STAATSKOERANT, 31 OKTOBER 2014 No. 38169 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT No. 860 31 October 2014 MAGISTRATES' COURTS ACT, 1944 (ACT NO. 32 OF 1944): CREATION OF SUB- DISTRICTS AND THE ESTABLISHMENTS OF DETACHED COURTS IN RESPECT OF THE SAID SUB- DISTRICTS I, Tshililo Michael Masutha, Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, acting under section 2(1)(k) of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944), read with item 16(6) of Schedule 6 to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, hereby, with effect from 1 December 2014, in respect of magisterial districts created in terms ofNotice No. 43 of 24 January 2014, detach portions of magisterial districts to form areas of jurisdiction of detached courts as described in Schedules 1 and 2. Despite the creation of the detached courts, civil and criminal proceedings which have already been placed on the court roll for trial in the detached court, but have not started or have not yet been concluded, shall be proceeded with until the civil or criminal proceedings have been concluded as if this notice never took effect. Given under my hand at C-ez_e_. on this the 1-/cl day of VT) be--1 Two Thousand and Fourteen. Li - TM MASUTHA, MP (ADV) MINISTER OF JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONAL SERVICES This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 4 A B SCHEDULE 1 (Gauteng Province) No. 38169 2014 GAZETTE,31OCTOBER GOVERNMENT JohannesburgJanuaryofMagisterial Government 2014 district GazetteCentral created No.Magisterial in43 terms of 24SowetoofdistrictsPortions a detached todetached form court an as area subStarting from the south-west beaconPoint-to-point of the farmC descriptions Rietvallei No.241-1Q, proceed in an easterly This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at District direction along the southern boundary of Rietvallei until the intersection with the eastern boundarynorthern boundaryofthereof. Rietvallei. From of ThenRandfontein there, proceed proceed Estatenorthwards in a Goldsoutherly along Mine,Mine. direction this untilThen boundary itproceed alongintersects untilthe eastwards easternit intersects with theboundary along easternwith the of themunicipalProceedRandfontein railway southwards boundary line, Estate until Gold running alongit intersectsMine theeast-west until eastern itwith intersects through the boundary eastern withDoornkop ofthe boundary Zuurbult railway Agricultural line.ofuntil the Proceedthe farmHoldings intersection Zuurbult eastwards as will No.240.with further along the withappearalongintersects the the fromsouthern southernwith the R558. map.boundary boundary From Proceed there,Dobsonville of Dobsonvillein proceed an easterly Gardens. in Gardens, a northerlydirection From Dobsonville there,directionalong proceed the along Ext.3,municipal in R558 southernan easterly boundaryuntil boundaryit intersects direction until of it www.gpwonline.co.za Dobsonville, until the intersection with the eastern boundary of Dobsonville. 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Then Onthewithproceed anorth-east the line north-east inbeing a northerly boundary an extension boundary direction of Toekomsrus of thereof. Rietrivier along From the untilStreet, eastern there, it intersects proceed proceedboundary in with a in northerly ofRietriviera north-westerlyToekomsrus direction Street until in untildirection Toekomsrus. it youintersects reachalong DistrictJohannesburg North MagisterialAlexandra withStartingthe south-west the southernfromN3 motorway. the beacon Marlboroboundary ofProceed the drive,of farm Far inProceed EastRietvallei a south Bank eastwards easterlyNo.241-1Q, Extension direction along 4 which along Marlboro alongis London the thestarting drive, Road. N3 until untilpoint. From thethe there, intersectionintersection until it Avenueandroadtheintersects southerlyturn and rightuntil turn with intodirection.Corlettright the Hastings Corlettinto Drive WaverProceed Drive Avenue.proceed ley to westwards Road the Proceed until easterly to thea north alongin M1 directiona north easterly Highway.the lstwesterly until Road direction. Proceedit intersects directionand turnProceed along followingleftwith into M1 onWhitney LennoxJohannesburgHighway the Grenville Road Street in ina 5 6 Magisterial districtA created in termsPortions detachedB as sub Point-to-pointC descriptions No. 38169 2014 GAZETTE,31OCTOBER GOVERNMENT TshwaneJanuaryof Government 2014 Central Gazette Magisterial No. 43District of 24Atteridgevilleofdistricts a detached to form court an areaFromNortherly the Northdirection West until corner it interacts beacon with of portion Marlboro 146 Drive of Elandsfontein which is the farm starting 352, point. proceed Eastward This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at 411.intersectionR55.untilto the intersecting ProceedFromNorth the Westwith Westwardsjunction, thecorner railwayM26, beaconproceed until alongline. intersectingof ProceedSouthward Broekthis boundary Scheur Eastward the along northernfarm and the along318. thenR55 boundaryProceed the (VoortrekkerSouthwards railway Southward, of theline Road),Farmalong to the crossing Lekkerhoekie thejunctionpassing western the withtheN4 theboundaryHennopsboundaries Farms River. of Skurweplaas ofthe the Proceed Farm Farms Skurweplaas 353,Westwards Lekkerhoekie Vlakplaats 353.along 354 411Proceed the and andHennops Hennopsrivier LekkerhoekieWestwards River, thenalong 489 450 Northwards untilthe until northernthe intersection South along boundaries West the with eastern corner the of Mamelodi boundaryStartingfarm,beacon then of from of Eastwardthe Kameeldrift thefarm intersection Schurveberg along SAPS, its Northern ofcontinue 488.the Eersterust Proceedboundary in an easterly Northward to SAPS meet direction easternthe along starting along boundarythe point westernthe northernof withthis boundary description.the boundary southern of this of www.gpwonline.co.za LeeuwfonteinRiverthe township until it intersects ofNo.299-JR Mamelodi with . Thenuntil the itcommonproceed intersects inboundary a with south-easterly Pienaar's of the farms River. direction Baviannspoort Proceed along norththe western No.330- along boundaryPienaars JR and easterlyboundaryof Leeuwfontein direction of Leeuwfontein No.299-JR, along the until southernuntil it itsintersects most boundary southern with of M8 thebeacon. Road]d. farm NooitgedachtThen From proceed then on No.333-JRsouth-east proceed inalong, auntil south- the its westwardsborderwestofmost the boundarysouth-eastern farm of Mamelodi Elandshoekuntil with the beacon.Ext theSolomon 14No.337-JR,railway proceed Then Mahlangu line. proceed southand Then then untilDrive proceedin andirectly the untileasterly southern west thesouth
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