IBM SPSS Web Controls disabled by the system Report - Output2 • Log o Log • Discriminant o Active Dataset o Analysis Case Processing Summary o Group Statistics o Tests of Equality of Group Means o Analysis 1 ▪ Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices ▪ Log Determinants ▪ Test Results ▪ Stepwise Statistics ▪ Variables Entered/Removed ▪ Variables in the Analysis ▪ Variables Not in the Analysis ▪ Wilks' Lambda ▪ Summary of Canonical Discriminant Functions ▪ Eigenvalues ▪ Wilks' Lambda ▪ Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coeff... ▪ Structure Matrix ▪ Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients ▪ Functions at Group Centroids ▪ Classification Statistics ▪ Classification Processing Summary ▪ Prior Probabilities for Groups ▪ Classification Function Coefficients ▪ Territorial Map ▪ Casewise Statistics ▪ Classification Results Log Log - Log - November 6, 2018 DISCRIMINANT /GROUPS=X1(1 3) /VARIABLES=X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 X17 X18 /ANALYSIS ALL /SAVE=CLASS SCORES PROBS /METHOD=MAHAL /FIN=3.84 /FOUT=2.71 /PRIORS EQUAL /HISTORY /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV UNIVF BOXM COEFF RAW CROSSV ALID /PLOT=MAP /PLOT=CASES /CLASSIFY=NONMISSING POOLED. Discriminant Discriminant - Active Dataset - November 6, 2018 [DataSet1] /Desktop/Education/MSCM Program/Fall Semester/SCM Research Method/Lecture Notes/Mult ivariate Lectures /Data Analysis SPSS/Discriminant Analysis/HBAT.sav Discriminant Discriminant - Analysis Case Processing Summary - November 6, 2018 Analysis Case Processing SummaryAnalysis Case Processing Summary, table, 1 levels of column headers and 2 levels of row headers, table with 4 columns and 8 rows Unweighted Cases N Percent Valid 100 100.0 Missing or out-of- 0 .0 range group codes At least one missing 0 .0 discriminating variable Excluded Both missing or out- of-range group codes and at least one 0 .0 missing discriminating variable Total 0 .0 Total 100 100.0 Discriminant Discriminant - Group Statistics - November 6, 2018 Group StatisticsGroup Statistics, table, 2 levels of column headers and 2 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 55 rows Std. Valid N (listwise) X1 Mean Deviation Unweighted Weighted X6 7.097 1.0219 32 32.000 X7 3.675 .6998 32 32.000 X8 5.091 1.6747 32 32.000 1 X9 4.350 .9333 32 32.000 X10 3.725 1.0122 32 32.000 X11 4.831 1.0532 32 32.000 X12 4.863 .9517 32 32.000 X13 7.491 1.2830 32 32.000 X14 5.894 .9442 32 32.000 X15 5.144 1.6582 32 32.000 X16 3.559 .8728 32 32.000 X17 4.234 1.0012 32 32.000 X18 3.172 .6150 32 32.000 X6 7.240 1.3720 35 35.000 X7 3.780 .6521 35 35.000 X8 5.391 1.5056 35 35.000 X9 5.943 .8876 35 35.000 X10 4.277 1.1083 35 35.000 X11 5.603 .9922 35 35.000 2 X12 5.431 .9539 35 35.000 X13 7.557 1.3834 35 35.000 X14 5.977 .8178 35 35.000 X15 4.940 1.3574 35 35.000 X16 4.649 .7493 35 35.000 X17 5.523 1.1840 35 35.000 X18 4.243 .5731 35 35.000 X6 9.106 .6509 33 33.000 X7 3.555 .7517 33 33.000 X8 5.603 1.4095 33 33.000 X9 5.970 1.0406 33 33.000 X10 4.003 1.2133 33 33.000 X11 6.964 .9243 33 33.000 3 X12 5.048 1.2392 33 33.000 X13 5.855 1.3514 33 33.000 X14 6.258 .6558 33 33.000 X15 5.379 1.4741 33 33.000 X16 4.582 .7568 33 33.000 X17 4.006 .7814 33 33.000 X18 4.200 .4500 33 33.000 X6 7.810 1.3963 100 100.000 X7 3.672 .7005 100 100.000 X8 5.365 1.5305 100 100.000 X9 5.442 1.2084 100 100.000 Total X10 4.010 1.1269 100 100.000 X11 5.805 1.3153 100 100.000 X12 5.123 1.0723 100 100.000 X13 6.974 1.5451 100 100.000 X14 6.043 .8197 100 100.000 X15 5.150 1.4930 100 100.000 X16 4.278 .9288 100 100.000 X17 4.610 1.2060 100 100.000 X18 3.886 .7344 100 100.000 Discriminant Discriminant - Tests of Equality of Group Means - November 6, 2018 Tests of Equality of Group MeansTests of Equality of Group Means, table, 1 levels of column headers and 1 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 15 rows Wilks' F df1 df2 Sig. Lambda X6 .570 36.652 2 97 .000 X7 .982 .878 2 97 .419 X8 .981 .917 2 97 .403 X9 .612 30.782 2 97 .000 X10 .959 2.050 2 97 .134 X11 .556 38.758 2 97 .000 X12 .950 2.549 2 97 .083 X13 .739 17.172 2 97 .000 X14 .964 1.803 2 97 .170 X15 .985 .730 2 97 .485 X16 .715 19.372 2 97 .000 X17 .682 22.563 2 97 .000 X18 .550 39.681 2 97 .000 Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices - Log Determinants - November 6, 2018 Log DeterminantsLog Determinants, table, 1 levels of column headers and 1 levels of row headers, table with 3 columns and 7 rows X1 Rank Log Determinant 1 3 -.218 2 3 .027 3 3 -2.011 Pooled within- 3 -.321 groups The ranks and natural logarithms of determinants printed are those of the group covariance matrices. Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices - Test Results - November 6, 2018 Test ResultsTest Results, table, 0 levels of column headers and 2 levels of row headers, table with 3 columns and 7 rows Box's M 38.988 Approx. 3.103 df1 12 F df2 45025.475 Sig. .000 Tests null hypothesis of equal population covariance matrices. Stepwise Statistics Stepwise Statistics - Variables Entered/Removed - November 6, 2018 a,b,c,d Variables Entered/Removed Variables Entered/Removed, table, 3 levels of column headers and 1 levels of row headers, table with 8 columns and 12 rows Min. D Squared Step Entered Between Exact F Statistic Groups Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 1 X11 .607 1 and 2 10.141 1 97.000 .002 2 X17 2.919 2 and 3 24.531 2 96.000 2.481E-9 3 X6 4.599 2 and 3 25.501 3 95.000 3.455E-12 At each step, the variable that maximizes the Mahalanobis distance between the two closest groups is entered. a. Maximum number of steps is 26. b. Minimum partial F to enter is 3.84. c. Maximum partial F to remove is 2.71. d. F level, tolerance, or VIN insufficient for further computation. Stepwise Statistics Stepwise Statistics - Variables in the Analysis - November 6, 2018 Variables in the AnalysisVariables in the Analysis, table, 1 levels of column headers and 2 levels of row headers, table with 6 columns and 8 rows Min. D Between Step Tolerance F to Remove Squared Groups 1 X11 1.000 38.758 X11 .816 42.732 .051 1 and 3 2 X17 .816 25.892 .607 1 and 2 X11 .807 31.443 2.271 1 and 2 3 X17 .651 30.587 .609 1 and 2 X6 .789 22.058 2.919 2 and 3 Stepwise Statistics Stepwise Statistics - Variables Not in the Analysis - November 6, 2018 Variables Not in the AnalysisVariables Not in the Analysis, table, 1 levels of column headers and 2 levels of row headers, table with 7 columns and 48 rows Min. Min. D Between Step Tolerance F to Enter Tolerance Squared Groups X6 1.000 1.000 36.652 .018 1 and 2 X7 1.000 1.000 .878 .022 1 and 2 X8 1.000 1.000 .917 .019 2 and 3 X9 1.000 1.000 30.782 .001 2 and 3 X10 1.000 1.000 2.050 .060 2 and 3 X11 1.000 1.000 38.758 .607 1 and 2 0 X12 1.000 1.000 2.549 .031 1 and 3 X13 1.000 1.000 17.172 .002 1 and 2 X14 1.000 1.000 1.803 .011 1 and 2 X15 1.000 1.000 .730 .019 1 and 2 X16 1.000 1.000 19.372 .007 2 and 3 X17 1.000 1.000 22.563 .051 1 and 3 X18 1.000 1.000 39.681 .006 2 and 3 X6 .988 .988 17.822 .609 1 and 2 X7 1.000 1.000 .736 .627 1 and 2 X8 .980 .980 .064 .614 1 and 2 X9 .831 .831 16.633 2.232 2 and 3 X10 .994 .994 2.333 .918 1 and 2 X12 .987 .987 3.005 1.007 1 and 2 1 X13 .920 .920 5.364 .686 1 and 2 X14 .959 .959 .043 .610 1 and 2 X15 1.000 1.000 .624 .623 1 and 2 X16 .932 .932 11.120 2.074 1 and 2 X17 .816 .816 25.892 2.919 2 and 3 X18 .761 .761 25.094 2.623 2 and 3 X6 .789 .651 22.058 4.599 2 and 3 X7 .923 .753 .888 2.921 2 and 3 X8 .947 .789 .921 2.979 2 and 3 X9 .409 .401 1.008 2.956 2 and 3 X10 .906 .744 .217 2.948 2 and 3 2 X12 .912 .754 .213 2.924 2 and 3 X13 .826 .733 3.978 3.310 2 and 3 X14 .954 .797 .031 2.919 2 and 3 X15 .957 .781 2.041 3.198 2 and 3 X16 .614 .538 .585 2.945 2 and 3 X18 .045 .045 2.781 3.197 2 and 3 X7 .921 .604 .948 4.612 2 and 3 X8 .942 .626 1.102 4.620 2 and 3 X9 .406 .343 .294 4.607 2 and 3 X10 .902 .594 .030 4.605 2 and 3 X12 .909 .617 .317 4.618 2 and 3 3 X13 .821 .585 3.809 4.861 1 and 2 X14 .941 .642 .320 4.620 2 and 3 X15 .955 .624 1.957 4.822 2 and 3 X16 .596 .425 .020 4.602 2 and 3 X18 .044 .044 3.426 4.850 1 and 2 Stepwise Statistics Stepwise Statistics - Wilks' Lambda - November 6, 2018 Wilks' LambdaWilks' Lambda, table, 2 levels of column headers and 1 levels of row headers, table with 10 columns and 6 rows Number of Exact F Step Lambda df1 df2 df3 Variables Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
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