C£.i ,, //'//// /':'/>, ^^ ///-'/__ [ y/<// B'AH^^CPW «B^ ISO )w , ^.5^^' riAlilllSTER AT X.,V\\'. 4. I'lHiMsiiKi) hOK rill''. Aii'nuiu IViic 1(1 .Siihsiiilici;; / /. ..' r THE HISTORY OF IRELAND, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE YEAR 1245, TEE AMALS OF BOTLE, WHtCH ARE ADOPTED AND EMBODIED AS THE RUNNING TEXT AUTHOKITY, TERMINATE: A BRIEF ESSAY ON THE NATIVE ANNALISTS, AND OTHER SOURCES FOR ILLUSTRATING IRELAND, FULL STATISTICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTICES BARONY OF BOYLE. BY JOHN D'ALTON, Esq., HARRISTER AT LAW, M.R.I. A., CORRESPONDING MEMBER S. A. S., ETC. author of the "essay on the ancient history, etc., of ireland," "history of the county durmn;" "memoirs of the arch- blsiiors of dublin ;" " history of drogheda," etc., etc., etc. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. DUBLIN: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. 1845. [^Prke to Subscribers, 1 £ .J BOSTON COLLKGK MIJliAK CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. 930 . DI52 DOIllIN t PRINTGD AT TUB UMIVBRSITY PRESS, BY M. B. OILL. O'Nti.. uBRARY BOSTON COLLEGE V. X CONTENTS OF VOLUME I Bbief Essay on the Native Annalists, Etc., xiii, &c. Statistics of the Baront of Botle Extent and Valuation, 1, 2. Geology, 3. Coal and Iron Mines, 4-8. Mountains, 9. Lakes, 10-13. Bogs, 14. Rivers 15-19. Parish of Boyle Extent, Value, and Population, 21-23. Town of Boyle, 23-38. Its Church, 25-28. Other Houses of "Worship, Schools, &c., 29, 30. Bridges, 31. Abbey, 31-34. Succession of its Borough Members, 35, 36. Rockingham and Lough Ke, 38-44. Memoir of tlie Family of King, 45-71. Casiols, 73, 74. Erris Caves and Church, 75-77. Forts and Mounts, 79. Isselyn Cluirch and Graveyard, 80. Cromlech, 81-83. "Weir's Monu- ment, 84. Parish of Estersnow Extent, Value, and Population, 84, 85. Church, 85. Cavetown, 86. Moylurg old Castle, id. Pillar-stone, 87, 88. Parish of Killummod Extent, Value, and Population, 89. Church, Schools, &c., id. Parish of Killuhen. —Extent and Value, 90. Population, 91. Succession of Incumbents, 91, 92. Do. of Archdeacons of Elphin, 93. Parish of Ardcarne Extent, Value, and Population, 94. Geology, 95. Church and Schools, 95, 96. Oakport, 96, 97. Memoir of the Fa- mily of MuUoy, 97-114. Knockvicar, 115, 116. Bally fermoyle, 115. Giants' Graves, id". Parish of Tumna.—Extent, Value, and Population, 117. Church, id., and Btepost, pp. 282, 283, Cootehall, 118, 119. Forts, 119. Parish of Kill-Bryan. — Extent, Value, Schools, and Population, 120. Holy "Well, 121. Parish of Kihonan. —Extent and Value, 121. Population and Schools, 122. Church, 123. Old Church, Burial-place of Carolan, 123-126. \UT. '/=) IV CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. Notices of Cardan, 126-132. Book of Kilronan, 133. Holy Well, 134, 135. Irish cry, 135-137. Alderford, 137, 138. Mo- iHoir of the Fuinily of Mac Bermot, 138-151. Ballyfarnon, 152. Keadue, 153. Kilronan Castle, alias Castle-Tenison, 164. Memoir of the Family of Tenison, 154-163. Greyfield, 163. Iron Works at Arigna, 164-166. HiSTORT OF THE BARONr OF BoYLE.