November 2014 Volume 27 Number 6 ConfederateConfederate GazetteGazette Hunley Being Revealed Major Robert M. White According to Civil War News, stand how the submarine to take eight to twelve Camp #1250 Sons of Confederate for the first time in over 150 appeared, how it operated, months. Veterans years parts of the hull of the and what happened to the Temple, Texas The Hunley was built at Mo- Confederate submarine, the hull to cause it to sink. bile, Alabama, and www.scvtemple.com H.L. Hunley, is once launched in July 1863. again visible. The sub- On February 17, 1864, Jimmy D. Dossey marine was raised in the Hunley attacked Camp Commander 2000 and since then 115 Lakewood Dr. and sank the sloop USS has been undergoing Gatesville, TX 76528 Housatonic on Union conservation removing blockade duty in John C. Perry concretion which cov- Charleston, South Car- Newsletter Editor ered the vessel. olina’s outer harbor. P.O. Box 794 Salado, TX 76571 Currently the conserva- Soon after, the Hunley tion effort is centering Photo of a worker removing concretion from sank, killing all eight of the hull of the Hunley. The smooth part is the © 2014 Major Robert M. on the wrought iron Hunley’s original hull surface. (Photo from her third crew. White Camp #1250 pieces that largely com- Friends of the Hunley) The submarine is the pose the Hunley’s hull. property of the U.S. The Civil War News reports The deconcretion effort is Navy and the current con- that uncovering the hull’s Inside this issue: near the end of the planned servation program has been surface will enable re- conservation activities for approved by the Navy. searchers to better under- the Hunley and is expected Profile: George W. 2 Chilton State of Texas Fighting the SCV Chilton and 2 Now in its fifth year the ney General Greg Abbott’s state said. Baylor State of Texas has appealed office said that the court Nine other Southern states the decision of 5th Circuit erred, leaving it unclear now allow a SCV license October Camp 3 Court of Appeals’ panel in whether Texas could exclude plate. In seven of the nine New Orleans which ruled in “profanity, sacrilege or states the SCV had to sue to Meeting favor of the SCV to allow the overt racism.” get the plates available for sale of SCV license plates in “The notion that the Consti- sale. Camp #1250’s 3 Texas with the SCV logo. The tution requires states to State of Texas has appealed, For the most part the courts Calendar maintain viewpoint neutrali- have declared the SCV logo all the way to the U.S. Su- ty when deciding whether to preme Court. and the Confederate image Hathaway To 4 issue specialty license as private speech that the According to the Dallas plates is unworkable and government cannot restrict. Speak Morning News, Texas Attor- leads to absurdities,” the Page 2 Confederate Gazette CCONFEDERATEONFEDERATE PPROFILEROFILE 3 rd Texas Calvary Commander e was a gifted orator enlisted as a private in a First the hard labor, than the who could bring his Texas Mounted Rifles under “barbaric” life of an African. listening audience to Colonel John Hays. After the H tears or to laughter. war Chilton returned to Ala- As war flames loomed in 1861 He was also a pro-slavery man bama and studied law being Chilton served as a delegate to who thought all blacks should admitted to the bar in 1848. He the Texas Secession Conven- be put to hard labor. This atti- practiced law in Talladega until tion. Following Texas leaving tude combined with being a 1851 when he moved to Texas the Union Chilton began re- gifted speaker made this Texan settling in Tyler. He married cruiting men for the Confeder- a powerful force in leading Ella Goodman of Tyler they ate cause. The Dallas Herald Texas out of the Union. would have three children, two reported that Chilton “raised of which would survive to 100 men and marched 120 George Washington Chilton was George adulthood. His first born, son miles — all within the space of born June 4, 1828, in Elizabeth- Horace, would be the first na- six days! This is unparalleled, Washington town, Kentucky, to Thomas P. tive Texan to serve in the US we believe, in the history of Chilton Chilton and Francis Tribble Congress in the House of Rep- volunteer armies. The genius of Stoner Chilton. The elder Chil- resentatives and he would later the man, leads him to prompt- ton was a former member of ness, and his energy will en- the House of Representatives, serve in the US Senate. sure success.” Chilton and his an attorney and later a well- George practiced law in Tyler volunteers joined the 3rd Texas Chilton moved to known Baptist minister. While and was a member of the Cavalry. The men elected