1935 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 12451 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills and resolutions Senators answered to their names: were introduced and severally referred as follows: Adams Costigan Lewis Reynolds Ashurst Dickinson Logan Robinson By Mr. BROWN of Georgia: A bill <H. R. 9038) to extend Austin Dieterich Lonergan Russell the times for commencing and completing the construction Bachman Donahey Long Schall of a bridge across the Savannah River at or near Lincolnton, Bankhead Duffy McAdoo Schwellenbach Barbour Fletcher McCarran Sheppard Ga.; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.· Barkley Frazier McGill Shipstead By Mr. BRUNNER: A bill <H. R. 9039) providing retire­ Black George McKella.r Smith Borah Gerry McNary Steiwer ment for persons who hold licenses as navigators or engineers Bulkley Gibson Minton Thomas, Okla. who have reached the age of 64 years and who have served Bulow Glass Moore Townsend 25 years or more in the Army Transport Service; to the Burke Gore Murphy Trammell Byrd Guffey Murray Tydings Committee on Military Affairs. Byrnes Hale Neely Vandenberg By Mr. FENERTY: A bill <H. R. 9040) to provide for the Capper Hastings Norbeck VanNuys Caraway Hatch O'Mahoney Wagner erection of a memorial in the National Cemetery of Phila­ Chavez Hayden Overton Walsh delphia, Pa., in honor of 40 Unknown soldiers of America's Clark Johnson Pittman Wheeler wars who lie buried there; to the Committee on the Library. Connally King Pope White Copeland La Follette Radcliffe By Mr. MAVERICK: A bill <H. R. 9041) to provide for the payment to the American War Mothers of interest on the Mr. LEWIS. I announce that the junior Senator from fund known as the" Recreation fund, Army"; to the Com­ West Virginia [Mr. HoLT] is absent from the Senate because mittee on Military Affairs. of illness, and that the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. BAILEY], the junior Senator from Mississippi [Mr. BILBO], By Mr. HARTLEY: A bill <H. R. 9042) to provide for the the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. BROWN], the Senator sale of the Port Newark Army supply base to the city of from Missouri [Mr. CLARK], the Senator from Massachusetts Newark, N. J.; to the Committee on Military Affairs. [Mr. COOLIDGE], the senior Senator from Mississippi [Mr. By Mr. ELLENBOGEN: A bill <H. R. 9043) to promote HARRISON], the Senator from Utah [Mr. THOMAS], the Sena­ industrial recovery, to encourage fair competition, to amend tor from Connecticut [Mr. MALONEY], and the Senator from the Federal Trade Commission Act, and for other purposes; Missouri [Mr. TRUMAN] are necessarily detained from the to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Senate. Mr. SCHWELLENBACH. I announce that my colleague PRIVATE BILL the senior Senator from Washington [Mr. BONE] is absent Under clause 1 of rule XXII, because of illness. Mr. FENERTY introduced a bill (H. R. 9044) granting a Mr. VANDENBERG. I announce that my colleague the pension to Nellie Dorschlag, which was referred to the Com­ Senator from Michigan [Mr. COUZENS] is absent because of mittee on Pensions. illness. Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Wyo­ ming [Mr. CAREY], · the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. PETITIONS, ETC. KEYES], and the Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. METCALF] Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid are necessarily detained from the Senate. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-nine Senators have an­ 9264. By Mr. FENERTY: Resolution of Purity Temple, swered to their names. A quorum is present. No. 7, Order of United Americans, of Philadelphia, Pa., urging PF(TITIONS AND MEMORIALS passage of the so-called "Dies bill" <H. R. 5921); to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter in the nature of a petition from Marie Pulpit, of New York 9265. Also, petition from sundry citizens of Philadelphia, City, N. Y., praying for the reduction of taxation and gov­ Pa., urging enactment of House Joint Resolution 346, direct­ ernmental expenditures, which was referred to the Commit- ing the President to proclaim September 13, 1935, Commo­ tee on Finance. • dore John Barry Memorial Day; to the Committee on the Judiciary. He also laid before the Senate a letter from Mrs. Anna Walsh, of Schenectady, N. Y., relative to the failure of the 9266. Also, petition from sundry citizens of Philadelphia, Portland Gas & Coke Co., of Portland, Oreg., to pay dividends Pa., urging enactment of House Joint Resolution 346, direct­ on its preferred stock, which, with the accompanying paper, ing the President to proclaim September 13, 1935, Commo­ was ordered to lie on the table. dore John Barry Memorial Day; to the Committee on the Mr. TYDINGS presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Judiciary. Baltimore, Md., remonstrating against alleged atrocities per­ 9267. Also, petition