THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County YEAR-No. 22 pn*dr.^i S'001"1 tlasi Matter I'ut.lisneU g°»t Office, Westflpld. N .1 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1956 Every Thursday 32 P««e«—S C—to i,635 Inoculated At Free Stuart Resigns Residents Vote On School [ealth Board Clinic Here As Principal Of Jr. High School fwo Doctors New Families Here Budget,CandidatesTiiesday To Be Entertained Howard Toinlinson Named Successor Patrolman Exam Idminister The Newcomers Club of West- Name Red Cross Will Elect 3 field will welcome 75 new families By School Board Scheduled Feb. 15 in town Wednesday. The prospec- Polio Shots tive members have been invited The resignation of Byron D. Campaign Aides The Westfield Police De- To Board; Polls to attend a special meeting at the Stuart, principal of Roosevelt Jun- partment will conduct an ex- A total of 1,635 children and Y where they will learn about the ior High School since 1945, was Drive To Begin amination for the position of Open 5-9 P.E teirnant women received ttieir purposes and operations of the accepted by the Board of Educa- patrolman Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. at Police Headquarter*. rst inoculations of Salk polio vac- club, which devotes itself to help- tion Tuesday night. Appointed as Here March 1 ,e yesterday at the community ing 'the family newly arrived in his successor was Howard Tomlin- Applicants mutt be resi- Polls will be open from 5 until town feel welcome and a part of son, presently principal at Colum- dents of Westneld for the last 9 p.m. Tuesday when Westfield lio clinic in the Municipal Build- (See picturet on page 3) two years, have a high school f, according to Joseph J. Mott the community. bus and McKinley elementary Eight local residents have been voters go to the polls to elect three education, be 21-30 ycart of members to the Board of Educa- p'health officer. Miss Winifred Debbie, executive schools. Mr. Stuart plans to re- appointed by Red Cross campaign tire, according to the board. age, minimum height of S'B", tion for a term of three years, and The clinic, sponsored by the lo- director of the YWCA will speak KENNETH REMINE chairman Stanley H. Britten as weight in proportion to height DR. C. O. MORONC aides in the 1956 fund drive which to vote on the school budget for 1 Board of Health, was conduct- on the benefits of the Y member- The retiring principal, whosi and b* in good! physical con- the year 1960-67. by Or. Matthew J. Powell of ship, which is included in the new- resignation becomes effective Jun will get under way March 1. 1 dition, Chief Albert Pfirmann The amount of the budget which •dminster, assisted by Dr. Jane comer membership. 30, joined the W .atfield school sys Robert J. Harlcy, 1007 Rahway hat announced. icholn Spragg of Westfield. They Dr. Morong To tern in 1920 when he was a histor; Honor Scout For avenue, has been named vice chair- is to be raised by direct taxation Child care will be provided for man; Mrs. George Gabelman, 294 Starting salary it $3900 per is $1,745,749. This will be sub- ire assisted by 23 registered children between two and five teacher In Westfield High Schoo year with increases up to lirses, eight nurses' aides, and ap- His career in local schools in North avenue, Famvood, secretary; mitted on the ballot in three sepa- years of age at the YWCA during Speak at Service Meritorious Action Judson T. Pierson, 842 Bradford $4600 per year, in four yean. rate items: Current expenses, jl,. roximately 85 others. Sandwiches the luncheon. eluded positions as principal o id coffee were served to the Washington and Grant school avenue, merchants chairman; Geo. 688,4911; repairs and replacements, orkers by members of the West- from 1926 to 1930, principal o Saved Child J. Fakenham, 450 Kimball turn, 1131,015; capital butlay, $26,015. >ld Chapter of the Red Cross Day of Prayer Grant and the then new Benja north side co-chairman; Edward Auxiliary Plans Residents of wards one and two ^tailed arrangements were work. Local Girl Scout Observance Set min Franklin School from 1930 ti From Burning P. Heath, 669 Dorian road, south will Vote at Elm Street School' and i out by Joseph J. Mottley, health 1935 and principal of Woodro side co-chairman; Russell H. Tan- Benefit Bridge of wards three and four at Lin- (ficer, and Miss Edith M. Um- Dr. Carrol Oscar Morong, head- Wilson School from 1935 to 1941 Kenneth R. Remine, son of Mr. dy, 288 Partridge run, Mountain- coln School. recht, supervisor of district nurs- Membership Up master of the Peddle School, Mr. Toralinson, who has