Support Read By Jewish More Than Agencies 35,000 With Your People · Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH -JE W /SH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. LIV NO. 8 PRIDAY,MAY I, 1970 15¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES Bill Gives Money To Says Sisco Talks Improved Non-Public Schools NEW YORK A bill Possibility Of Cooperation sponsored by Governor Neloon Rockefeller of New York to JERUSALEM - The Cabinet air defenses has enabled Cairo to provide state grants to non-public was briefed on the talks held by reject even more · firmly Western schools to cover their expenses top government ottlclals with U.S. endeavors to restore the 1967 mandated by the state, was Assistant Secretary of State cease-fire," he wrote. passed at the closing session of Joseph J. Sisco here. Reports The Foreign Minister said the New York State Legislature. were made by Premier Golda Mr. Sisco brought "nothing new" Rabbi Mo s he Sherer, Meir, Foreign Minister Abba with him from Washington or Eban, Deputy Premier Ylgal from Cairo where he stopped for executive president of Agudath four days before coming to Israel of America, e stimated that Allon and Defense Minister Israel. the elementary and hlgh..,school Moshe Dayan. No details were made available to the press. Ye shlvos In New York wlll According to Mr. Eban, Egypt It was rellably reported remains Intransigent and there Is receive $1.50 mllllon from this how ever, that Mr. Sisco urged program beginning with the little hope that Cairo will agree Israeli leaders to be more to re-establish the cease-fire opening of the new school year In " flexible" In their diplomacy and which It renounced a year ago. September. Im age-building efforts. Mr. Eban Nor will Egypt consider the Rabbi Scherer labeled this blll said In a television and radio "a first step." appearance that the talks with the posslblllty of talks unless Israel first withdraws from all occupied U.S. diplomat had Improved the l'rof. Ylgael Yadln Yocov Dan poss I bl I It I es of cooperation Arab territories, Mr. Eban said. between Israel and Washington, Isra e l newspapers, although points of dl!terence sum marlzlng the results of the Community Jewish Organizations between them remain. visit, said that aside from the acknowledged concern of the Mr. Eban said that Secretary U n It e d States over Israel's or State Wllllam P. Rogers had Co-Sponsor Israeli Festival security, all other areas of apparently come around to the Center, heads the community­ Nearly two dozen of the Israeli view with r egard to Soviet American-Israeli disagreement wide planning committee for the community's leading J ewish Intention In the Mideast. He noted remained as they were before the Festival and the Center Is acting envoy's visit. organizations wlll co-sponsor that Mr. Rogers remarked as the coordinating organization this season's "Israel recently that the Russians do not Mr. Sisco spent only rour Anniversary Festival" at Temple for the evening. hours In Beirut, Lebanon as the Emanu-El Sunday evening, May seek peace ln the area but a Assisting Dr. Carp are "controlled tension,'' an capital of that "pro-Western" 10, beginning at 7 p.m. Mordechai Sokolo!!, program expression that Mr. Eban himself Arab nation was r ocked by anti­ chairman; Dr. Harold Organic, Open to the J ewish community bas used In the past. American demonstrations. Some this event, which commemorates chairman of exhibits; Harry 10,000 leftist students, urged on Finkelste in , chairman of New York Times the 22nd anniversary of Israel correspondent Raymond H. by Palestinian guerrilla leaders, decorations; Mrs. Sheldon Indepe nd ence, wlll Include Anders on' s Cairo dispatch staged a protest march through Sollosy, chairman or special entertainment, guest speakers, reported that SAM-3 missile Beirut streets. speak ers; Charles Swartz, exhibits, refreshments and folk bases have already been set up In The violence that greeted Mr. Mau r I ce Share and Nathan songs and folk dancing. Egypt and "this development has Sisco In Beirut, followed violent Yacov. Dan, film star, Temkin, co-chairmen of the already halted free-wheeling anti-American demonstrations In J budget; Carol Miller, chairman of recording artist and star or radio Israell air strikes deep Inside Amman that forced him to cancel and television, will hlghllght the (Continued on page 10) Egypt. The strengthening of Its a scheduled visit to Jordan. evening's entertainment program. Born In Israel, Yacov Dan TO ENTERTAIN: Miriam Kreuyn is appeared In the ntms, "Is Paris one of the stars of a Yiddish Theatre ensemble which will ap­ Burning?'' , "Lawrence of Emanu-EI Sisterhood To Hold Arabia'' and, most recently, In pear at Temple Emanu-El on Sat­ "Hello Dolly", with Barbra urday evening, May 2. "l'Tom Streisand. His performances have Donor Luncheon, Installation Brod to Broadway," a new musi­ cal review written by Wolf and been- televised on BBC In The Annual Donor Luncheon Shepley