k 268 Index a anti-browning agents 14 AA genome group 20 antioxidant compounds 15, 31–3, 218, 221, AAA genome group 20 233, 255 AAAB, AABB, ABBB groups 21 apple bananas 20 AAB genome group 20 arabic gum coating 90 AB genome group 20 artificial ripening and commercialization ABB genome group 20–1 74–5 acetoin 212 ascorbic acid 14, 15, 121, 233 acetovanillone 212 aseptic canning 103–4 Acremonium sp. 46t, 253 Aspergillus flavus 251, 252, 253, 254 k aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2 types) 254 Aspergillus fumigatus 254 k agmatina 233 Aspergillus niger 251, 252, 253, 254 air circulation 76 Aspergillus oryzae 198 alginate 258 Aspergillus sp. 46t, 246, 253, 257 all-trans lutein 213 Asupina 21 all-trans α-carotene 213 Australimusa 227, 228 all-trans β-carotene 213 autoclaved/debranched green banana flour alligator skin 38 160 α-amylase 108 auxins 27, 28 α-carotene 31 all-trans 213 structure 231f b α-glucan phosphorylase 209 baby foods 106–7, 107box, 215, 216t Alternaria 251, 253 Bacillus 74, 246, 248, 252 Alternaria tenuis 254 Bacillus subtilis 50, 198, 255 “Ambon” banana 93COPYRIGHTEDbacterial MATERIAL diseases, preharvest 249 amines 31, 50, 234 baked products 214–15 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 30 banana aphid 56 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid banana blood diseases 53–5 oxidase 29, 30 banana bract mosaic virus (BBrMV) 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 47t, 249 synthase 30 banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) 47t, 56, aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) 76 249 annealing (ANN)-treated flour 149 banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) 47t, 56, anthocyanins 33 249 anthracnose 34, 46t, 52–3, 52f, 77, 253f banana chips 87, 120, 126–8, 214–15 Handbook of Banana Production, Postharvest Science, Processing Technology, and Nutrition, First Edition. Edited by Muhammad Siddiq, Jasim Ahmed, and Maria Gloria Lobo. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. k k Index 269 banana flour 13, 120 butyl butanoate 212 green banana 142–5, 146t, 148–50, 152–3, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) 135 153f butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) 135 banana fruit 24–5 banana juice 103–6, 104f, 105f c banana mild mosaic virus (BanMMV) 250 Callimusa 227, 228 banana plant parts 21–4, 22f, 23t campesterol 33, 157, 218 at time of harvesting 191–2, 192f Campylobacter 181 banana powder 121 cancer therapy 237 banana production, global 2–3, 2f, 3t Candida 246 banana shipping containers 13 canned banana slices 106 banana slices 120, 123 Capsicum annuum 55 banana streak virus 48t, 249, 250 carbendazim 256 banana virus X (BVX) 250 carbon dioxide injury 40 banana wilt 249 carboxymethyl cellulose 258 banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) 47t, 55 carnuba wax coating 28 “BARI Kola 1” 64 carotenoids 15, 31, 82, 231–3 Basolite A520 93 structures 231f Basolite C300 93 carrageenan 258 bavistin 256 catechin 33, 218, 229 bee wax coating 28 catecholamines 33, 218 benzimidazole 50, 73 Caturra Cavendish (AAA) 155 benzylaminopurine (BAP) 27 Cavendish 3, 6, 8, 20, 24 k “Berangan” bananas 27, 104 Ceratocystis paradoxa 46t, 253 k β -carotene 31, 121 Chaetanaphothrips signipennis 37 all-trans 213 chilling injury 40 structure 231f Chiquita 4 β-cryptoxanthin 31 chitosan 258 β-sitosterol 33, 157, 18, 235 chitosan coating 28, 89 Bifidobacterium bifidum 217 chitosan+1-methylcyclopropene coating 89 bioactive amines 233–4 chitosan-based edible coating (FreshSeal ) bioethanol 201 76, 89 ® biogas 200–1 chlorothalonil 50, 256 biogenic amines 15, 82, 233–4 choke throat 25, 36 black leaf streak disease (BLSD) 28, 249 cholesterol 33 black sigatoka 3, 7, 46t, 48, 49t, 50–1, 49 cigar end tip rot 249 blanching 14, 121, 133f cinnamic acid 218 Bliss container 84 Cinnamomum zeylanicum 91 “Bluggoe” 21 citric acid 14, 29 “Bogoya” 20 citrin 254 Botryodiplodia 249 Cladosporium 46t, 253, 257 Botryodiplodia theobromae 253, 254, 256 Clostridium 247 bruising, resistance to 83 CODEX standards for bananas 67–8 Bugtok disease 52–5, 249 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides 52 bumpy finger 38 Colletotrichum musae 46t, 52, 77, 90, 251, “Burro” 8 252, 253, 254, 256 2,3-butanediol 212 color vision 184, 185f butanoic acid 1-methylhexyl ester 134t container liners, plastic film 13, 84 butanoic acid 3-methylbutyl ester 134t conventional bananas, exports 1 k k 270 Index cooking 158 carbohydrates (sugars, starch, fiber) cooking plus high-moisture treatment 158 129–30, 130f cooking plus high-moisture treatment plus color (browning) 130–1 storage 158 flavor compounds 133–4 cooling to storage temperature 76 packaging and shelf life 134 evaporative cooling 76 texture and microstructure 131–3, 131f, forced air cooling 76 132f hydro-cooling 76 dehydration phases 118–19, 119f room cooling 76 Del Monte 4 vacuum cooling 76 delphinidin 33 copper oxychloride 256 development, factors affecting 25–8 cordana leaf spot 46t growth