Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 3-21-1956 Herald of Holiness Volume 45 Number 03 (1956) Stephen S. White (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation White, Stephen S. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 45 Number 03 (1956)" (1956). Herald of Holiness/ Holiness Today. 1051. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/1051 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ONE OF THIi , INESCAPABLE OIJESTIONS CONFRONTING thoughtful readers of the New Testament is: W hat was it that trans­ formed those original disciples of the Galilean from a bewildered, scattered band at Golgotha to the irrepressible, bold witnesses who startled the Roman world for a generation? The careful student will find his own answer in the Gospels and in the Book, of Acts. The record reveals that these early disci pics became thoroughly convinced that their Lord had risen from the dead, for they saw Him themselves before He ascended on high. Also, it tells the storv of Pentecost with General Superintendent Young its personal experience of heart cleansing and telease of new-found power. The radiance of their post-Rcsurrection joy and faith was as real as the gloom of their former defeat that had darkened Calvary. One of the men of Emmaus, Cleopas, with true insight confided in the Stranger, "But we trusted that it had been he which should have He is not here: for he is redeemed Israel.” The Cross was the collapse ol their Messianic hope, for even the leaders among them returned to their lisln'ng nets. I he risen, as he said. Come, see finality of His death seemed inevitable as they viewed the huge the place ivhere the Lord stone at the door of His borrowed tomb. The government also scaled the tomb, and added a military guard. lay. Then came that day of days, the third day. The women, finding —Matt. 28:6 the tomb empty, received the message that He was rise n. The men likewise saw for themselves the empty tomb. Finally, the revelation! T he news was out: “He is risen, as he said.” The miracle had become the inevitable, as they recalled His previous word. Even skeptical Thomas, glancing at the telltale marks in His hands and side, exclaimed: “ My Lord and my G o d.’’ I.ater on, and with the same divine certainty, Paul, the missionary apostle, pleaded before a king, "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?" He, too, had related the miracle directly to the power of God, and the incredible became the inevitable. Vainly they watch It is hed—]esus. my Sari our! Vainly they seal the dead -Jesus, my l.otd! L '/> from the grave H e arose, With a mighty triumph o'er His foes. He arose a Victor from the dark dom ain. A n d He lives forever with I Us saints to reign. He arose! He arose! H alle lujah ! Christ arose! SEASONS ^ e m I4 offioliness MESSAGE March 21, 1956 Vol. 45, No. 3 Mrs. Davis, wife of Rev. Leo ('. Davis, Whole Number 2291 superintendent of Southwest Indiana The Incredible Becomes the District, died March S. as the result Inevitable, (.cnernl Sufu-riti of a heart attack. She was the district lendenl Young V I .M.S. president. I uneral was at Bed­ \ Livelv Hope-. II. X. Dither ford. Indiana, on March III. son Draped in Black. I.eon (Itani has Rev. Ralph L. Moulton, worker in Cod . Can Roll A wav the the Caravan and Camps office ol the Stone. (>ata 'ia ’c I'hont fison Department ol Church Schools, is Witnesses of the* Resurrection. Dm i S. Scar I ell graduating' from the Na/arene Theo­ Doubt Fxchanged for Faith, logical Seminary this year. He has now /'.thrill (.. Marlin accepted the pastorate of the Fast A New Revelation I.vaniiclist Liberty Church in Akron. Ohio, assum­ / ylc K. Poller ing his duties there on March 2">. I \m the’ Resurrection and the Life, Sylvia Anderson Flcrnal Ho|>e Is Ours. Ross by Mr. W. F. Figsti sends word from /■ nn it k Hastings. Nebraska: “Our church is "And Be Raised Again.” JEAN LEATHERS PHILLIPS progressing with spiritual unitv. Thrce- /■'.van gel is I IF. />’. Walker On every gleam ing lily vear unanimous recall given to Rev. News in Picture Norman W. Bloom. Sunelav school I he Victory of Faster. /•’. IF. Thai fares toxeard the light, reached all-time high ol 2SI average Da ('is Within each fragrant