i ^ ,' " HE AMERICAN 15c JULY 1962 MAGAZINE "Z am apt fo believe t hat-it [Independence Day] will be celebrated by succeeding GENERAL generations as the great PATTON'S • anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated , as the PREMONITION day of deliverance, by solemn by acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought LARRY NEWMAN to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, THE BIG ISSUE bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this PRO&CON continent to the other, from this time "Should . forward fo revermore Federal Aid JOHN ADAMS Ji.h 3, 1776 Be Limited to Public Schools?" m ABC's OF BLOOD by TOM MAHONEY litis H T if, K» . i fill 1118 fill ... — WHY IVAN out 1 •§ I mi •Ml LOVES RUSSIA by ARTHER S. TRACE, JR. INDEPENDENCE HALL Philadelphia, Pa. The American JULY 1962 Volume 73, Number J Cover by Orville Johnson POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6. Ind. LEGION1 The American Legion Magazine is published monthly at 1100 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky., Magazine by The American Legion. Copy- right 1962 by The American Le> gion. Second-class postage paid at Louisville, Ky. Price: single July 1962 copy, 15 cents; yearly subscrip- Contents for tion, $1.50. Nonmember sub- scriptions should be sent to the Circulation Department of The American Legion Magazine, P.O Box 10S5, Indianapolis 6, Ind. THE BIG ISSUE -PRO & CON ARGUMENTS ON THE QUESTION: CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Notify Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Ind., "SHOULD FEDERAL AID BE LIMITED JO PUBLIC SCHOOLS?". using Post Office Form 3578. At- PRO: SENATOR SAM J. ERVIN, Jr. (D-N.C.) tach old address label and give old and new addresses and cur- con: REP. JAMES J. DELANEY (D-N.Y.) rent membership card number. Also be sure to notify your Post Adjutant. GEN. PATTON'S PREMONITION by larry g. NEWMAN 12 The American Legion Executive and The story of a memorable press conference at which General Administrative Offices Patton told of his orders to stop his advance, and how this Indianapolis 6, Indiana Charles L. Bacon, National meant that we had beaten Hitler only to strengthen Stalin. Commander, The American Le- gion, Indianapolis 6, Ind. The American Legion Publica- THE ROBOTS STRIKE BACK by w. f. miksch 14 tions Commission: Edward McSweeney, Armonk, A look into the brave new world of the future where the work N. Y. (Chairman): Dan W. Emmett, Palo Alio, Calif., Frank is being done by robots, whose interests are being shrewdly C. Love, Syracuse, N. Y., and looked after by a resourceful Professor Frawdish. Morris Meyer, Starkville, Miss. (Vice Chairmen): Lang Arm- strong, Spokane, Wash.: Charles E. Booth, Huntington, W. Va.i John Cicero, Swoyerville, Pa.: ABC'S by tom mahoney Roland Cocreham, Baton Rouge. OF BLOOD 16 La.; E. J. Cooper. Hollywood, Since earliest times man has wondered about the fluid that Fla.; Clovis Copeland, Little Rock, Ark.; Paul B. Dague, courses through human veins and arteries. In the past 20 years Downingtown, Pa.: Raymond we have made amazing progress in understanding it. Fields, Guymon, Okla.; Dave H. Fleischer, St. Louis, Mo.; Her- schiel L. Hunt, El Campo, Tex.; George D. Levy. Sumter, S. C.i Dr. Charles R. Logan, Keokuk, Iowa; Lewis E. McCray. Tusca- WATER SKIING IS EASY ONCE YOU KNOW HOW- 18 loosa, Ala.; Earl L. Meyer. Al- This sport has had a phenomenal growth in recent years. The liance, Neb.; Robert Mitchler, Oswego, 111.; Harold A. Shind- reason — it's easy when you know how, and this illustrated Lafayette, Ind.; William F. ler, feature demonstrates just how easy it is to get started. Taylor, Greensburg, Ky.; Benja- min B. Truskoski, Bristol, Conn. The American Legion Magazine Editorial & Advertising Offices WHY IVAN LOVES RUSSIA by arther s. trace, jr 20 720 Fifth Avenue New York 19, New York A noted educator points out that, as a matter of policy, text- books used in the U.S.A. studiously avoid anything that pro- Publisher, James F. O'Neil motes patriotism. In Russia, things are different. Editor Joseph C. Keeley Managing Editor Robert B. Pitkin Art Editor 's baseball career a Al Marshall by man who "knew him when," and who sheds some new light on one Associate Editor the greatest ever played the game. John Andreola of men who Editorial Assistant Eli L. Kerins Circulation Manager Dean B. Nelson NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION ... .27 Indianapolis, Ind. Advertising Director Robert P. Redden Departments Midwestern Adv. Mgr. Norman C. Schoen PERSONAL • ROD & GUN CLUB 24 Midwestern Advertising Sales Office 35 East Wacker Drive YOU SAID IT NEWSLETTER 25 Chicago 1, Illinois West Coast Adv. Rep. EDITOR'S CORNER 8 LEGION SHOPPER 48 Blanchard-Nichols Assoc. 