regulators and other treatments corrugated fiberboard containers (CFCs) 84, 27 88 light 26 p-coumaric acids 33, 218 mineral nutrition 26 Cox–Merz rule 150 natural ecosystems 28 crown rot 73, 74, 78, 252, 253f relative humidity and rainfall 25 Crown Sealer 73–4 soil 26 cryptoxanthin 218 temperature 25 “Cuarenta días” bananas 40 water 25–6 cucumber mosaic virus 48t wind 27 Curvularia 46t, 251, 253 Dickeya paradisiacal 47t, 249 Cutrale-Safra 4 differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 152 k cyanidins 31, 33 dihydroxyphenylalanine 40 k cycloartenol 33 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) 158, cycloeucalenol 33 183, 233 cycloeucalenone 235 Dockounou 248 cytokinins 27, 28 “doctor blade” 125 Dole 4 d dopamine 33, 218, 234 dehydrated banana products 117–35 drum drying 124–5, 125f commercial 117–18 “Dwarf Cavendish” variety 196, 235 dehydration principles 118–19 dehydration processes and equipment e 120–9 (E)-2-hexenal 212 drum drying 124–5, 125f East African highland banana subgroup 20 freeze drying 125–6, 126f, edible coatings (ECs) 76 hot air drying (cabinet, tunnel) 123, edible diploids 20 124f EFE (ethylene forming enzyme) 30 infrared heating 127–8 El Niño 10 microwave drying 126–7 Electronic nose 262t osmotic dehydration systems 128–9, Elemicin 134t 128f “Embul” banana 90, 91 preparation of bananas 120 endo-1,4-β-D-glucanase 196 pretreatments to enhance product Ensete 227 quality 120–1 Enterobacter 246, 254 spray drying 123–4, 125f Enterobacter faecalis 246 traditional solar drying 121–3, 122f enzyme production 196–8 quality and composition 129–34 epicatechin 33 k k Index 271 epinephrine 33 freeze-drying 86, 125–6, 126f, 179 equilibrium modified atmosphere 91 “French Corne” 83 Erwinia 249 fresh-cut banana 106 Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora 249 fried products 214–15 Erwinia chrysanthemi 249 fruit angularity 63f Escherichia coli 170, 181, 237, 246, 254 “full green” 63 ethanol 209 “full three-quarters” 63 Ethephon 27 “light three-quarters” 63 ethrel 27 fruit grades and standards 67–8 ethylene 30 fruit growth and development 21–5 biosynthesis 29f fruit quality disorders 35–41, 36f ethylene forming enzyme (EFE) 29 during banana cultivation 36–9 ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) 87 during harvest or at the packing house 39 Eugenol 134t from transport, ripening, and marketing Eumusa 227, 228 practices 39–41 Eumusae leaf spot 46t potassium deficiency 38–9 European Federation of Corrugated Board fruit ripening 28–31 Manufacturers 84 compositional changes 30–1 European Union Market 9–10 physiology and biochemistry 28–30 banana supply, 2008–2017 10f climacteric phase 29 banana prices, 2008–2017 10f pre-climacteric phase 28–9 exo-1,4-β-D-glucanase 196 ripening phase 29–30 expanded polystyrene (PS) packaging 88 senescence 30 k extrusion 147 role of ethylene and other hormones 30 k fruit rot 248 f fruits, classification of 68 Fairtrade bananas 4, 11 Class I 68 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Class II 68 (FD&C Act) 182 Extra class 68 Fei bananas 21 fuel briquettes 199–200 fermented beverages 108 Fufu 110 ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) fungal diseases 158, 183 postharvest 251 ferulic acid 33, 218 preharvest 249 Fiber Box Association 84 see also under names finger drop 39–40 fungicides 73–4, 255–6 finger rot 248 Fusarium 46t, 246, 249, 251, 252, 254 flavonoids 31, 229t Fusarium moniliforme 251, 253, 254 flavor compounds 134t Fusarium musae 254 “Flhorban916” 83 Fusarium oxysporum 253, 254, 256 “Flhorban925” 83 Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) 46t, Flexiviridae 250 51, 249, 254 foamed banana powders 121 Fusarium semitectum 253, 254 “Fougamou” 83 Fusarium solani 254 fractures of dried bananas 132f Fusarium solaniintricate 253 Frayssinette 212 Fusarium sporotrichoides 253 Freckle 46t Fusarium thapsinum 254 free radicals 31 Fusarium verticilloides 253, 254 free sterols 235 Fusarium wilt 20, 26, 51–2, 249 k k 272 Index Fusarium Wilt Tropical Race 4 (TR4) 2, 3, thermal diffusivity and conductivity 155 11, 46t, 51, 249 thermal properties 154 fused fingers 39 waste utilization 163–4 Fyffes 4 “Gros Michel” 20, 21, 24, 37, 51, 249 gum arabic 258 g galacturonic acid 14 h gallic acid 33, 218, 229 2-heptanol acetate 134t gallocatechin 233 harvest planning 64–7, 66f gallocatechin gallate 218 harvesting 33–5, 65f, 194t γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase 237 age bunch control 34 gas chromatography (GC) 134 fruit grades and standards 67–8 GC-FID 212 harvest practices 64–7 GC-MS techniques 212 image processing 35 GCTCV somaclones 52 “three quarters full” stage 34 generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status VIS/NIR Spectroscopy 35 89, 176, 183, 256 harvesting indices 33–4, 61–4 gentisic acid 33 banana harvesting grade/bunch age 62–3 Geobacillus stearothermophilus 201 fruit diameter 62 gibberellic acid (GA3) 27, 30 fruit weight, finger diameter,
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