years, the districttheir school building -- they law-Grill said his firm tried to negoti- the coyote. "With his left hand he let our bushes overgrow... so we and Park View signed one-year fully have a right to stay until June ate with Supt. Nancy Wagner on fed the coyote and his right hand, can see as little of it as possible,"leases by Dec. 31 for the private30, 2020. We are thrilled that the several occasions, but she was he touched the coyote. Then theSchumacher said. school to remain. Since July 1,parents and students of Park View not receptive. He also said there coyote touched him," said Anchor. She also expressed her disdaindistrict officials say Park ViewMontessori will not suffer anywill be no conversations about Anchor continued to explainfor the weeds in her front andhas not paid the district any rent. interruption in their curriculumthe two sides settling, until they that coyotes are generalists andbackyard, claiming she and her Grill refutes that statement, em- due to this frivolous suit." know what the exact damages can live almost anywhere. Hav-husband have to pay a company phasizing Park View has submitted The next court date is scheduledwill be. ing taller grasses in the prairiefor a weed removal service be- doesn't make them more likely tocause they can't keep up with live there. Anchor used the coyotethem. Schumacher's fears about family pack currently living nearthe coyotes were brought up Navy Pier as an example. next, "Coyotes aren't attack- Another resident, Colleening anybody, you're right... butCuchorski Discusses Growing Dahlias With Garden Club Graudins, expressed to the NRCthey're there. And they come out that she doesn't see anyone work-of nowhere because they're in the Carol Cuchorski presents a program on "Dahlia - her family moved to their small house on a half -acre ing on the prairie, especially in the tall weeds and you can't see them Living Fireworks" to members of the Mount Prospect lot 19 years ago. She plants tubers in her basement areas where the plants are higher. and they just come out of nowhere. Garden Club, Wednesday, Sept. 11 at Friendshipin February and grows about 300 plants each year. "I now walk with mace every day Don't tell me they're not." Park Conservatory, 395 Algonquin Rd., Des Plaines.About 65 of them are planted in her own garden. Her while I take the bike path because Schumacher continued, "You Cuchorski's program is scheduled from 1 to 2 p.m.passion for dahlias will be shared at the meeting. everything is so high. If I wanted need to know that this was thrown The Mount Prospect Garden Club holds monthlyShe is now past president of the Elk Grove Garden to walk in the mode area, you liter- at us and we're not happy aboutmeetings and programs from September throughClub and loves gardening and blogging about it. She ally can't see me. I'm 5'4 (5 -foot,it. And I understand that we have April. Refreshments and social time are at 11:30 a.m.speaks regularly at the Chicago Flower and Garden 4 -inches), and I can wave and you to live with it, we have no choice.Business meetings are held from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.Show and manages their seminars on -site. won't see me." It was just pushed on us. But I Programs are held immediately after. For more information, call Carrie Brooks at 847- Graudins was told that as thedon't feel that anymore Prospect Cuchorski was a novice gardener when she and640-8332 or visit www.gcmp.weebly.com. 7011 WINNER 2018 WINNER 2019 WINNER NORM SHORE CH ICE AWARDS misseim sr Jr.aft I er e Get one today, online and at Des Plaines Park District facilities.
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