IBPOST ~~ OlJBNAL VOLUME 29, NUMBER 6 MARCH , 1958 OFFICIAL SECTION AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY MONTHLY REPORT . From the Secretary Ruth T. Smith, Ferndale & Emerson, Philadelphia 11, Pa. March L 1958 NEW MEMBERS 4451 McAdams, John C., P. 0. Box 178, West Memphis, Arkansas 4457 Hayes, .John D., 15377 Kentucky Ave., Detroit 38, Michigan 4458 Vidaurri, R. J., Box 1183, Roswell, N. M. 4459 Curran, Richard, 587 Main St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 4460 Firtick, John J., 72 Fairfield Place, Fairfield, Conn. 4461, Houweling, A., 22 Passeerdersgracht, Amsterdam, Holland. NEW APPLICATIONS Evans, Kathryn P., (Miss). Box 271, Port Washington, L. I., N. Y. Age: 44. Secretary. AU By: R. T. Smith Waltuck, Edmund, 938 Jackson St., Easton, Pa. Age: Legal. Retired. X By: R. T. Smith Olsen, Charles 0., 2832 Waterbury Ave., New York 61, N. Y. Age: 26 Cashier. AM U20 PA FF CC OF Z CF lD By: R. T. Smith Stevenson, Terry, 507 Bell Ave., Altoona, Pa. Age: 20. Clerk. By: R. T. Smith Baeuerle, R. T., 2603 Liberty Pkwy., Dundalk 22, Md. Age. 39. Telephone Company. UC PC HC PA GF RP OF PIX (Arctic & Antarctic Material) By: Julius Weiss Folsom, Esther D., (Mrs.). 67 Hilton Ave., Garden City, N. Y. Age: 57. By: Julius Weiss Houston, Fred, 1025 Paloma Rd., Box 1045, Monterey, Calif. Age: 31. Private Investigator. PC HC PA CC Z X By: Grace Conrath Peterson, Helen C., (Mrs.). Box 928, Schenectady, N. Y. Age: 49. Secretary. AM AU PC HC PA PB FF GF RP CC OF DC Z CF lD By: John J. Smith Dlouhy, Frank J., 65 Revere Ave., Union, N. J. Age: 53. Stock Control. U20 UC CAM FAM CF lD By: 'Ruth T. Smith Johnson, Wilber C., !'1 Hickory Grove Dr., Larchmont, N. Y. Age: 53. Accountant. AM AU SC X By: R. T. Smith Goshow, William H., 523 Walnut Lane, Phila. 28, Pa. Age: 73. Accountant. AU U20 UC lD By :Geo. Herzog Blomqvist, Ivan (Dr.), Beckomberga Hospital, Bromma, Sweden. Age: 59. Physician. AM AU AS lD APS X By: Grace Conrath DECEASED 2084 Du Puy, John W., St. Petersburg, Florida NEW ADDRESSES Bechtel, William A., (T/Sgt.), 161lth Operations Sq., McGuire AFB, N. J. Austed, George D., 220 Orizaba Ave., San Francisco 27, Calif. Sallade, William A., P. 0. Box 8932, Tampa 4, Florida Gerson, Bernard, 2211 New Haven Ave., Far Rockaway 91, N. Y. King, 0. E., 1908 W. Easton, Tulsa, Oklahoma Jackson, Clifford, 6620 S. Lowe Ave., Chicago 21, Ill. Held, Martin M., 8977 Hildreth Ave., South Gate, Calif. Armstrong, Thomas F., .Tr., 119Jh Independence St., Selinsgrove, Pa. Horn, Henry M., 2222 Ryder St., Brooklyn 34, N. Y. Rohwedder, V H., 1027 Washington, Batavia, Ill. Schlandt, A. F., 3225 E. Holly, Phoenix, Arizona Anderson, Walter R., 2541 Gerard Way, San Jose 25, Calif. THE AIRPOST JOURNAL THE AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY -tk~IBPOST A Non-Profit Corporation Incorporated 1944 .1?'(JlJBNAL Organized 1923 Under the Laws of Ohio PRESIDENT Official Publlcation of the John J. Smith AMERICAN Am MAIL socmTY Ferndale & Emerson sts. Philadelphia 11, Pa. Volume 29 No. 6 Issue No. 335 SECRETARY-TREASURER Ruth T. Smith CONTENTS ... For March, 1958 Ferndale & Emerson Sts. Philadelphia 11, Pa. Articles SALES MANAGER An Unlisted German Pioneer of 1896 162 Herman Kleinert 213 Virginia Ave. World's First Long Range Rocket Mail,? 163 Fullerton, Pa. Ship to Shore Air Mail .... 165 VICE-PRESIDENTS Aerogrammes Issued During 1957 168 Bernard Davis An American's Escape by Balloon 174 Joseph L. Eisendrath, Jr. The Rarest Zeppelin World Flight Florence L. Kleinert Ii Covers ............... .................. 179 Robert W. Murch Pioneer Boeing Plane Back Home 181 EDITOR - Other Publications L. B. Gatchell Air Mail Interruption Covers .. _.. 183 ATTORNEY Regular Features George D. Kingdom Official Section Inside front cover DffiECTOR OF Airs of the Month ...... 167 FOREIGN RELATIONS 170 Dr. Max' Kronstein A.A.M.S. Chapter News Airport Dedication Covers ............... 171 AUCTION MANAGER F.A.M. Notes .... 172 Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. Tips by Julius 1811 DffiECTORS Alton J. Blank EDITOR Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. ,Joseph L. Eisendrath, Jr. Louise S. Hoffman 350 No. Deere Park Drive, Highland Park, ill. Ernest A. Kehr Dr. Southgate Leigh ASSISTANT EDITORS Lester S. Manning Robert W. Murch Dr. Tomas Terry Ernest A. Kehr L. B. Gatchell Earl S. Wellman BUSINESS MANAGER Grace P. Conrath ADVANCE BULLETIN SERVICE 1133 Kerry Lane, Erie, Pa. Herbert Brandner DEPARTMENT AND ASSOCIATE EDITORS 4038 Forest Ave. R. Lee Black, Alton J. Blank, Florence L. Klein- Brookfield, Ill. ] ert, Dr. Max Kronstein, Thomas J. O'Sullivan, Richard L. Singley, William R. Ware, Sol Whit­ man, Julius \Yeiss, James Wotherspoon, John MEMBERSHIP DUES Watson, William 'i'. Wynn, Frank Blumenthal $4.00 PER YEAR Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr., J. S. Langabeer, Dues include subscription to