Weather Dtftribotfon & *»mmm. High uxby and <e> Red Bank Area 25,000 - JpOfriw In the «,. Low to- I i»'">** M to 55. Saturday, fair, Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., IMS, ', paUder. See weather, page 1 , DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS Ilium duly. UoM>7 Ujraitf] Friday. Second CU» Poiuc* PAGE ONE VOL. 87, NO. 240 Paid at Re<i But and at Additional llalllni Office*. THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1965 7c PER COPY Space Stroll Epic Adventure CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP> American in space and now Fueling of the Titan II rocket of the rocket, the Gemini 4 space- —Beaming with confidence, as- training officer for the astro- that was scheduled to hurl them craft, the worldwide communica- tronauts James McDivitt and nauts. into space at 9 a.m. \ras com- tions network, the weather and Edward White climbed into their "The countdown is ahead of pleted without a hitch at 2:30 the astronauts. Gemini capsule today, ready for schedule. The crew is ahead of and all systems were reported The Green Light an epic adventure in space. schedule. We just can't seem functioning smoothly. All got the green light. White, who is scheduled to to find anything wrong." Technicians began pumping thB White'and McDivitt were a» leave the space ship and float Wearing American flags on 52 tons of fuel into the 90-foot wakened in their quarters on free in the vast, black void of the left arms of their white tall rocket's cavernous tanks last Merritt Island, underwent a brief space, climbed in first. Every- $pace suits, MoDivitt and White night after mission director Chris- physical examination and then body from astronauts to the smiled and acknowledged the topher C. Kraft Jr. ordered sat down to a hearty breakfast, rocket crewmen were in high waves and good luck calls of preparations for the final count- their last earthly meal until next spirits. rocket and spacecraft technicians down. Monday. "Everything is going fine," and engineers gathered around The word to proceed cams As they ate, their backup crew, said Allan Shepard, the first the launch pad. after a review of the conditions (See SPACE, Page 2) Sandman Withdraws Probe, Pledges Support to Dumont CAPE MAY (AP)-State Sen- the latter's home in Phillipsburg lenged him to prove his election carried out by persons con- fraud whatsoever in the ator Charles W. Sandman Jr., and offered his congratulations. night charges. Sandman lost At- nected therewith. election. defeated Tuesday in the Repub- Discuss Campaign lantic County by 6,000 votes and "The reports are such that I "1 therefore have directed my lican gubernatorial primary, Sandman was not available Essex by 3,500. propose to schedule a senatorial attorneys to dismiss any such withdrew his charges of ballot for comment Wednesday, but •Earlier in the day, Superior investigation not only in Atlan- such actions," he stated. Fur- rigging Wednesday and pledged Dumont said he had invited his Court Judge Anthony J. Cafiero, tic County, but others. .In my ther there is no basis for an to support his party's choice. opponent to sit down with him acting on an application by opinion the results of this inves- investigation. I have called Sen. Sandman, who lost to fellow at an early date and discuss the Sandman, signed an order im- tigation could easily change the Dumont and pledged to him ihy Senator Wayne Dumont Jr. by fall campaign. pounding voting machines and results of this election," Sand- support in the November elec- some 14,000 votes, announced Dumont officially begins his absentee ballots in Atlantic man said In the affidavit. tion for governor of New MISSION IN SPACE — Artist's conception showi astronaut Edward H. White, 2d., through an aide that he had campaign against Democratic County. Jersey." holding ipacegun and umbilical cord after exiting into space from the orbiting Gem- canceled plans for a Senate Gov. Richard J. Hughes today Received Information After calling Dumont, Sand- In Washington, meanwhile, man issued a statement calling ini 4 spacecraft. White's waltz in weightlessnesswas slated to take him close enough investigation into alleged voting in Glassboro. In an affidavit, Sandman said U.S, Sen. Clifford P. Case, R- irregularities in Atlantic and Sandman's sudden reversal he had received information off the investigation, explaining N.J., urged Mew Jersey Repub- —and possibly touch—the Gemini's booster rocket, top left, on an early orbit. This Essex counties. came after Atlantic County from "reliable and knowledge- that he had checked the infor- licans to unite behind the sketch is by AP artist John Carlton. Minutes earlier, in his first GOP leader Sen. Frank S. Far- able sources that there were mation he had received "and party's candidate