— ChroDologically arranged, 167- 283. Raths, 1^8, 169. St. Patrick here, 172, &c. Founding of Abbey-Boyle, 178. Cistercian Abbeys, 179, 180. Roscommon con- stituted a County, 196, 197. Perrot's Composition, 201. Dissolution of Monasteries, Inquisitions, and Grants, 203, 204, 206, 207, 209, 228-239, 242-244. O'Donnel's Incursions, 211-227. Death of Sir Conjers Clifford, 223, 224. Notices of the Family of Mapother, 234-239. Governing Charter to Boyle, 240, 241. Lord Strafford's Commission, 246-248. Grants under the Act of Settlement, 251- 254. James the Second's Charter to Boyle, 255. Battle of the Boyle, 261, &c. Notices of the Family of Wolr, 266-273. Pro- posed CoUego at Boylo, 278, 279. Estates claimed in the Barony at the Commission of 1 700, 280. &c., &c., &c. LIST OF ENGRAVINGS IN VOLUME L PAGE. ROCKINGHAM, NEAR BOYLE, THE SEAT OF VISCOUNT LOR- TON Vignette Title. TOWN OF BOYLE 37 ROCKINGHAM FROM THE EAST 41 ROCKINGHAM FROM DOON 44 ROCKINGHAM FROM KNOCK-MELLIAGH 78 CHURCH OF ARDCARNE 95 OAKPORT, FROM CULLIAGHMORE 97 OAKPORT, FROM THE FOOT OF OX-HILL 114 OAKPORT, FROM COOTE-HALL 119 OLD CHURCH OF KILRONAN, THE BURIAL-PLACE OF CAROLAN 126 TOWN OF BALLYFARNON ON THE FEORISH 152 KILRONAN CASTLE, alias CASTLE-TENISON 154 IRON WOKKS IN THE VALLEY OF THE ARIONA, U) 1 SUBSCRIBERS. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE LATE DUKE OF SUSSEX. Duke of Northumberland. Viscount Lor ton (10 copies'). Duke of Leinster. Viscount Courtenay. Viscount Bernard. Marquess of Dovvnshiro. Marquess of "NVcstmeath. Lord Francis Egerton. Marquess of Kildare. Lord Eliot. Lord Monteagle. Earl of Shrewsbury. Lord Castlemaine. Earl of Devon. Lord Dunsany. Earl Fortcscue. Lord Farnham. Earl de Grey. Lord Cloncurry. Earl of Zetland. Lord Crofton. Earl of Charlemont. Lord Talbot de Malahide. Earl of Leitrim. Lord Ffrench. Lord Carew. Countess of Kingston (2 copies'). Lord de Freyne. Countess of Carrick. Lord Stuart de Decies (2 copies). Viscount O'Neill. Viscount Tomplotown. Lady Isabolla King. Most Rev. Dr. Crolly, Roman Catho- Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ca- lic Primate. shel. Most Rev. Dr. Murray, Roman Ca- Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Kil- tholic Archbishop of Dublin. more. Most Rev. Dr. Slattery, Roman Ca- Right Rev. Dr. Murphy, Roman Ca- tholic Archbishop of Cashel. tholic Bishop of Cork. Most Rev. Dr. Mac Hale, Roman Ca- Right Rev. Dr. KinscUa, Roman Ca- tholic Archbishop of Tuam. tholic Bishop of Ossory. VOL. I. b / 103; VI SUBSCRIBERS. Right Rev. Dr. Keating, Roman Ca- Right Rev. N. Wiseman, D. D., St. tholic Bisliop of Ferns. Mary's, Oscott. Right Rev. Dr. Mac Nicliolas, Roman Catholic Bishop of Achonry. Very Rev. Dean Hudson (Armagh). Right Rev. Dr. Browne, Roman Ca- Very Rev. Dean French (Elphin). tholic Bishop of Kilmore. Very Rev. Dean Meyler, St. An- Right Rev. Dr. Mac Nally, Roman drew's, Dublin (2 copies'). Catholic Bishop of Cloglier. Very Rev. Dr. Cullen, Iiish College, Right Rev. Dr. Browne, Roman Ca- Rome. tholic Bishop of Elphin (2 copies'). The Lord CiuincoUor. Ouslcy, Sir Gore, Burt. 'riio Chi(!f Huron. Somorvillo, Sir W. M., Bart., M. V. Baron Itichurds. Steele, Sir Richard, Bart. Baron Lefroy. The Knight of Glin. The late Judge Radcliffe. Count Magawley, Temora, Frankford. The Chief Remembrancer. Master Litton. The O'Conor Don, M. P. *Mr. Commissioner Alacan. Beaumont, T. Wentworth, Esq., Bret- Mr. Commissioner O'Ferrall. ton Park, AVakefield, M. P. Commissioner Col. Harry D. Jones, Butler, Hon. P. S., M. P. R. E. Ffolliott, John, Esq., M. P. The Solicitor General. French, Fitz Stephen, Esq., M.P. Hamilton, G. A., Esq., M. P. Bellew, Sir Michael D., Bart. Hamilton, James