the in Congress George’s father Knights of the Golden Circle, a Texas about 1851 officers, and voted Chilton a roomed with Davy Crockett and secret organization dedicated major. would be the ghost writer on to not only protecting slavery, Crockett’s 1834 biography. but expanding it. He owned five Chilton commanded a battalion slaves and he had very strong of the regiment at the battle of Young George would move with pro-slavery views including a Wilson's Creek, Missouri, on his family to Talladega, Ala- desire to reopen slave trade. August 10, 1861, and received a bama about 1839. George brief- Chilton felt every white man slight head wound at the Battle ly attended Howard College at should own a black slave and of Chustenahlah in the Indian Marion, Alabama, but with the that the life of a slave in Ameri- Territory (now Oklahoma) on outbreak of the Mexican War he ca was preferable, in spite of (Continued on page 3) Chilton and Baylor George Washington Chilton’s During the revival meeting, Baylor would also serve as a father Thomas was a very well- Chilton led his REB Baylor to traveling judge with his Bible in known Baptist preacher. He Christ and baptized him. one hand and the laws of Texas in the other. Baylor is buried was serving as the pastor of REB Baylor would eventually Hope Baptist Church in Tal- move to Texas where he co- on the UMHB campus. ladega, Alabama. His maternal founded Baylor University and Thomas Chilton’s son and cousin, Robert Emmett Bledsoe Baylor Female College, now the George’s half-brother was (REB) Baylor, attended a reviv- University of Mary Hardin- Lysias B. Chilton the founder of al lead by Chilton.. Baylor (UMHB), in 1845. Chilton Texas in central Texas. Page 3 Volume 27 Number 6 OctoberOctober CampCamp MeetingMeeting Commander (Continued from page 2) By Michael E. Belcher Presidency position of the the day after Christmas in Charles Oliver, Camp Com- Confederacy; as he had previ- 1861. The Confederates mander of the General Felix H. ously turned down Stephen pushed pro-Union Seminoles Robertson Camp No. 129 of Douglas for Vice President, in and Creeks out of Indian Terri- Waco, was the guest speaker his run for the Presidency. tory north into Kansas. at the October camp meeting. If he had accepted that posi- In May of 1862 with their one- year enlistments up the 3rd Texas Cavalry reorganized and Chilton was not reelected. He Chilton Chases left the army for a while, as Yankees into his enlistment was up as well. We next hear from Chilton in Mexico 1863 when he returns as a captain and ordnance officer on the staff of Brigadier Gen- eral Hamilton Bee. He would no longer see any front line James Al Harris assists in installing three new Camp members at the October Camp meeting ,Mason Wayne DuBose of Temple along with action but was involved in an Matthew Cyrus Walters and his son Michael Stephen Walters of incident in 1863. Chilton led Temple were sworn in. (Photo by Steve Wooley) about 150 men after three tion, because of his popularity, Union officers of the Federal He spoke about Alexander st Lincoln would probably not 1 Texas Cavalry who had Hamilton Stephens, the Vice have been elected. He promot- escaped into the “safety” of President of the Confederacy, ed railroads, was not for divid- Mexico. Chilton crossed the who was born on February 11, ing the union, yet was not an border and hunted them down. 1812. abolitionist. He publically criti- Three were captured but one Stephens was a teacher, slave cized Jefferson Davis’ admin- of the men was lynched and owner, politician, lawyer, U. S. istration. He was one of three some claim, likely untrue, was Congressman, State Senator, Confederate commissioners then decapitated. and Governor. He was a who met with Lincoln on the He remained in uniform until “Unionist” at first, and then steamer River Queen at the July 1865, when he, somewhat later a “States Rights “ sup- Hampton Roads Conference, on surprisingly, signed an oath of porter. He was a U. S. Con- a fruitless effort to discuss allegiance to the federal gov- gressman before the war, and ernment. In 1866 he was (Continued on page 4) reluctantly accepted the Vice (Continued on page 4) Camp Schedule November 11, 2014 Temple, TX, 6:00 PM Social, Next Camp Meeting: th Regular Camp Meeting at Cot- Meeting starts at 7:00 PM November 11 ton Patch Café, Temple Mall, Special guest speaker: Ms. Cotton Patch Café 7:00 PM. Speaker: Steve Fore- Susan Hathaway from the man, subject to be determined. Virginia Flaggers organization. Temple Mall 6:00 PM Social December 12, 2014 January 17, 2014 PM Social with Dinner at 7:00 PM.
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