506 HELMUT K. MANGOLD: P. Commercial Suppliers* 1. Alupharm Chemicals 12. Camlab (Glass) Ltd. 616 Commercial Pl. Milton Road P. O. Box 755 Cambridge, Great Britain New Orleans, La. Representative of 19, 42, 72 U. S. representative of 72 13. Camag A. G. 2. Analabs Muttenz, B. L. Analytical Engineering Homburger Str. 24 Laboratories, Inc. Switzerland P. O. Box 5215 U. S. representative 47,67 Hamden 18, Conn. (Goating apparatus, adsorbents, and U. S. representative of 55 accessories for T LG ) (Ad8orbents and accessories) 14. Chemetron 3. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc. Milano P. O. Box 140 Via Sangallo 28 State College, Pa. Italy (Plexiglas TLG applicator, U. S. representative: 39 adsorbents and accessories) (Automatic coating apparatltS and 4. Atomic Accessories Inc. acces80ries ) Subsidiary of Baird-Atomic, Inc. 15. Chemirad Corporation 811 W. Merrick Rd. P. O. Box 187 Valley Stream, N.Y. East Brunswick, N. J. (Scanner for plates containing U. S. representative of 6 radioactive substances) 16. Colab Laboratories, Inc. 5. W. BiUz & Sohn, K.G. Chicago Heights, Ill. Heilbronn a. N. U. S. representative of 66 Germany 17. Custom Service Chemicals (UV-lamp: "UVANALYS") New Castle, Del. 6. BASF, Bad. Anilin & Sodafabriken (Supply coated plates ready for A.G. use) Ludwigshafen, Rh. 18. Darco Dept., Atlas Powder Co. Germany 60 E. 42nd St. U. S. representative: 15 New York, N. Y. (Polyethyleneimine and dyestuffs) (Gharcoal as an adsorbent for TLG) 7. Becco Chemical Division, 19. C. Desaga, G.m.b.H. Food, Machinery and Chemical Corp. Heidelberg Buffalo 7, N.Y. Hauptstr. 60 (Peracetic acid) Germany 8. Becton, Dickinson & Co. U. S. representative: 11 East Rutherford, N.J. (Several coating apparatus according (Di8po8able self-filling, self -adjustable to STAHL, adsorbents, densitometer, pipettes) UV-lamps, accessories for TLG) 9. Bio-Rad Laboratories 20. Despatch Oven Co. 32nd & Griffin Ave. 619 S. E. 8th St. Richmond, Calif. Minneapolis 14, Minn. (Goating materials for TLG) (Oven for drying and activating) 10. Wm. Boekel & Co., Inc. 21. The Dow Chemical Compo 509 Vine St. Midland, Mich. Philadelphia 6, Pa. (Silicone) (Storage cabinet) 22. Dow Corning Corp. 11. C. A. Brinkmann and Comp., Inc. Midland, Mich. Cantiague Rd. (Ion Exchangers) Westbury, L. 1., N. Y. 23. Eastman Kodak Compo U. S. representative of 19, 25, 42, 46 Rochester 3, N.Y. (X-ray film s, developers, fixers, re­ * No guarantee for completeness agents) Commercial Suppliers 507 24. C. Erba, S. p.A. 37. Johns Manville Corp. 24, Via Imbonati Celite Division Milano, Italy 270 Madison Ave. (Automatic coating apparatus, acces­ New York 16, N.Y. sories, UV-lamps) (Celite) 25. Excorna o.H.G. 38. Joyce, Loebl and Compo Mainz-Rh. Gateshead on Tyne Germany Great Britain U.S. representative: 11 U. S. representative: 48 (Cellulose powder for analytical chro­ (Densitometer "Chromoscan" for matography) TLC-plates) 26. Farbenfabriken Bayer 39. Kensington Scientific Corp. Werk Dormagen 1717 Fifth St. Dormagen, Berkeley 10, Calif. Germany U. S. representative of 14. (Nylon and perlon powders) 40. Kopp Laboratory Supplies, Inc. 27. Farbwerke Hoechst A.G. 70-13 35th Rd. Frankfurt-Hoechst a. M. Jackson Heights 72, N. Y. Germany (Glass apparatus for