for governor. act of concession, the Cape May ley and Essex County party fraud and corruption with this find that it does not establish Case, who made no public lawmaker telephoned Dumont at chairman Andrew Axtell chal- election and unlawful activities facts sufficient to prove any (See SANDMAN, Pag«3X_ Central Still Wants Middletown Shore Service Cut NEWARK — The Central Rail Dwight R. G. Palmer when the road must continue to employ Government road of New Jersey, faced with railroad asked permission to drop 86 men who have been handling the loss of a $1 million a-year the trains which largely have the mail because of labor agree- mart cottfrfct, yesterday claimed been used to carry the mart. The ments. Their, wages will cost the the loss could be Out; In half if request was made when the ONJ company $542,000 a year, he said. it Is allowed to eliminate 23 was informed by the Post Of. Mr. Frederiefcson told the Mu- Shift Urged trains — eight of them shore fice Department it would end the nicipal Public Service Co-ordi- trains. mail contract Saturday, Jiihe 28. nating Committee in Red Bank MIDDLETOWN — There could be a new government !n CNJ officials so testified at a The mail will be carried on last week thai the eight shore this township 18 months from now. public hearing conducted by Rob- trucks. trains in question — three on Blocked by state law from voting again on another ert A. Day, assistant director of A $487,344 Saving weekdays, three on Saturdays and charter 6tudy until 1867 — as a result of a commission defeat tfie Division of Railroad Trans- Robert Frederickson of Little two on Sundays — would not af- in 1963—a citizens' committee was formed last night to take portation of the state Highway Silver, the CNJ's comptroller, fect normal commutation. direct action. Department. testified that the cut in service He said the 23 trains com. Although no final decisions were made at the initial meet- The-hearing was scheduled by would save the road $487,344 an- bined are worth $499,000 in mai ing, indications are the action will take the form of: the stat« highway commissioner, nually. He declared thaWhe rail- revenue, and only $62,000 in pass —Bypassing a charter study. enger revenue. —Petitioning for a specific form of government, under the The Jersey Central received a Faulkner Act. $2.9 million subsidy from the —Enforcing the question to referendum, by petition. state for its passenger service —Changing the form of government immediately after the Okay $265,000 last year. The railroad, accord- referendum, if it is approved — meaning by Jan. 1, 1967., The course of action is possible under the Faulkner Act. ing to its contract with the state LETHAL IMPACT — This sturdy maple tree stopped the station wagon carrying 12 must seek state approval before The change, if it comes, would overturn the government it can discontinue or reduce ser- people to the beach in a fatal crash at New Shrewsbury yesterday. First aid men form in one of the three oldest municipalities in New Jersey. CountyParkPlan vice, from four towns are rescuing the victims. The toll was one. adult killed, two adults The township is the largest in population in the county, at 45,000. If the present petition is grant- injured, and nine children jinjured. The crash was at 2:51 p.m. at Tinton Ave. and ed, passenger service to Phillips- . To fdrce a government change to be brought to referendum : : :i burg, Easton, Pa., and Allentown, Hope Rd. ' '•••';: •.'•;.• , '•:; ..'.',••• would require 4,300 petition signatures (20 per cent of the A t Turkey Swamp Pa., would be curtailed sharply. registered voters), under state law. Other points would be less dras The citirens' meeting last night was In Leeds Hall. FREEHOLD - A $265,000 de- and final action was set for tically affected. The railroad car- Selected as a name was "Citizens Committee for'Improved velopment plan for Monmouth Tuesday, June 15. ries about 12,000 passengers daily Government." County's Turkey Swamp Park, Work is to be completed and in North Jersey. Woman Is Killed, 11 Hurt Named as temporary chairman was James W. Smith, a Freehold Township, yesterday the park opened in the summer, Suit Is Fending member of the local Planning Board. James R. Minogue, local was approved by'the Board of 1966. James Davis, Jr., a former attorney and a former charter commission candidate, is tem- Freeholders. The third park thus far in a state senator from Burlington porary vice chairman, and S. Fred Stockham, president of Money to finance the initial county network — others are ,at County, who represented three As Car Slams Into Tree the Village Civic Association, is handling public relations. Shark River, Neptune, and A committee to nominate officers, appointed by Mr.
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