DOLENTIUM HOMINUM No. 85 – year XXIX – No. 2, 2014 JOURNAL OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) Editor-in-Chief ARCHBISHOP ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI Executive Editor MONSIGNOR JEAN-MARIE MUPENDAWATU Editorial Board DR. ANTONINO BAGNATO DON MARCO BELLADELLI DR. DANIEL A. CABEZAS GÓMEZ SR. ANNA ANTIDA CASOLINO PROFESSOR MAURIZIO EVANGELISTA REV. BONIFACIO HONINGS DR. BEATRICE LUCCARDI DR. ROSA MEROLA MR. LUIGI NARDELLI MONSIGNOR JACQUES SUAUDEAU Editorial and Business Offices: PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) 00120 VATICAN CITY; TEL. 06.698.83138, 06.698.84720, 06.698.84799 - FAX: 06.698.83139 e-mail: [email protected] www.holyseeforhealth.net Published three times a year. Subscription rate: 32 € postage included Printed by Editrice VELAR, Gorle (BG) Cover: Glass window Rev. Costantino Ruggeri Poste Italiane s.p.a. Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. In L. 27/02/2004 nº 46) art. 1, comma 2, DCB Roma DH85eng.indd 1 27/04/15 09:22 2 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 85-2014 Contents 3 Saturday, 22 November 2014 21 Report on the Activity the Lord Called to Himself of the Pontifical Council Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini for Health Care Workers: 2009-2014 5 Fiorenzo Angelini 30 Presentation of the ‘Good Samaritan’ Msgr. Jean-Marie Mupendawatu Foundation Msgr. Jean-Marie Mupendawatu 6 He Lived Intensely and he Died ‘Living’ H.E. Msgr. José L. Redrado, OH 33 The World Days of the Sick Msgr. Jean-Marie Mupendawatu 7 Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini Father Felice Ruffini, M.I. 41 The International Committee of Catholic Health-Care Institutions (CIISAC): 8 Words that Sound out, Genesis and Prospects Actions that Shine Dr. Antonino Bagnato THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 9 A Testimony in Memory of His Eminence ORGANISED BY THE NETWORK Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini OF PASTORAL CARE IN HEALTH Prof. Bonifacio Honings, O.C.D. OF THE ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE 10 Spirituality – Humanity – Charity and RHODES, 8-12 OCTOBER 2014 Action: the Great Virtues of a Painful and Joyous Journey Prof. Filippo M. Boscia 44 Report Msgr. Dariusz Giers VIII PLENARY ASSEMBLY OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL 45 Intervention of the Pontifical Council FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS for Health Care Workers ‘DO GOOD WITH YOUR SUFFERING AND Msgr. Dariusz Giers DO GOOD TO THOSE WHO SUFFER’ (SALVIFICI DOLORIS, 30) 24-26 MARCH 2014 TOPICS 14 Address of the Holy Father Francis 48 Childhood and the Anthropology of Pain Prof. David Le Breton 15 Report 52 Pain in the Elderly: Anthropological, 16 Homily of the Secretary of State Clinical and Theological Aspects. Cardinal Parolin A New Classification Prof. Pierluigi Zucchi, S.O. 18 From the Encounter with the Living God Prof. Bonifacio Honings, O.C.D. to the Journey Towards Man who is in Need and Suffering, the ‘Triptych’ of Mary, Mother of Life H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski DH85eng.indd 2 27/04/15 09:22 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 85-2014 3 Saturday, 22 November 2014 the Lord Called to Himself Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini CARDINAL FIORENZO ANGELINI • Born in Rome on 1 August 1916 • National Ecclesiastical Assi- the fight against tuberculosis, • Ordained a priest on 3 February stant of the Association of Ita- 1961 1940 lian Catholic Doctors, 1959- • Gold medal for blood donation, • Consecrated a Bishop on 29 1999 1966 July 1956 • Baccelliere in philosophy • Extraordinary Professor of Me- • Created a Cardinal of the Holy • Doctor in theology dical Deontology at the El Sal- Roman Church at the consistory • Extraordinary reader at the St. vador University of Buenos Ai- of 28 June 1991 Thomas University of Manila res, 1969 • President of the Pontifical • Gold medal for merit for public • Gold medal of the World He- Council for Health Care Wor- health care in Italy, 1961 alth Organisation for studies kers, 1985-1996 • Gold medal for social merit in and activities against social di- DH85eng.indd 3 27/04/15 09:23 4 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 85-2014 seases especially in developing • Honoris causa degree in human Review “Dolentium Homi- countries, 1973 sciences of the ‘Madre y Mae- num: Church and Health in the • Member of the Academy of stra’ Pontifical Catholic Univer- World” Sciences of New York, 1983 sity, Santo Domingo, the Domi- • Organiser and director of twen- • The ‘Humanisation of Medici- nican Republic, July 1992 ty annual courses on ‘medicine ne’ Prize of Georgetown Uni- • Honoris causa degree in medi- and morality’ of an international versity in Washington, the Uni- cine from the Catholic Univer- character in Rome at the State ted States of America, 1986 sity of Santiago, Chile, Septem- University and the National Re- • The Sasakawa