/ To th e N Haunts of the GamcyBladiBass, the Elusive Speckled. Trout Fighting MaskinongeFighting and. the Treasure House o f Gold, Copper, Iran Talc, Marble and M any Other Minerals B eauties and Reseso u rces Hastings C o u n ty P ro v in ce o f O n ta r io Dominion of Canada. in Words and Pictu re. THE GOVERNMENT of the Province of Ontario, realizing the tremendous possi­ Foreword bilities of the situation, established a de­ partment of publicity to bring the general HIS PUBLICATION is the result of attractions of Ontario to the attention of ® ^deliberations of the Hastings County the world at large and particularly our Council, consultation with Govern­ wealthy cousins south of the border line. ment officials and publicity experts, Publications issued by the Ontario Govern­ and a careful study of the situation by the ment are now being broadcasted far and members of the Finance Committee of the wide showing the advantages of a vacation Hastings County Council, Warden and visit to Ontario for pleasure, for investment, County Clerk, appointed to take necessary or for both. steps to bring the natural advantages of the County to the attention of the world, more THE COMMITTEE felt that it was des­ particularly as regards Mineral Resources irable to link up with the Government ad­ and attractions for tourists. vertising, which extolled Ontario as a whole, by calling attention particularly to WITH THE ADVENT of first-class Hastings County, its tourist attractions and highways and the rapid increase in motor its mineral and waterpower resources, so car traffic, tourist travel has become a that while public attention was focussed question of vital interest to all Provinces of upon Ontario as a whole it might be parti­ Canada, millions of dollars being brought cularly focussed upon Hastings County. As into Canada each year by automobile pleas­ a result this booklet has been published and ure seekers and expended here, with the will be circulated widely in the United States prospect of the golden stream increasing and Great Britain, with the view of attract­ each year as the highways get better and ing not only tourists but also capital for Canada’s attractions become more generally development purposes to this County. known. P A G E O N E * G. B. AIRHART, Chairman. J. V. WALSH, Warden, 1923. W. H. NUGENT, County Clerk and Publicity Commissioner. COUNTY OF HASTINGS PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. PA G E TWO The Story of Hastings THE HISTORY OF HASTINGS Bass fishing such as exists nowhere else in COUNTY is so intensely interesting that the world, ’lunge fishing unequalled, hund­ the Committee felt that this publication reds of beautiful lakes and streams, some of would be far from complete if a brief re­ them seldom if ever disturbed by the whirr sume of the chief historical incidents of the of a fisherman’s reel or the swish of a pole, County and individual Townships were not virgin territory awaiting discovery—and all given, and with the hope that the story of over the finest of automobile roads within Hastings in word and picture may prove a day’s march of the New York State bound­ interesting to Home Folks as well as dis­ ary, and through a country filled with tant strangers this volume is speeded on its gold, silver, iron and other minerals, where way with the sincere belief that word and the world’s finest Talc for Talcum Powder picture can but inadequately describe the and other purposes, comes from,—THE Wonderful Beauties and Rich Resources of COUNTY OF A THOUSAND WONDERS. Hastings County. The Home Folks know AGAIN WE SAY COME, and come for and need not be told, but to the much trav­ PLEASURE AND PROFIT. elled tourist, fisherman, hunter or capital­ J- V. WALSH, Warden, 1923 ist who thinks he has sampled all the thrills possible we say COME OVER THE G. B. AIRHART, Chairm an. HILLS OF HASTINGS and discover Black W. H. NUGENT, Publicity Commissioner. P A G E T H R E E Hastings, Past and Present The name of Hastings is of great anti­ were also established during this period but quity and was a place of some importance it is doubtful if they were the origin of our in the time of the Anglo Saxon. Since Will­ courts of modern times. iam the Conqueror pitched his tents at Warren Hastings as governor of India, Hastings and prepared for battle with King 1782, preserved by diplomacy and strategy Edward of England at Senlac Hill, October what Clive had won by the sword and re­ 14th, 1066, the name of Hastings seemed tained for the British Empire that vast destined to play an important part in Brit­ country with its many natural resources ish history. and commercial