
====~====~~= 1~~~~~= The Prelude to the Amarna Age 1. Statue of Amenhotep III as a Sacred Image This life-size ftpre of the king 'IWU disccmred in 1~ along with a ntlmber of other sculpcures. buriedin a pit at thewaf sideof the ·suncourt·'Wbicb Amenbotep III builtinfront of bis temple at Lwror. Now in the Lwror Museum, the statue rep­ resents the king as Alum, wearing the doubk crown and standingupon a skdge of the type usedto dragsacred images in procession. Tbe vandalism that tbis piece suf­ fered at the bands of the Atenistsis apparent in the erasures (never repaired) of the names of Amun, botb inside the nomen of Amenbotep III and in references to the godbimself. Theinterest of tbis monument as a precursor of theAmama period lies in the kings description of bimselfin association with the sola' disk ('"Aten·) even while professing loyaltyto the Theban gods. Base. Rigbt: Long live the Good God in true fact. the sovereign. ruler of the Nine Bows. king of the Black Land. ruler of the Red Land. who knots together the laws and sets the 1WoShores in order; the King of Upper and Lower Egypt. NEBMAATRE. the Son of Re. AMENHOTEP Ill, given life and dominion. Base. Left: Long live the Good God. possessor of joy.Lord of Crowns who t1kes possession of the White Crown and makes many the monuments in the house of his father Amun. who created his beauty, the King of Upper and Lower Egypt. NEBMAATRE. the Son of Re. AMENHOTEP Ill, given life like Reforever. &ek Pilla,: at the rounded top. corresponding to the lunette of a stela. Arnen­ botepIII kneels on the kft, with a broad fan at bis backgivingbim the protection of all life behind him. Tbeking offers a bouquet to thegodenthroned on the rigbt The Prelude to the Amarna Age 21 20 Texts from the Amame Period in Egypt .side: Amun, Lord of the Thrones of the 'IWo Lands. ruler of Thebes, as he alabaater. incense. oil, and every good and pure thing on which a god lives gives all life and all health. Below this scene thereare fourcolumns of tat: and which are received at Min's Progress. For the Ka of the king's follower on water, on land, and on every foreign country. the standard-bearer of the Re-Harakhty. Mighty Bull who appears in Maat, Good God in true fact, company of "NEBMAATRE, the Dazzling Aten," Kamose, the sovereign. ruler of the Nine Bows, dazzling Aten for all lands. whose sacred cobra has illuminated the Two Shores, functional king. perfect in Made by the (royal)companion, great of love. royal courier upon the for­ monuments. master of Ltws. who sets the Two Shores in order. being one eign country; the seal-bearer of the King of Lower Egypt. the great one in who makes functional the mansions of the gods and makes festive their the palace, May.whom the housewife Takhat bore. temples; one who is great in holy and august monuments- never has the like been donel (He is) a king who is watchful toward the one who fash­ On the badepillar. The standard-bearer of the company of "NEBMAATRE, ioned him. who does what pleases his Ka- (namely). Amun-Re. Lord of the the Dazzling Aten" (or"Re") Kamose, Made by the troop captain May. Thrones of the Two Lands: he is the one who created his beauty. (namely. that of) the King of Upper and Lower Egypt. NEBMAATRE, who is service­ C. CanopicJars of CourtlAdies ably disposed toward the one who fashioned him, (i.e.) Amun-Re. the one who distinguished him from among nilllions and decreed valor and victory A number of the individuals for whom these objects were made claimaffiliation for him: the Son of Re. AMENHOTEP Ill, lord of every foreign Iand-one withan institution that is called. in itsfullest designation. The House of Dazzling who acts loyally toward the gods of Thebes,' who supplies their offerings. Aten the Great. The king. the master of joy. Lord of the TwoLands. NEBMAATRE,the Son of Re.his beloved. AMENHOTEP Ill, foremost of all living Kas. sha11 contin­ D. Tomb of Nefersekberu ually be manifest on the throne of his father, Amun-Re, Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands. his heart joyful as he governs the 1\vo Lands like Re for­ Neferseltberu MIS a palace administTator' woo played an important role in his ever continually. master's first jubilee. Among the most importanttitles listed for this man in his unfinished tomb in West Thebes is Steward of the House of NEBMAATRE.the Dazzling Aten. 2. Other References to the Aten from the Reign of Amenhotep III E.From Mortuary Temple in West Thebes A. The "Lake" Commemorariw Scarab