__all_short_notes_sHoRt_note.qxd 12.02.2016 10:37 seite 26 192 sHoRt note HeRPetoZoa 28 (3/4) Wien, 30. Jänner 2016 sHoRt note Pseudis paradoxa (Linnaeus , 1758 ): um body size (svL 45-75 mm), relatively northward extension of the known small head and protruding eyes in dorsolat - distribution range in Colombia eral position with a yellow iris crossed by a brown bar ( LesCuRe & M aRty 2000). its common name makes reference to the extra - in spite of increasing knowledge about ordinary size of the tadpole relative to that the diversity of anuran amphibians in Co - of adult individuals ( eMeRson 1988). the lombia ( BeRnaL & L ynCH 2008; GaLvis - distribution of this species covers Colom - PeñueLa et al. 2011; aCosta -G aLvis 2012), bia, Guyana, suriname, Brazil, Bolivia, there are still many gaps with regard to the Peru, venezuela and the islands of trinidad known distribution of the species. Detec- and tobago ( FRost 2014). in Colombia, it tion of the presence of anuran species in is present in the the lower Rio Magdalena places from which they were previously area (Departments of antioquia, atlántico, unrecorded establishes a baseline for the Bolivar, Cesar, Cordoba, Magdalena, study of species richness, optimizing con - santander, sucre) as well as the departments servation plans, and research in the fields of of arauca and Meta in the eastern region of taxonomy, systematics and natural history. Colombia (Fig. 1a) ( RenGiFo & L unDBeRG this is the first report on the occurrence of 1999; aCosta -G aLvis 2000; Cuentas - the hylid frog Pseudis paradoxa (Linnaeus , MontaLvo 2002; aCosta -G aLvis 2014). 1758 ) in the north Colombian department of the authors recorded several individu - Guajira (Fig. 1a). als of P. paradoxa in lakes and temporary Pseudis paradoxa , the Paradoxical ponds in the area of the sixta Rosa farm Frog (Fig. 1B) is characterized by its medi - near the small town of Mingueo, township Fig 1: Pseudis paradoxa (L innaeus , 1758) , its distribution in Colombia (a), an adult male (B) and the habitat of observation (C) in the department of La Guajira, Colombia. Green dots in the map represent previous species records; the red dot shows the location of the new record reported in this study. Previous records are based on information in aCosta -G aLvis (2014) and references therein. Photos: L. a. Rueda-solano. __all_short_notes_sHoRt_note.qxd 12.02.2016 10:37 seite 27 sHoRt note HeRPetoZoa 28 (3/4) Wien, 30. Jänner 2016 sHoRt note 193 Dibulla, department of La Guajira, northern Key WoRDs: amphibia: anura: Hylidae, Colombia (11°15’25.3”n / 73°24’30.4”W). Pseudis paradoxa ; Guajira, Colombia, distribution, a voucher was deposited at the Herpeto - new record logical Collection of the universidad del suBMitteD: april 24, 2014 Magdalena, santa Marta, Colombia (CBu - autHoRs: L. a. RueDa -s oLano (Corre - sponding author < [email protected] > 1) , MaG-a 309). this is the first record of this alex GonZaLes 2) , F. vaRGas -s aLinas 3) species for the department of La Guajira, 1) Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, universidad del and the northernmost record for Colombia Magdalena Carrera 32 no 22 - 08 Po 2-1-21630, santa and the species within its entire distribution Marta D.t.C.H, Colombia. range. the nearest localities where P. para - 2) Programa de Biología, universidad de la doxa was proved to occur lie in the depart - Guajira, kilometro 3 via maicao - Riohacha, Colombia. 3) Programa de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias ments of atlántico ( Cuentas et al . 