bee iind Mrs. Remine of 1005 Harding side, and Arthur D. Baker Jr., Only three candidates seek seati %. This included assembling near- Hightstown, will deliver the ad- principal of Columbus and McKin street will be presented the certif- 1531 Deer path, Mountainside, Annual Affair on the school board and all arc 2,000 syringes and needles dress at the World Day of Prayer ley since 1953, taught in school icate of merit, in recognition of Mountainside co-chairmen, and Na- nominees of the Joint Civic Com- irilized in hospital autoclaves, 129 Troops service to be held Friday, Feb. 17 in Sharon Hill and Jenkinstowii meritorious action, at the district than W. James, 319 North Chest- Set For April mittee, four annual. Court of Honor to- nut street, publicity chairman. inning the physical arrangement at 1:30 p.m. in the First Methodist Pa., prior to coming to Westfieli The three, H, D. Merrill, Rob- I the Watsunk Room where the Active Here Church. in 1948. Hlis appointment become: morrow evening ut the. Koosevelt Mr. Harley, who is with the The Senior Auxiliary of the Junior High School. national tube division of U. S. ert H, Mulreany and Louis J> loculations were given, schedul- Dr. Morong, an ordained Baptist effective July 1. Children's Country Home launched Dughi, were the only names filed g the patients to assure minimum He was a member of the Wes The award has been made upon Steel Corp., has been a Westfield the sale of tickets for its annual A total of 129 Girl Sc>.... troops minister, has held pastorateB In resident'since his grammar school with the board secretary at last siting time, obtaining the.ne- have been actively engaged in churches in Massachusetts, Illinois field . High School faculty from the recommendation of the Na- dessert-bridge and fashion show week's deadline. jssary technical and other as- 1948 to 1952, when he was tional Court of Honor. The cita- days. A graduate of Westfield Tuesday in the home of Mrs. troop projects and badge work and New York prior to his going High School and Cornell Univer- ' Mr, Merrill Is the only incum- stance, and giving general su- during the past year, according to to Peddle School as its eleventh pointed principal of the two ele. tion reads as follows: "On the Thomas Roy Jones in Westfleld. bent in tho race. He is presently irvision. , mentary schools. A veteran o afternoon of March 26, 1955, Mar- sity, he is married to the former The benefit bridge will be held at Mrs. H. H. Palmer, program chair- headmaster. ' Elsie Armstrong of Westfield, and chairman of the new sites and man of the Westfield Local Coun- World War 2, Mr. Tomlinson wa, garet A. Po.st, age seven, ran from the Hotel Suburban in Summit for buildings committee and a mem- Women of the March of Dimes Active in the affairs of his de- graduated from Bloomsburg Sta' her house in Westfield, with her they have three children. At Cor- five successive days starting Mon- immittee distributed Polio Fight- cil Girl Scouts, in her annual re- nomination, Dr. Morong has served nell, Mr, Harley was a varsity ber of the committee on instruc- port to Council last week at Little Teachers College, received an M clothea all afire. Explorer Ken- day, Apr. 23. The Lillian O'Grady tion and health. He Is district balloons to the children. in administrative and executive degree at the University of l'enn neth liemine was nearby, so he crew member for three years, a shops of Summit and Westfield will Otto Carpenter on behalf of the House. The membership has in- capacities for the northern Baptist member of Phi Kappa Tau and plant manager of the Montcliir- creased 9 per cent over the pre- sylvania and did advance work a took took off his jacket and wrap present a show of summer fash- Bloomfield section of the N. 3. Itrd expressed his appreciation convention. His interest in the Rutgers University. ped it around the little girl and several honorary societies, and re- ions each day. Dr. Powell and Dr. bpragg and vious year, with a total of 1672 work of the churches has extended ceived a second lieutenant's com- Bell Telephone Co- girls. It was also reported that Mrs. Auline B. Wimmer of 20 was able to beat out the flames, Mrs. Allen L. Datesmun, presi- Mr. Mulreany, a law partner in . the many others who assisted in beyond the limits of his denomin- Dickson drive was appointed Margaret was then taken to the mission in infantry. After grad- dent of the auxiliary, reported (nous capacities. The list of vol- 2369 badges were earned by 824 ation, taking him to the First uation, he became a V, S.
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