MORE ADS ADS PAGE 2. PAGE 2. V OL.UM E XL.VIII SPRINGF"I EL.D COL.L.EGE I SPR1NGFI EL.D I MASS . I FRI DAY. MARCH 31. 1961 NUMBER 18 KarpoYi(h President of A(SM Campus Radio Station UfSCB-f A1 "(ogito Et Moto Ergo Sum" The eighth annual meeting of the American lege of Sports Medicine took place on March Broadcasting, Training New DJs 15- 17, 1961 in Atlantic City under the Chair­ BY PETER BURREL. '64 manship of Dr. Peter V. Karpovich, President­ The campus radio station, WSCB-FM, is now back in full swing on Elect of ACSM and research professor ofPhys­ the new frequency, 89.9 MCS . with its usual high quality broadcasting. iology at Springfield College. The program featured many renowned Sum" (I move and therefore I The station resumed programming at 5:00 p.m. on Monday with Dave speakers in their specialized exist) with that of Descartes, fields, and they exemplified the which resulted in a new slogan, purpose of this organization "Cogito et Moto Ergo Sum" (I The Week's Notices which is to promote health and think and I act and therefore I On Good Friday at 12:15 a Com­ ~ys ical fitness. exist). Then, he spoke on his munion service will be held in the Among the numerous scientif­ Chapel with the College Chaplain ic seSSions, the follOWing are a officiating. few that deserve mention. ~------ Dr. Warren Johnson from the The CitY-Wide interdenomina- University of Maryland presented tional Easter sunrise service will a paper entitled "Hypnosis and be held this year on the Spring­ Muscular Performance", which field College campus at Rally Hill showed that medical men are on the lake shore at 5: 15 (a.m., opposed to the use of hypnosis that isl). by coaches. A session called Applications~---~~ are be in g re- "Around the World in 180 Min­ ceived for the poSition of A s­ utes" presented people who had sistant Nurse in the College In­ traveled to promote. JXtysical fit­ firmary. The position wlll be open ness and sports medicine. Dr. on June 20th, 1961. Reuben Frost visited Australia Please file applications with proxie by reading Dr. H. Dean Cheney, Room #10, in the "'~. ., paper. Moreover, three Administration Bullding. College graduates this travel session: Dr. Freshman Week program plans Cureton on Japan and are under way. You, personally, H. Pohndorf on Swit­ can be influential in the appraisal IIl-CTlanu. both of whom are now at and development of new students Above is Peter Burrel '64 at the controls of the College Radio Station WSCB·FM. University of Illinois; and OR. PETER KARPOV1CH next fall by participating as a Leonard A. Larson, of the Freshman Week Leader. AP­ Bennett "behind the mike'" and a plication blanks are now available of the surrounding colleges. IJn,iversiltv of Wisconsin faculty, forty-five years of research in seasoned staff on hand to train the edited and broadcasted by Joe IPr'esEmtE!d a paper on "The Prob­ physical education. at the Admissions Office, or at many new OJ's. An audience of the College Center Information Fittipaldi and Tony Henry; and of Exercise Research". After this meeting, Dr. Kar­ well over 200 was on hand at I. Campus Corner' I, which will Desk. They should be returned to paper on smoking, by Dr. povich assumed tlie responsibil­ various spots on and off campus 0 the Admissions Office by April b r a d cas t announcements of 1,. Harle from Dallas, Tex­ ities and role of President of the to witness the "Grand Opening". 17th. coming campus activities and disclosed that smoking ,. de­ American College of Sports Among those that heard the first meetings. i:rleas(!s pulmonary function" , Medicine. He and his wife, Dr. On April 6 at 9:30 p.m. Alpha program were the staff and pa­ The station is broadcasting to can be detected and mea- ,J<>sephine L. Rathbone, are two Phi Omega will hold an openbusi­ trons of the College Center and the entire Spr ingfield area, and . One of Dr. Karpovich's of the ten founders of this or­ ness meeting, in meeting room A. Woods Hall Cafeteria. has received a number of favor­ a:c"'W() rlcl~r~ in physiology, Dr. ganization. Today, it consists Those interested in the activities One of the new facUities pro­ able reports on its "fine pro­ Weisman, physiCian in of 400 members: 160 of them are of the Fraternity and/or in be­ vided by WSCB-FM is the Hi-Fi gramming" from various parts of of the Springfield Hospital, medical doctors; 15 are physi­ coming brothers are invited. The speaker system in the cafeteria the city and the campus. The an'esided over one session. Other ologists; and the others are