opportunities. The aftermath of the Norman conquest, Lord Francis Rawdon Hastings was a although turbulent and cruel, proved to be young Irish officer. He was the son of Sir the nucleus of some of our Government in­ John Rawdon of Moira, afterwards created stitutions. The formation of the great Earl of Moira, and Lady Elizabeth Hastings council at Salisbury in 1086 at which meet­ daughter of the ninth Earl of Huntingdon, ing all districts of the kingdom were repre­ and names of these interesting personalities sented and an oath of allegiance to the King have been given to Townships in our fair was required of each member, was perhaps County. Lord Hastings rendered distin­ the origin of our present parliament. The guished service to the Empire during the Doomsday book, completed in 1086, in which American Revolutionary War, following was recorded names of all land holders with which a large number of colonists who did location and description of their property not wish to surrender their British alleg­ compiled for taxation purposes, was the be­ iance and citizenship, migrated to Canada ginning of an important institution in our and were allotted large tracts of land in the municipal system. Forms of law courts various parts of the country upon which to PA G E FO U R settle. These men and women were known ~- east by the western most line of the County as the United Empire Loyalists, and those of Lennox, on the south by the Bay of who landed on the shores of the Bay of Quinte until it meets at the boundary on Quinte brought with them the recollection the eastern most line of the river of the gallant young officer and in admir­ Trent, thence along the said river until it ation of his splendid services, named the intersects the rear of the ninth concession; fertile stretch of country on the north side thence by a line running north, sixteen of the bay, Hastings. degrees west, until it intersects the Ottawa or Grand river, thence descending along the “Not drooping like poor fugitives they came said river until it meets the north western In exodus to our Canadian wild, most boundary of the County of Addington. But full of heart and hope, and head erect The said County of Hastings to comprehend And fearless eyes victorious in defeat.” all the islands of the said Bay of Quinte and In 1792 Hastings County was formed by River Trent nearest to the said County in proclamation of Governor Simcoe, by which the whole or greater part fronting on the proclamation Upper Canada was divided into sam e.” nineteen Counties, the eleventh being nam­ In 1839 Hastings was separated from ed Hastings. The proclamation though the midland Counties. very interesting to those belonging to the Militia. respective localities to which the various The militia of Hastings County was or­ sections refer is too voluminous to quote at ganized in the year 1799 with John Fer­ length and so we give only the section as guson as Lieutenant-Colonel, Alex. Chis­ recorded belonging to the County of Hast­ holm, Major, William Bell, Captain and Ad­ ings: “That the eleventh of the said coun­ jutant. On June 29th, 1812, this regiment ties be hereafter called by the name of Hast­ went to Kingston under orders in the war ings. which County is to be bounded on the with the United States. In 1837 this Corp P A G E F IV E did efficient duty and was permanently dis­ boundaries are over a hundred beautiful banded in April, 1839. lakes and twelve or more rivers, some of The second Hastings cavalry was raised which have a fall of one thousand to twelve in 1838 by Captain Charles 0. Benson. hundred feet from their source to where In the recent great war the County of they empty into the Bay of Quinte, afford­ Hastings gave over 4000 men who valiantly ing many magnificent water powers. The represented the County on all battle fronts amount of power developed is 22,000 H.P., and by their courage, fortitude and valour and a very moderate estimate of the power assisted in bringing victory to the Empire, undeveloped is 80,000 H.P. Nature has glory to themselves, and assured liberty and generously and advantageously distributed democracy to the country. these water powers throughout the County, Hastings County contains 1,478,7SG thus assuring accessible electric energy for acres, near’y the size of the Kingdom of development of mineral resources in the Roumania, tver twice as large as the state northern sections of the County as well as of Rhode Island, U.S.A., and larger than providing for the agricultural and industrial the Province of Prince Edward. Within its requirements of the southern part.
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