E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2011 No. 30 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was For some reason, their moral sen- ican lives. Our surviving servicemen called to order by the Speaker pro tem- sibilities are not offended by a military and -women are coming home with dev- pore (Mr. YODER). conflict that has cost us hundreds of astating physical and psychological f billions of dollars and 1,500 of our brav- wounds. Yet the majority party, so en- est, bravest people without advancing thusiastic in its support for Afghani- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO national security objectives or truly stan spending, wants to eliminate a TEMPORE diminishing the terrorist threat at the homeless veterans initiative. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- same time. That’s their version of morality: fore the House the following commu- So how are my colleagues on the Send young Americans halfway around nication from the Speaker: other side of the aisle resolving their the world to be chewed up and trauma- WASHINGTON, DC, moral dilemma? By asking corporate tized. Then pull the plug on the sup- March 2, 2011. special interests to give up handouts port they need when they get home. I hereby appoint the Honorable KEVIN and tax breaks? By asking the wealthi- That’s what they call supporting the YODER to act as Speaker pro tempore on this est Americans to give back more to the troops. day. Nation that has given them so much The majority could kill the prover- JOHN A. BOEHNER, opportunity? bial two birds with one stone if they Speaker of the House of Representatives. Nope. By their moral calculations, wanted. They could just about solve f the answer is to demand sacrifice from their debt crisis by bringing our troops MORNING-HOUR DEBATE the very Americans who are bearing home and ending the moral stain on the brunt of this recession—from the our Nation—that is the Afghanistan The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- people and communities who depend war. ant to the order of the House of Janu- upon public investment. Their moral Somehow, I’m not holding my ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- compass tells them to cut vital pro- breath. Until the Speaker and my Re- nize Members from lists submitted by grams to the bone or eliminate them publican colleagues are prepared to the majority and minority leaders for altogether: food safety, family plan- show moral courage on Afghanistan, I morning-hour debate. ning, health research, public housing, refuse to take their moral outrage The Chair will alternate recognition transportation infrastructure, college about the deficit seriously. between the parties, with each party aid, and on and on. f limited to 1 hour and each Member There was an article in my home other than the majority and minority newspaper over the weekend about how DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN leaders and the minority whip limited local health clinics could be devastated REVOLUTION to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall by these cuts. California alone stands The SPEAKER pro tempore. The debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. to lose nearly $13 million in homeland Chair recognizes the gentleman from f security grants needed to train and Georgia (Mr. WESTMORELAND) for 5 equip first responders. The Republican minutes. THE ‘‘MORAL THREAT’’ IN budget cuts also, according to one Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, AFGHANISTAN study, would destroy 700,000 jobs—but in October of 1890, four women, linked The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that’s not keeping the Speaker up at by their common lineage to heroes in Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from night. He sees Americans out of work, the American Revolution, joined 18 California (Ms. WOOLSEY) for 5 min- and instead of saying this is a moral others to organize the Daughters of the utes. threat, he says, ‘‘So be it.’’ American Revolution. These founders Ms. WOOLSEY. In a speech this past In what moral universe, I ask you, began a campaign to serve the country weekend to our religious broadcasters, Mr. Speaker, does it make sense to de- through the preservation of American the Speaker of the House called the stroy jobs at home but send more history. Since its founding, the Daugh- Federal debt ‘‘a moral threat’’ to our Americans to die in a senseless war ters of the American Revolution has Nation. It’s an interesting choice of abroad? expanded to nearly 3,000 chapters and words from the leader of the House ma- Programs like COPS and Head Start, over 850,000 members around the world. jority, who has been a cheerleader for which the majority wants slashed, save In the middle of an era ripe with in- the Nation’s most morally objection- lives. The war in Afghanistan, which equality for women, this organization able policy of all—the disastrous, des- isn’t even on the table in this budget flourished on a strong foundation of picable war in Afghanistan. debate, has ended nearly 1,500 Amer- pride for the men and women who b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1457 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:09 Mar 03, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MR7.000 H02MRPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HOUSE H1458 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2011 fought to gain American independence. report, entitled ‘‘Human Rights Crisis to silence so many in Puerto Rico who Theirs is a rich history, filled with pa- in Puerto Rico: First Amendment disagree with your government—will triotism, self-sacrifice, and a dedica- Under Siege’’ is searing. fail, just as every effort to blockade tion to education. For decades, the b 1010 progress only makes the march toward Daughters of the American Revolution justice more powerful and swift. has sponsored scholarships and sup- It details the complaints of students, I may not be Puerto Rican enough ported schools for the underprivileged. legislators, the press and the general for some people, but I know this: No- Their support has aided construction public who were beaten, and pepper- where on Earth will you find a people and the preservation of dozens of now sprayed by police; female students who harder to silence than Puerto Ricans. historic locations around the country. were treated with gross disrespect; and You won’t locate my love for Puerto Their scholarships have provided thou- the government’s overreaction to dem- Rico on my birth certificate or on my sands with the opportunity to attend onstrations at the university and at driver’s license or on my children’s institutes of higher education. Their the capitol over budget cuts and lay- birth certificate or any other piece of outreach programs recognize and en- offs. paper. My love for Puerto Rico is right courage service to their country and to This next picture, this is the capitol here in my heart, a heart that beats their communities; and on March 15, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, surrounded with our history and our language and the John Houstoun chapter of the Na- by riot police as people attempted to our heroes, a place where, when I tional Society of Daughters of the gain entrance to the same assembly as moved there as a teenager, people American Revolution will observe its this one here today, and this is how talked and argued and debated because 100th anniversary in the city of they were met by the police. This is we care deeply about our island and its Thomaston, Georgia. how the police dealt with protesters. future. That is still true today. That Mr. Speaker, I come to the House The images of police tactics and be- freedom is still beating in the hearts of floor today to celebrate, with the havior in these photos explain why our university students, working men and Houstoun chapter, 100 years of service Department of Justice is investigating women, labor leaders, lawyers and en- to the great State of Georgia. the Puerto Rican police for excessive vironmentalists, and every person who For a group devoted to the promotion force and unconstitutional searches as believes in free speech. You will not si- of American history, it is with great we speak today. How could you see lence them, and you will not silence pleasure that I am able to honor the these images and not speak out? I was me. years of education, historic preserva- hardly the first to speak out about Abraham Lincoln, a leader who val- tion, patriotism, and service that the these matters, and I probably won’t be ued freedom above all else, said, Daughters of the American Revolution the last. Here it is, the Daily Sun in ‘‘Those who deny freedom to others de- has selflessly given to this great coun- Puerto Rico, ‘‘Sticks versus speech.’’ serve it not for themselves.’’ It’s good try. As a Member of Congress, it is more advice, and I hope the leaders of Puerto They trace their heritage back to the than my right, it is my obligation to Rico take it. very men and women who fought for speak out when fundamental freedoms Mr. Speaker, I would like to enter American independence from British are attacked.
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