Prize of the ber 1992 search Council World Health Organisation, • Honoris causa degree in phar- • Organiser and director of va- 1990 macy at the University of Urbi- rious international conferen- • Honoris causa degree in medi- no, October 1992 ces in the Vatican on various cine from the Jagellonic Uni- • Gold medal of health of the subjects connected with medi- versity of Krakow, 1990, by World Health Organisation, No- cine and morality wish of the Pope John Paul II vember 1992 • Founder and President since 25 • Honoris causa degree in medi- • Commendator of Holy Spirit in March 1997 of the International cine from the Medical College Sassia Institute of Research on the Fa- of Walhalla, New York, 1991 • Knight of the Grand Cross of ce of Christ – sixteen internatio- • Estrella Kennedy of the John F. the Equestrian Order of the nal congresses Kennedy University, Argentina, Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, • President of the Ethical Com- 1991 1993 mittee of the Santa Lucia • Humanitarian Prize of the • Honoris causa degree in medi- Foundation, Rome Advanced Studies in Immuno- cine from the Santa Maria Ca- • Founder of the ‘Friends of Fa- logy and Aging of Washington, tholic University of Argentina, ther Ildebrando Gregori ON- the United States of America, Buenos Aires, 1996 LUS’ Association, 21 June 1992 • Founder and Director of the 2006. DH85eng.indd 4 27/04/15 09:23 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 85-2014 5 Fiorenzo Angelini MSGR. JEAN-MARIE by aerial bombing by the Allies. who was canonised on 27 April MUPENDAWATU One can from time to time see the 2014, he found himself in admira- Secretary of the Pontifical film of that visit and the young ble harmony, and from this arose Council for Health Care workers Don Fiorenzo opening a gap in documents, projects and institu- the crowd for the Supreme Pontiff tional initiatives. It was, in fact, to pass through. through the reform Pastor Bonus man of his times and of our He became a key figure in the that the Pontifical Commission A times, aware of the respon- health care of the capital city and for Pastoral Assistance to Health sibilities, strong and determined subsequently at an internation- Care Workers became a Pontifical but humble in dedicating himself al level as well, already engag- Council. to mission ad gentes as a work ing in initiatives that were appar- Tireless in his ecclesial activi- of justice and charity. Such is ently ‘revolutionary’ as President ty, in the evening he left the Pon- the image of Fiorenzo Angelini of the Pontifical Commission tifical Council with a briefcase who was born on 1 August 1916 for Pastoral Assistance to Health full of work which by the next and became during his more than care Workers, which would later morning had already been dealt 98 years of life and 75 years as become a Pontifical Council in with; he was an able creator of a priest: Don Fiorenzo (1940), 1988. He spoke French and had international relationships which Monsignor Angelini (1956) and, a good knowledge of English and were designed to promote Salus lastly, Cardinal Angelini (1991). was born in Rome, the son of a throughout the world. In many of He was, and will remain, a per- couple who originally came from his initiatives, of his projects, he sonality who was decidedly unu- Carsòli, a commune located along was able to express the ‘catholic- sual in the multiplicity of his as- the boundary that separates Lazio ity’ of the Catholic Church well pects and also in his longevity. from Abruzzo. They had emigrat- before the so-called phenomenon He passed away on 22 Novem- ed to the United States of America of globalisation arrived. ber of last year, a few hours be- and then returned to Italy. After reaching the ‘pensionable’ fore the audience granted by the It was perhaps from his family age he could have rested without Pope to people with autism spec- history that he drew his propen- any difficulty. He was famous, he trum disorders and to those taking sity for travelling, to meet people had honours and awards, together part in the twenty-ninth interna- of different languages, cultures with economic ease. However, at tional conference of the Pontifical and also faiths. How can one for- the age of 75 he wanted to give Council for Health Care Work- get his journeys, for example, to himself to Zaire, to India, to Po- ers, an institution of which he had Russia, where he subsequently land and to Romania. In order to been the first president. managed to have a children’s hos- establish care and evangelising He now rests at the side of his pital built with the gifts he had re- works in these countries, he even spiritual father, the venerable Fa- ceived on becoming a Cardinal, gave away everything he had ther Ildebrando Gregori, a Sylves- and also to Cuba, both of which that was valuable, even the gold trine Benedictine and the founder he engaged in before the political jewellery of his mother.
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