For HP Field Personnel Worldwide November 1, 1985 IT- -- - ,. - . - For HP Use Only MARKETING & INTERNATIONAL SECTOR US Field Operatione European Operations Intercontinental Operations Major Aceounta Marketing Corporate Marketing MIC Marketkng lnformatlon Center FRD Finance and Remarketing Division PRSD Product Support Division ASD Application Support Div~sion DMK Direct Marketing Division DM0 Direct Marketing Operation Vol. 11, No. 1 CFC Corporate Parts Center TPM Third Party Marketing FMO Federal Marketing Operations COMPONENTS, MEASUREMENT &DESIGN SYSTEMS SECTOR Editor Microwave & Communications Group (MCG) SPD Stanford Park Division Roman Kichorowsky NMD Network Measurements Division SAD Signal Analysis Lhvision SPU Spokane Division CTC Colorado Telecom Division Assistant Editors QTD Queensferry Telecom Divlsion MWTD Microwave Technology Division Tracy Wester QMO Queensferry Microwave Operation Darleen Brettes Electronic Instruments Group (EIG) WC New Jersey Division SCD Santa Clara Division B1C Boeblingen Instrument Division Computer Newsis published biweekly for Hewlett-Packard YlD YHP lnstrument Division YCD YHP Computer Operation field personnel to help you sell HP computers, computer- ICD Intemated Circuits Division related products, and computer-based systems by organiz- Design Systems Group (DSG) FSD Fort Coll~nsSystems Division ing, summarizing, and highlighting marketing information FEO Fort Collins Engineering Operation LSD logic Systems Division about new and existing system solutions. LEI logic Design Operation COL Coloradosprings Division BCD Boeblingen Computer [hvision LSlC Lake Stevens lnstrument Division Address editorial correspondence to Computer News, BK) Boeblingen Engineering Operation Hewlett-Packard Company, Building 20BV, 3000 Hanover TSC DSC Technical Software Center CWO Corvallis Workstation Operat~on Street, Palo Alto, CA 94304-0890 USA, COMSYS 0000. Component Group MSD Microwave Semiconductor Division OED Optoelectronics Division ED Optical Communication Division Please send address changes and subscription requests* to SAO Southeast Asia Operation COMPUTER NEWS, HP Desk HP0000153. Corporate Engineering INFORMATION SYSTEMS &NETWORKS SECTOR Information Systems Group (ISG) *For subscription requests, provide the following information: ISM lnformation Systems Marketing CSY Computer Systems Division (1) Employee No., (2) Name, (3) Division/Office Name, OSD Office Systems Division PSD Personal Software Division (4) COMSYS No., (5) Building No., (6)Job Title, (7) Sales OPD Office Productivity Division Force, (8) Manager's Name, and (9) Manager's Employee No. ED Boeblingen General Systems Division GCC Guadalajara Computer Operation APE Administrative Productivity Divislon IM) lnformation Resources Operation P,W Administrative Productivity Operation FSO Financial Systems Operation On the Cover lnformation Networks Group (ING) RND Rcseville Networks Division HP's new ColorPro plotter is IND lnformation Networks Division GND Grenoble Networks Divlsion perfect for the business profes- CNO Colorado Networks Operation lnformation Technology Group (ITG) sional who needs quality CID Cupertino 1C Division FID Fort Collins 1C Division multicolor graphics for reports NID Northwest IC Division IHO lnformation Hardware Operation and presentations. See page 45 IS0 lnformation Software Operation for details. Personal Computer Group (PCG) RTC Roseville Terminals Division KC0 Handheld Computer &Calculator Operation KD Portable Computer Division GFCD Grenoble Personal Computer Division POD Personal Office Computer Division KDO Personal Computer Distribution Operation KG0 Personal Computer Group Operation HPPR Puerto Rico Operation KS Singapore Operation BPC Brazil Operation Peripherals Group (PC) BOI Boise Division DMD Dir Memory Division GLD Greeley Division CPB Computer Peripherals Bristol Division SDD San Diego Divison VCD Vancouver Division MANUFACTURING. MEDICAL &ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS SECTOR Manufacturing Systems Group (MSG) DSD Data Systems Division P,MSO Advanced Manufacturmg Systems Operation MPD Manufacturing Prcduct~vityDivision SPNO Semiconductor Productivity Network Operation LIE loveland lnstrument Division PA0 Panacom Automation Operation , MTD Manufacturing Test Division LMSO Lyon Manufacturing Systems Operation Analytical Group AVD Avondale Division MSO Laboratory Automation Systems Operation SiD Scientific lnstruments Division WAD Waldbronn Division Medical Group (MED) AND Andover Division BMD Boeblingen Medical Div~sion MCM McMinnville Division WAL Waltham Division HCP Health Care Productivity Operat~on MSC Medical Supplies Center Corporate Manufacturing COMPUTER NEWS 2 For HP Use Only November 1, HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net For research and education purposes only. In This Issue Table of ContentsI - Com;6uter News is organized into market-focused WordStar and WordStar 2000 for the HP Vectra PC categories to help you sell integrated solutions. The d~fferencebetween WordStar and WordStar 2000 H~gh-capac~tylhlgh-performance40-Mbyte hard d~sc arrlves Vectra PC Internal hard disc performance SALEIS 8 CUSTOMER NEWS External d~scand tape drwe support added for AT&T and Ollvett~personal computers 5 General M~crosoftSpell now ava~lablefor HP Touchscreen and The HP News Network airs In November Portable personal comp~ters Remember to order tape dr~veOpt~on 150 w~ththe 5 Major Accounts Program Touchscreen personal computer GSA award schedules help make computer sales Touchscreen memory accessory prlce decrease Federal sales training calendar HP 2603A demonstrat~ond~skette ava~lable 6 7-hird Party Program HP 3000 National Program update MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS Third party compensation program restructured 3 1 General 7 Customer Support Manufacturing '86: New Market Tra~ningfor manufacturing New PC software services available November 1 market 9 Sales Successes 32 Manufacturing Applications Long's Drugs chooses HP Desk New flyer sells A-Series real-time minicomputers HP Transform13000 helps recr~litIBM third party New SPN sales aids availa3le Xerox Waste Water Treatment System uses HP A700 New MRP brochure for manufactur~ngmanagers Agfa-Gevaert sold on enhanced PMCI1000 34 Factory Automation HP 2689A laser prlnt statlon su~zceedsin wire product 12040C A-Series MUX design change explained industry A configurator program for the HP 1000 12 S:pecial Offers Eclucational discount on HP Portable DESIGN SYSTEMS HF1 Portable sale for HP employees Announcing System V for the Integral PC HFIThinkJet printer Christmas gitt offer 36 82991A System V Upgrade Kit available for System Ill New graphics organizers for HF' ColorPro and HP 7475A plotters Integral PCs New software products for the Integral PC HP makes artif~cialintelligence debut INFORMATION SYSI'EMS New ad for HP 9000 Series 300 14 General HP 9000 Ser~es300 upgrade program - additional credit Printing enhancement for IMF and SNA IMF HP 9000 Models 21 7 and 237 to be removed from CPL HP 170908 software with BASIC 4.0 on Series 200 14 Small Business Computing computers New workstation cables for the HP 260 14 C:ommercial EDP TEST 8 MEASUREMENT HF12647F still available as HP 3000 Series 68 system 4 1 HP 38523 product structurl? and l~stprices console Navy uses HP equipment Irl clothing tests 15 Office Systems HF' office product overhead slide presentation ava~lable NETWORKS 8 PERIPHERALS Printer Sharing System for HP LmerJet printer available 43 Networks New forward collator for the HP LaserJet printer New regulation for HP 2334A in Germany Introducing the HP 2603 letter-quality printer 43 Mass Storage 18 Dlistribution Systems Price reductions on HP 794X disc drives 18 Vertical Markets Great Half Off Sale success Advantage '851'86 semlnar pilot program klck-off 44 Printers PCLPak ordering inforrnat~on PERSONAL COMPUTERS HP 2687A laser printer discontinued 19 Portable New sound enclosure cabiriet for HP 293X printer family Portable PLUS video Interface n2w available 45 Plotters YTIERM software links Portable F)L.US to IBM mainframes HP's new ColorPro plotter for business professionals New HP-41 MathIStat applicatlc~npac Plotters repositioned to fit customers' needs New selling gu~desfor Series 10 and HP-41 calculators OEMs respond to HP 758X prlce drop 2 1 D'esktop HP 7550A plotter sales tools HP Vectra PC training materials now available 47 Terminals HP IRMA provides IBM 3278179 terminal emulation for HP HP-HIL cable is now a product L'ectra PC Syrnphony for the HP Vectra PC COMPUTER SUPPLIES MutiMate for the HP Vectra PC Lotus 1-2-3 for the HP Vectra PC: 48 DMK Direct Order COMPUTER NEWS November 1, 1985 For HP Use Only 3 In This Issue Product Index J For your convenience, the Product Index organ- izes articles by computer and peripheral category. HP 9000 I I H~gh-capac~tylh~ghperformance 40-Mbyte hard dlsc arrlves 26 HP makes artlflclal lntelllgence debut CALCULATORS New ad for HP 9000 Serles 300 New HP 41 MathIStat appl~cat~onpac 2 0 HP 9000 Series 300 upgrade program - addltlonal credlt 40 New selling guldes for Ser~es10 and HP-41 calculators 20 HP 9000 Models 21 7 and 237 to be removed from CPL 4 0 HP 170908 software wlth BASIC 4 0 on Ser~es200 computers 40 SERIES 100 Navy uses HP equipment In clothlng tests 4 2 The HP News Network alrs In November 5 New PC software services avallable November 1 7 HP INTEGRAL PC Educational dlscount on HP Portable 12 Announcing System V for the Integral PC HP Portable sale for HP employees 12 82991A System V Upgrade Klt avatlable for System Ill Integral PCs Portable PLUS vldeo Interface now avallable l9 New software products
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