2002; Básicas y tecnologías, universidad del Quindío, Calle RoMeRo & L ynCH 2012 ) and Cesar 12 n Carrera 15, tercer piso, edificio Ciencias Básicas (aCosta 2000). the present records extend y tecnologías, armenia, Quindío, Colombia. the known distribution of P. paradoxa more than 150 km to the north. aCKnoWLeDGMents: Collecting permits were issued for the project “anurofauna en el departa - the herpetofauna of Mathraki, mento de La Guajira”, which was sponsored by Cor - poración autónoma Regional de La Guajira. thanks othonoi and erikoussa, are due to the sixta Rosa people for field assistance. Diapontia islets, Greece ReFeRenCes: aCosta -G aLvis , a. R. (2000): Ranas, salamandras y caecilias (tetrapoda: amphibia) de Colombia.- Biota Colombiana, santafé de Bogotá; 1 the herpetofauna of Corfu (Kérkira), (3): 289-319. aCosta -G aLvis , a. R. (2012): anfibios including the islets of vido (Pithia) and La - de los enclaves secos del área de influencia de los Montes de María y la Ciénaga de La Caimanera, depar - zaretto (ag. Dimitrios), is well documented tamento de sucre, Colombia.- Biota Colombiana, (e.g., totH et al. 2002; RaZetti et al. 2006; santafé de Bogotá; 13 (2): 211-231. aCosta -G aLvis , references therein) and the nearby island of a. R. (2014): Lista de los anfibios de Colombia. Paxos (Paxoi) has recently been discussed ver.03.2014. WWW document available at < http:// www.batrachia.com > (last accessed: March 24, 2014). by WiLson et al. (2014). in contrast, there BeRnaL , M. H. & L ynCH , J. D. (2008): Review and is no published information on the herpeto - analysis of altitudinal distribution of the andean anu - fauna of the neighboring antipaxos and the rans in Colombia.- Zootaxa, auckland; 1826: 1-25. Diapontia islets. Cuentas -M ontaLvo , D. & B oRJa -a Cuña , R. & LynCH , J. D. & R enGiFo , J. M . (2002): anuros del the Diapontia archipelago, situated departamento del atlántico y norte del Bolívar. off the northwest coast of Corfu (Figure 1), Barranquilla, Colombia (universidad del atlántico y consists of seven small islets of which the Corporación autónoma Regional del atlántico - three main islets are othonoi, erikoussa and Cencys 21), pp. 117. eMeRson , s. B. (1988): the giant tadpole of Pseudis paradoxa .- Biological Journal of the Mathraki. these islets have a small number Linnean society, oxford; 34 (2): 93-104. FRost , D. R. of year round residents, whereas Platia, (2014): amphibian species of the world: ver. 6.0. elec - trachia, Diaplo and Diakopo are very small tronic database WWW document accessible at < http:// uninhabited islets. the closest distance to research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/index.html > american Museum of natural History, new york, italy is 75 km (from othonoi), to albania 30 usa. (last accessed: March 24, 2014). GaLvis -P eñu- km (from erikoussa) and to Corfu 8 km eLa , P. a. & M eJia -t oBon , a. & R ueDa -a LMonaCiD , J. (from Mathraki). v. (2011): Fauna silvestre de la Reserva Forestal the topography of erikoussa and Protectora Montes de oca. La Guajira, Colombia (Corpoguajira), pp. 822. LesCuRe , J. & M aRty , C. Mathraki is low-lying and hilly. Mathraki (2000): atlas des amphibiens de Guyane.- Collection (2.9 km 2) has several beaches and is sur - Patrimoines naturels / Muséum national d’Histoire rounded by reefs and rocky islets. erikous - naturelle, Paris; 45: 1-388). RenGiFo , R. J. M. & sa (3.7 km 2) has two main beaches with LunDBeRG , M. (1999): Guía de campo. anfibios y rep - tíles de urrá. Medellín (ediciones skanska y editorial sand-dunes, a long valley, the Megalo Livadi, Colina), pp. 96. RoMeRo J. H. & L ynCH , J. D. ( 2012): that is crossing most of the island from the anfibios de la región Caribe; pp. 677-701. in: RanGeL - south to the northwest and several streams CH., J . o. (ed.): Colombia. Diversidad Biótica Xii. La that become dry during summer. on región Caribe de Colombia. Bogotá D. C. (universidad 2 nacional de Colombia - instituto de Ciencias natura - othonoi (10.5 km ) there is a small moun - les). tain, Merovigli, on the northwest side of the.
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