r ■ f TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1972 PAGE FOURTEEK lEoming IferoUi The Weather Rec Plan Pair tonight, patchy fog devel­ For MCC oping by dawn; low near 65. Eight in Forefront Partly oloudy tomorrow with Houley Says chance of late day showers; Eagleton Page 1 7 high about 85. Meskill Uses For Eagleton’s Post Manchester— A City of Village Charm (OlMslfled Advertising on Page 29) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Makes It Spoils System (Continued from Page One) VOL. XCI, NO. 258 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1972 HARTFORD (AP) — Hie he was withdrawing his can- nltely not my last press confer Mesklll administration’s use of dldacy. ence and Tom Eagleton is go- Official "special assistant” jobs outside "M y personal feelings are to be around for a long, the civil service system “ Is re­ secondary to the necessity to jong time.” turning Connecticut to a spoils unify the Democratic party and The announcement followed a (Oontlniwd from Pmgo One) system,” state Sen. Robert D. elect George McGovern,” the nearly two-hour meeting In the Eaigleton said he knew sup­ Houley, D-Vemon, charged to­ Missouri senator said. Marble Room off the Senate Jarvis Among Opponents day. He added later that he and door where, in the presence of port for his position on the tick­ Houley urged Gov. Thomas J. McGovern reached the historic ggn. Nelson, Eagleton b e g ^ et was waning Saturday night Meskill to issue an executive occasion Jointly "so as not to a IB-mlnute defense of his when. in South Dakota, order limiting all such ‘'special further divide the party that is case. already too much divided." , He argued, he said later, that "McGovern table-hopped, talk­ assistant” appointments to 80 Democratic office 7 holders jhe issue of his three stints in ing with newsmen about the days, within which time the Personnel Department could were slow to react to Eagle- jh-j hospital for nervous exhaus- ‘Eagleton issue, the Eagleton ton’s withdrawal. ' tlon and fatigue—including To School Wing Projects create new merit system posi­ problem,” whatever you wish tions, if needed. Senate Democratic Leader e 1 e c t r 1 c-shock treatoent to call it . literature distributed at the hearing Houley, who has been critical Mike Mansfield said he was twice—would die away, By EKA. B. OOBCIN on "The Top 10 Taxpayers” list. ects for Nov. 7 referendum votes — "It became somewhat appar­ sorry at the turn of events but j,g ggid, the Issues and the N l^ Atty. Laurence Rublnow, represent­ $6.8 million for the school additions; "needs much more study and discus­ of the Republican adminis­ (Herald Reporter) sion than we can give here." ent to me." Eagleton said, tration’s personnel policies for called it a "decision that had to „ „ administration’s record One of Manchester’s top taxpayers, ing Jarvis, said his client is opposed $850,000 lor renovation of the Cooper "that the 1,000 per cent had be made.” He reiterated his would again assume the on the basis of the now taxes the Hill Treatment plant, installation of a The proposals were explained last some time, took sdm today on Alexsinder Jarvis, went on record last night by the two Manchester archi­ dropped a little, the likelihood "special assistant” William Sul- faith In Eagleton. spotlight in the campaign for night as opposing a proposal for ad­ proposal would generate, on the basis new well, and various improvements of my remaining on the ticket ^^o was named last year O’Brien, who Is enlisting sup­ the White House. that the school board’s own projec­ to the town’s water system; $636,000 tects retained to draw the preliminary ditions to niing and Bennet Junior plans — Arnold Lawrence for Dling became supervise toll collections on port of old-line Democrats In "I thought In another two or High Schools—estimated to cost $6.8 tion shows a zero population growth (or selected highway Improvements; McGovern earlier had said he highways, the McGovern cause. said he three weeks. If I wore to orlse- lor Manchester to the year 1980, on and $200,000 for various sidewalk In­ and Richard Mankey for Bennet. million ($8.4 million tor each). Speaking also for the proposals were supported Eagleton ‘1,000 per Houley, co-chairman of the had talked with McGovern fol- p^oss this country, that P^tty About 50 persons attended the pub­ the basis that the economic picture for stallations. cent." lowing Eagleton's announce- g^^^ the Issue” of his medical the next year or two Is not favorable Noting that fact sheets on the school Allan Thomas, chairman of the school legislature’s Appropriations ic hearing, held at Waddell School. board; Paul Greenberg, chairman of Eagleton, 42, said he agreed committee, said Transportation ment, but added that they did