A New Film On Etiquette Sponsored by the USGA Roberl T. Jones, Jr., introduc;es the first "Golf House" Film Library presentation, The Rules 01 GolI- Etiquette, by pointing out: "The goller must know the Rules 01 Goll and call penalties on himsell. He ;s his own referee, iust as in life. Goll is an unusual sport in this respect. Personal honor and consideration of the other gollers are basic." HE FIRST "Golf House" Film Library It will be shown for the first time at T presentation, "The Rules of Golf- the annual meeting of the Professional Etiquette," is now available for private Golfers' Association of America, in St. Paul, and public showings. Minn., November 29. This motion picture is an official visual- "The Rules of Golf-Etiquette" was ization of the primary points of etiquette photographed mainly at the Somerset Hills on the golf course, as set forth in Section Country Club, Bernardsville, N.J., last 1 of the Rules of Golf, and was designed summer but some of the special effects for for showings by golf clubs, schools and the background titles were photographed colleges and other interested groups as well at the Ridgewood Country Club, Ridge- as on television. It carries the endorsemen t wood, N. J. of the USGA. It features Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fre- Robert T. Jones, Jr., makes the intro- linghuysen, Jr., and their teen-age son and ductory statement on the importance of daughter, Joseph, III, and Mardi, who dem- etiquette. Ben Hogan appears in several onstrate various violations of the code of scenes. Narration is supplied by Lindsey etiquette in the course of a family four- Nelson. ball match. The film is 16 mm. Kodachrome, and While the Frelinghuysens are committing the running time is 17 ~ minutes. It was their breaches, Hogan. appears in a match produced by National Educational Films, with Ted Smith, professional at the Somer- Inc., of New York, N. Y., in cooperation set Hills Country Club and William G. with the USGA. The rental fee is $15, Grainger plays through with Percy R. which includes the cost of shipping the Pyne, III. print to the renter. (Coll/illT/ed 011 page 19) USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT, NOVEMBER, 1954 5 cester, Mass., won the handicap prize, and Miss Diana Hoke, of Pittsburgh, Pa., a USGA PUBLICATIONS grand-daughter of Bobby Cruickshank, was OF GENERAL INTEREST second in this department. THE RULES OF GOLF, as approved by the In the final of the second flight, Miss United States Golf Association and the Bailey defeated Miss Meyerson. In the final Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, Scotland, effective January I, of the third flight, Miss Carole Coulson, 1954. Booklet, 25 cents (special rates for of Wayne, Pa., defeated Miss Mary Hewitt, quantity orders). Poster, 25 cents. of Florence, S.C. In the final of the fourth ARE YOUR LOCAL RULES NECESSARY? a flight, Miss Carole B. Burdeshaw, of Grif- reprint' of a USGA Journal article con- fin, Ga., defeated Miss Catherine T. Poore, taining recommendations regarding local rules. No charge. of Chestnut Hill, Pa. THE RULE ABOUT .OBSTRUCTIONS, a re- Miss Louise Suggs, a former Amateur print of a USGA Journal article. No charge. and Open Champion, gave a fine clinic on USGA GOLF HANDICAP SYSTEM FOR Sunday afternoon prior to the Champion- MEN, containing recommendations for ship, after which there was a clinic on the computing Basic and Current Handicaps Rules of Golf and a dinner for the contest- and for rating courses. Booklet, 25 cents. ants, followed by singing and games. Poster, 10 cents. THE CONDUCT OF WOMEN'S GOLF, con- Mr. Eugene G. Grace, of Bethlehem, Pa., taining suggestions for guidance in the invited the semi-finalists, the Misses Smith, conduct of women's golf in clubs and Driscoll, Jessen and Leona Sayre, of Norris- associations, including tournament pro- cedures, handicapping and course rating. town, Pa., to come to Saucon Valley 25 cents. Country Club the weekend of the final HANDICAPPING THE UN HANDICAPPED, a and play with the Curtis Cup Teams of reprint of a USGA Journal article explain- the United States and the British Isles in ing the Callaway System of automatic handicapping for occasional players in a an IS-hole event for members and their single tournament. No charge. guests. Of course, all the girls had been TOURNAMENTS FOR YOUR CLUB, a reprint invited to watch the Curtis Cup Teams of a USGA Journal article detailing vari. practice and compete at the Merion Golf ous types of competitions. No charge. PROTECTION OF PERSONS A G A INS T Club each afternoon during their Cham- LIGHTNING ON GOLF COURSES, a pionship. poster. No charge. MOTION PICTURES ON GOLF (list). No charge. NEW FILM MOTION PICTURES RELATING TO GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE (list). No (COllti1l1led from page 5) charge. HOLE-IN-ONE AWARDS. No charge. All the individuals seen kindly contrib- AMATEURISM IS IN THE HEART, a reprint uted their services. Jones and Hogan are the of a USGA Journal article by E. G. Grace. only two identified by name. No charge. BETTER LAWNS TO COME, a reprint of a Francis Carter Wood, Jr., Vice-President USGA Journal article. No charge. ?f National Educational Films, Inc., was TURF MANAGEMENT, by H. B. Musser (Mc- Graw-Hili Book Co., Inc.), the authorita- In charge of production and devised some tive book on greenkeeping. $7. effective zoom shots to demonstrate points. USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGE- The film was written and directed by Frank .MENT, a 33-page magazine published Donovan and edited by Henry Hesse. Rob- seven times a year and containing authori- ert Rosien was in charge of the recording. tative information on the Rules of Golf, USGA championships, handicapping, ama- S~ipping of prints will be handled by teur status, greenkeeping methods, clubs NatIOnal Educational Films, Inc., 165 \Vf est and ball, new trends and the play of the 46th Street, New York 36, N.Y. All in- game. $2. a year. These publications are available on request to the quiries and requests for bookings should United States Golf Association. 40 East 38th Street. New York 16, N. Y. Please send payment with your be sent direct to National Educational order. Films, Inc. USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT: NOVEMBER, 1954 19.
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