Twitter Accounts Most Followed by World Leaders* Twitter Handle

Twitter Accounts Most Followed by World Leaders* Twitter Handle

Twitter Accounts Most Followed by World Leaders* Followed Twitter Handle Name by Followers Following @UN United Nations 231 3.272.003 851 @BarackObama Barack Obama 227 48.416.234 647.243 @WhiteHouse The White House 191 5.379.629 192 @StateDept Department of State 170 1.094.792 392 @Number10gov UK Prime Minister 167 2.823.378 168.728 @EU_Commission European Commission 143 285.927 921 @nytimes The New York Times 142 13.636.161 971 @Reuters Reuters Top News 134 5.259.423 1.042 @foreignoffice Foreign Office (FCO) 130 260.346 29.927 @cnnbrk CNN Breaking News 130 19.961.559 112 @WilliamJHague William Hague 127 251.272 394 @UNICEF UNICEF 127 3.230.317 25.182 @TheEconomist The Economist 126 6.231.344 111 @euHvR Herman Van Rompuy 126 193.213 337 @Twiplomacy Twiplomacy 126 24.087 3.755 @JohnKerry John Kerry 123 308.442 372 @BBCWorld BBC News (World) 120 7.682.544 61 @carlbildt Carl Bildt 118 339.999 1.864 @BarrosoEU José Manuel Barroso 118 126.675 1.212 @BBCBreaking BBC Breaking News 115 11.797.860 3 @CNN CNN 114 14.465.427 997 @LaurentFabius Laurent Fabius 113 117.599 1.199 @WorldBank World Bank 110 973.343 512 @eu_eeas EU External Action 108 75.899 1.572 @AP The Associated Press 105 4.211.198 7.367 @francediplo France Diplomatie 104 376.832 1.240 @David_Cameron David Cameron 97 821.423 368 @GermanyDiplo GermanForeignOffice 95 35.964 216 @Elysee Élysée 95 465.940 184 @mfa_russia MFA Russia 94 57.239 692 @NATO NATO 94 186.778 531 @OSCE OSCE 94 49.432 849 @UNESCO UNESCO 93 535.082 984 @AndersFoghR AndersFogh Rasmussen 92 207.519 176 @wef World Economic Forum 91 2.219.079 136 @UN_Spokesperson UN Spokesperson 91 182.774 239 @UNDP UN Development 90 547.475 4.368 @washingtonpost Washington Post 90 3.548.807 1.141 @BillGates Bill Gates 88 18.008.378 165 @PolandMFA Poland MFA 88 13.546 398 @ForeignAffairs Foreign Affairs 87 334.344 1.965 @OECD OECD 86 247.869 727 @EUCouncilPress EU Council Press 84 84.164 1.433 @SweMFA Swedish MFA 83 8.558 2.369 @UNrightswire UN Human Rights 82 650.014 697 @coe Council of Europe 82 102.462 408 @francediplo_EN French MFA 82 13.803 829 @WSJ Wall Street Journal 81 5.184.216 950 @ForeignPolicy Foreign Policy 81 536.575 440 @MartinSchulz Martin Schulz 81 128.570 3.681 @dilmabr Dilma Rousseff 80 2.895.877 355 @TIME 79 6.361.440 773 @Refugees UN Refugee Agency 78 1.623.076 40.783 @hrw Human Rights Watch 78 1.458.428 6.860 @fhollande François Hollande 78 720.118 1.568 @alexstubb Alexander Stubb 78 151.421 1.894 @IsraelMFA Israel Foreign Min. 77 63.394 1.286 @NorwayMFA Norway MFA 76 7.384 643 @WHO WHO 75 1.702.090 928 @MFATurkey Turkish MFA 75 22.623 71 @LithuaniaMFA Lithuania MFA 75 12.396 565 @IMFNews IMF 74 418.705 350 @MedvedevRussiaE Dmitry Medvedev 74 822.347 18 @cnni CNN International 73 2.724.549 373 @twitter Twitter 71 32.891.477 102 @Pontifex Pope Francis 70 4.609.653 8 @WFP World Food Programme 69 791.509 615 @jensstoltenberg Jens Stoltenberg 69 271.296 36.523 @camanpour Christiane Amanpour 69 1.145.726 111 @AmbassadorRice Susan Rice 69 429.200 225 @sikorskiradek Radosław Sikorski 69 275.299 36 @UN_Women UN Women 68 524.362 2.892 @pmharper Stephen Harper 68 556.263 222 @KremlinRussia_E President of Russia 68 233.368 19 @HonJohnBaird John Baird 67 37.988 1.957 @FinancialTimes Financial Times 65 2.334.500 648 @AJEnglish Al Jazeera English 65 2.131.180 136 @verified Verified Accounts 65 1.285.053 109.618 @EUCouncil EU Council 65 43.242 357 @MFA_Ukraine MFA of Ukraine 65 24.832 453 @LinkeviciusL Linas Linkevicius 65 12.339 324 @HillaryClinton Hillary Clinton 64 2.266.253 9 @guardian The Guardian 63 2.796.913 1.080 @MofaJapan_en MOFA of Japan 63 14.185 19 @MFA_Austria MFA Austria 63 6.762 705 @MZZRS MFA SLOVENIA 63 3.968 842 @CFKArgentina Cristina Kirchner 62 3.259.399 84 @FedericaMog Federica Mogherini 62 67.191 7.459 @StefanFuleEU Štefan Füle 62 64.374 209 @Latvian_MFA Latvian MFA 62 2.210 149 @MFABulgaria MFA Bulgaria 61 4.450 235 @MFAIceland MFA Iceland 61 2.181 1.491 @VP Vice President Biden 60 381.645 101 @DFATDCanada DFATD 59 28.505 1.008 @valismin Estonian MFA 59 4.744 176 @secgen UN Secretary-General 57 264.119 0 @CFR_org CFR 57 184.349 12.144 @BreakingNews Breaking News 57 6.993.533 501 @JuanManSantos Juan Manuel Santos 57 3.195.432 1.558 @dfatirl IrishForeignMinistry 57 15.871 349 @Diplomacy_RM MFA Moldova 57 2.130 241 @amnesty AmnestyInternational 56 1.217.191 6.600 @UNPeacekeeping UN Peacekeeping 56 154.792 418 @billclinton Bill Clinton 56 2.448.846 10 @BelgiumMFA Belgium MFA 56 4.594 115 @hootsuite Hootsuite 55 6.222.300 ####### @AmbassadorPower Samantha Power 55 113.592 330 @CancilleriaPeru Cancillería del Perú 55 78.618 1.673 @dfat DFAT 55 31.570 479 @GreeceMFA Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών 55 29.169 171 @Davos World Economic Forum 53 214.969 923 @PaulKagame Paul Kagame 53 582.080 0 @IndianDiplomacy Indian Diplomacy 53 230.498 212 @Europarl_EN European Parliament 53 55.047 10.001 @edgarsrinkevics Edgars Rinkívičs 53 12.814 1.847 @ItamaratyGovBr MRE Brasil–Itamaraty 52 104.692 335 @JunckerEU Jean-Claude Juncker 52 66.935 1.311 @MFAgovge MFA of Georgia 52 3.956 90 @AlbanianMFA Albanian MFA 52 2.705 428 @HHShkMohd HH Sheikh Mohammed 51 3.228.781 58 @sebastiankurz Sebastian Kurz 51 30.857 554 @Ulkoministerio Ulkoministeriö 51 29.371 318 @SlovakiaMFA Slovakia MFA 51 1.728 60 @Lagarde Christine Lagarde 50 229.326 9 @Enver_Hoxhaj Enver Hoxhaj 50 10.275 714 @MiroslavLajcak Miroslav Lajčák 50 3.137 268 @CyprusMFA Cyprus MFA 50 2.693 317 @guardiannews Guardian news 49 1.450.574 1.318 @EPN Enrique Peña Nieto 49 3.126.583 220 @MashiRafael Rafael Correa 49 1.781.854 5 @HuffingtonPost Huffington Post 48 4.741.961 5.563 @BBCNews BBC News (UK) 48 3.334.386 94 @NATOpress Oana Lungescu 48 28.046 690 @MAERomania MAERomania 48 3.306 398 @BelarusMFA Belarus MFA 48 2.210 187 @FT Financial Times 47 1.390.798 636 @sebastianpinera Sebastian Piñera 47 1.325.212 21.290 @DeptofDefense U.S. Dept of Defense 47 617.681 857 @MOFAkr_eng MOFA 47 4.818 536 @UN_DPA UN Political Affairs 46 70.266 37 @marianorajoy Mariano Rajoy Brey 46 581.739 5.821 5.042 195.926 46 ישראל Israel Israel@ @KGeorgievaEU Kristalina Georgieva 46 32.910 1.293 @PMOIndia PMO India 45 3.072.568 83 @USAID USAID 45 425.168 1.535 @AuswaertigesAmt Auswärtiges Amt 45 204.885 466 @UN_News_Centre UN News Centre 45 130.912 228 @gr2014eu Greek EU Presidency 45 12.887 98 @DigiDiplomats Digital Diplomacy 45 6.815 985 @AzerbaijanMFA