क� द्र�यू�म भ जल बोड셍 जल संसाधन, नद� �वकास और गंगा संर�ण मंत्रालय भारत सरकार Central Ground Water Board Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Government of India Report on AQUIFER MAPPING AND GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT Bhilwara District, Rajasthan पि�चमी �ेत्र जयपुर Western Region, Jaipur CONTENTS PART A Technical Report of District Bhilwara, Rajasthan Chapter I Page No. Introduction 6-15 1. 0 Introduction 6 1.1Objective 6 1.1 Scope of the study 6 1.2 Approach & Methodology 7 1.3 Study area details 7 1.4 Data Availability and adequacy 9 1.5 Data gap analysis 9 1.6 Rainfall spatial temporal & secular distribution 10 1.7 Geomorphology 11 1.8.1 Drainage 13 1.8.2 Soil distribution 14 1.9 Land use & cropping pattern 15 1.10 Irrigation 15 1.11 Prevailing water conservation/recharge practices 15 1.12 Geological frameworks 15 Chapter II Data collection and generation 2.0 Hydrogeology 20 2.1 Groundwater level 21 2.2 Pumping test 24 1 2.3 Groundwater quality 28 2.4 Geophysical Investigation 30 2.5 Exploratory wells 36 Chapter III Aquifer disposition 3.0 Aquifers of study area 43 3.1 Aquifer disposition in Bhilwara district 44 3.2 Groundwater exploration 49 3.3 Hydraulic characteristic of aquifers 49 Chapter IV Groundwater recourses 4.0 Dynamic ground water recourses 51 4.1Static recourses 54 4.2 Status of groundwater development 55 Chapter V Groundwater related issues 5.0 Identification of issues 56 5.1 Major issues 56 5.1.1 Depletion of water level 56 5.1.2 Quality problems 57 5.3.3 Water scarcity 58 Chapter VI Ground water management 6. 0 Management strategy 59 6.0.1 Supply side management 59 6.0.2 Demand side management 61 Chapter VII Conclusion and recommendation 7.0 Conclusion 66 2 7.1 Recommendation 67 7.2 anticipated benefits 67 PART B Block wise Aquifer Maps and Management Plans of 8 Blocks of Bhilwara District 68-100 List of Tables Table1: Data gap analysis of Bhilwara District 12 Table 2: Major Geomorphic Units of Bhilwara district Table 3: Basin wise area of Bhilwara District 12 Table 4: Geological setup of Bhilwara District 12 Table 5: Hrdrolic characteristics of aquifers of Bhilwara. 12 Table 6: Loaction of CGWB wells 12 Table 7: Location of SGWB wells 12 Table 8 Groundwater resource, Draft and stage of development 12 Table 9:Potential area for recharge 12 Table-10 : Details of groundwater abstraction structures in Bhilwara 12 Table 11: Area Feasible and Volume Available for Artificial Recharge 12 Table 12: Recharge Structures Proposed 12 Table 13: Sprinkler Irrigation – Area proposed and Water Saving 12 Table14: Change in Cropping Pattern- Area proposed and Water Saving 12 Table No 15: Water saving by land leveling 12 Table 16: Expected Stage of Development with water savings 12 3 List of Figures Fig.1 Index map of Bhilwara District 12 Fig 2 Hydrometeorology of Bhilwara District 12 Fig. 3 Geomorphology of Bhilwara District. 12 Fig.4 Geological setup of Bhilwara district. Fig.5 Lithologs of Boreholes Fig. 6 Regional lithology of Bhilwara District Fig .7 Aquifer map of Bhilwara district Fig.8 Pre monsoon water level of Bhilwara district Fig. 9 Pre monsoon water level of Bhilwara district Fig. 10: Decadal fluctuation of Ground water of Bhilwara district. Fig.11: Water table contour map of f Bhilwara district. Fig.12 Distribution of EC in Bhilwara district. Fig.13 Sub surface lithology inferred through VES Fig.14 Sub surface lithology inferred through VES along with litholog of Borehole Fig.15 Cross section along which VES has been conducted Fig.16 Cross section along AA, which VES has been conducted Fig.17 Cross section along BB’ which VES has been conducted Fig.18 Cross section along CC’ which VES has been conducted Fig.19 Cross section along DD’ which VES has been conducted Fig.20 Cross section along EE’ which VES has been conducted Fig.21 Cross section along EE’ which VES has been conducted Fig. 22 Principal aquifers system of Bhilwara Fig. 23 Principal aquifers saturation of Bhilwara Fig. 24 Fence diagram of Principal aquifers disposition in Bhilwara Fig. 25 Fence diagram of Principal aquifers disposition in Bhilwara Fig. 26 Cross section alongAA,Asind Block Fig 26 Cross section alongBB ,Shahpura Block 4 Fig. 27 Cross section alongCC ,Jahazpura Block Fig. 28 Cross section alongDD ,Jahazpura Block Fig. 29 Cross section along EE, Kotri Block Fig.30 Cross section along EE,Raipur & Mandal Block Fig.31 Cross section along FF,Raipur & Mandal Block Fig32 Net ground water availability verses Gross draft Fig.31 Hydrographs of Nagpura well Fig.32 Hydrographs of Pitakhera well Fig 33 Block wise aquifer distribution Annexure I Data gap analysis of Bhilwara district 102-107 II Year wise mean annual rainfall at various rain gauge station of Bhilwara102-107 III Ground water level monitoring data 108-109 I V Decadal trend of groundwater in Bhilwara district 110 -111 V Chemical analysis result of collected sample during NHS (2014-15) 112-113 VI Details of VES conducted in Bhilwara district 114-127 VII Salient data of Borehole drilled by CGEB in Bhilwara 128-130 5 CHAPTER-I INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION: The entire Bhilwara district has been taken up under Phase-I of National aquifer mapping programme. During NAQUIM programme in Bhilwara district involves hydrogeological study, Geophysical study and chemical quality study of groundwater. Under NAQUIM whole existing database of aquifers has been used concurrently with the data generation and prepared the aquifer wise disposition to facilitate the aquifer management. 