— Wfe-'^at^^N^gy^i' A«-i: ASSUMAMCE. /a INCORPORATED PIRSIANT TO ACT OF PARLIAMENT. ,_l /.^/» \\V \K< /J\ /^\.\ ' iSlOO.OOO. CHIEF OFFICE, 64 CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. 30irpctors. Eev. George Roberts, Chairman. Lieut. Colonel Fakis, E.E., Deput_y -Chairman. John Best, Esq. Captain Faris. W.' F. Buchanan, Esq. William Montresor, Esq. Bryan Corcoran, Esq. Francis New. Esq., Managing Director. Donald Eraser, Esq., M.D., 1 Oakley Sqxiare, St Pancras, Visiting Medical Officer. Edward Ryley, Esq., F.E.A.S., Consulting Actuary. Banitfve—Tai: London and County Bank. 13})g3tcian—-Walter HayleWalshe, Esq., M.D. ,40 Queen Ann Street, Cavendish Square. Jburgfon—W. B. Hutchinson, Esq., 70 Guildfoj-d St., Russell Square. *7 Soltritor Joseph Ivimey, Esq., 30 So".:thampton Buildings. ^ecrftarp—Edward Kobinson, Esq. The advantages given by this Company to all classes of" Soci( ry,, is securing a large and rapidly increasing business, so much so tli?.t the amount done has been doiibled every successive year. Any particulars, or rater, of- Premium, can be obtained at the COMHANY'S BRANGH OFFICE, 61 REFORM STREET, DUNDEE W, L. GROUNDWATER, Mamfg^;r bound by R. EDMOND, DUNDEE. ;. n C-2i USIC WAREMOU 1. CRICHTON STREET, B u n 5 e e. A. M. STEPHEI, Cj^ STATIONEB, BOOK, MUSIC, AND P ill N T SELLER, LIBRARIAN, AND NEWSPdAN, V-a^ Has always on hand a large Stock of CHEAP MUSIC. Mr Spindler Vi, has given him a list of the sheets, which he knoAvs are correct, and what H > he can with confidence recoran.end, of the mJ"^ MUSICAL BOUQUET, CYCLOPEDIA OF MUSIC, AND Davidson's music ; All at 3d. per Sheet. IHW AHB FA§ISIE(D1A1BIL1 M1BE€? iiuaili'ilics^ Waltzes^ Polkas^ aiul all i\\e oiker ©aiicc Music Also, great variety of SONGS, PIECES, SGOTCH BONGS, SCaTCH PIECES, &3. Hamilton's Tutor for the Piano, 4s. ; Hamilton's Singing Tutor, 4s. Cramer and Herz's Tutor; and Iwstruction Books for all Instruments. On this class of Music A. M. S. allows a discount of 3d. oft" each shilling. Any Sheets not in Stock procured immediately on the same terms. MUS.IC AT HALF-PRICE. 4: Violins at 3s U, 3s U, 4s U, 5s, 6s, 7s 6sl, 10s 0«l, 15s, & 21s. ISobJs, iSoto l^at'r, Strings, ISriiiges, anb ^tgla. FLUTES at Is, Is 6d, 2s, 2s 6d,, 3s, 4s 6d, and 6s. COCOA WOOD FLXITFS, with Four German Silver Keys, Slide Head, m only 15s. Eight do. do., 21s, 30 ,a!id433 ACCOEDEONS AND FLUTINAS IN GREAT VARIETY. ACCORDEONS AND FLUTINAS REPAIRED AND TUNED, L1>J VIOLONCKLLO AND GUITAR STRINGS. Manuscript Music Boohs; Music Paper; Music Portfolios; Mf-'sic Rollers. Music Bound to any Pattern- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 201G with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/dundeedirectory18534donn THE DUNDEE DIRECTORY FOR 1853-4; INCLUDING lOCHEE, BROHGHTY FERRY, TAYPORT, & NEWPORT. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, a UrW Itettli cf tilt listnrtt nf luutot BY JAMES H. DONNAK DUNDEE : A. M. STEPHEN, JAMES CHALMERS, WILLIAM MIDDLETON, FREDERICK SHAW, AND ROBERT EDMOND. MDCCCLUI. : sji^' ( Cc^^^-X^ I SI 3 t 7 DUNDEE PRINTED BY JOHN IRVINE, HIGH STREET. J c ' lb |k«V .* 4" ^ - H r *.. — PEEFACE. In presenting tlie present volume to the Subscribers and tbe Public, some apolog)^ Is due for the delay wliicli bas unavoidably occurred in Its publication. Wben It was announced, In tbe beginning of Marcb, so much of tlie work bad been prepared that It was calculated that the whole might be completed and printed shortly after Whitsunday probably by the first of June. As the work progressed, however, difficulties were encountered which had not been anticipated. A large re-written portion of the Brief Historical Sketch now given had to be ; and the correction of the multifarious details connected with the numerous local lists, turned out a work much moi-e formidable than had been contemplated. As accuracy in these was as much a desideratum as In the other departments, there was no alternative but taking the necessary time for having the work done in a satisfactory manner. Again, the taking of the names and addresses of the citizens had to be postponed beyond the time originally fixed for its commencement : It was found that so many removals were intended where the new places of business or residences had not been decided upon, that to have commenced recording them by anticipation before the term day, would either have rendered that Important department very Imperfect at its very Issue, or caused a re-survey of the whole town to correct the sub- sequent changes. In these circumstances it was deemed advisable to postpone the commencement of this portion till the first of June, the time at which the work was promised to the public. Since then the whole has proceeded with considerable regularity and dispatch ; and it is believed that the subscribers and the public will reap the advan- tages of the delay which has thus taken place. Of the work, as