• TODAY: WOMAN (27) GUILTY OF GEM CHARGES· FISH PIRATE NABBED· SPORTS BEAT· South Rl .00 (GST Friday April 1 inet om shell Speculation high over whether Amathila will stay on or quit . STAFF REPORTERS Why Ben Amathila? (Don't MISS your Weekender! ) SPECULATION is mounting over See page 6 whether Ben Amathila, until yes­ terday morning Minister of Trade and Industry, will accept tbe new Incentives·boost post as Minister of Information and Broadcasting offered to him i Nam open for business or quit the Cabinet. He added manufacruring " IS o~e ApprQached for com­ President to speak fim. STAFF REPORTER area where Namibia is weak, which ment lale last night, In a bombsbell move, PROMOTING industry and trade offers most employmcnI creat ion AmathiJa declined to the President yesterday is the target, and yestei1lay Presi· activities. (Tt is) "the engine fo r gro\\I,h comment on whether he announced that popular dent Sam Nujoma announced a long­ and for sustainable and equit::tble would resign, but con­ Minister bad been shifted awaited package of manufacturing economic de\lclopmcnl. The primary finnedhe bad mel Presi­ 10 the Infonnation and MINISTRY 'TANGO ' ... Cabinet Minister incentives to wide approval fro m agen! o f such development mu sl he dent Sam Nujoma about Broadcasti ng portfolio Hidipo Hamutenya (left) who will take over business. He said this year's em· the private sector." the appointmeDt yester­ and that Infonnation Trade and Industry from Minister Ben Amath­ phasis must be on " industrialisa· The new boml ~es include lax ah:lIe· day eveni ng. Hesaidthe Minister Hidipo Ha­ Ua (right), who has been 'posted' to Inrormation tion by the promotion of manufac· prerogative lay with the Continued on p age 2 and Broadcasting. turing activities. Contin ued on page 2 AFRICAN GEMSTONE Tenth fish pirate EXCHANGE T'A Queen of Namibia F'.... ,....~ __ w. .~ ............,.,.." nabbed by Namibia .".,..4I)p1dl:!' r." FISHERIES inspectors ha,-e and chief engineer are all Spanish. lET us BE YOUR LAST p_harmaceut l cak OtJOTE . SHOP NO 11 7. poWlced on yet another pirate vessel The boat was previously Spanish­ jl,£RNHI."" PARK,- Tfln773S COMPION PHARMACY stealing Namibia's fish, making it owned and registered in Panama. TEl (061) 229260 Andr' Complon (B.Pharm.) FAX: (061) 231161 the tenth ship to be arrested. Con­ It had been "observed for some golese-registered 'LoukouJa' b now time earlier fiShing illegally up to a A pharmacist available per day for medication. under escort to Liideritz Bay where position 26 nautical miles from the 24 ho urs Just phone Rodlopoge 52222 In an emergency and we will open it is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. coast and 85 nautical miles south of at The patrol boal 'Oryx' caught up thenonhem limits of Namibia's EEZ" the Pharmacy within ten minutes at NO EXTRA CHARGEI with 'Loukoula'.J>n We<Desdaymom­ (exclusive economic zone) said iiI PRIIIE PRESS GUARANTEE OF EXCELLENCE! ing and inspectors boanJed it at 08h2:0. Kankondi's statement. pennanenl secretary in the Ministry TIle previous arrests have not proved We print T-Shirts of Fisheries and Marine Resources such a financial boon to Namibia as for a ll your sp«Iol occOflons. Of Raimo Kankondi announced in a first thought. However, Namibia's ThII ben _ 15 cmt Complon Pharmacy In Gustay Volg.t. Centre guarantee. press statement yesterday. tougb action has effectively deterred _ tuve _&ht colours you the best service a pharmacy can possibly offer you· Kankondi said be did not have many fish pirates and has enabled qua.lnyT.Shlrts In 5tock exact details but it is apparently a fish stocks to recover, building the and (0II1d eJ(Kute your large vessel. It will be inspected at basis for potentially one of our big­ order in 3... dlys' time. Open every Saturday and Sunday· Mornings and Afternoons LUderitz by director of fisheries gest industries. IRI't that the type Open until 7 oIc1ock every night! operations Zeppy Axel Isbitile and 1be previous ship anested, the of service you Deliveries of your orders until119hOO anywhere and absolutely could be cbarged for illegal fishing ·Xeitosino'. was released aIteracoun deserve! FREEI under a 1992 Sea Fisheries Act. found the nonhem limit of the EEZ Ne>;t time your Church. The best selection of perfumes for ladies and gents in Namibia! School or YoumcrOl.lP . The prevIOus ruoe boats to be ar­ bad not been properly established Open an Account and let us claim your payment for your rested since late in 1990 where all plans a Jpeeial day · '" Kankoodi said yesterday this loop­ medication direct from your Medical Aid • We are contracted in