On the base of one of the jaclca1 statues from here. the Icing is described as The image of Re,with a dazzling face. appearing like Aten-the godly falcon of Regnal year 11, third month of the Inundation season, day 1 under the variegated plumage who embraces the 1\vo Lands with his wings. Person of the Horus. "Mighty Bull who appears in Maat";1\vo Ladies "Who Establishes Laws and Pacifies the TwoLands"i Golden Horus "Whose Valor F. LuxorTemple is Great. Smiter of Asiatics"; King of Upper and Lower Egypt NEBMAAT­ REi the Son of Re. AMENHOTEP III, given lifei (and) the King's Chief Wife Among the many Nriants of the Icings throne name. there is one cartouehe tbat TIYI, may she live. His Person commanded the making of a lake for the names him as NEBMAATRE THE DAZZUNG ATEN. Elsewhere Amenbotep King's Chief Wife TIYl-may she live-in her town (called) Djarukha, Its III is referred to as sovereign like Aten. lasting as Aten is lasting, and a runner length is 3.700cubits and its width 700 cubits. His Person celebrated the fes­ like Aten. swift-footed tival of "Opening the Lakes" in the third month of Inundation. day 16.just as his Person was rowed within it in the royal barge (called)"Aten is Dazzling." G. Karnak. Temple of Montu B.Statuetteof the Standard-Bearer Kamose The Icing is one whom [Amun] placed on his throne to be ruler of what A "boon which the king gives" of Min of Coptos and Isis. mother of the Aten encircles. (of) the throne of Geb, the office of Atum and the kingship god. that they may give mortuary offerings of bread. beer. oxen, fowl. of Re andKhepri Elsewhere he is the Good God. likeness of Re who ilIumi· 22 Texts from the Amama Period In Egypt The Prelude to the Amarna Age 23 nates the Two Lands like the Horizon-dweller: master of sunbeams in the in front of his Person. He went to her at once, for he lusted after her. He fAce like Aten, because of whom everyone rejoices. caused her to see him in his godly shape after he had come right up to her, so that she rejoiced at seeing his be&uty. Love of him coursed through her limbs. and the palace was flooded <with> the god's scent: all his smells were 3. The Ritual of the King's Divine Birth those of Punt!' from Luxor Temple Words spoken [by the King's Mother] MUTEMWIA in front of the Person This composition grounded the Icing s diPine identity in the paternity 01 AmlIn­ of this august god, Amun. Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands: "How Re, King 01 the Gods. RestonJtions a~ based in part on an earlier (and substan­ great, indeed, is your powerl How beautiful is [everything] which you have tUJlly dil/nmt) wrsion in Queen Hatsbepsuts mortuary temple, as weU as other, [done]. How hidden are the plans which you have made. How satisfied is more frdgmentary parallels. your heart at my PersonI Your fragrance is throughout all my body: After this. (i.e.). the Person of this God's doing all that he wanted with her, words Scene I: AmIIn-Re looIu on as Amenbotep Ills mother, the King's Chief Wife spoken by Amun-Re. Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands in front of her MUrEMWIA. embraces thegoddess Harbor: Person: -AMENHOTEP III is the name of this child which I have [placed] in your womb. Let this utterance of words issue from your mouth: 'He shall Words spoken [ ... ] his mother [ ... ] a great, good and pure hecatomb. exercise this effective kingship in this entire landI' My Sa belongs to him, The person of this god became excited(?) for very love of her [ ... ] this god my prestige belongs to him, and my kingly crown belongs to him: he is the [desired to meet with the king's] mother MUI'EMWlA. He was given entry one who shall rule the Two Lands like Re toreverl" to the palace-dweller, face to face, nose to nose, having changed into the shape [of her husband, while] she [was] exulting (?) [ ... ] a great [ ... ] which Scene V: Anuin-Re stands be/~ theram-beaded god Kbnum, patron01 potters. all people desire, and Amun went to impregnate her. Words spoken by Amun-Re. Preeminent in his Inner Sanctuary: -I [have] given [you] all ... before (me). I have given you all life and dominion before SceneII:Amun-Re~a theIcing "'00 is Amenbotep Ill's mortallather. me, (0) my beloved son, [0 child of] Amun-Re,Lord of his Inner Sanctuaryl By King: -[Pray do (?)] what you desire (?) with this young woman, for I Make him and his Ka with this body, which is [Amun's], more perfected say to you [ ..
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