oo·fs oz JaqшnN NI~з:rmя NOI.LVМПIO~NI l ' ~~ "~ ~ .~б Editodal ~ ~~~ ~ The catastrophic events in Grenada have shocked the out of conventional war. The first step is stopping regional world, proving further that this administration is сараЬ!е of conflicts. Whether greater knowledge of the machina­ almost anything. At а time when both Central America and tions ofthe Pentagon, the CIA, and their surrogates will help, the Middle East are on the brink of massive conflagrations, remains to Ье seen. We believe our role is to provide as much and when the horrors of nuclear war are uppermost in our information as we can. minds, such knee-jerk, ideological aggressiveness is terrifying. We stare in disbelief as eminent scientists debate whether the nuclear devastation will mean the end of the human race or Our Fifth Anniversary merely throw us back to the Stone Age. While the discouraging world scene acts as а slight restraint We are convinced that the single, most frightening threat to on our otherwise boundless enthusiasm, we are nevertheless humanity is the present U.S. government. All our efforts to proud that we have survived five years of puЬ!ishing expose its lies and deceptions must Ье redouЬ!ed. CovertAction Jn.formation Bulletin-despitethe U.S. govern­ ment's attempts to suppress our research and information through the lntelligence ldentities Protection Act. We have Grenada and Nicaragua entered our sixth year meeting, we think, our goal of steadily The delay in producing and presenting this issue was due to improving the Bulletin. We have not been immune-like the our efforts to analyze as thoroughly as possiЬ!e the campaign CIA-to the economic constrictions ofthe current recession. of destaЬilization and warmongering which led to the crushing As we struggle to keep our small office and tiny staff going, we of the Grenadian Revolution. W е have also summarized the learn that the CIA received $75.5 million in the recent events ofthe past few months in Nicaragua, events which have lntelligence Authorization Act for а new building at its convinced most observers that а wider war in Central America Headquarters-this ·separate and apart from а secret budget is imminent. For those whose greatest concern is nuclear for its heinous activities. Such impressive growth is of course confrontation-and who among us does not fear that?-it is due to expanded CIA covert actions around the globe, about crucial to Ье aware that such а confrontation will likely grow which we will continue to keep you informed. 8 Table of Contents Edltortal 2 IsraeU .Arms Ш Central America 34 U.S. Cnishes Grenada 3 Pak Ш the Sadcfle Agaln 38 СаЬаn Statements 21 PDght 007 Apdy Named 40 Nicaragaa Вraces for War 25 Soarces and Methods: CIA Desert Tec:lшology 31 AssassШadons-Part IV 44 Cover: Maurice Bishop and Fidel Castro at Santiago, Cuba, July 26, 1983. Photo Ьу Prensa Latina. CovertAction /nformation Bulletin, Number20, Winter 1984, puЬlished Ьу Covert Action PuЬ!ications, Inc., а District of Columbia Nonprofit Corporation, Р. О. Вох 50272, Washington, DC 20004; telephone (202) 265-3904. All rights reserved; copyright © 1983 Ьу Covert Action Information PuЫications, Inc. Typography Ьу Artfor People, Washington, DC; printing Ьу Faculty Press, Brooklyn, NY. Washington staff: Ellen Ray, William Schaap, Louis Wolf. Board of Advisers: Philip Agee, Кеп Lawrence, Clarence Lusane, Elsie Wilcott, Jim Wilcott. Indexed in the Alternative Press lndex. ISSN 0275-309Х. i •'- 2 CovertAction Number 20 (Winter 1984) J Grenada-No Bishop, No Revo: U.S. Crashes СаdЬЬеаа Jewel Ву ЕПеа Ray aad ВШ Schaap In retrospect the tragic and horrifying events in Grenada charismatic Ыасk leader, loved Ьу his own people and were almost predictaЬ!e. They will one day provide yet respected Ьу all who knew him. another historical perspective of the devastating outcome Indeed, in looking for comparisons to the murder of when an imperialist intelligence system penetrates an Bishop and his supporters and the destruction of the New internally divided, fledgling socialist government, unaЬle to J ewel Movement and the Grenadian Revolution, one thinks defend itself, and brings down upon it the might of а massive not so much of Chile as the liquidation ofthe Black Panther military machine. Party and its leaders during the late l960s and early 1970s. In the case of Chile, the country's military was used Ьу This was accomplished not simply from internal political or U.S. intelligence before and duting the overthrow of personal disputes, but Ьу а scientifically executed operation Salvador Allende, and enjoys its backing to this day. In known as COINTELPRO, through the comЬined efforts of Grenada such backing may have been the expectation of at the FBI, military intelligence, loca\ police forces, and in least some of the rnembers of the Revolutionary Military some instances, the CIA itself. lronica\ly it