from qualifications for brotherhood which was installed to let the stu­ Spring term is being devoted to '~ter ,es tin2: talks dealt on Women physical education fields. are three: Previous Scouting ex­ dents hear the radio station in training of the new staff of WSCB­ swimming. The next annual meeting of perience: a desire to render ser­ operation, as well as to let them FM, and instalUng an even wider Dr. Karpovich's paper, he the ACSM will be held in Okla­ vice on campus; and satisfactory know what is going on about the variety of facilities with which to -=olmbined the slogan "Moto Ergo homa City. scholastic standing. campus. serve the college. It is hoped that WSCB-FM is now featuring a all of the students oncampuswlll wide variety of programs: I. Co­ have an FM radio in their rooms ed On Campus". an Abbey Hall next fall, but final plans are still iamond Men Returned contribution s tar r i n g Sereta in the process. Weaver and Mary Ellen Foster; The radio station will be open C.N.S., the all new campus news for inspection to anyone desiring From Wet Southern Trip media to keep the student in­ to become better acquainted with BY PETER BURREL. 164 formed on all campus happen­ the station between the hours of Springfield College's baseball squad was hard at work in the middle nings, world .news, and activities 5:00 and 12:00 p.m. uth, North Carolina to be exact, while many other SC individuals were STUDENT Features Senexet House Scene ' .... v'U,'" IllIg up the sun in the deep south, Florida to pin point the place, over New Poet's Corner on just concluded. , Of The C.A. Retreat year the Maroons came for the crowd pleaser of the Ma­ With the advent of Poet's Cor­ The C h r i s t i an Association the South with a rather roon squad. ner, the SnJOENT w1ll publish F!ap]PDillltiIl2: 0-4 record. The Spring Retreat, beginning this .. * * * * poetry, prose, and philosophy afternoon and ending Sunday, is met defeat at the hands Co-captains Butch Merten and submitted to a panel of judges. being held at Senexet House, a Carolina State College, Joe DiChiara were members of The creations need not be those of retreat center with sleeping SIIl,Chi''''::!n State and Camp Lejeune the Western Mass. teamthatbeat on-campus members. but is e, These four losses, while capacity of 32 persons, in South the Boston Area All-Stars. Mer­ opened to anyone desiring to sub­ Woodstock, Conn. The topic will to be denied, could well be ten scored 15 while Di Chiara hit mit material. However, that mat­ ~ttribJ.ltpr1 to the fact that the Ma­ be "The Pllght of Modern Man" 13 in winning effort. erial submitted cannot be pub­ with Rev. Richard Unsworth, weren't able to have prac­ • * ••• Ushed in any forthcoming lnkl1ng Chaplain of Smith College, as because of snow and The gymnastic team returned - Springfield College literary gue~t leader. Highlights of the that the field house floor this Sunday following a ten-day magazine. Thoseworkspubllsbed .ltnainPl'1 up an extra week than weekend include: Folk and Square mid western tour centered most­ in past Inklings can be re-sub­ Qincing led by Mac Cole (class of Se factors had a great Springfielcfs Baseball Mentor, ly in the DetrOit, Michigan, area. mitted to thl! Poet's Corner. '60), Fireside Sharing and Medi­ upon the batting and Archie Allen Also from the trip came the news Please send all material to the tation, a work project, Commu­ performance of the team. known when he will return to that Bob Haldeman was elected snJOENT, Box 658. mon Service and Installation of Maroons had four games action. Coach Allen must depend captain of next year's team. It (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) out on the tour. The first upon veterans George Budrles, marks the first time since 1947 the last game can be Dave Rivers, and Fred Kelly for that a junior will captain the team. in these.four. mound support. Help should come • * * •• THROUGH INKLING STUDENTS Allen has a number of from Bob Wlllis, Ken Rainey, and Track-men ret urn midway _a.np,_ back from last year's R 0 I and Thompson. Additional through vacation so as to prep for and hopes to improve on support could come from Rich the upcoming season. All work ABLE TO EXPRESS THEMSEL YES s reCord. The majority Stepanian, Mike Leguers and Jim was done in the Field House since BY MAY GRANT HEBERT '60 infield has starters from Matties. the track was still quite damp. THE lNDMOOAL In his own solitude can create out of the solitude year's team.
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