from sundry citizens of Philadelphia, petrated upon and persecution of the Jews in Germany, Pa., praying for enactment of House Joint Resolution 346, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. directing the President to proclaim September 13, 1935, He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Hagers­ Commodore John Barry Memorial Day; to the Committee town, Md., praying for the prompt revision of the neutrality on the Judiciary, laws, which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ tions. SENATE Mr. CAPPER presented a petition of sundry citizens of West Mineral, Kans., praying for the enactment of the bill MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1935 cs. 3150) to levy an excise tax upon carriers and an income <Legislative day of Monday, July 29, 1935) tax upon their employees, and for other purposes, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Penalosa of the recess. and Preston, both in the State of Kansas, praying for the THE JOURNAL enactment of legislation establishing a retirement system for On request of Mr. ROBINSON, and by unanimous consent, railroad employees, which were ref erred to the Committee the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar on Interstate Commerce. day Thursday, August 1, 1935, was dispensed with, and the He also presented a resolution adopted by officers and Journal was approved. members of Hoisington Lodge, No. 564, Brotherhood of Rail­ road Trainmen, of Hoisington, Kans., favoring the enact­ CALL OF THE ROLL ment of legislation establishing a retirement system for rail­ Mr. ROBINSON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. road employees, which was referred to the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Interstate Commerce.. 12452 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE AUGUST 5 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Legion, Klamath Falls, Oreg., for use on camping trips for Mr. SHEPPARD, from the Committee on Military Affairs, boys; to the Committee on Military Affairs. to which was referred the bill (H. R. 7199) to provide for By Mr. BULOW: · the donation of certain Army equipment to posts of the A bill <S. 3367) for the relief of James Gaynor; to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, reported it with an amendment Committee on Claims. and submitted a report (No. 1194) thereon. By Mr. BURKE: He also, from the same committee, to which was referred . A bill <S. 3368) authorizing the Village Board of the the bill (S. 3176) to authorize the Secretary of War to lend village of Niobrara, county of Knox, State of Nebraska, to to the Reunion Committee of the United Confederate Vet­ construct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge across the erans, to be delivered to a United s•cates property and dis­ Missow·i River at or near Niobrara, Nebr.; to the Committee bursing officer, 3,000 blankets, olive drab, no. 4, and 3,000 on Commerce. canvas cots, to be used at their annual encampment to be By Mr. JOHNSON: held at Amarillo, Tex., in September 1935, reported it with A bill (8. 3369) providing for the posthumous appaint­ amendments and submitted a report <No. 1195) thereon. ment of Ernest E. Dailey as a warrant radio electrician, He also, from the same committee, to which was referred United States NavY; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. the bill <S. 3057) for the relief of John B. Jones, reported it A bill CS. 3370) to amend the act entitled "An act to pro­ without amendment and submitted a report <No. 1198) vide for the construction of certain public buildings, and thereon. for other purposes", approved May 25, 1926; to the Com­ Mr. MINTON, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds. which was referred the bill <S. 2962) to correct the military By Mr. WHEELER: record of John Pate, reported it with amendments and sub­ A bill <S. 3371> for the relief of John Walker; mitted a report <No. 1196> thereon. A bill CS. 3372> to provide funds for cooperation with the Mr. CONNALLY, from the Committee on Public Buildings public-school district at Hays, Mont., for construction and . and Grounds, to which was referred the bill <S. 3345) to improvement of public-school buildings to be available for authorize the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to exchange Indian children; and certain property rights now vested in the United States at A bill <S. 3373) to credit the tribal funds of the Indians Veterans' Administration facility, Perry Point, Md., for cer­ of the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation in Montana with tain property and rights of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Co. certain swns expended therefrom for the purchase and main­ in that vicinity, reported it without amendment and sub­ tenance of tribal herd, and for the purchase of horses de­ mitted a report <No.
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