history "would run out of gas," Tlie greater part of the session was lor new construction and new taxes, proposal were made available only to withdraw from the race only not discuss the choice of a new gagleton said, and on the basis that more discussion last night, Atty. Rublnow said Jarvis the school board’s building and sites Commissioner A. Earl Wood devoted to the school-additions pro­ committee; and Dr. James Kennedy. at the personal urging of running-mate. He called Eagle- McGovern disagreed. He posal, with almost every member of and more explanation is needed before had asked school officials in May for told the committee March 2: some facts and figures, "and didn’t get Manchester’s new superintendent of McGovern. "Hopefully, In the near future (AP photo) ton’s resignation "a very diffl- gj tj,e news conference: "It the public who spoke on the question decision is made. Eagleton also appeared on cull and courageous thing to ,^^,gg gen. Eagleton’s health them” ; that he hsked again in June, schools. 'la *® calling for a merit sys- Prince Georges County police, using a metal detec­ House before the start of the trial of Arthur Brem­ voicing opposition to It. The Board of Directors conducted a NBC's "Today Show 1 "and never got them” ; and that the (See Page Sixteen) tern examination to do away er accused of shooting Gov. George Wallace. do." that was the factor In this deol- Builder and daveloper Jarvis Is fifth public hearing last night on four proj­ he thought ' the man In the tor, search everyone entering the County Court with the sx>eclal assistant rat­ Jean Briscoe, a Democratic g|ou. It was the debate In the street understood" concerning ing.” National Committee member gountry. it was the furor In the his mental health. In his letter to Meskill, Hou­ from Eagleton’s home state, country.” "The people who didn't un­ ley said: "Five months have said she was disappointed with Dutifully_____ _ Eagleton said derstand were some of the elapsed since the commissioner Prosecutor Seeks Bremer-GunLink McGovern’s decision to ask these are Issues on which rea­ people who were more sophis- Eagleton to step down. sonable men can differ.” ^ , led us to believe this merit sys- UPPER MARLBORO, Md. Bremer appeared In court to- from the shooting victims and shoulder that he was the man tlcated, such as the editorial vlolatitm would be rectl- The boyish-looking 42-year- McGovern disclosed In an­ Judge Says Jail (AP)-The state attempted today day without the beard which he Introduced them as evidence. they had seen point a gun at pages of The New York Times. Sullivan has been In old Eagleton appeared tense swer to a question that he had The Washington Post and The at the trial of Arthur ^I. Bre- had sported publicly for the Tbe testimony about the type Wallace. » .ss-callber^revolv- first time at th^ opening day of of ammunlUon used by police But there was_ no ^esB^ony ^g‘„curR o“om‘*o/the Old Senate m eX ^ l^ h lstS y w ltt 'lto M of Los Angeles Times. three months without having to came from Ueut. Ool. W.D. t° t>® the 21ryear-old defendant He called them "very sophls- take such an examlnaUon.” er found at the scene with the the trial Monday, Office Building as he stood be- gggjgton’s former doctors, two recess, newsmen Sellner of the Prince Georges directly to the .38 caliber re­ Might Not Hurt ticated newspapers with ex- Despite the governor’s claim bullets which wounded Ala- During a side McGovern. ’The South Da- gj Louis and one at the- asked Miss Eleanor Llpsltz, County Police, but Marshall volver found at the scene or cellent editorial staffs, but who saving money by cracking bama. Gov. George C. Wallace kota senator said— Eagleton’s g' Rochester, defense co-counsel, to ask Bre- was thwarted in getting further that it was the weapon with seemed to take the position that „ „ toll evasions and t h ^ presence on the ticket would Minn. The effort by State's Atty. mer why he had shaved. testimony from him when Pow- which the governor, one of his mean "continued debate be­ It was at a news conference since I at one time had emo- and by eliminating two toll sys- The defendant overheard the ers sustained a series of de- campaign workers, a ^ cr e t tlonal problems, it forever . ... tern jobs, Houley said that "the \rthur A. Marshall Jr. was tween" Democrats "who op­ at Sylvan Lake near Custer, In Youth Cases question and said, “ You have to fense objections. Service agent and an Alatema ilcwcd by late witnesses and pose his candidacy and those S.D., that Eagleton first an­ makes me somehow un- toll system problems are still By JUNE LINTON adverse rulings from Judge pay for it," an apparent refer- TTte prosecutor also had to state trooper were wounded.
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