Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 696 Recueil des Traitds Trait s et accords internationaux enregistris ou classis et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies United Nations * Nations Unies New York, 1972 Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 696 1969 I. Nos. 9970-9985 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and international agreements registered from 20 October to 1 November 1969 Page No. 9970. Bulgaria and Hungary: Convention concerning co-operation in the protection and quarantine of plants (with annex). Signed at Sofia on 19 March 1968 . 3 No. 9971. International Civil Aviation Organization: International Agreement on the procedure for the establishment of tariffs for scheduled air services. Signed at Paris on 10 July 1967. 31 No. 9972. Philippines and France: Air Transport Agreement (with annex). Signed at Paris on 29 October 1968 51 No. 9973. Belgium and Tunisia: Convention concerning the employment and residence in Belgium of Tuni- sian workers (with annexes). Signed at Tunis on 7 August 1969 73 No. 9974. Belgium and Tunisia: Agreement concerning the admission of student employees. Signed at Tu- nis on 7 August 1969 ...... ............. 99 No. 9975. Denmark and Federal Republic of Germany: Agreement concerning customs facilities in minor frontier traffic (with annexes and protocol). Signed at Copenhagen on 30 March 1967 Additional Protocol to the above-mentioned Agreement. Signed at Copen- hagen on 9 August 1968 ..... ............. 107 No. 9976. Saudi Arabia and Iran: Agreement concerning the sovereignty over the islands of Al-'Arabiyah and Farsi and the delimitation of the boundary line separating the submarine areas between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran (with exchanges of letters, map and annexed English translation). Signed at Teheran on 24 October 1968 .. ......... 189 Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris ou classis et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies VOLUME 696 1969 I. Nos 9970-9985 TABLE DES MATIPRES I Traitis et accords internationaux enregistr~s du 20 oclobre au 18e novembre 1969 Pages No 9970. Bulgarie et Hongrie: Convention de coopdration en mati~re de quarantaine et de protection des vdgdtaux (avec annexe). Sign~e h Sofia le 19 mars 1968. 3 No 9971. Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale : Accord international sur la procddure applicable h l'6tablissement des tarifs des services adriens r~guliers. Signd AParis le 10 juillet 1967 . 31 No 9972. Philippines et France: Accord de transport adrien (avec annexe). Sign6 AParis le 29 octobre 1968 51 No 9973. Belgique et Tunisie: Convention relative h l'emploi et au sdjour en Belgique des travailleurs tunisiens (avec annexes). Sign~e h Tunis le 7 aofit 1969 . 73 No 9974. Belgique et Tunisie: Accord relatif h l'admission des stagiaires. Sign6 I Tunis le 7 aofit 1969 99 No 9975. Danemark et R~publique f6d6rale d'Allemagne: Accord relatif aux facilitds douani~res pour le petit trafic frontalier (avec annexes et protocole). Sign6 h Copenhague le 30 mars 1967 Protocole additionnel l'Accord susmentionn6. Sign6 A. Copenhague le 9 aofit 1968 ..... .............. ... 107 No 9976. Arabie Saoudite et Iran: Accord relatif h la souverainetd sur les ies Al-'Arabiyah et Farsi et h la ddlimitation de la zone sous-marine entre le Royaume d'Arabie Saou- dite et l'Iran (avec 6changes de lettres, carte et traduction anglaise en annexe). Sign6 A T~hdran le 24 octobre 1968 . ....... 189 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Page No. 9977. Finland and Norway: Agreement concerning frontier customs co-operation. Signed at Helsinki on 10 December 1968 ...... ............ 227 No. 9978. Burma and Thailand: Air Transport Agreement (with annex). Signed at Bangkok on 15 August 1969 ......... ................... 247 No. 9979. United States of America and Senegal: Agreement concerning guaranties by the Government of the United States of America of private American investments. Signed at Dakar on 12 June 1963 ........ ............ 267 No. 9980. United States of America and Trinidad and Tobago: Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and the encouragement of international trade and investment. Signed at Port of Spain on 22 December 1966 Continuation in effect of the above-mentioned Convention during 1968 275 No. 9981. United States of America and Austria: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding proposed changes in Austrian tax rates on certain motor vehicles. Geneva, 16 June and 4 July 1967 ....... ................. 289 No. 9982. United States of America and Mexico: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding settlement of the claim of the " Pious Fund of the Californias ". Tlatelolco and Mexico City, 1 August 1967 ...... .............. 