1.1 OBJECTIVE: Various developmental activities over the years have adversely affected the groundwater regime in the state. There is a need for scientific planning in development of groundwater under different hydrogeological situation and to evolve effective management practices with involvement of community for better ground water governance. In view of emergent challenges in the ground water sector in the state there is an urgent need for comprehensive and realistic information pertaining to various aspects of groundwater resource available in different hydrogeological setting through a process of systematic data collection, compilation, data generation, analysis and synthesis. Hence, aquifer mapping of the study area is the need of the hour. 1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY: Aquifer mapping can be understood as a scientific process wherein a combination of geological, Geophysical, hydrological and chemical fields and laboratory analyses are applied to characterized the quantity, quality, and sustainability of ground water in aquifers. Aquifer mapping is expected to improve our 6 understanding of the geological framework of aquifer, their hydrologic characteristics, water level in aquifer and how they changes over time and space and the occurrence of natural and anthropogenic contaminants that affect the portability of groundwater. Results of these studies will contribute significantly to resource management tools such as long term aquifer monitoring network and conceptual and quantitative regional groundwater flow models to be used by planners, policy makers and other stake holders. Aquifer mapping at appropriate scale can help to prepare, implement, and monitor the efficacy of various management interventions aimed at long term sustainability of our precious groundwater recourses, which in turn will help to achieve drinking water scarcity, improved irrigation facilities and sustainability of water resource in the state. 1.3 APPROACH & METHODOLOGY: As mentioned above, aquifer mapping is an attempt to integrate the geological, Geophysical, hydrological and chemical field and laboratory analyses are applied to characterize the quality, quantity and sustainability of groundwater in aquifer. Under the National aquifer Prograrmme, it is proposed to generate Aquifer maps on 1:50000 scale, which basically aims at characterizing the aquifer geometry, behavior of groundwater levels and status of groundwater development in various aquifer system to facilitate planning of their suitable management. The major activities involved in this process include compilation of existing data, identification of data gaps, generation of data for feeling data gaps and preparation of different aquifer layers. The flow chart is as follow. 1.4 STUDY AREA DETAILS The district is situated between 25001’ & 25058’ North latitude and 74001’ &75028’ East longitude covering geographical area of 10,455 sq km (Fig- 1).Bhilwara district is part of Ajmer Division. The district is divided into 4 7 subdivisions namely Bhilwara, Gulabpura, Mandalgarh & Shahpura and comprises of 12 tehsils & 11 blocks. Total number of villages in the district is 1834. Rural & Urban population of the district is 18,95,869 and 5,12,654 respectively. Decennial population growth rate of the district is 19.27% since 2011. The district is known for its textile industries and mineral wealth. Sex ratio (No. of females per 1000 males) is 966 and population density per sq kms 230. Index map of Bhilwara district is shown n Fig. 1. Fig.1 Index map of Bhilwara District 8 1.5 DATA AVAILABILITY AND ADEQUACY: Groundwater availability, monitoring (water level and chemical quality), exploration had been carried out by CGWB and state Ground Water Department. 37 (33 DW & 4 PZ) NHS have been monitored by CGWB, WR, Jaipur and 316 observation wells have been monitored by State GWD Govt. of Rajasthan 93 bore holes & 176 VES have been constructed & conducted by CGWB. The data collected from State GWD and CGWB WR, Jaipur have been compiled and analyzed. It has been observed that validation and geo referencing of the location coordinates, lithologs and hydrogeological data is needed and State GWD data is lacking in aquifer parameters. Geophysical data collected needs geo referencing of the hydrogeological interpretations. It has been observed that available data are limited largely to State highways and main roads only.
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