collecting frac­ (Polyethylene powder) tions and eluting them) 28. Fisher Scientific Co. 41. Laboratorium Prof. Dr. Berthold 633 Greenwich St. Wildbad im Schwarzwald New York 14, N.Y. Postfach 160 (Pipettes, label glaze, disposable alu­ Germany minum dishes for weighing) (Radiochromatogram scanner) 29. Floridin Co. 42. Macherey, Nagel & Co. P. O. Box 989 Diiren, Rhld. Tallahassee, Florida Germany ("Florisil" ) U. S. representative: 11 30. Fluka A. G. ("MN" -Coating materials tor T LC Buchs S. G. according to STAHL) Switzerland 43. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works U. S. representative: 36 2nd & Mallinckrodt Sts. (Adsorbents and reagents for T LC) St. Louis 7, Mo. 31. Gallard-Schlesinger (Silicic acid) Chemical Manufacturing Corp. 44. Mann Research Laboratories, Inc. 580 Mineola Ave. 136 Liberty St. Carle Place, L.I., N.Y. New York 6, N. Y. U. S. representative of 64 (Coating materials and spray reagents 32. General Electric for TLC) X-Ray Department 45. K. Markgraf Milwaukee 1, Wisc. Berlin, ("Supermix" photoJr. developer) Germany 33. J. Haltermann (Apparatus tor T LC-electrophoresi8) Hamburg 46. E. Merck, A .G. Germany Chemische Fabrik (Undecane) Darmstadt, 34. Hamilton Company, Inc. Germany P. O. Box 307 U. S. representative: 11 Whittier, Calif. (Adsorbents tor T LC according to ( M icrosyringes) STAHL, spray reagents) 35. L. Hormuth, Inh. W. E. Vetter 47. Microchemical Specialties Co. WieslochJBaden, Germany 1825 Eastshore Hwy. (Accessories for T LC; spray-techni­ Berkeley 10, Calif. que) U. S. representative of 13 36. International Chem. and Nuclear 48. National Instrument Laboratories, Corp. Inc. 13332 E. Torch St. 12300 Parklawn Dr. City of Industry, Calif. Rockville, Md. U. S. representative of 30. U. S. representative of 38 508 HELMUT K. MANGOLD: Commercial Suppliers 49. Nuchar Industrial Chemical Sales 61. C. Roth 230 Park Ave. Karlsruhe, New York, N. Y. Germany (Charcoal) Representative of 13, 30 50. Nuclear Chicago Corp. 62. C. Schleicher & Schull 351 E. Howard Ave. Dassel, Krs. Einbeck Des Plaines, Ill. Germany (Scanner for strips containing radio· U. S. representative: 63 active substances) (Cellulose powder, ion-exchangers) 51. Packard Instrument Comp., Inc. 63. C. Schleicher & Schuell Co. Box 428 543 Washington St. La Grange, Ill. Keene, N. H. (Radiochromatogram scanner and U. S. representative of 62. chemicals for liquid scintillation 64. Seientifica counting) P. O. Box 1084 52. Pharmacia Clifton, N. J. Uppsala, (Coating materials for T LC) Sweden 65. Serva Entwicklungslabor U. S. representative: 53 Heidelberg ("Sephadex" for gel filtration) Riimerstr. 118 53. Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Inc. Germany 501 Fifth Ave. U. S. representative: 31 New York 17, N.Y. (Spreading rod, coating materials) U. S. reprcsentative of 52. 66. Severoceske chemicke zavody Lovo­ 54. Photovolt Corp. sice, n. p. Ill5 Broadway Factory "Rudnik" New York 10, N. Y. Lovosice, (Densitometer for 'l'LC) Czechoslovakia 55. G. Pleuger, S. A. (Silane) 511, Turnhoutsebaan 67. Shandon Scientific Co. Wijnegem, 65 Pound Lane Belgium London N. W. 10 U. S. representative: 2 Great Britain (Coating apparatus and accessories) U. S. representative: Hi (Coating apparatus and accessories) 56. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. 68. A. H. Thomas Compo (Inc.) Vine St. at Third Photo Products Department Philadelphia 5, Pa. Wilmington 98, Del. U. S. representative of 13 (Fluorescent minerals) ( Multiple spot applicator) 57. H. Reeve Angel & Co., Ltd. 69. Toyo Rayon Co. 9, Bridewell Place Nakano-shima, Kita-ku, London, E. C. 4 Osaka, Japan Great Britain (Polyamide) U. S. representative: 58 70. Ultra-Violet Products, Inc. (Whatman "Chromedia" material) 5114 Walnut Grove Ave. 58. H. Reeve Angel & Co., Inc. San Gabriel, Calif. 52, Duane St. ("Mineralight" UV-lamps) New York 7, N. Y. 71. Wacker-Chemie U. S. representative of 57 Miinchen, 59. Research Specialties Co. Germany 200 S. Garrard Blvd. (Silicones) Richmond, Calif. 72. Wako Pure Chemicals Co. (Coating apparatus, accessories, and Tokyo, Japan spray reagents, apparatus for thin­ (Silica Gel for TLC) layer electrophoresis) 73. M. Woelm 60. Riedel-de Haen A. G. Esehwege, Seelze, Hann. Germany, Germany U. S. representative: I (Fluorescent minerals, adsorbents) (Coating materials for T LC) 509 Conversion table for RI into Rm and vice versa ----~ I : o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 00 00 3,000 2,698 2,522 2,396 2,299 2,219 2,152 2,093 2,042 -1,996 99 t 01 1,996 1,954 1,916 1,881 1,848 1,817 1,789 1,762 1,737 1,713 -1,690 98 02 1,690 1,669 1,648 1,628 1,609 1,591 1,574 1,557 1,540 1,525 -1,510 97 03 1,510 1,495 1,481 1,467 1,453 1,440 1,428 1,415 1,403 1,392 -1,380 96 04 1,380 1,369 1,358 1,347 1,337 1,327 1,317 1,307 1,297 1,288 -1,279 95 05 1,279 1,270 1,261 1,252 1,243 1,235 1,227 1,219 1,2ll 1,203 -1,195 94 06 1,195 1,187 1,180 1,172 1,165 1,158 1,151 1,144 1,137 1,130 -1,123 98 07 1,123 l,ll7 l,llO 1,104 1,097 1,091 1,085 1,079 1,073 1,067 -1,061 92 08 1,061 1,055 1,049 1,043 1,038 1,032 1,026 1,021 1,015 1,010 -1,005 91 09 1,005 1,000 0,994 0,989 0,984 0,979 0,974 0,969 0,964 0,959 -0,954 90 - -- -- I- 10 0,954 0,949 0,945 0,940 0,935 0,931 0,926 0,922 0,917 0,913 -0,908 189 11 0,908 0,904 0,899 0,895 0,891 0,886 0,882 0,878 0,874 0,869 -0,865 188 12 0,865 0,861 0,857 0,853 0,849 0,845 0,841 0,837 0,833 0,829 -0,826 ,87 13 0,826 0,822 0,818 0,814 0,810 0,807 0,803 0,799 0,796 0,792 -0,788 '86 14 0,788 0,785 0,781 0,778 0,774 0,770 0,767 0,764 0,760 0,757 -0,753 [85 I 11i 0,753 0,750 0,747 0,743 0,740 0,736 0,733 0,730 0,727 0,723 -0,720 184 16 0,720 0,717 0,714 0,7ll 0,707 0,704 0,701 0,698 0,695 0,692 -0,689 \88 17 0,689 0,685 0,682 0,679 0,676 0,673 0,670 0,667 0,665 0,662 -0,659 182 18 0,659 0,656 0,653 0,650 0,647 0,644 : 0,641 0,638 0,635 0,633 -0,630 181 19 0,630 0,627 0,624 0,621 0,619 0,616 i 0,613 0,610 0,607 0,605 -0,602 180 - -- I 20 0,602 0,599 0,597 0,594 0,591 0,589 0,586 0,583 0,580 0,578 -0,575 r 79 21 0,575 0,572 0,570 0,567 0,565 0,562 0,560 0,557 0,555 0,552 -0,550 78 22 0,550 0,547 0,545 0,542 0,540 0,537 0,535 0,532 0,530 0,527 -0,525 77 23 0,525 0,523 0,520 0,518 0,515 0,513 0,5ll 0,508 0,506 0,503 -0,501 76 24 0,501 0,499 0,496 0,494 0,491 0,489 0,487 0,484 0,482 0,479 -0,477 75 21i 0,477 0,475 0,472 0,470 0,468 0,465 0,463 0,461 0,459 0,456 -0,454 74 26 0,454 0,452 0,450 0,447 0,445 0,443 0,441 0,439 0,436 0,434 -0,432 78 27
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