was the Black Council which plotted the coup against Maurice Bishop, Power movement in the United States which had been an leading to his brutal death. Those col\aborators, however, inspiration for most of the leaders of the New Jewel were used and douЬ!ecrossed Ьу the Reagan administration. Movement, when they were university students, labor In both Chi\e and Grenada, the \eadership ofthe regimes leaders, and political activists. which were toppled did not have enough trust in the people It is hard, and it is painful, to try to understand how to arm them, а fatal mistake. (ln Grenada, the People's sophisticated, politically conscious people who aspire to Militia, estaЬ!ished under Bishop, had been dismantled Ьу revolutionary leadership fall prey time and again to the his opponents while he was off the island on а trip shortly machinations of those bent on their destruction. 1t is not as if before the coup.) there had been no warning. 1t is now clear that f or more than two years the U .S. government had been moving inexoraЫy Where Is the CIA? toward the military overthrow ofthe People's Revolutionary Government of Grenada. Early on, President Reagaf1'S The most curious aspect of the coverage of the coup advisers recognized that а simple continuation ofthe Carter against Bishop and the subsequent U .S. invasion-Operation administration's destaЬilization campaign would not suffice. U rgent Fury-is the near absence in the press of any mention of the CIA or speculation about а CIA hand in the events. The Carter Destabllization Campaign One would think William Casey was not present at George Bush's National Security Council meetings deciding to Within days of the overthrow of the autocratic Eric М. divert the fleet after the death of Bishop, advancing the Gairy, the New Jewel Movement government was Ыuntly incursion plans at а frenzied расе after the Beirut bombing­ told Ьу the U.S. not to estaЫish diplomatic relations with plotting each step of the invasion. One would think there Cuba, to stay out ofthe socialist camp or else. At the same were no CIA agents on Grenada after four and а halfyears of time, the paltry sum of$5,000 was offered to counter the open urgent and persistent endeavors to place them there. One threat of invasion Ьу Gairy, who was recruiting mercenaries would think there were no intelligence officers on the island, in the Cuban exile community in Miami. Bishop not only directing the Marines and Rangers, or aboard the U .S.S. rebuffed the insulting proposals of Frank Ortiz, the U.S. Guam directing part of the invasion operation itself. Ambassador based in Barbados, but he described his And yet we know that from the moment ofthe March 13, discussions in detail in·a radio broadcast to the Grenadian 1979 revolution in Grenada the CIA has relentlessly used people. Less than two months \ater Grenada was subjected every trick in its dirty bag to destroy that tiny island's to the opening salvo in what was to Ье an unending U.S. government and to eliminate that great threat to the U .S.-a campaign of economic, psychological, and openly violent Number 20 (Winter 1984) CovertAction 3 destaЬilization. Two fires, both of suspicious origin, broke Of course, under Gairy there was little reason to have out simultaneously in the heart of the tourist area, а direct agents on Grenada other than the run-of-the-mill AIFLD attack on Grenada's economy. (See СА/В Number 5.) hacks. But all ofthe incidents noted above occurred after the Bishop again went to the people in а broadcast which revolution and during the Carter administration; they do not explained the events, in language poignantly prophetic: suggest an unwillingness to act forcefully against Grenada. Moreover, the only known deaths during the period in question, other than the victims of the Queens Park Sisters and brothers of Free Grenada: ... DestaЬiliza­ tion is the name given the most recently developed or bomЬing, were gang members. newest method of controlling and exploiting the lives and resources of а country and its people Ьу а Ьigger and more powerful country through bullying, intimida­ tion, and violence. In the old days such countries-the colonialist and imperialist powers-sent in gunboats or marines directly to take over the country Ьу sheer force. Later on mercenaries were often used in place of soldiers, navy and marines. Today more and more the new weapon and the new menace is destaЬilization .... DestaЬilization takes many forms; there is propaganda destaЬilization, when the foreign media, and some­ times our own Caribbean press, prints lies and distortions against us; there is economic destaЬiliza­ tion, when our trade and our industries are sabotaged and disrupted; and there is violent destaЬilization, criminal acts of death and destruction, such as we have witnessed on Sunday night with the fires.
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