297 No. 9983. United States of America and Republic of Viet-Nam: Supplementary Agreement for sales of agricultural commodities (with annex). Signed at Saigon on 24 October 1967 ....... 311 No. 9984. United States of America and Ceylon: Agreement for sales of agricultural commodities (with annex). Signed at Colombo on 27 October 1967 .... ............ 319 No. 9985. United States of America and Ghana: Agreement for sales of agricultural commodities (with annex). Signed at Accra on 27 October 1967 Amendment to part II of the above-mentioned Agreement. .... 343 1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis V et Norvbge: Pages No 9977. Finlande Accord relatif 5 la coopdration douani~re &la frontire. Sign6 &Helsinki le 10 dcembre 1968 ...... .............. 227 No 9978. Birmanie et Thallande: Accord relatif aux transports a~riens (avec annexe). Sign6 &Bangkok le 15 aofit 1969 ........ ................ 247 No 9979. ktats-Unis d'Am6rique et S6nfgal: Accord concernant les garanties d'investissements priv6s am6ricains par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am.rique. Sign6 Dakar le 12 juin 1963 ........ .................. 267 No 9980. ktats-Unis d'Am6rique et Trinit-et-Tobago: Convention tendant &dviter la double imposition et h pr6venir l'6vasion fiscale en mati~re d'imp6ts sur le revenu et & favoriser les dchanges commerciaux et investissements internationaux. Signde A Port of Spain le 22 d~cembre 1966 Maintien en vigueur de la Convention susmentionn6e au cours de l'annde 1968 ......... ................... 275 No 9981. 9tats-Unis d'Am6rique et Autriche: Rchange de notes constituant un accord en ce qui concerne les modifica- tions envisag~es touchant les taux de l'imp6t qui frappe en Autriche certains types de vhicules Amoteur. Gen~ve, 16 juin et 4 juillet 1967 289 No 9982. ktats-Unis d'Am6rique et Mexique: Rchange de notes constituant un accord relatif au r~glement de la ques- tion du ((Fonds pieux des Californies ,. Tlatelolco et Mexico, ler aofit 1967 ......... ................... 297 No 9983. Rtats-Unis d'Am6rique et R6publique du Viet-Nam: Accord suppl~mentaire relatif k la vente de produits agricoles (avec an- nexe). Sign6 . Saigon le 24 octobre 1967 .. ......... 311 No 9984. ktats-Unis d'Am6rique et Ceylan: Accord relatif &. la vente de produits agricoles (avec annexe). Sign6 A.Co- lombo le 27 octobre 1967 ..... ............. 319 No 9985. ktats-Unls d'Am6rique et Ghana: Accord relatif & la vente de produits agricoles (avec annexe). Sign6 . Accra le 27 octobre 1967 Modification de la partie II de l'Accord susmentionn. ....... 343 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Page ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and internationalagreements registeredwith the Secretariatof the United Nations No. 521. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Special- ized Agencies. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 21 November 1947: Acceptance of the revised text of Annex XII by the Netherlands . 352 No. 1037. Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Italian Republic for financing certain educational exchange programmes. Signed at Rome on 18 December 1948: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentio- ned Agreement, as amended. Rome 12 October and 6 December 1967 . 353 No. 1052. Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement between the United States of America and Luxembourg. Signed at Washing- ton on 27 January 1950: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending annex B to the above-mentioned Agreement. Luxembourg, 9 and 17 May 1968 . 360 No. 1700. Convention between the United States of America and Canada modifying and supplementing the Convention and accompanying Protocol of 4 March 1942 for the avoi- dance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal eva- sion in the case of income taxes. Signed at Ottawa on 12 June 1950: Supplementary Convention further modifying and supplementing the Convention and accompanying Protocol of 4 March 1942 for the avoi- dance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion in the case of income taxes as modified by the Supplementary Convention of 12 June 1950 and the Supplementary Convention of 8 August 1956. Signed at Washington on 25 October 1966 ..... ... 364 No. 2908. Program Agreement for technical co-operation between the Government of the United States of America and the Royal Afghan Government. Signed at Kabul on 30 June 1953: Extension of the above-mentioned Agreement, as amended and extended . 368 No. 3236. Mutual Defense Assistance
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