N. Pelletier. THE AIRPOST JOURNAL. Ap­ plicants must furnish two ref­ Published monthly at Albion, Erie Co., Pa.,U.S.A. erences, philatelic preferred. At li:ntered as second-class matter at the Post Office least one must reside in Appli­ at Albion, Pa., February 10, 1932, under cant's home town. Applicants the Act of March 3, 1879. under 21 years must _be guar­ The AIRPOST JOURNAL is not conducted for anteed by Parent or Guardian. profit. The Editor, Business Manager, and all Membership may be terminated others serve without compensation. Receipts by the Society in accordance from advertising, subscriptions and contribu­ with its By-Laws. tions are applied to the betterment of the magazine and the promotion of aero-philately. Correspondence concerning ad­ vertising, subscriptions, back The Editor and Officers of The American Air numbers and bound volumes, Mail Society assume no responsibility for the address changes and other mat­ accuracy of statements made by contributors. ters and all remittances should Every effort is mane to insure correctness o:f be sent to the Business Mana­ all articles. ger. All general editorial copy Subscription Rates: $4.00 per year, 35c per copy. and communications should be Advertising Rate Card available from sent to the Editor. Business Manager MARCH, 195·8 PAGE 161 An Unlisted Gern1an Pioneer of 1896 By DR. MAX KRONST1EIN In spite of many years of active Berlin Transport Institution on Sep­ aerop'hilatelic a ctivities all over the temlber 26, 1896. world, unlisted pioneer cards and It is an unusual coincidence that at covers still are discovered from time this same time, the same flight is also to time. listed in the Auction Catalogue No. 181 / 182 of the .Paris Auction House, The German aerophilatelist A. 0. Ro um et. There the card ib.as the Sommer, s·ubmits such an early pion­ cancellation of July 10, 1'896, indicat­ eer item, which is not listed in our ing that the dirigible was used for catalogues, not even in the current several months. The reviewer has not German Sieger Airpost Oatalogue. yet succeeded in finding additional This is a postcard of the Berlin Pri­ details a!bout these fliglhts. vate Local Postal Service, which rwas at that time the authorized service for local delivery in Berlin. The re­ verse side shows "The Dirigible Bal­ AIR POST loon of Dr. Wo1fert," an oval shaped balloon with .passenger 'basket-like --- is often extensively repre­ oar, with a square rudder attached to the car. sented in the H. R. HARMER Inc. The caird reads: "Berlin-Industry auctions. Exhibition, Septem!ber 25, 1'896. From the visit to the interesting exhi'bition I am sending you via the newest at­ traction, the dirigible airship of the Write for an application form for engineer and aeronaut, Dr. Wolfert, free catalogues and buy the right my sincere greetings· 1by air, and I hope that this rare form of transipor­ way - the H. R. HARMER way. tation as the newest kind of modern technique will reach you safely." The card has on ·both sides a rec­ tangular cachet: ''Triansported iby air H. R. HARMER, Inc. in the dirigible motor tballoon 'Dr. Wolfert' in the year 1896 during the The World's Berlin Industry EXihi'bition". Leading Stamp Auctioneers The imprinted stamp of the "Ber­ 6, West 48th Street, liner Ver.kehds Anstalt" has the value New York 36, N. Y. of 11/ 2 Pfennig (about !four U S cents local fee) and is cancelled 1by the PAGE 162 THIE ATRIPOST JOURNAL UTorld's First Long Range Rocket Mall? This news story ·could have ibeen Missile Firing Laboratory, a scoop for i~aders of the Airpost Cape Canaveral, Florida Journal .ba1ck in November, 195·7 but 5 August 1957 for Army security regulations. Back Maj . Gen. J.B. Medaris about that time we learned hat the Commanding General, ABMA Jupi·ter missile sent up 1by the Army Huntsville, Alahama a s'hort time 1before had carried a let­ Dear General Medaris: ter in its nose cone. This cone was If this letter reaCJh es your desk, it displayed by President Eisenhower has •been transported by a rocket when he gave a televi·sion speech on over a distance of approximately 1,- November 7th. Two of our coopera­ 5'00 nautical miles to an intermediate tive readers wrote to ask if we knew delivery point in less than 2'0 min­ anything a1bout it, which of course utes, ;floated in the ocean for the next prompted us to write Maj. General several hours, was picked up 1by a U. Joh n B. !Medaris, 'head of the <Red­ S. navy vessel, and then sent by more stone Arsenal at Huntsville, Ala. conventional means to ABMA, Hunts­ Shortly thereafter the public rela­ ville, Ala.bama. tions ·officer of the arsenal replied This letter is, therefore, in com­ t hat no information could be given, memoration of the successful accomp­ .but that rwe would be informed when lisi'!:'iment of a signiific.ant step in the anything could be released.
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