![Index to Volume 23](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1969 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 281 INDEX TO VOLUME 23 (N ew names in boldface) Abbotana clemataria, 206 Brown, F. M., Authorship of Melitaea Aeanthopteroctetes, review, 137 rubicunda, 175 himaculata, 140 Browl1, R. M., Ncw subspecies of Aeedcs pallescentella, 193 Callophrys fotis. 95 Achalarus lyciades, 187 Brownlec, R. G. Overwinter movements Adela, synopsis, 211, Key, 215 of Danaus, 279 caeruleella, 219 Brussard, P. F., Population structure in eldorada, 215, 221 Euphydryas, 279 oplerella, 215, 228 butterflies at light, 2134 thorpella, 215, 226 butterfly nocturnal copulation, 105 trifasciella (n. syn.), 225 cactus feeding inscct" 241 Aegeriidae, 126 Calephelis muticum, 187 Aegiale, 244, 247 Callophrys fotis bayensis, 95 Agraulis vanillac, 177 spp., 280 Agathymus spp., 243~246 Carcasson, R. H., Jackson obituary, 134 Agriades glandoll aquilo, 38 carrion, Lepidoptera associated with, 191 Amatidae, 46 Catocala spp., 2, .5, 100, 262, 263 Amphion nessus, 100, 207 Ceramica picta, 42 Amphipyra pyramidoides, 207 Cercyonis, taxonomy, distribution, biol­ Anaea andria, 182 ogy, 165 Anagasta kiihniclla, 259 mcadi, 161, 168, m. alamosa, 168 Anageshna primorclialis, 193 spp., IOO, 165, 169, 192 Anavitrinella pampinaria, 192 Cerornitia, 211 Anerastia, 280 Chalceopla simplicieHa (n. comb. ), 232 Anthony, C. S., Oeniis melissa in Quebec, Chemoreceptors, Hl6 103 Chlosyne, 117, 123 Apatela innotata, 5 harris ii, 268 Apparatus for measuring maculation pat- nycteis, 192 terns, 18 Choristoneura rosaceana, 242 Archips purpuranus, 242 Chytolita morbidalia, 206 Argyrotaenia allisellana, 242 Chytonyx palliatricub, 7 Cithcronia regalis, Arnold, R. A., Effect of X-irradiation OIl 40 Colias, 2,57 sepulchralis, 25 Clench, H. K., Jackson obituary, 134 Ascia mOl1uste, 83 Coenonympha inornata maeissaci, 36 Asterocampa leilia, 182 Colias spp., 40, 182, 187,251,2.57, 267 spp., 192 Colotis, 251 Atrytone ruricola, 192 Comstock, J. A., Life history of Litho- Bnttus philenor, 191 phane, 15 Behavior, cryptic moths, 1, 205 copulation, nocturnal in butterflies, 105 gregarious in pupation, 273 Cosymbia pendulinaria, 4 larval Agathymus, 243 Couchman, L. E., Correction, Australia mating in butterflies, 271, 279 records, 280 Blanchard, A., Cynanclromorphic Phac­ Covell, C. V., Life history studies in oura, 274 Sterrhinae, 278 Boloria selene, 36 Cowan, C. F., The name Anthocharis, 210 spp., 11 3 Croesia scmipurpurana, 242 Book notices, 188, 241, 277, 280 crypsis and startle pattern diversity, 261 Book rcviews, 101, 106, 126, 147, 203, cryptic moths, behavior, 1, 205 241, 270, 276 Danaus gilipplIS, 18;~, 196 Brephidium cxilis, 182 plexippus, 182, 254, 279 282 Index to Volume 23 Vol. 23, no. 4 Darapsa pholus, 100 persal: Dione moneta in Texas, 177 Davis, D. R., Review of Acanthoptero- Habits of larval Adelpha bredowii, 278 ctetes, 137 Territoriality .in butterflies, 278 Delias mysis, 280 Glaucopsyche, review, 149 Desmia funeralis, 192 Conepteryx rhamni, 92 Dione moneta, 177 Gorelick, G. A .