rosebud She Shall Live* Again, .1 in February. Recently closed outstand­ O f gold or p ink or xvhite, I .ondon ing revival with Dr. A. L. Parrott, evan­ 10 I he Most Sacred Site , I) ag e There lies a precious message gelist; over one hundred seekers.” S. Sajarian The faintest heart to stay— I I This Is Our Day for World Fv a ngel ism, I .a u rislon I roin death the f.ord is risen! Mr. Lon Civatis and wife (nee Janie /. Du Hois lie is alive today! Belle Chaney) celebrated their fiftieth I 1 A Crv (Joes I p! (Irar Sol! wedding anniversary on Januan 5 at (. rowell He glad. O birds of springtime! the Wilmington. Delaware. Church of Fditorials. Slcfihat S. While. I '2 Be gay. O fields of bloom ! the Na/arcnc. They were married in 17 Ihe Question Box Hudsonville, kentuckv. in 190”): later I!) I 'bought for the Dav. lirrl/ia !!e who once died on Calvary attended the Church of the Na/arene in Mu tiro Is risen from the tom b! Sikeston. Missouri (I9.‘>0 to l‘.M(>) . I hev lie is our I lope forever. liave six living children, nine grand NEXT WEEK . Our Hel/j from day to daw children, and three great grand* hildren. Holiness: The Establishing Our Joy and great Salvation. Grace, Donald K. Ballard The Truth, the Life, the UViy/ During the week March ."> to {). Rev. The Deeper Meaning of Easter, \fary I.. Latham, of tlie Department of E. E. Wordsworth ' arth lifts its heart to greet H im Church Schools, was the1 special speaker HERALD OF HOLINESS: Stephen S. White, Who unto all men saith: lor a cit\ wide training class among the* Editor in Chief; Velma I. Knight, Office Edi­ Na/arene churches of the St. Louis area. ta**. Contributing Editors: Hardy C. Powers, 7 bring you life eternal G. B. Williamson, Samuel Young, D. I. Van- And victory from sin's death! Fhe subject was " F.\angel ism 1 hrough derpoo!, Hugh C. Benner, General Superin­ the Sundav School.” It was encouraging tendents, Church of the Nazarene. Published / fling aside the portal; to see the rene wed interest among Na/a­ every Wednesday by the NAZARENE PU B ­ LISHING HOUSE, M. Lunn, Manager, 2923 The xieil I rend apart; rene Sundav schools in the salvation of Troost Avenue, Box 527, Kansas City 41, Missouri. Subscription price, $1.50 per Into My Father's presence. pupils, both old and voting. year, in advance. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Kansas City, Come all, xuith joy of heart!" Missouri. Printed in U.S.A. Rev. Clyde Montgomery has resigned as pastor <•( First Church in Terre Haute to accept a call to the1 church I'aslor (.('raid l>. [olmson sends w o k ! in Princeton. Indiana. By CLARA S. HOFF Irom Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: "Recently Now bloom the stately flowers of ( loscil outstanding revival with Evange­ Easter time On Sunclav morning. Match I. in a list C IS Co\. (.od mighlil) blessed 11is So bright and sure that none should beautiful spirit of unitv. St. Paul’s m inistn with n s; over one hundred doubt Church ol the Na/arene. Kansas Citv. seekers, and a nice class of members The greater miracle, that Christ Missouri, extended to their pastor. Rev. received. We praise (.od for this vie- arose! Jack 11. Fee. a unanimous three-vear lor\ Triumphantly from out a sepulcher recall (127 vote's cast). Since Brother Came words of promise of eternal Lee came' as pastor on July I. 19.V2, the Rev. |. C. Collins has resigned as life; Note bloom the stately floicers of church has grown in everv department, pastor ol the church in Oakland City Easter time— and a building program is now under to accept a call to pastor First Church Oh, day of gladness for surrendered wav. in Terre Haute. Indiana. hearts! 2 (4<>) • HERALD OF HOLINESS Blessed be the G od and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mer­ A LIVELY HOPE cy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrec­ T hen there are those who have real grounds for tion of Jesus Christ f: *7'~ their hope. They believe that Jesus Christ died dead (I Peter 1:3). for all, and that He was resurrected from the dead. They believe the record of the Bible; they By H. N. DICKERSON have been bapti/ed in His name and have united Evangelist, Indianapolis, Indiana with the Church.
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