now presented, nothing farther is necessary to be said, than that no pains or care have been spared to secure the largest amount of usefulness and accuracy compatible with the transitory nature of such a production. The whole lists have each been separately cor- rected or revised by the gentlemen conducting the various departments of the public service, and the different local institutions—involving considerable labour to them as well as to to the compiler. The names and addresses have all been taken anew by a personal survey of the entire IV. PREFACL town and vicinity, including Lochee, BrougTity Ferry, Tayport, and Newport ; each address having been obtained in a printed form left and called for, filled up either by the parties themselves or under their immediate direction. Thus the work has been most arduous ; but the plan better fitted to secure completeness and accuracy than any other that could have been adopted. In general these forms were pretty well attended to ; but in not a few cases, where the reverse might have been expected, considerable difficulty was experienced in getting them returned. Considering the importance qf accuracy to the parties them- selves, and the little trouble caused to each, v/e trust this will not be experienced in future. In reference to the Historical Sketch, the writer has to acknowledge his obligations for much information to the " Gazetteer of Scotland," " " by John P. Lawson ; Dr Small's History of Dundee ;" the Pictorial History of Scotland," edited by Eev. James Taylor, D.D., Glasgow ; and the excellent " History of Dundee," by James Thomson. A large portion of this Sketch having been written before the latter work fell into the writer's hands, some of the information it contained was so valuable that, in order to embrace it, that portion was re-written. To those gentlemen M^ho so com*teously afibrded him information on lite- rary, manufacturing, and commercial topics he is laid under deep obbligations, and begs to return them his grateful thanks. The proprietors gladly avail themselves of this opportunity of return- ing their sincere thanks to their advei'tising friends for the liberal patronage they have afforded ; as also to the numerous subscribers who have already ordered copies of the work. They feel gratified in being able to say that, in both departments, the support received has fully realized their highest anticipations ; for which they beg to express their unfeigned gratitude. It is necessary here to notice, that, in the prospectus, a view of the New Eoyal Infirmary and a Vignette Title was promised. At the sug- gestion of several subscribers the proprietors have been indiiced, at additional expense, to substitute a Plan of the Town, which they trust will be found useful as a street guide as far as its necessarily limited scale would admit of particulars being given. J. H, D. 36 Constitution Road, Dundee^ August 1853. CONTENTS. PAGE PAGS Brief Sketcli of the His- XII. List of Streets, Squares, tory of Dundee, . Y Lanes, Entries, &c., 118 I. Municipal Lists, . 51 XIII. Names, Professions, . Addresses of II. Judicial Lists, . ^.59 and III. Commercial and Mari- tlie Principal Inha- time Lists, . 62 bitants of Dundee, . 129 IV. Joint- Stock Companies, 78 XIV. Names and Professions V. Public Conveyances, . 80 of the Principal In- VI. Educational and Lite- habitants (Classified rary Institutions, . 85 Professionally), . 233 VII. Ecclesiastical Lists and XV. List of Shipping Ke- Eeligious Associations, 90 gistered at the Port VIII. Charitable and Benevo- of Dundee, . 279 lent Institutions, . 95 XVI. Broughty Ferry Lists, 286 IX. Miscellaneous Lists, . 105 XVII. Lochee Lists, . 298 X. Post Office Lists, .111 XVIII. Newport Lists, . 307 _ _ XL Public Offices, Buildings, XIX. Ferryport Lists, . 311 . and Rooms, . 116 Advertising Lists, 327 INDEX. PAGE PAGB Agents for Packet Lines, . 74 Commissary Court, . 69 Anti-Slavery Association Commissioners for Affidavits in (Ladies'), . ' . 102 English Courts, . , 61 Baltic Coffeehouse, 62 Consuls (Vice) for Foreign • Band of Hope, . 102 States, . .74 Binking Companies, 66 Constables (Sheriff), . 62 (Branches), 68 Cricket Clubs, . 106 Bank Holidays, , ib. Curling Clubs, . lOT Bible Societies, 93 Customs, . 63 Billetmaster, &c., . 53 Deaf and Dumb Institution, 100 Bowling Clubs, . 106 Diseases in the Chest Institu- Brief Sketch of Dundee, tion, . ib. Burgh Funds, Dock-Gates and Signals, 57 Burgh or Bailie Court, Educational Institute of Scot- Carriers, land (Local Branch), . 89 Cemetery Company, . Exchange CofFoeroom, . 87 Chamber of Commerce, . Excise, . .68 Chess Club, Institution, . 99 Eye , Choral Society, Factory Act, . A . 105 City Mission Associations, Fairs and Markets, . 110 Clothing Society, Female Society, . 99 Tl. INDEX. PAGE PAGE Fire Brigade, 55 Philharmonic Society, - 110 Floral Society, .
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