Spanish-owned Kankondi said yes­ U5 first for' a quouOon. bole bad been closed by a unilateral And rememt. .. _ abe> with all possible Medical Aids! terday the ultimate ownership of decree in December. According to print I"... it u;o... posters 'Loukoula' is not known but it is some reports 'Xeiloslno' owners are and raffle tickel:l ... listed as belonging 10 Pepirnex claiming damages on grounds of Indeed your tF YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE TH E BEST SEI!V1CE YOU Company ofPoiJlIe Noire in the Congo so wrongful arrest. "One-rtop Printing CAN GET FROM A PHARMACY. and flagged there since November Maintaining the boats in Ltideritz . Shop". ' 1992. TEL 32887 OR 36+46. PHONE 229260 RIGHT NOW. OR COME SEE FOR YOURSelF However, the captain, fIrst officer Continued on page 2 FAX'226883 WHAT WE CAN OFFER YOUt ,2 Fr!day April 16 1993 THE NAMIBIAN !! , 0 " " · a ' cold wait ing fCH the de­ key areas, this has not been nil doubt lhut Hamu tellya President drops a b ombshell tailed rules .. f operation to b<lcked with sufficient woulti built! "n the ' tllle­ be fil led in. funds. Estimaled expendi. lures and OI eh, cvemcnh 01 Cont. from page 1 nounced by Pre ~ i de llt mentcd that Amat hila was Some local business lure on the Mini stry dur· the mini.,try and ~6v ec t>n ­ I I Nujoma at SlnTe House vcry popuL1.r. a.~ they fOllod figures conta<.: led yeste r­ ing the bud get year [992/ cre te shnre 1" fu ture rnli- mu tenya would take over yesterday morning in n hi mn good leade r andnble day commented it W iU a 93 was set to be R 15.1 c;es. T Tade and Indu Slry. Olove that look political 10 rally them 10 wo rk 10- pity for Amathil<l to be million, socond lowest <lfler "The MUll slry mu,t . lbe appointments are observers and the business gClher with each othe r and moved out of T rn de and Youth and Spon. It is not provide thc h on~ t (or take with immediate effect. community by surpri se. the Government. Industry at the moment clear whether this will be off to achi eve the lk,ireti TIle reshuffle was an- Bumnen figures com- The switch came a day when the foundations he pruned still further in th e goals of promotion of ~~:ijiiiii:::~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ after Amalhila had steere d tlo1 S been carefully l<l ying 1993/94 budget, expected manu fac ture, :HId creati on • arevo!utionilrypac kl'Igc of for three years are finally nexl month. And like an­ of jobs in hoth formal il[Id incentives through Cabi­ conc reti sed. other ke y mini stry, Fish· infomtiu ,;cc t(lr;" he add,·u. CITY OF WINDHOEK net, according to reliable It has taken long hard eries aaJ M<lrine Re!jottrce .~. T urning to Re n Am uth· sourc es. work to prepare the incen­ it has lacked a depu ty min­ i l ~ , the Pr e~ i de nt said he 1ms lays the foundation tives suddenly announced iSler for many months. hnd uone an excellenc juh for a new dawning of bus i­ yesterday IL'l these wiU have In addition, forme r de p­ in pUlling ni l the .~ tru c tu res CITY STORES TENDER nen interest and possible to stay in place for many uty minister of Water Af· for th e promotion of trade investment in Namibia. years to offer business the fairs John Mutorwa will and induslry in pl ace anu Some businesses which had stability it requires. replace Reggie Diergaardt. that the Mi ni. • t!)' wa., now Tenders are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of the shown strong interest after Despite the Govern­ who recenlly asUXl\.QlCed his beginning to (unction wel l. fo llowing. carriage paid. to the Municipal Stores. (Siding 94 1-4 17) a 1991 investment confer­ ment's repeated stress Ihat retirement, as deputy mi n­ ence organised by Amnlh­ business promotion, job ister of Youth and Spoil . Tender M.39/93 • LIGHT DELIVERY V AN iJa ', mini stry had grown creation and investment ~ TI IC I>re.;ident srud he had Incentives Tender M.40/93 • FILTER BAGS I Coni. rrom page 1 Tender M.42/93 · PADLOCKS m ent ~, negoti~ble tax Ptlcs. TELECeM cash grant.. and t ~x dedu ~· CLOSING DATE: 7 May 1993 tions fOI wage~ and tram· ing co st~ . 111ey were de ­ cided by Cabinet on Tender M.38193· ELECTRIFICAnO N OF LOW Wednesday ant.! announced COST HOUSING (OLD HOUSES) by President Sam Nuj oma ye!lerday in his firM me· TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR THE SU PPLY OF THE dia briefulg of 1993. CLOSING DATE: 14 May 1993 FOLLOWING MATERIAUSERVICE: President NUJomll al~o point ed to mode rnising subsistence famling M d Tenderdocuments are oblainable from theMunicipai Stores, Private T0/2573/93: Lead acid slalionary balteries.
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