MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION∗ The Mississippi River Commission (MRC) was operations of the Commission below Cape Girardeau created by an act of Congress on Jun. 28, 1879. The are conducted by District Engineers of New Orleans, Flood Control Act of May 15, 1928, authorized the Vicksburg, and Memphis Districts within the areas Flood Control, Mississippi River and Tributaries described below, in accordance with approved direc- (MR&T) Project. The Commission consists of three tives and programs and congressional appropriations officers of the Corps of Engineers, one from the former therefore. Coast and Geodetic Survey (presently the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), and three The 367th Session was held Apr. 19-23, 2004, on civilians, two of whom must be civil engineers. All board the Motor Vessel Mississippi en route on the Mis- members are appointed by the President with the advice sissippi River from Caruthersvillle, MO, to New and consent of the Senate. Orleans, LA. Public meetings were held at Caruthers- ville, MO, Helena, AR, Natchez, MS, and New Orleans, During the fiscal year the Commissioners were: LA. Approximately 275 people attended these public BG Robert Crear, who assumed command as Com- meetings. On Apr. 22, the Motor Vessel Mississippi mander, Mississippi Valley Division, and President made a trip to the Head of Passes (Mile Marker 0 on the Designee of the MRC on Jun. 23, 2004; Mr. Sam E. Mississippi River) with many local interests on board. Angel, reappointed as member, Nov. 15, 1999; This session was adjourned in New Orleans, LA, on Mr. R. D. James, civil engineer, reappointed Apr. 16, Apr. 23, 2004. 2003; Mr. William Clifford Smith, civil engineer, reap- pointed Oct. 22, 1998; BG William T. Grisoli, Com- The 368th Session was held Aug. 16-27, 2004, on mander, Northwestern Division, member designee; board the Motor Vessel Mississippi en route from La Bruce A. Berwick, Commander, Great Lakes and Ohio Crosse, WI, to Houma, LA. Public meetings were held River Division, member designee; RADM Samuel P. at La Crosse, WI, Dubuque, IA, Alton, IL, New Madrid, De Bow, Jr., NOAA, member designee; and MO, Memphis, TN, Greenville, IL, and Houma, LA. COL Richard B. Jenkins, Secretary of the Commission Approximately 515 people attended these public meet- (non-voting position). ings. In Dubuque, IA, the Commissioners investigated the Riverside Museum, which has displays that empha- The MRC is charged, under direction of the Secre- size the importance of the region’s river system to the tary of the Army and supervision of the Chief of Engi- growth and development of the area. The Commission- neers, with prosecution of improvements for flood con- ers inspected Lock and Dam 11 at Dubuque, IA, Lock trol of the Mississippi River and of its tributaries and and Dam 18 at Gladstone, IL, and Lock and Dam 19 at outlets in its alluvial valley, so far as they are affected Keokuk, IA. Following the public meeting in Houma, by Mississippi River backwater, between Head of LA, the Commissioners performed a site visit of the Passes, LA (mile 0), and Cape Girardeau, MO Louisiana Coastal Area. This session was adjourned in (1,006 miles AHP-Lower Mississippi mileage termi- Houma, LA, on Apr. 27, 2004. nates at mile 954 AHP), and with prosecution of improvements in the interest of navigation between The 369th Session was held on Sep. 27, 2004, at Cairo, IL (954 miles AHP), and Baton Rouge, LA the Mississippi River Commission Headquarters in (234 miles AHP); and for stabilization of the lower Vicksburg, MS. Approximately 5 people were in 7 miles of the right bank of the Ohio River, to former attendance for this meeting that was open to the public mouth of Cache River. It also is charged with prosecu- for observation but not for participation. The meeting tion of certain flood control works on the Mississippi was for the Commission’s consideration of the Bayou River and tributaries, as far as they are affected by Sorrel Lock Final Feasibility Report and Environmental backwater, between Cape Girardeau, MO, and Rock Impact Statement, located in Louisiana. Island, IL (1,437 miles AHP), and with prosecution of improvements on designated tributaries and outlets Records of Proceedings of all sessions of the below Cape Girardeau for flood control, navigation, Mississippi River Commission are on file in the office major drainage, and related water uses. Authorized of the President. ∗ Authorizing legislation (Tables 41-D and 41-E) is listed at the end of this chapter. All other tables are referenced in text and also appear at the end of the chapter. 