633 S. Westmoreland Ave. 11 PARTING 52 Los-Angeles 5, Calif, BRIEFLY ABOUT BOOKS SHOTS and 900 Third St. Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, San Francisco 7, Calit. stamped envelope is included. This magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material, A LABOR LEADER A LT. COLONEL IN IN MINNEAPOLIS THE AIR FORCE No symptoms : detected through an annual health The symptom: persistent checkup hoarseness The "CATHY" OF diagnosis: cancer of the A HOUSEWIFE The diagnosis: cancer of the rectum larynx NORTH CAROLINA The cure: signified by ten FROM GEORGIA The cure: signified by five years without further cancer years without further cancer The symptom: a swelling in The symptom : unusual bleed- symptoms. symptoms. the abdomen ing or discharge Fight cancer with a checkup What has he lost? The ability The diagnosis: a cancer of The diagnosis: cancer of the and a check. Only you can to speak? No, for even with- the kidney uterus see that a doctor has a chance out a larynx, he was retrained The cure: signified by five The cure: signified by five to detect your cancer in time. to speak. This sort of reha- years without further cancer years without further cancer Only you, and millions like bilitation work is one of the symptoms. symptoms. you, can speed the day when ways the American Cancer Her mother's alertness to a Thousands of others could this monster is conquered for Society spends its funds. cancer symptom saved Cathy. be cured as this woman was good. Send a check now to The unceasing search for fur- cured. If you have any CANCER, c/o your local ther cures must go on. The symptom that could be can- post office. American Cancer Society cerous, don't wait, don't de- supports research with lay, don't panic. See your $12,000,000. doctor at once. Only he can tell if it is cancer. ALL ARE CURED OF CANCER TO CURE MORE-GIVE MORE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ! . INFORMATION THAT CAN HELP YOU WITH EVERYDAY PROBLEMS Although it's only mid-summer, Detroit already is putting the finishing touches on the 1963 auto year. In a general way, it will shape up like this: • Prices: No change of any consequence is in the works, unless — for reasons not visible now — there's a hike in steel prices. Odds seem against that, though. Benjamin Franklin • Dateline: New models will make their formal appearance very early this time. Just about every maker will have his wares fully on display by ( A Rosicrucian) mid- October (most unveilings will be weeks before that) Why was this man great? How does • Types: The merchandise in the auto supermarket will be even more anyone— man or woman— achieve great- varied than last year. But the sales proportion between standard and non- ness? Is it not by mastery of the powers standard sizes — currently running about 60-40 — is expected to stay the within ourselves? same. Meantime the ultra-small car, notably Ford's Cardinal, has been post- Know the mysterious world within you poned because Detroit doesn't think the market potential is big enough yourself the wisdom of the Attune to right now. ages ! Grasp the inner power ofyour mind • New: Some changes and facelifts will be evident (Dodge, Plymouth, Learn the secrets ofa full and peaceful life! Valiant, Lancer, Rambler) and you'll see growing competition in the Thun- Benjamin Franklin—like many THIS BOOK derbird class (Studebaker's Avanti and probably an entry by Buick). other learned and great men FREE! If you're in a new-car buying mood, you should be cheered by the recent and women— was a Rosicru- cian. The Rosicrucians (NOT performance of used-car prices. They have been relatively high, portending a religious organization) first the chances of favorable trade-ins. came to America in 1694. To- day, headquarters of the Rosi- Private-car buyers have as many theories about the right time to act as crucians send over seven mil- trout fishermen. But here are some of the methods used by the professionals lion pieces of mail annually to — the fellows fleet cars in big quantities: all parts of the world. Write who buy for YOUR FREE COPY of 1. They try to turn an old car in for a new one while its resale value still "The Mastery of Life' -TODAY. No obliga- is good and before it starts running up repair bills. Here is a typical turn- tion. No salesmen. A non-profit organization. over schedule: If a car is driven 40,000 miles a year, it should be replaced L.A.B. Address: Scribe annually; 30,000-40,000 miles a year, 18 months; 24,000-30,000 miles a year, me ROSICRUCIANS 24 months; 18,000-24,000 miles a year, 30 months; 12,000-18,000 miles a year, SAN JOSE • (AMORC) • CALIFORNIA 36 months; under 12,000 miles a year, 48 months.
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