Foreign Ministry 45 5.978 154 @MFA_KZ MFA Kazakhstan 45 5.535 245 @BloombergNews Bloomberg News 44 1.780.712 618 @netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu 44 321.397 81 @UNEP UN Environment 44 275.098 1.614 @JoseAMeadeK José Antonio Meade 44 140.227 1.145 94 27.337 44 وزارة الخارجيت bahdiplomatic@ @Grybauskaite_LT Dalia Grybauskaitė 44 26.887 241 @MFAKOSOVO MFAKosovo 44 7.157 1.551 @FareedZakaria Fareed Zakaria 43 507.677 384 @CBSNews CBS News 43 3.364.008 396 @ForeignMinistry Foreign Ministry 43 34.903 975 @mfaethiopia Ethiopian Diplomacy 43 26.879 298 @PresidenceMali Presidence Mali 43 24.973 812 @Newsweek Newsweek 42 2.375.304 58.833 @SenJohnMcCain John McCain 42 1.915.930 325 @OpenGov Open Government 42 715.157 81 @SAPresident Jacob G. Zuma 42 338.308 5 @donaldtusk Donald Tusk 42 201.983 97 @JPN_PMO PM's Office of Japan 42 138.501 19 @EPP EPP 42 74.404 10.558 @VivianeRedingEU Viviane Reding 42 49.979 455 @IlvesToomas toomas hendrik ilves 42 36.454 730 @VladaRH Vlada R. Hrvatske 42 33.044 15.053 @eDiplomat E-diplomacy 42 7.599 328 @MinBuZa_news MinBuZa news 42 6.349 76 @NASA NASA 41 7.751.146 229 @HelenClarkUNDP Helen Clark 41 69.734 1.249 @_AfricanUnion African Union 41 63.957 3 @Laura_Ch Laura Chinchilla M 41 268.756 645 @ForeignOfficeKE ForeignAffairsKenya 41 43.316 18 @MAECgob Exteriores 41 24.552 483 @MVEP_hr MVEP 41 2.186 1.559 @ChathamHouse Chatham House 40 74.667 220 @Ollanta_HumalaT Ollanta Humala Tasso 40 1.008.852 60 @AlecJRoss Alec Ross 40 370.676 326 @NeelieKroesEU Neelie Kroes 40 114.907 1.712 @GovernmentRF Government of Russia 40 54.874 8 @MalmstromEU Cecilia Malmström 40 26.491 363 @MeGovernment Govt. of Montenegro 40 12.478 288 @MFAsg MFAsg 40 4.799 70 @estonia_eu Gateway to Estonia 40 3.478 132 @MFAofArmenia MFA of Armenia 40 1.528 42 @lemondefr Le Monde 39 2.731.215 267 @FRANCE24 FRANCE 24 39 1.037.813 366 @chavezcandanga Hugo Chávez Frías 39 4.156.766 22 @FelipeCalderon Felipe Calderón 39 2.968.213 562 @algore Al Gore 39 2.731.504 27 @PresidenciaMX Presidencia México 39 1.170.902 61 @borgebrende Børge Brende 39 19.360 648 @EUHighRepSpox Michael Mann 39 17.764 566 @AshtonSpox_Maja Maja Kocijančič 39 10.226 876 @MFAMongolia_eng MFA Mongolia 39 884 203 @MFA_LI Liechtenstein MFA 39 821 153 @PrimeministerGR Prime Minister, GR 38 81.918 20 @A_Davutoglu_eng Ahmet Davutoğlu 38 76.812 1 @EuroParlPress EP PressService 38 33.295 1.000 @EspenBarthEide Espen Barth Eide 38 22.569 1.285 @mofasomalia Foreign Affairs 38 1.403 678 @el_pais EL PAIS 37 3.526.292 541 @Ahmet_Davutoglu Ahmet Davutoğlu 37 1.932.542 83 @BritishMonarchy BritishMonarchy 37 721.793 214 @PressSec Josh Earnest 37 524.987 521 @MID_RF МИД РФ 37 396.054 711 @PresidencyZA PresidencyZA 37 299.688 16 @CancilleriaCol Cancillería Colombia 37 88.644 568 @APiebalgsEU Andris Piebalgs EU 37 17.225 360 @EUCouncilTVNews EU Council TV News 37 11.673 769 @martinlidegaard Martin Lidegaard 37 8.922 115 @PHammondMP Philip Hammond 37 7.373 749 @NickKristof Nicholas Kristof 36 1.508.480 891 @NYTimeskrugman Paul Krugman 36 1.258.179 2 @gatesfoundation Gates Foundation 36 1.304.291 917 @NelsonMandela NelsonMandela 36 993.381 18.063 @Presidencia_Ec Presidencia Ecuador 36 762.306 57.686 @JuliaGillard

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