•. Larval host acceptance dispersal, natural, 177 in Plebejus acmon, 31 Dodonidia helmsii, 201 Callophrys dumetorum and C. viridis, dos Passos, C. F., Revised list of Meli- 280 taeinae, lIS Gracilariidae, 278 Dymasia, 121 gregarious pupae, 273 ecology of natural dispersal, 177 gynandromorphic Phaeoura, 274 Ellis, S., Search for type locality of Gyves, M. T., A.pparatus for measuring apache ana, 62 maculation pattems, 18 Ellochotis spp., 148 Habrosyne, 102 Emmel, T. C., (& J. F.), New subspecies Hardwick, D. F., Life history of Helio­ of Cercyonis meadi, 161 lonche carolus, 26 Taxonomy, distribution and biology of Heitzman, .T. R., Noctnmal copulation of Cercyonis, 165, 279 Rhopalocera, 105 Epargyreus clams, 192 Heliconius antiochus, 199 Epimecis virginaria, 192 spp.,104 Epizeuxis spp., 5 Helicoverpa zea, 28 lubricalis, 207 Heliolonche, 26 Eriocraniidae, 137 Hemerocampa leucostigma, 270 Euchlaena, 206 Hemiargus isola, 182 Eufidonia notataria, 7 Henne, C., Life history of Lithophane, Euphydryas, 122, 124 15 editha, 279 Henricus rnacrocarpana, 242 phaeton, 48, 188 Hesperia comma, 41 Euphyes spp., 186 leonardus, 186 Eupragia hospita, 23 Hesperiidae, 41, 76, 186, 192, 201, 251, Euptoieta claudia, 182, 188 267 Euptychia cymela, 100 Hessel, J. H., The Lepidopteran heart, mitchellii, 188 278 Eurema lisa, 182, 264 Hessel, S. A., Monarch movements in niccippe, 182, 187 Manhattan, ;::54 salome, 188 Heterochroa bredowii, 278 spp., 182, 280 Hodges, New Eupragia from Florida, 23 Euthyatira, 102 Holland, R., Newfoundland butterflies, Everes amyntula, 115 33 Ferris, C. D., On mating behavior in Horn, D. J., Larva. of Citheronia, 25 butterflies, 271 Hovanitz, VV., Colias from Afghanistan Flaschka, H. & Floyd, J., Simplified method of freeze-drying caterpillars, and Kashmir, 279 43 Hylephila phyleus. 186 foodplant for Euphydryas phaeton, 48 Hyperitis alienaria, 206 Franclemont, J. G., Two new Lithophane, Hyposmocoma, 125 10 Incisalia iroides, 279 Frankie, G. W., Ecology of Laspeyresia Incurvariidae, 203. 211 cupressana, 278 Indiana butterflies, 186 Frechin, D., Intergeneric mating in Intergeneric mating in Lycaenidae, 115 lycaenids, 115 Jackson, T., Obituary, 131 freeze-drying caterpillars, 43 .Tanse, A., Platt obituary, 13.5 Geometridae, 3, 192, 206, 241, 274, 278 Keiper, R. R., Behavioral adaptations of Gilbert, L. E., Ecology of natural dis- cryptic moths, 1, 205 19'69 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 283 King, E. W., Lepidoptera associated with Muller, J., Foodplant for Euphydryas pig carrion, 191 phaeton, 48 Kolyer, }. M., Environmental effects on Thymelicus lineola oviposition, 249 Pieris,77 Munshi, C. H., Larva of Polydorus, 107 Kricogonia castalia, 182 Myers, }., Foodplant ehcmorcceptors on Langston, R. L., Philotes of NOlih Danaus gilippus, 196 America, synonymy and distribution, Nematocampa filamentaria, 206 49 Nemophora, 211, 214, 217 Review of Claucopsyche, 149 Newfoundland buttmflies, 33 Lasiocampidac, 46, 270, 277 Nicolay, S. S., New subspecies of Pyr­ Laspeyresia cupressana, 278 rhopyge creon, 127 Lethe spp., 100, 188 Niditinea fuscipunclella, 193 Libythea, 105, 182 Noctuidae, 2, 10, 15, 26, 42, 100, 192, Limenitis spp., 100, 109, III 206,261 Lithophane, longior, 13, 18 Nymphalidae, 36, 48, 62, 83, 85, 104, subtilis, 10, 15 109, 113, 115, 17.5, 177, 182, 187, tephrina, 14 192, 196, 199, 253, 254, 268, 271, Liparidae, 42, 270 273,278,279 