1/15/14 Local Church: Lay Leader SPIRITUAL CONNECTION PRIORITY 1 1/15/14 “….all Chris7ans are called to minister wherever Christ would have them serve and witness in deeds and words that heal and free” (The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church. Para. 127). GOD “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up mee7ng together, as some are in the habit of doing, but lets encourage one another….” (Hebrews 10:24-25, NIV). PHYSICAL CONNECTION CCONNECT WITHIN CONFERENCE Y BISHOP CConference Lay Leader Associate Conference Lay Leader District Superintendents District Lay Leaders Pastors of Local Churches Local Church Lay Leaders Pastoral Leadership Conference Laity 2 1/15/14 CCONNECT WITHIN DISTRICT District Superintendent District Lay Leader Local Church Pastor Local Church Lay Leader BOOK OF DISCIPLINE 2008 – P. 165 – PARA 251…………….2012 – P.177 – 251 Du7es of Leaders and Members: “Out of the professing membership of each local church (para.127)there shall be elected by the charge conference a lay leader who shall func7on as the primary lay representave of the laity in that local church and shall have the following responsibilies: a. Fostering awareness of the role of the laity both within the congregaon and through their ministries in the home, workplace, community, and world, and finding ways within the community of faith to recognize all these ministries; b. Meeting regularly with the pastor to discuss the state of the church, and the needs for ministry; (connued) c. Membership in the charge conference and the church council, the commiee on finance, the commieee on nominaons and leadership development, and the commieee on pastor-parish relaons or staff-parish relaons, where, along with the pastor, the lay leader shall serve as an interpreter of the ac7ons and programs of the annual conference and the general church (to be beeer equipped to comply with this responsibility, it is recommended that a lay leader also serve as a lay member to annual conference): d. Con7nuing involvement in study and training opportunies to develop a growing understanding of the Church’s reason for existence and the types of ministry that will most effec7vely fulfill the Church’s mission; e. AssisDng in advising the church council of opportuniDes available and the needs expressed for a more effec7ve ministry of the church through its laity in the community. f. Informing the laity of training opportunies provided by the annual conference. Where possible, the lay leader shall aend training opportuni7es in order to strengthen his or her work. The lay leader is urged to become a cer7fied lay speaker. In instances where more than one church is on a charge, the charge conference shall elect addi7onal lay leaders so that there will be one lay leader in each church. Associate lay leaders may be elected to work with the lay leader in any local church. 3 1/15/14 LEADERSHIP FORUM G R O W T H Do not be so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your aen7on on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it……. God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 12:2 (The Message, Peterson) THE ROLE OF THE LOCAL CHURCH LAY LEADER ADVOCATE MODEL DISCIPLESHIP BUILD AWARENESS RECOGNIZE AND CELEBRATE MEET WITH PASTOR SERVE ON COMMITTEES STUDY ASSIST THE COUNCIL INFORM LAITY OF EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES ADVOCATE: • Professing member of the congregaon • Person of faith and integrity • Representave, an “extension, of the congregaon in the community to work to enhance or improve it • Inspire the congregaon to care for the needs of the community beyond the walls of the church 4 1/15/14 MODEL DISCIPLESHIP: • Personal devoons • Engage in spiritual pracDces • Visibility in discipleship • Mentor Your text here FORMED BY THE SCRIPTURE GOAL UNDER PERSONAL GROWTH THROUGH FORMATIONAL BIBLE STUDY LEADS TO ENGAGING IN SPIRITUAL PRACTICES THAT LEAD TO DISCIPLESHIP MODELING THAT LEADS TO MENTORING OTHERS in order for others to desire to know God and become Disciples of Jesus Christ! 5 1/15/14 BUILD AWARENESS: • Be a leadership example • Foster awareness of ministry of laity through ministry in the home, workplace, community, and the world • Recognize the steady ministry of groups and individuals who live out their faith • Encourage church members to use their skills • Encourage church member to discover and use their spiritual giQs. Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-10, 28-30 and Ephesians 4:11-13. RECOGNIZE AND CELEBRATE: • Observe Laity Sunday, annually, usually the third Sunday of October • Invite community groups such as fire fighter, teachers, or city workers to worship and recognize their work as ministry • Be sensi7ve to interfaith issues in your hospitality • Recognize laity who have become lay speakers and announce training events for all laity • Prepare visual displays that celebrate the ministries of the laity within and beyond the 4 walls of your church • Regularly promote special opportuni7es for service and mission projects. MEET WITH THE PASTOR: • Meet regularly (suggest no less than once a month OR as requested by pastor) to pray and discuss the state of the congregaon and needs of ministry within and outside of the congregaon • Be a healthy connec7on between the pastor and the congregaon • Recognize that TRUST is the essence of this relaonship with your pastor as well as all relaonships 6 1/15/14 SERVE ON VARIOUS COMMITTEES: STUDY: ü Read and study the Bible. ü Form and/or be a part of a Christlike Love Unit. ü Read the South Georgia Advocate (online available through connec7onal ministries.) ü Read “The Interpreter/The Advance” (can be ordered online or free through your pastor who can order mul7ple hard copies free to your church address.) See your pastor or: www.twieer.com/interpretermag hep://www.interpretermagazine.org/ ASSIST CHURCH COUNCIL: 1. With Internal workings of the church 2. With External workings of the church (secular world) 3. InterpreDng mission and ministry of the congregaon to the community 7 1/15/14 A Available from www.cokesbury.com Excellent resource for addional informaon on ConnecDng your CongregaDon and Your Annual Conference and for Laity in general. Guidelines for Lay Leader/Lay Member and Laity in general. All churches should make this available. Check on downloadability. The 2012 Book of Discipline is available through Cokesbury. A Lay Leader is con7nually involved in learning about the church and community and, at the same 7me, developing learning opportuni7es for the congregaon, to the end that the church grows in fulfilling its mission. Be alert for leadership poten7al within the congregaon and give others the chance to lead. Listen for posi7ve and negave atudes and prejudices. Provide this informaon sensi7vely to the pastor and the lay leadership commiee. 8 1/15/14 You are a “go-to” person – a problem solver and a healer. You do not infringe on the PPR commieee’s turf, but may help solve a problem before it goes too far. Be acquainted with the sequence of a worship service. You should be able to lead the service if need be. Your pastor should have a “Book of Worship” with which you should become familiar in the event you do not have anything else to go by. Lay Speakers could use one in case of emergencies. It does not hurt to read a prayer, read one you have wrieen, or pray as you feel comfortable and led to pray. All of us are in different stages of spiritual growth. Let God help you grow in this area! Worship leaders should be encouraged from the laity in your congregaon. You and your pastor should be able to communicate well enough to know each other’s thoughts. You may need to be the pastor’s pastor if the need arises. Have a sermon ready and be able to follow an order of worship. 9 1/15/14 Being a pastor is stressful as are a lot of jobs. Your pastor needs to be affirmed and oren as well as his family. Think of 7mes when your pastor has enlightened you and let them know it! Pray for them always! Maybe they will do the same thing in return. You go places and approach people not available to clergy. Be alert to what is happening “out there” on the playgrounds, in the homes, and in the workplace that needs God’s love that only You might be able to show! Listen and share with your pastor. Keep the pastor informed of the spirit, morale, and atude in the congregaon There are 7mes when we all need to be lired up and THANK GOD for our church body that can be a most important source for that comfort. 10 1/15/14 Take the training available to be a cer7fied Lay Speaker. Your District Superintendent can guide you to the source. You may need to fill in on a moment’s no7ce for the pastor. Help assimilate new members into the congregaon and help them get involved in church ac7vi7es. A Lay Leader is a good listener and learns what members are thinking and what their dreams and wishes are for the church. A Lay Leader is an AGENT OF CHANGE and recognizes when it is 7me to permit a ministry to fade away. 11 1/15/14 BLESSINGS! Do not be weary when working to Grow, Be, and Do as a Lay Leader Disciple of Jesus Christ BECAUSE in time you will reap the benefits of what you have sown if you do not let discouragement get you down.
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