Shapiro, Charles J. Sylvia Younin and directed by Ben England, Francaise ORTF and and Installation of Temple Stelngold (replacing Mrs. Martin Bonus, is sponsored by the Rhode America's NBC networks. His. Emanu-EJ Sisterhood on Monday, Llfiand), Samuel Stepak, Herbert Island branches of the Farband la­ recordings have appeared under May 4, will be part of a full day's Stolzberg, Fred Strasmlch, bor Zionist Order and the Work­ Jsraell, European and American program planned to benefit the Manfred Well, Edwin Wells, men's Orcle. Proceeds will go to Labels. temple's youth activities. A Semon Weintraub and ·James the Jewish National Fund. Also appearing wlll be the bazaarcboutlque wlll open at Wlnoker. " Hillel Dancers, a folk dancing .J0:45 a.m. and the luncheon and Other American-Jewish stars group led _ by Avram Grant, Installation will start at 12:30 Members on the board for one who will appear in the revue are member of Israel's Emek Hefer p.m. year are Mesdames Jason Cohen, Julius Epstein, George Goldman, Shifra Lerer, Seymour Rexil•, Mi­ troupe. There will also be songs by Sharl Fishbein and a program Mrs. Mllton Dubinsky heads Adrian Goldstein, Frank chael Michalowich and musical di­ the slate of o!!lcers as president. rector-pianist Murray Rumshinsky. of films and slides on Israel. Goldstein, Sol Haas, Herald Heading the roster of Other officers are Mesdames Harlam, Albert Kumlns, Herbert Harry Finkelst.ln of the Farband Joslin Berry, Joseph G. Fishbein, and Jacob 8. Rothenberg of the speakers will be Ylgael· Yadtn, Rosen, Irving Rosen and George visiting Professor In Judaica at Milton Levin and Gerald Tuch. · Workmen's Orcle are chairmen of WI no gr ad, vice presidents; the affair. Tickets may be obtain­ Brown University apd visiting Also members of the board of Professor In Archaeology at Edward Aronson, treasurer; ed at the d-. · Leonard Bellin, recording directors are past presidents Harvard Divinity School. Mesdames Herman Bernstein, Born In Israel, Yadln has had secretary; Sidney Shepard, PLANS CONFERENCE: corresponding secretar y ; Max Viner, Ernest Blazer, Irving Pr.,,._ a distinguished career as an Sidney Goldstein, chairman of the Hussein Reshuffles Cabinet Matthew Sherman, financial L Fain, Abraham Percelay, Saul archaeologist, resistance ftghter, Department of Sociology and An­ secretary; Jerome Feinstein, Feinberg, Charles Blackman, After Anti-American Riots educator and outstanding author. !hropology at Brown University, is assistant financial secretary; George Relzen, Burton Flnberg, LONDON - King Hussein, of Other speakers will Include ,Alfred Fain, Edmond W_. in charge of t!M Second Annual the Gov. Frank Licht and the Rev. Abraham Greenberg, maillng Laymen's-Teachers' Conference Jordan has reportedly reshuffled secretary; Matthew Fishbein, Goldstein, Jacob Hohenemser, his cabinet In the wake of four Earl H, Tomlin, former executive Abram Wahl, Harry Diamond, organized by the Bureau of Jew'. director of the Rhode Island State Dudley J. Block, and Gerald ish Education of Greater Provi­ days of anti-American rioting In Jacobs, assistant malling Samuel Bresnlck, David Horvitz Amman which aborted a Councll of Churches and pastor of and Mervin Bolusky. dence, which will be held on Sun­ {J Calvary Baptist Church In secretaries; Louis Horvitz, day, May 3, at 8 p.m. at Temple scheduled visit by U.S. Asslstsnt comptroller, and Archie Chaset Sinai. Secretary of State J aseph J. Providence. A graduate of Brown Members of ,the nominating University, Reverend Tomlln, and Morris Bromberg, auditors. Sisco. co m m It tee were Mesdames Rabbi Burt Jacobson, principal now retired, has Jed Innumerable Elected to the board of Ger a 1 d Winograd, chairman; of Temple Emunah Religious nie realignment wlll please tourists to Israel and Europe. directors for three years are Albert Alter, William Lezer, School in Lexington, Mau., and a the' Palestinian commandos, Master of ceremonies for the Mesdames Byron Abedon, Albert Charles Stetngold, Jason Cohen, member of the faculty of 'Hawrat already fiushed with victory over evening wlll be Robert Rlesman, Alter, Phlllp Baron, Jerome Benjamin Luftman and Samuel Shalom Community College, will the ouster ··of U,S. Ambassador vice president of the General Berry, Benjamin Brier, Melvin Stepak. be the gue~t speaker. tis topic / Harrison Symes, polltical Jewish Committee. Chern l ck, Eldon Goldenberg, Chairmen .of the donor affair wlH be "Radical Approaches ta observers said, King Hussein The refreshment booths will George Goldsmllh, Hyman are Mrs, Simon Rlfldn and Mrs. Jewish Education in the Sev­ demanded Mr. Symes' recall feature Israell dishes, prepared Goldstein, Wllllam Melzer, Herman Zaleznlck. enties." after be advised Mr. Sisco to stay by a committee headed by Mrs. Bernard Podrat, Elllot Revkln, away from Amman where mobs Bruno Hoffman and Mrs. Sarah Howard Schnelder, Manfred JDL MEMBERS ARRESTED burned the U.S.
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