Lohophora nivigcrata, 4 Nymphalis spp., 85, 100, 187,273 Lycaeides spp., 265 Oecopboridae, 23 Lycacna spp., 38, 187 Oeneis spp., 103, 113, 157-160 Lycacnidac, 31, 38, 49, 95, 105, 149, 182, Olene vagans, 42 187,265,280 Opler, Book reviews, 126, 276 Lytrosis unitaria, 3, 4 Eurema salome in Texas, 188 McCorkle, D. V., On Papilio indra and Ornithoptera spp., 69, 74 zelicaon in vVashington, 279 Palthis asopialis, 192 Macroglossum lUoecki, 256 Panopoda rufimago, 206 Malaeosoma americana 46, 270 Papilio hairdii, 272 spp.,277 hrevicauda, 41 Mamestra spp., 5, 7 dospassosi, 255 Marks, L. S., Apparatus for measuring glaucus, 191 maculation patterns, 18 polixenes, 182, 257 Masters, J. H., Heliconills heeale and sebrus,241 xanthocles in Venezuela, 104 spp., 278--279 On forest Oeneis, 155 Papilionidae, 41, 60, 85, 107, 182, 191, On Heliconius antiochus, 199 255,257,272 Seasonal variation in Colias cesonia, Parallelia bistriaris, :W6 251 Payne, }. A., Lepidoptera associated with Mating, inter generic in lyeaenids, 115 pig carrion, 19] Megathymidae, 243 PeHieia dimidiata, 201 Melanolophia canadaria, 4 Peorinae, 280 Melitaea spp., 48, 175 Phaeoura mexicanaria, 273 Melitaeinae, revised synonymic list, 115 Phaloniidae, 242 MeHilla xanthometata, 192. Philippine microlepidoptera, 106 Mestra amymone, 182 Philotes of North America, synonymy Metarrhanthis duaria, 206 and distribution, 62 Meyrick types, 147 Phoebis spp., 182, 2 ~ 51 Microtia, 122, 124 Phyciodes, 119, 123, 192 Migration of Danaus, 254 Phylogeny of Satyridae, 276 Miller, L. D., Anomalous foreleg in Pieridae, 40, 77, 182, 187, 188, 189, 192, Dodonidia, 201 196,210,251,2:57,264,267,272,280 Minutes, 15th Annual Meeting, Pacific Pieris hrassicae, 92, 196 Slope Section, 278 napi,113 Moiz, S. A., Larva of Polydorus, 107 protodice, 182, 187, 189,271 MOllcha, J., Book notice, 189 rapae, 40, 77 284 Index to Volume 23 Vol. 23, no. 4 Platt, A. P., Collapsible bait trap, 97 Small, G. B., New subspecies of Pyr- Technique for hand-pairing Limenitis, rhopyge creon, 127 109 Sorensen, J. T., On forest Oeneis, 1.55 Platt, E. E., Obituary, 135 South African Tincidae, 147 Platynota fJavedana, 242 Sparganothis inconditana, 242 Plebejus spp., 31, 38, 113, 115, 265 Speyeria atlantis, 36 Poanesspp., 186,267 idalia, 188 Poladryas, 122" 124 nokomis, 62, 271 Polygonia spp., 83, 100, 192 zerene, 64 Porthetria dispar, 270 Sphecodina abbotti, 100 Powell, J. A., Book reviews, 106, 147, Sphingidae, 100, 192, 256 203 Sphinx kalmiae, 100 Synopsis of Nearctic Adelinae, 211 Stallings, D. B. & V. N., Larval behavior Precis, 182, 251 of Agathymm, 243 Price, H. F., Uncommon butterflies of Staphylus mazam, 186 Indiana, 186 Straatman, R., Biology of Ornithoptera, Procaccini, D. S., Apparatus for measur- 69 ing maculation patterns, 18 Straley, G. B., Thymelicus lineola in Pseudothyatira, 102 Virginia, 76 Pyralidae, 192, 259, 280 Strymon melinns, 105, 182, 187 Pyrrhopyge creon lilliana, 127 spp.,187 Rahn, R. A., Gregarious habit of Nym- Sweet, H., Poison oak leaf roller, 278 phalis pupation, 273 Syntomeida epilais, 46 Technique, freeze-drying caterpillars, 43 Renia discoloralis, 206 measuring maculation patterns, 18 Riodinidae, 187 teratological
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