Hans, Esq., M. P. Chichester, Sir Arthur, Bart. Lefroy, Anthony, Esq., M. P. Crofton, Sir James, Bart. INIacnamara, ISIajor, M. P. Dillon, Sir William Henry, Bart. O'Brien, W. S., Esq., M. P. *Esmonde, Sir Tliomas, 13art., M. P. Pigot, Right Hon. David, M. P. Ferguson, Sir Robert, Bart,, M. P. Redington, T. N., Esq., M. P. Hopkins, Sir Francis, Bart. Tennant, J. E., Esq., M. P. Molyneux, Sir George, Bart. Tuite, Hugh Morgan, Esq., M. P. (3 Norreys, Sir D. J., Bart., M. P. copies). O'Brien, Sir Lucius, Bart. Wynne, John, Esq., Hanlowood, M.P. O'Loghlen, Sir Colman M., Bart. British Museum Library. Maynooth College Library. Bodleian Library. Royal Irish Academy Library. Public Library, Cambridge. Royal Dublin Society Library (2 co- Trinity College Board. pies). Society of Antiquaries' of Scotland Dublin Library Society, D'Olier-st. Library. Library of the Sisters of Charity. Edinburgh College Library. Library of the Religious Brothers of Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. Clondalkin. Library of Writers to the Signet, Queen's County National School Mas- Edinburgh. ters' Library. SUBSCRIBERS. Vll Antisell, "William, Esq , Ballyowen Close, J. S., Esq., Barrister. Cottngo, riiilipstown. Cochrane, Thomas, Esq., Edinburgh Archl)()IcI, Richard, Esq., Solicitor. (2 copies'). Armstrong, William, Estj., Q. C. Coddington, H. B., Esq., Oldbridgc Armstrong, Lieutcn-int William, 47tli House. Foot. Cogan, P. Owen, Esq., Barrister. Conway, F. W., Esq., Rathmines. Babington, Thoma.s Esq., Solicitor. Cooke, James R., Esq., Barrister. Bagot, T. N. Esq., Ballymoe. Cooke, Thomas L.,Es(i., Parsonstown. Baker, Abraham Wlijte, Esq., Ballj'- Coote, Philip Davis, Escj., Onston, togivn. Doncastcr. Baiter, Matthew, Esq., Q. C. Crcagh, Michael, Esq., Solicitor. Balfour, Bianey Townley, Esq. , Town- Crofton, Blorgan, Esq., Boyle. ley Hall. Cross, Miss Anne, Port-Nelligan, Ty- Barry, Michael, Esq., Barrister. nan. Beasley, Thomas, Esq., Solicitor. Cross, Miss Hannah, Stoke Newing- Beaufort, Miss L., Hatch-street. ton. Beaufort, Rev. W. L., Prebendary of Cross, Lieut. -Col. John, United Ser- Cork. vice Clid), London. Bianconi, Charles, Esq., Clonmel. Cross, Maxwell, Esq., J. P., Dartan, Bindon, Samuel, Esq., Barrister. Armagh. Black, Rev. Mr., Ballymore-Eustace. Crosthwaite, Leland, Esq., D. L. Bond, Walter M., Esq., the Argory, Cuffe, Rev. Thomas Tenison, Minis- Moy. ter of Carlisle Episcopal Chapel. Bookey, William, Esq., Derrybawn, Curry, P. E., Esq., Lismore Castle. Rathdrum. Curtis, Patrick, 'Esq., Fitzwilliam-sq. Bourke, Walter, Esq., Barrister. Boyle, Rev. Mr., Skerries. Boyse, Thomas, Esq., Bannow. Dames, F. L., Esq., D. L., Green Brady, 1). F., Esq., ]\T. D. Hills, Edcndcrry. Brittainc, Kov. Goorf^o, Kilcomuck, D'Arcy, John, Esq., Rahony. Ballymahon. Day, Rev. ICdward Fitzgerald. Brommcl, John, Esq., Boyle. Dcardcn, Mr. William, Bookseller, Brooke. William, Es(i., Q. C. Nottingham. Bryson, Samuel, Esi]., Belfast. Delahoyd, Miss, Rathmines. Burke, Rev. Christopher, Marlbo- Denipsey, Rev. Luke, Denmark-st. rough-street. (4 copies). Burke, John, Esq., Ower (Co. Gal- Dickson, Rev. Mr., College, May- way). nooth. Burton, Frederick W., Esq., R.H.A. l)iKl)y, T. G., Es(|., Barrister. Biitlcr, Rev. Richard, Trim. Digby, Rev. William Templcton, Byrne, Andrew, Esq., Crony-Byrne. Longford.
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