AASP – The Palynological Society Promoting the Scientific Understanding of Palynology since 1967 March 2019 NEWSLETTER Volume 52, Number 1 Supplement Published Quarterly AASP – TPS NEWSLETTER Published Quarterly by AASP – The Palynological Society March 2019, Volume 52, Number 1, Supplement CONTENTS Page 3 | Professor David J. Batten (1943–2019): List of postdocs/research fellows, research students, and publications Professor David J. Batten (1943–2019): list of postdocs/research fellows, research students, and publications By Martin J. Head, Brock University boundary beds at Speeton, east Yorkshire. (Robertson Research International). Postgraduate/doctoral research Barker, F.L. MSc, 1981. Stratigraphic distribu- fellows/associates tion of the miospore genus Trilobosporites in Dr Li Wenben, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Lower Cretaceous of southern England. Nanjing, China (1983–85); (Manpower Services Commission). Dr Michael Sandy, Aberdeen (1984–86); Burnhill, T.J. PhD, 1982. Mid-Cretaceous stratigraphy and micropalaeontology of the Dr Warren L. Kovach, NATO Postdoctoral central North Sea. (British Petroleum plc.). Fellow (1987–88) and research assistant (1989) in Aberdeen; research associate in Marshall, K.L. PhD, 1983. Dinoflagellate cysts Aberystwyth (1990–92); from the Cenomanian, Turonian and Coniacian of Germany and England. (NERC). Dr Eva B. Koppelhus, Geological Survey of Denmark (1990–91); Partington, M.A. PhD, 1983. The stratigraphy, distribution and phylogeny of some Lower Dr Ana Maria Zavattieri, CONICET, CRICYT- Cretaceous Circumpolles from southern PRIPIBA, Mendoza, Argentina (1993–95); England. (NERC). Dr Rita Dutta, University of Wales, Aberystwyth Tocher, B.A. PhD, 1984. Palynostratigraphy (1995); of uppermost Albian to basal Coniacian (Cretaceous) sediments of the western Anglo- Mr Li Jianguo, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Paris Basin. (City of London Polytechnic; with Nanjing, China (2003–04); co-supervisor T. Kilenyi, CLP). Ms France Polette, University of Rennes Ewen, D.F. MSc, 1985. Palynological (2015–16). investigation of the Upper Delfland and Fourteen’s Clay Formations of three wells in the Q/1 Block of the Dutch Sector, North Sea Research students (source of funding Basin. (Unocal). in brackets after title of project) MacLennan, A.M. PhD, 1985. Biostratigraphic Brown, L.M. MSc, 1980. Dinoflagellate cyst bi- and palynofacies analysis of selected Lower ostratigraphy of the Hauterivian to Barremian Cretaceous sections from Portugal. (NERC). AASP – The Palynological Society | 3 | NEWSLETTER March 2019 Barron, H.F. MSc, 1986. Dinoflagellate cyst plant cuticles in the English Wealden with biostratigraphy and palynofacies analysis systematic revision of the Ginkgoales and allied of the Upper Jurassic strata at Helmsdale, gymnosperms (NERC; with co-supervisor J. N.E. Sutherland. (Robertson Research Watson, University of Manchester). International). Li Jianguo, PhD, 2004. Palynology of Late Cutts, R. MSc, 1987. Middle Jurassic palynology Cretaceous – Early Miocene sediments of the of the Brora Outlier, Sutherland. (Robertson southern margin of the Laurasian continent in Research International). Xigaze, Xizang (Tibet). (Chinese Academy of Sciences; with co-supervisors Zhou Zhiyan, Lister, J.K. MSc, 1987. Palynology of the Zhang Yiyong of Nanjing Institute of Geology Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) sequence in and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of the Hurlands Farm Borehole, West Sussex. Sciences and M. Banerjee of University of (Self-financing). Calcutta). Mellanby, F. MSc, 1987. Ostracod assemblages Lukaye, J. MPhil, 2007. Biostratigraphy and as indicators of salinity in the Upper Jurassic palynofacies of four petroleum exploration and Lower Cretaceous of southern England. wells from the Albertine Graben, Uganda (Dept. (Self-financing). of Petroleum Exploration and Production, Uwins, P.J.R. PhD, 1987. Early to mid- Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Cretaceous palynology of the Cyrenaica Basin, Uganda; with co-supervisor D. Stead, Wellstrat Northeast Libya. (Jersey Education Authority). Services Ltd) Farr, K.M. PhD, 1988. Palynomorph and Polette, F., PhD candidate 2016 to date. French palynodebris distributions in modern estuarine Cretaceous palynology. (University of Rennes, sediments. (NERC). France; with co-supervisor D. Néraudeau, University of Rennes). Head, M.J. PhD, 1990. Dinoflagellate cysts and other marine palynomorphs from lower Eocene through lower Pliocene sediments of the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay. (NERC). Students who graduated from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth with Dutta, R.J. PhD, 1994. Ultrastructure of an MSc in palynology Mesozoic spores and pollen. (NERC). 