41-1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY ON CIVIL WORKS ACTIVITIES FOR FY 2004 Additional information about the MRC. New Orleans District: Mississippi River project levees and river channel stabilization as required from During the fiscal year the MRC listened to, Head of Passes, mile 0 to 320 AHP, construction of inspected alongside and partnered with more than 1,000 three salinity-control structures for fish and wildlife stakeholders, states, and local interests. enhancement, two in lower Mississippi River Delta region, and one in the Mississippi-Louisiana Estuarine The Mission of the MRC includes balancing the Area; Bonnet Carre and Morganza Floodways; mainte- requirements of flood control, navigation and the envi- nance and improvements of Mississippi River naviga- ronment by providing water resource engineering direc- tion channel from Baton Rouge, LA (mile 234 AHP), to tion and policy advice to the Administration, Congress, mile 320; Baton Rouge Harbor (Devils Swamp); navi- and the Army in a drainage basin that comprises gation improvement of Atchafalaya and Old Rivers 41 percent of the U.S. and two provinces of Canada, from Mississippi River to Morgan City; control of Old and to lead sustainable management and development and Atchafalaya Rivers; Atchafalaya Basin Floodways; of water and related resources for the nation’s benefit flood control and drainage improvements in Bayou and the people's well-being. Cocodrie and tributaries, in Bayou des Glaises, and in Upper Pointe Coupee Loop area; and freshwater distri- The MRC’s unique makeup continues to serve the bution from Atchafalaya River to Teche-Vermilion nation well (Military and Civilian). The 3 engineer offi- Basins. cers from the Army; 1 uniformed officer from NOAA; 3 Civilian members (2 must be civil engineers). Vicksburg District: Mississippi River project • Since August 1997, MRC has resumed annual levees and river channel stabilization as required from inspection of upper Mississippi River. upper limits of New Orleans District (mile 320 AHP) in vicinity of Black Hawk, LA, to Coahoma-Bolivar County line, MS (mile 620 AHP) on left bank, and to • Stakeholders and the public have requested vicinity of mouth of White River, AR (mile 599 AHP), MRC involvement in several major studies and on right bank including south bank Arkansas River projects. levee to vicinity of Pine Bluff, AR, and north bank levee to vicinity of Tucker on left bank of Plum Bayou, • For projects and studies that require a broad AR; bank stabilization in lower 36.1 miles of Arkansas watershed approach with multiple levels of interest, the River; maintenance and improvement of Mississippi Mississippi River Commission’s authorities, resources River navigation channel between miles 320 and and contacts have proven to be effective. 599 AHP; Vicksburg and Greenville Harbors; specific fish and wildlife facilities in Tensas, Yazoo, and Big The MRC has provided the following: Sunflower Basins; a demonstration erosion control proj- ect in the Yazoo Basin; flood control and drainage • Has established a connection between the improvements in Red River backwater area including public, a construction, operations and maintenance leveed portions east and west of Black River and south agency, and the executive branch of the U.S. of Red River; Jonesville, LA, Boeuf and Tensas Rivers, Government. Bayou Macon Basins and tributaries, AR and LA, and Bayou Lafourche, LA; Yazoo River Basin, MS, includ- • Has implementation oversight of a range of ing backwater area; Big and Little Sunflower Rivers, water resource activities. Deer Creek, and Steele Bayou, MS; and Grand Prairie Region and Bayou Meto Basin, AR, including provision • Has an established record of expertise and for agricultural water supply. accomplishment. Memphis District: Mississippi River project levees and river channel stabilization as required, from • Has a clear charter that includes the entire upper limits of Vicksburg District to north bank of watershed. Little River diversion channel, MO (1,003 miles AHP), a few miles below Cape Girardeau, MO, on right bank, • Has established relationships and processes to and to Cache River diversion channel (967 miles AHP) make recommendations to the Chief of Engineers, the above Cairo, IL, on left bank, including levees and Administration and to inform Congress. revetment on right bank of Ohio River, in Mounds-Mound City area, IL; except operations above Cairo, IL, do not include channel stabilization on the 41-2 MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION Mississippi River. Maintenance and improvement of for 1,832 miles to Minneapolis, MN. The Mississippi Mississippi River navigation channel between mile 599 River and its major tributaries, the Missouri, Ohio, St. and 954 AHP and of Memphis Harbor, TN; specific fish Francis, White, Arkansas, Yazoo, and Red-Old Rivers, and wildlife facilities in St. Francis Basin; levees in drain 1,245,000 square miles in all or part of 31 states White River backwater area up to vicinity of Augusta, between the Rocky and Appalachian Mountains and AR, and a pumping plant near mouth of White River; part of two Canadian provinces. Below Cape Girardeau, levees and pumping plants at De Valls Bluff and Des MO, 53 miles above Ohio River, river bottomlands Arc, AR; channel improvements in Cache River Basin, widen abruptly into an alluvial valley of 35,460 square AR; channel improvements in Big Creek and miles which was originally subjected to flood overflow.
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