1991: D.T. Stead, P.D. Roberts Chryssi, M. PhD, 1996. Palynology of Early Tertiary sections in NW Germany. (Republic of 1992: M.A. Brimble, P.S. Dibble, C.J. Matthews, Greece, State Scholarships Foundation). V. Persson, P. Winrow Harris, A.J. PhD, 1997. Palynology of 1993: S.P. Murphy, C.J. Payne, J.D. Rees Cenomanian–Turonian successions in the 1994: R.C. Chiverrell, R.J. Coates, F. Henchley, Western Interior of the USA (AASP Consortium; R.C. McGee, D. Patterson with co-supervisor B.A. Tocher). Prince, I.M. PhD, 1997. Palynology of the Upper Cretaceous succession of the Anglo-Paris Basin. (AASP Consortium; with co-supervisor B.A.Tocher). Lydon, S.J. PhD, 2000. Distribution of dispersed AASP – The Palynological Society | 4 | NEWSLETTER March 2019 Refereed papers and chapters in B. (ed.). Continental Shelf Institute, Publication books 100, 97–101. 1. Batten, D.J. 1968. Probable dispersed spores 10. Lock, B.E., Pickton, C.A.G., Smith, D.G., of Cretaceous Equisetites. Palaeontology 11, Batten, D.J. & Harland, W.B. 1978. The geology 633–642, pl. 123. of Edgøya and Barentsøya, Svalbard. Skrifter, Norsk Polarinstitutt 168, 64 pp. 2. Batten, D.J. 1969. Some British Wealden megaspores and their facies distribution. 11. Batten, D.J. 1979. Miospores and other Palaeontology 12, 333–350, pls 62–67. acid-resistant microfossils from the Aptian/ Albian of Holes 400A and 402A, DSDP-IPOD 3. Batten, D.J. 1972. Recognition of the facies Leg 48, Bay of Biscay. Initial Reports of the of palynologic assemblages as a basis for Deep Sea Drilling Project 48, 579–587. improved stratigraphic correlation. Proceedings of the 24th International Geological Congress, 12. Batten, D.J. 1980. Aptian and Albian Montreal (1972) 7, 367–374. palynomorph assemblages from southern England. Proceedings of the 4th International 4. Batten, D.J. 1973. Use of palynologic Palynological Conference, Lucknow (1976–77) assemblage-types in Wealden correlation. 2, 403–408, pl. 1. Palaeontology 16, 1–40. 13. Batten, D.J. 1980. Use of transmitted 5. Batten, D.J. 1973. Recognition of the facies light microscopy of sedimentary organic of British Early Cretaceous palynomorph matter for evaluation of hydrocarbon source assemblages for stratigraphic purposes. In potential. Proceedings of the 4th International Palynology of the Mesophyte, Chlonova, A.F. Palynological Conference, Lucknow (1976–77) (ed.). Proceedings of the 3rd International 2, 589–594. Palynological Conference, Novosibirsk 1971. Publishing House “Nauka”, Moscow, 127–131. 14. Batten, D.J. 1981. Palynofacies, organic maturation and source potential for petroleum. 6. Batten, D.J. 1973. Palynology of Early In Organic maturation studies and fossil fuel Cretaceous soil beds and associated strata. exploration, Brooks, J. (ed.). Academic Press, Palaeontology 16, 399–424. London, 201–223. 7. Batten, D.J. 1975. Wealden palaeoecology 15. Batten, D.J. 1981. Stratigraphic, from the distribution of plant fossils. palaeogeographic and evolutionary Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 85 significance of Late Cretaceous and early (for 1974), 433–458, pl. 13. Tertiary Normapolles pollen. Review of 8. Batten, D.J. 1977. Wealden of the Weald – Palaeobotany and Palynology 35, 125–137. a new model: written discussion of a paper 16. Batten, D.J. & Christopher, R.A. 1981. Key previously published. Proceedings of the to the recognition of Normapolles and some Geologists’ Association 87 (for 1976), 431– morphologically similar pollen genera. Review 433. of Palaeobotany and Palynology 35, 359–383. 9. Batten, D.J. 1978. Early Cretaceous to 17. Batten, D.J., Brown, P.E., Dawes, P.R., Middle Jurassic miospores and palynofacies Higgins, A.K., Koch, B.E., Parsons, I. & Soper, of the Northwest European continental shelf. In N.J. 1981. Peralkaline volcanicity on the Distribution of biostratigraphically diagnostic Eurasia Basin margin. Nature 294, 150–152. dinoflagellate cysts and miospores from the Northwest European continental shelf, Thusu, 18. Batten, D.J. 1982. Note on the European- AASP – The Palynological Society | 5 | NEWSLETTER March 2019 Turanian part of the Normapolles Province. North Sea oil and gas. Deeside Field 18, 52–56. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 36, 379–380. 27. Batten, D.J. 1984. Geological reasons for the success of petroleum exploration in the UK 19. Batten, D.J. 1982. Palynofacies and salinity offshore. Deeside Field 18, 124–125. in the Purbeck and Wealden of southern England. In Aspects of micropalaeontology, 28. Batten, D.J. & MacLennan, A.M. 1984. The Banner, F.T. & Lord, A.R. (eds). George Allen & paleoenvironmental significance of the conifer Unwin, London, 278–308. family Cheirolepidiaceae in the Cretaceous of Portugal. In Third Symposium on Mesozoic 20. Batten, D.J. 1982. Palynofacies, Terrestrial Ecosystems; short papers, Reif, palaeoenvironments and petroleum. Journal W.-E. & Westphal, F.
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